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Sonic the Hedgehog Community Thread: Green Hills and Laughing Iizukas

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I got nostalgic and looked at this old video.


Did anything good ever come out of that? Because all I can find on youtube are shitty mods that try and turn it into Unleashed.

I was always hoping someone would come along and make a wicked fan game from it.

Weird that you bring up BlitzSonic because I finally released those maps from that "Sonic Enters Mario's World" video I did years and years ago


I agree that I wish somebody would've made a cool game with them, but I have to wonder how feasible it would be in Blitz3D. Seems kind of dated these days. Unity or Unreal might be a better fit.
No, silly

I mean Rotor literally just got back
Oh, sorry. Guess I've been playing too much 10 Out Of 10, so I have Batman on the brain.

I got nostalgic and looked at this old video.


Did anything good ever come out of that? Because all I can find on youtube are shitty mods that try and turn it into Unleashed.

I was always hoping someone would come along and make a wicked fan game from it.
As the owner of said video, I can at least point you toward Sega1991's follow-up of sorts (ED: okay, so he already did, but still). I actually have this, somewhere (not sure if it's on this computer, but it IS on a laptop I can't currently locate) - although, for obvious reasons, I'm dubious as to whether I can share it (sure, it's not like you're actually playing Sunshine in it, but I'm still kind of wary of tossing around files like that).

IIRC, somebody at Sonic Retro was trying to make a fangame based off the engine - FreeRunner, I think. Doing a cursory lookover, though, it seems to since have switched to "Sonic GDK" (ie: UnrealEngine 3).

Either way, it's engines like this that make me think a free-roaming Sonic game wouldn't be an utter pile of shit. Dicking around with the physics in these tiny playgrounds is actually quite amusing, so doing it in properly designed open worlds could also be fairly decent (especially if the levels aren't too large for their own good, and properly stocked with things to do). But first, we'd need Sega to develop an engine that's got the physics anywhere near as down pat, which I don't exactly have high hopes for. At least it doesn't prevent games like Generations from being fun...

Fun fact: the first build of BlitzSonic there actually used "Wave Ocean - The Water's Edge". Then the full Angel Island mix from Brawl leaked on a recent music CD, and Damizean got caught up in the hype along with everyone else (Brawl wasn't out yet, see) and replaced the music, which is what you hear in the video. In retrospect, I probably should've mixed it up a bit, considering I really like 2K6's music (about the only thing about that POS that I do really like), and I still feel kind of let down knowing that Angel Island track was the only Sonic remix that made it into Brawl.

Earlier versions of the grayscale map also included a large teapot, off to the side of the multiple loops and the giant quarter pipe to nowhere. That got cut out of the version I recorded, I believe.
The Sonic in Mario world blew my mind when it came out, man. It gave me hope for 3D Sonic yet. I recall Iizuka talking about how with Colors, they took inspiration from the Mario games for the developmental process, and it shows - it's probably the closest to a straight platformer the series has seen since the Genesis days. I'd be cool with a followup to that on 3DS or Wii U.

I saw GDK and it looks alright, I guess. My only problem is that it still seems to jump on the "BOOST BOOST EVERYWHERE" bandwagon that most 3D Sonic fan games have. I'd like to see one defy the conventions of 3D Sonic set up by Adventure/Unleashed, something truer to the originals (not that I don't like the Unleashed gameplay either, but if I wanted to play it I'd play Unleashed or Generations, not an amateur recreation of it on PC).

Also Angel Island is the more suitable choice for that demo. It represents Classic Sonic better.
The Sonic in Mario world blew my mind when it came out, man. It gave me hope for 3D Sonic yet. I recall Iizuka talking about how with Colors, they took inspiration from the Mario games for the developmental process, and it shows - it's probably the closest to a straight platformer the series has seen since the Genesis days. I'd be cool with a followup to that on 3DS or Wii U.

