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Sonic the Hedgehog Community Thread: Green Hills and Laughing Iizukas

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I wasn't lost-lost for the most part, but the hubs had randomly different sizes and complexities. Sometimes you were expected to find something in some obscure little corner, or take a weird path through one of the larger ones, that could be a pain.

I remember having a hell of a time finding Pickle's new lab in Shamar. I wandered all through that place for a while, and none of the NPCs seemed that helpful. I think I accidentally skipped some "plays only once" text which was supposed to point my way too, which didn't help matters.

Speaking of the comics from another person's post... my boyfriend asked me if I wanted this collection of Sonic Universe issues for my birthday. I've yet to give him an answer because I don't know if they're good or not. Apparently it isn't very good if the review on Amazon is accurate.

Anyone have any suggestions?

I've only read part of that arc. I think that was Flynn cleaning up some future timeline stuff Ken left behind. Couldn't hurt.


Advance 1 I can understand but 2's OST is not bad at all. I mean, I even hate the game itself!

It's not completely awful, but I find that the only memorable bits are the intros, and the melodies themselves are as forgettable as the level design. The samples are also still terrible. Battle and Advance 3 had some of Sonic Team's better composers working on them, and the difference shows.

Speaking of the comics from another person's post... my boyfriend asked me if I wanted this collection of Sonic Universe issues for my birthday. I've yet to give him an answer because I don't know if they're good or not. Apparently it isn't very good if the review on Amazon is accurate.

Anyone have any suggestions?

Not very good? Universe is fantas-oh.

Universe is generally a great series that takes what makes the comics fun and distills it into four-issue chunks focusing on various side characters.

This arc is its major black mark.

The various Mobius X Years Later arcs have always been a colossal but inexplicably popular waste of everyone's time. It's a fanfic-grade concept that's virtually noncanon and largely revolves around derailing or marginalizing the main cast. This particular instance features what is referred to in-book as "Perfect Tikhaos", and I will let you draw your own horrified conclusions from there. The whole thing is, in a word, dumb. The best thing I can say about it is that it is at least better than the interminable dreck that was Pender's original run with the concept.

Get anything else from the series. Anything at all. Even the Journey to the East arc and the one that's a loose knockoff of Ian's old Other M fancomic are more worthwhile.
Watching through the speedrun (a little over 40 minutes in), I'm just reminded of how much unnecessary "stuff" the HD version of Unleashed had. Sure, it really painted a detailed world (especially how you could buy souvenirs and such to customize Pickle's offices), but it was layered on and layered on and made the game unnecessarily complicated and messy. I honestly get tired watching the game, especially the slogs through the Werehog sections that can't be skipped past, but just having to jog around the hub looking for medals, picking which stats to upgrade, cinema after cinema... then there's the game's obsession with completely random QTEs, particularly the Tornado sequences I remember giving me hell. (They just took so long, sometimes expected you to react almost instantly, and each time you failed you had to start from the beginning.) And that whole thing with the ghosts...

It sounds so picky, I know, and I can understand why some people may love the approach, but maybe that's part of the reason I like the Wii version more. Almost everything to the game is contained in the temples or levels themselves. Upgrades are pretty much automatic. You're never restricted from entering story levels because you didn't collect enough medals. No Tornado sequences. It's more of a straight line without complications.


Watching the RunButton LP, all of the pointless wandering around they do is infuriating. Was that everybody's experience? Did I just magically happen to play Sonic Unleashed the right way while avoiding a large portion of "Where am I even going?" bullshit? Because I never found medal collecting or the HUB sections to be tedious at all. It was always super obvious where to go and most medals are literally hidden 2 inches off the critical path.

The medal collecting is what caused me to stop playing it. Well, that and a mixture of the Werehog levels.
I would've dealt with the Werehog levels, but the medal collecting was so absolutely tedious and time consuming I didn't want to play a game based off collecting things.
I just finished the Unleashed speedrun. But I'm confused why he has it labeled 03:09:14, and why he was even pressing buttons to skip cinemas after the last hit on Dark Gaia. Either way, he was including the credit time, which I don't think is standard to do with Speedruns, since he doesn't have to press any buttons after them.


@Schala- I'm not a big fan of the Alt. Future Mobius story arcs, but they're good in their own way IMO. I personally liked 30 Years Later, not to mention that
Shadow's a villain in it and I like how he's handled


Man, have you guys been in the leaked Sonic 4-2 thread?

It's nothing but a bitch fest. Some of the complaints are nonsensical. And once again people ignore the fact that it was an early beta.


Yes I'm aware. It's just that even after Colors and Gems... I expected people to be open to the fact that Sonic games are not laughable anymore.

EDIT: Sega's trying to make these games good. We can put 2006 behind. I think.

1 or 2 games isn't going to change much, especially with how diverse the Sonic fanbase is.

