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Sonic the Hedgehog Community Thread: Green Hills and Laughing Iizukas

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Playing sonic shuffle tonight, still a good game and no the loading is not that bad.

Anyone remember that this game was going to have net play at one point? it was cut out a few months before release which is a shame.
Yeah, Shuffle was horrible. Probably good fun with friends, but I could never get three at once to play it with me, so I always had to put up with the CPU that would gang up on you and kick your ass six ways from Sunday. On Easy.

I remember doing an experiment once. I set up a non-Story game with me vs. 3 Easy CPUs. In the non-Story mode, you can set yourself to also be a CPU if you need to take a break, and of any difficulty at that, so I set myself up to be a Hard. I figured a Hard CPU would play the game smarter than Easy CPUs would, so it'd probably cheese its way through the game.

I come back a few hours later and the game's over - and the Hard CPU is in dead last.

So yeah, screw that game.
Haters! I paid full price for shuffle and had my leg in plaster at the time of release, you can imagine how long I sat on front of the game for those months (until I bought PSO and it took over my soul and all my sick pay went on phone bills)
I'm talking to my friend on AIM due to all this Sonic Shuffle talk, and we're reminiscing about the game and all the grief another friend put us through. We then start talking about how Shuffle could be made better. Some quotes from him:

Oh yeah, another thing I hated about Sonic Shuffle is that you had to move the exact number of space that the card had, but Sonic had a special ability where he would move twice the speed if you picked the same card two turns in a row. For example, I picked a card with a 6 on my last turn. This turn, I'm 6 spaces away from the meteor gem. I have a card with a six on it. Can I move six? NO!! I have to move 12 spaces and eat a dick.

Sonic was the only one that had that ability. Tails, Knuckles and Amy could cut across the board using special board icons placed for them. Which just goes to show you how frustrating that game is when NO ONE on QA bothered to play a whole game as Sonic and catch that.

Seriously though, I'd love it if they made a Sonic Shuffle 2-- but it was actually done well. Larger cards, smaller boards, mini-game every turn like in mario party, unlock stuff in multiplayer, USE ACTUAL Sonic genesis stages for boards, get some of that Sonic Shuffle 1 music in there ALONG WITH remixes/remasters of the original genesis tunes.

All those changes... might as well just start over from scratch and call it something else...

He mentions Sonic's shitty friends and Silver gets brought up since he wonders why anybody likes him, and I tell him about Sega1991's video. He mentions that not many people would disagree with a video named "Sonic 06 is a bad game and here's why," until I mention the mountains of comments defending the game, leaving my friend speechless. :lol

I also mentioned the Tumblr, and right afterwards he came up with an idea. I feel that it's something that should be taken into consideration.

oh man oh man oh man, he should make a coffee table style book. Put pictures of awful glitches and a quote from the comments overlayed on it. Make it classy font. Sell it online. INSTANT MILLIONAIRE. I'd buy three books. And three coffee tables to put them on.
He mentions Sonic's shitty friends
In relation to Shuffle? Honestly, I thought a game like that'd be one of the situations where a large cast works in the game's favor.

Which of course makes the fact the CPUs are impossible to play against all the more frustrating, because to unlock the other characters you pretty much have to beat Story mode. I made it past the first stage. The second one... after playing 2-3 full games and coming up short each time, I just shelved the game.
Gonna post this here, it's the new medley from Freddie25: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c0GEHJEeTsw

He's the guy who did the Mega Man 9 Rock Medley and the Wind Waker Unplugged Medley. Anyway, his new one doesn't really have a theme beyond "videogames" and "rock" but it does include a neat version of Icecap Zone (1:58), hence why I feel validated in posting it here as well as it having its own thread in Gaming. :p
So I got the 3DS version of Sonic Generations earlier having blitzed through most of the game so far here are my thoughts.

Green Hill Zone: Well going back to the original stage designs for classic wasn't the best idea, the modern stage doesn't do too much to impress either but at least the modern music mix is still awesome, best Green Hill music for me.

Casino Night: I enjoyed this one, and the music is another top tier remix for modern Sonic. While the pinball/casino stages run the risk of being annoying as fuck as you get trapped in a table for like 3 minutes this one managed to avoid that problem. As for Classic and it's vintage layout I still always get stuck on that bottom route.

Mushroom Hill: honestly never cared for this zone too much but it's good to know that my constant use of this stage for hyper emerald attempts in Sonic 3 & Knuckles last year has given me the memory to remember where the giant rings are which of course have no use here, obligatory mention of the final checkpoint of pointlessness.
The modern stage looks nice but there's nothing to it, underwhelming but once again the music was good, and I never liked the old music here too much either.

Boss Gate 1: Seems that the rival races are still here but we've swapped out Stardust Speedway for more Casino Night, plays well enough.
Big Arm was pretty fun with the great remix that i'm sure we all know and love at this point. I actually died because I forgot about the whole attacking the front window thing, I feel foolish.

Emerald Coast: Disappointed by the Azure Blue World remix and its overemphasis on guitar wailing and lack of synth shenanigans, it's my favourite SA track. I was impressed to see how they implemented some of the more notable moments and areas of the original SA stage but my god there are springs EVERYWHERE and what's up with those oddly placed air currents and spikes all over the cliffs?