I saw GDK and it looks alright, I guess. My only problem is that it still seems to jump on the "BOOST BOOST EVERYWHERE" bandwagon that most 3D Sonic fan games have. I'd like to see one defy the conventions of 3D Sonic set up by Adventure/Unleashed, something truer to the originals (not that I don't like the Unleashed gameplay either, but if I wanted to play it I'd play Unleashed or Generations, not an amateur recreation of it on PC).

Also Angel Island is the more suitable choice for that demo. It represents Classic Sonic better.

Apparently a new version of GDK came out the other day with support for multiple playable characters and you get a choice between classic Sonic and Modern Sonic. "Classic Sonic" is definitely what the original GDK started out as; I think Xaklse just added boost in hopes of trying to get people interested in making content using it.

qq more

Wow. The game breaking glitches are so evil in Sonic Axnoim. Got stuck in a pipe 3 times in the lava zone. Knuckles somehow floats above ground but cant jump or anything in the final level... and then after a reset I went to get an invinciblity and got "crushed" by a spike but it sent me up past the top of the level so I couldn't progress AND NOW I beat the final boss and nothing is absolutely happening and I can't move!



Unconfirmed Member


I'm ready for tonight.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess


I'm ready for tonight.[/QUOTE]
No, you're not.

And alcohol doesn't help.

Anyway, the experience of Sonic 2006 is probably more fun than playing the game, as some of us discussed in the LTTP thread, lol. Be prepared for the worst! Playing with friends will probably make it a heck of a lot better. Or livestreaming it. :O


No, you're not.

And alcohol doesn't help.

Anyway, the experience of Sonic 2006 is probably more fun than playing the game, as some of us discussed in the LTTP thread, lol. Be prepared for the worst! Playing with friends will probably make it a heck of a lot better. Or livestreaming it. :O

Playing Sonic 06 with friends is actually really fun. Bad games with friends >>>>>> good games in any situation.


Unconfirmed Member
No, you're not.

And alcohol doesn't help.

Anyway, the experience of Sonic 2006 is probably more fun than playing the game, as some of us discussed in the LTTP thread, lol. Be prepared for the worst! Playing with friends will probably make it a heck of a lot better. Or livestreaming it. :O

Yeah I'll probably livestream it tonight while being on Mumble with some of my friends. Should be fun


I purchased 2006 shortly after I purchased the Xbox 360, and I didn't know about all the issues it had or anything. I just knew people thought it was bad.

When you have that utter surprise factor of playing a terrible game and not knowing about specific points, it makes the experience with no chance to brace yourself and that much more painful.
And it reminds me of how stupid Tails' color scheme in the comics was, for a while. Why was he brown/yellow? Did he bathe in a sewage facility or something? Why couldn't he be orange/white like he was in the games? Then again, it's not like they even bothered to get Robotnik anywhere near correct, either, and Sonic had a mohawk for the longest time... Bleh.
And it reminds me of how stupid Tails' color scheme in the comics was, for a while. Why was he brown/yellow? Did he bathe in a sewage facility or something? Why couldn't he be orange/white like he was in the games? Then again, it's not like they even bothered to get Robotnik anywhere near correct, either, and Sonic had a mohawk for the longest time... Bleh.


Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Trying to decide whether to celebrate my birthday with some Shadow the Hedgehog or Megaman Zero tonight. Hmmmm. I've been playing Assassin's Creed II for the past few days and I feel like I need a break.

I should just play a Kirby game.

And it reminds me of how stupid Tails' color scheme in the comics was, for a while. Why was he brown/yellow? Did he bathe in a sewage facility or something? Why couldn't he be orange/white like he was in the games?
That definitely bothered me for quite some time. The comics also had very interesting proportions, dislocated jaws, and poorly-drawn faces a lot.

And Ron Lim.