Fishing / Mech Shooting / Treasure Hunting.
Classic Sonic only.
Modern Sonic only.
Black eyes > Green eyes > Black eyes.
Boost to win.
Sonic 2006 is great.
Shadow The Hedgehog is great.
Sonic Generations is bad because it doesn't have a story.
These levels are generic.
Music sounds like cats.
Running animations.
Bubbles are important.
Solo Sonica? No, I wan't Sonic's friends.
Solo Sonica? Yes, please.
Ian's old Other M fancomic
In it, former badass Sonic the Hedgehog turns into a giant wimp, reveals he secretly needs to be given orders by Princess Sally, remembers a mysterious military dude who we've never seen before, acts out all his lines in the flattest possible fashion, and obsesses over the baby the baby the baby the baby the baby.


Man, have you guys been in the leaked Sonic 4-2 thread?

It's nothing but a bitch fest. Some of the complaints are nonsensical. And once again people ignore the fact that it was an early beta.

I'm not sure if you'd include my comments in the "bitch fest" category, but I think that the level design looks very bland (requiring very little from the player with all of its springs and boost pads), the visual themes are just uninspired retreads of past stages, and the music is still very bad. If all of these complaints will be addressed by further work that will be done on the game, that would be delightful, but it probably wont change much.

And I'm certainly open to thinking that Sonic games are not laughable anymore. I love Sonic Colors, and I took time to lavish Generations with praise when I put it on my GOTY list last year. I'm also looking forward to playing through the Unleashed day levels when they're ported over to Generations.

BHZ Mayor

1 or 2 games isn't going to change much, especially with how diverse the Sonic fanbase is.

Fishing / Mech Shooting / Treasure Hunting.
Classic Sonic only.
Modern Sonic only.
Black eyes > Green eyes > Black eyes.
Boost to win.
Sonic 2006 is great.
Shadow The Hedgehog is great.
Sonic Generations is bad because it doesn't have a story.
These levels are generic.
Music sounds like cats.
Running animations.
Bubbles are important.
Solo Sonica? No, I wan't Sonic's friends.
Solo Sonica? Yes, please.

Don't forget gray soles.


Been watching all the Episode 2 leaks the past couple of days. It's a lot better than Episode 1, but that's not saying too much. The music is better even though Jun Senoue is still restricting himself with the instrumentation. White Park Act 1-2, Oil Desert Act 1, Metal Sonic's theme,
Sky Fortress Act 2-3 and Death Egg Mk. II
are catchy as hell though.

I really hope they truly end the series with this one though because frankly enough is enough.


Yes I'm aware. It's just that even after Colors and Gems... I expected people to be open to the fact that Sonic games are not laughable anymore.

Its Sonic 4. The original was laughable and 90% of the problems that people had with the leaked footage from an early beta were still in the final game.

The last game by Dimps (Generations 3DS) was an extremely lazy effort that was at its best when it was recycling level designs verbatim from past games.

I fail to see why two amazing games from two different teams means this game is somehow off the hook, especially with the history it has.
I doubt Sonic 4 is worth the time or money even if they have fixed it, hopefully there won't be an Episode 3 and DIMPS can go fuck their mothers make DBZ games to keep the Japanese video game business alive

Dimps is like the Japanese Ninja Theory. How the hell do they keep getting work after putting out so much shit?

-Obviously have an efficient work plan, given how much stuff they put out
-Capable of working under a variety of masters (Sonic Team, Bamco, Capcom etc)
-Good experience with full range of platforms

They are the poor man's TOSE, pretty much.
My understanding is that Dimps are one of those companies that many random companies outsource development of parts of a given game to when they can't finish it on their own and need help, fast - so the Tose comparison is fairly apt, really.


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
I doubt Sonic 4 is worth the time or money even if they have fixed it, hopefully there won't be an Episode 3 and DIMPS can go fuck their mothers make DBZ games to keep the Japanese video game business alive


I'd suck your dick if it would ensure that Sega would make a real Sonic 4, and Dimps would never again be allowed near the Sonic franchise.
In it, former badass Sonic the Hedgehog turns into a giant wimp, reveals he secretly needs to be given orders by Princess Sally, remembers a mysterious military dude who we've never seen before, acts out all his lines in the flattest possible fashion, and obsesses over the baby the baby the baby the baby the baby.

For a moment there I was straining to remember Other-M and was kind of nodding my head going "Yes, yes, that's right."

Because as I remember, the story of Ian Flynn's "Other-M" involved an accident that saw Sonic's consciousness cross dimensions where he ended up in the body of another Sonic the Hedgehog who was largely regarded as a coward and possibly even a traitor by the current Freedom Fighters. A major story beat was Sonic proving himself worthy to a heavily-battle-scarred Bean, the leader of that dimension's FF.

The main villain of that dimension was... Knuckles, I think? Under the moniker of "The Guardian", who had a totalitarian rule across Mobius. "Miles" and Sally ran his hit squad, if I recall correctly.

Edit: Y'all better not be hatin' on DocFuture


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
I finally got my trophy #1000 on the PS tripla.

It's the trophy for clearing all stages in Sonic 4 (I finally defeated that fucking final boss).

I think I'll just go to bed.
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