Radical Highway: I wasn't expecting much here as I just don't like the stage too much in SA2 and the music is kind of ho-hum, so I was surprised to enjoy the classic music and giving Classic Sonic the homing attack isn't as bad as one might think. Modern stage however brings the missing piece of the dimps puzzle, we had springs in the coast and now we have bottomless pits galore, oddly placed life thieving pits! talk about a bring down and the modern music was kind of odd.

Boss Gate 2: I have always hated that Biolizard fight, was horrified to find him here with the fight actually doing a worryingly good job of mimicking the original, thankfully it's far less irritating and the homing attack sections don't screw you over this time around, still takes too long though and I have no idea what the hell that guy singing is mumbling about, shadow brings some weak music to the sonic game table.

So yeah that's as far as i've got for now, while expectedly short i'm pretty pleased with the purchase considering the rather cheap price I played.
Actually, the whole story is:

Last month we proudly showed off a demo of what we've accomplished with S2HD.
Needless to say, more work has been done on the game; unfortunately, the odds of this work every seeing the light of day is slim to none. We gave the project's Lead Programmer, LOst, a week to provide us with a DRM free build of S2HD.
We've heard as much from him as you have, so it's safe to assume that's not going to happen. Given his complete lack of communication and cooperation, it falls upon to LOst to assume full responsibility for his actions as, up until the demo was released, the project's leadership was unaware of both the DRM and the now infamous DirectInput bug. This was the last straw for us. He had ignored direct requests for the past two years, effectively holding the project ransom by refusing additional help or review on his private engine. If he didn't think a piece of artwork matched his vision for the game, it was not included, or worse, was replaced by assets of his own creation. The same thing happened with the excellent multi-format sound engine our Tools Programmer Saxman created. Ultimately, LOst is no longer a part of the project.

That's the good news. The bad news for the project far outweighs it unfortunately. We cannot replace our lead programmer as LOst kept the source code for himself, making it impossible to the coded source material to be updated or used as a base for newer builds.
Additionally, two key staff members, scanline99 and Cerulean Nights (both of whom were chiefly responsible for the many animations, spritework, and overall polish seen in the demo) have resigned from the project to concentrate on independent works and careers. While we wish them the best in their endeavours, what this means to the project is that they will no longer be producing any artwork for it. Without them we are not able to guarantee the same level of quality seen in the alpha. At the moment, with ongoing careers and kids to look after, both myself and Canned Karma don't anticipate that we'll have a great deal of time to devote to S2HD either, which means we're forced to announce that

Sonic 2 HD is officially discontinued.

Certainly the DirectInput bug and the blogosphere fallout over it didn't help matters, but by the time that had taken place we had already made the decision to discontinue the project almost two months ago, well ahead of the demo's release. Internal conflicts between the project leadership and its main programmer which reached critical mass, and the only thing holding it together was the collective determination to put our frustrations aside and get a playable build into the hands of everyone who waited years for it.

Hopefully, another group in the Sonic community will pick up the torch and go forward with the vision we had over a year ago -- not just creating a Sonic 2 remake, but creating entirely original content.

Thanks to everyone who supported the project, especially to the passionate classic Sonic fanbase.
The appreciation thousands of fans expressed to S2HD as a game made "by fans for fans", represents a landmark where SEGA has to look at for a profitable use of the -highly demanded and beloved Classic franchise.


Team S2HD
Project Leader


That's the good news. The bad news for the project far outweighs it unfortunately. We cannot replace our lead programmer as LOst kept the source code for himself, making it impossible to the coded source material to be updated or used as a base for newer builds.

Saw this coming as soon as that article went up a few weeks ago. I hate indie programmers who hold code hostage.

(hopes i never do this for the game i'm working on)
I think the best part about the whole "LOst won't let anyone else use the source code" is that it's not even something he came up with on his own. It's code from Sonic 2 rewritten for PC.

It's such a weird thing to get possessive over, as if these games haven't been hacked and disassembled countless times already.
I think the best part about the whole "LOst won't let anyone else use the source code" is that it's not even something he came up with on his own. It's code from Sonic 2 rewritten for PC.

It's such a weird thing to get possessive over, as if these games haven't been hacked and disassembled countless times already.

LOst is increasingly sounding like a pretty weird guy.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Watching pokecapn's runthrough of the DLC stages on Unleashed. I'm surprised by how tight they managed to take some of the core concepts of the main game ("HOMING ATTACK... ALL THE TIME!") and built entire levels around that.

Then I realise they made you pay for the same assets you already saw, but rearranged. Fuck DLC. :mad:
Watching pokecapn's runthrough of the DLC stages on Unleashed. I'm surprised by how tight they managed to take some of the core concepts of the main game ("HOMING ATTACK... ALL THE TIME!") and build entire levels around that.

Then I realise they made you pay for the same assets you already saw rearranged. Fuck DLC. :mad:

Yeah, the best part of the DLC was the one or two "scrapped" beta levels they included, but even those weren't really worth the price of admission (especially given most of the beta levels were for the Werehog).
Finished up Generations 3DS, was pleasantly surprised to see them take the disasters of Egg Emperor (who is part of the modern era bosses for some reason), Heroes Bonus stages and the time eater itself and make them actually kind of good or at least playable.
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