I spent a few minutes laughing at this, now that we're on the topic. I know we've all seen this tumblr already, though.
Trying to decide whether to celebrate my birthday with some Shadow the Hedgehog or Megaman Zero tonight. Hmmmm. I've been playing Assassin's Creed II for the past few days and I feel like I need a break.

I should just play a Kirby game.

Shadow the Hedgehog is not befitting of a birthday present, I vote Kirby.

Oh and here's a cake for this special occasion.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
^ Edit: Sonic 06 Final Mix: Hatsun Unlocked Edition.

Thanks for the birthday wishes, guys. :)

And that Sonic cake never ever fails to impress. It's better than the lazily-put together one in Generations!

Shadow the Hedgehog is not befitting of a birthday present, I vote Kirby.
I dunno. I think Shadow would want me to have the best DAMN birthday.

Angry Kirby might be a better fit, though.
I tried to find the photoshop someone did where they replaced the cake in that Generations scene with the ugly Sonic cake, but no go.

And yes, play some Kirby. There's more than enough cakes in there!

OMG Aero

Play Kirby Squeak Squad and pretend that the cake Kirby spends the game trying to get back is a birthday cake.
Hard mode: You are not allowed any birthday cake/dessert/treat in real life until you finish the game and Kirby gets his cake.

OMG Aero

Why doesn't Kirby have a cake power?
Eating food turns Kirby into Health Regenerating Kirby.
Health Regenerate Kirby looks exactly the same as normal Kirby, gives him the power to regenerate a certain amount of health depending on the food (This is used automatically like the sleep power) and after being used he reverts back to normal Kirby.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Play Kirby Squeak Squad and pretend that the cake Kirby spends the game trying to get back is a birthday cake.
Hard mode: You are not allowed any birthday cake/dessert/treat in real life until you finish the game and Kirby gets his cake.
Poor Kirby. :(


Hard mode wouldn't even take that long! :D

Why doesn't Kirby have a cake power?
He'd probably eat himself. It'd almost be like he had a doughnut for a head and he kept picking at it.

Play Epic Yarn specifically for that Cake level in world 3, the music!
I was thinking of Epic Yarn for that exact reason. First thing I thought of was Treat Land.


A preview of Sonic Super Special #3 With Sonic 4-2 story. Includes Sonic CD adaption, but should have been an even more Metal Sonic focused issue than it is.


"C'mon Eggman! Step it up! You're too slow!"
lmao damn Tails, dem eyebrows

pfffffffffttt bahahahahahah

Always good to see this.

And happy birthday to ya Schala!


Unconfirmed Member
Update on my 06 adventure: I've just completed Flame Core. So far, I was pretty lucky bug-wise, except in Wave Ocean, where I fell through the beach at the end of the level for no reason. And I had some trouble in the mach speed section of Crisis City (lost 6 lives and had to restart the whole level again because you can't fucking see what's going on). But it's a pretty smooth ride so far.

EDIT: And happy birthday Schala even though I barely know you! :D
The Sonic 06 Cycle lingers on...

1. "I'm going to play this game, it's going to be so bad it's funny!"

2. "God, this just... it's just not very good..."

3. "My soul has been crushed and is laying at my feet."

Happy Birthday, Schala!

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Thanks for the birthday wishes again, guys! :D

I might play MMZ before I sleep. 10th anniversary and whatnot.

All of this for a piece of cake! D:


Man, I feel like a Kirby now.

edit: And if you're going to play anything, run through Sweet Mountain.
Done. But I screwed up on that last missile so no rings or S-Rank for me. It's too bad because I played around with the Wisps a lot.

Also, Kirby's Epic Yarn up to Treat Land's Sweets Park: Done. Good Feels, man. But no BGM disc for you, Kirby! >:D

And I had some trouble in the mach speed section of Crisis City (lost 6 lives and had to restart the whole level again because you can't fucking see what's going on). But it's a pretty smooth ride so far.
But the tornado was throwing cars at you! :lol

Wait until you get to Radical Train's mach speed section.
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