Get the Generations team to do it. I think that they could do marvelous things, given a proper budget.I think the issue is that Sonic Generations was a little too late and people gave up on the Sonic Team now.
They definitely need to start focusing on an actual 2D Sonic that's on the same level as the classics.
They really need to make a full length 2D Sonic game for consoles at this point. All the cool kids are doing it: Mario, Donkey Kong, Rayman... it's your turn, Sonic.
Where does this picture originate from?
Pretty sure it was promo art for the Mega Man Game Gear game.
lol wut?
Another at 1:46
Let's Play 20 Years of Kyle being fucking terrible at the end of Sonic games holy shit Pt. 139 - Sonic Colors (7/7)
Featuring some really awesome music and another call out for our very own internet celebrity Sega1991.
I feel smart 'cause I knew that was there. I think its specifically out there because you can mess up and end up running across the water and there's no way to get back up again. I know that's how I ended up finding it.
What I didn't know was this shortcut in Skyscraper Scamper. That enemy is hidden so far off screen to the left that in all the years I've played Sonic Unleashed I never knew it was there and I had to boot up my copy just to double check. It literally shaves off like 4-5 seconds, which is kind of a lot.
Holy crap, I had no idea that was there. :OWhat I didn't know was this shortcut in Skyscraper Scamper. That enemy is hidden so far off screen to the left that in all the years I've played Sonic Unleashed I never knew it was there and I had to boot up my copy just to double check. It literally shaves off like 4-5 seconds, which is kind of a lot.
I wouldn't be surprised. :lolHauuuugh I just got around to watching this
I wonder if one of them reads this thread![]()
What kind of people did you think we were?! C'mon man! D:I didn't pay this thread much attention because I assumed it would be more sonic porn and such nonsense. Looks like I was way wrong lol. Really tough to discuss Sonic without haters dumping on everything. On the gaming side every time I see a Sonic thread it's oh boy here "they" come.
So did you guys hate Sonic 4 ep 2? I myself really liked the game. The music grew on me too I got both the soundtracks off iTunes. Say I am not alone lol.
I didn't pay this thread much attention because I assumed it would be more sonic porn and such nonsense. Looks like I was way wrong lol. Really tough to discuss Sonic without haters dumping on everything. On the gaming side every time I see a Sonic thread it's oh boy here "they" come.
So did you guys hate Sonic 4 ep 2? I myself really liked the game. The music grew on me too I got both the soundtracks off iTunes. Say I am not alone lol.
I discovered that at some point when I was doing the time trials for the chili dogs (and the cheevos of course). The one that surprised me was the Dragon Road shortcut.I feel smart 'cause I knew that was there. I think its specifically out there because you can mess up and end up running across the water and there's no way to get back up again. I know that's how I ended up finding it.
What I didn't know was this shortcut in Skyscraper Scamper. That enemy is hidden so far off screen to the left that in all the years I've played Sonic Unleashed I never knew it was there and I had to boot up my copy just to double check. It literally shaves off like 4-5 seconds, which is kind of a lot.
Sensing some hostility in Kokonoe's thread.
On a similar note: what has been up with GAF lately, anyway?
I saw that thread when I got up this morning, strapped for time so I didn't post anything but it's pretty messy, heading back through it now.
I like how Kokonoe actually puts some fair points and questions in the opening post only for them to get mostly ignored in favour of "it sucks because it does, also furries".
The analysis on how these current Sonic games play from the people who don't play them is quite fascinating.
And yes I have felt that GAF has been pretty grouchy as of late, tempers were rising heading towards E3 and the aftermath of that mediocrity has broken people completely. I like a good whinge as much as the next guy but it's been pretty heavy recently.
Exactly, there is no analysis and that's what makes it so fascinating. HOLD RIGHT TO WIN/AUTOPLAY! COMPLAIN ABOUT FALLING DOWN HOLES AT HIGH SPEED! Gee I wonder why?What analysis?All I see is GREEN EYES! ROBOTNIK NOT EGGMAN! CLASSIC! GENESIS! PHYSICS! The only complaint that even has an iota of merit is the physics one, but half of the time it's just complaints about how they arent 1:1 with the Genesis games, and not the actual problems like collision dection and mid air stops. And if it's not those same almost memetic complaints, it's shitty perverted/nonsensical fanart.
I'm a little surprised we haven't gotten a lengthy rebuttal post from a certain someone yet. And not a lot of the posters in that thread have even bothered to answer the question, not even rationally. We even have one person bringing up buying Rayman Origins day 1 for no reason at all.I saw that thread when I got up this morning, strapped for time so I didn't post anything but it's pretty messy, heading back through it now.
I like how Kokonoe actually puts some fair points and questions in the opening post only for them to get mostly ignored in favour of "it sucks because it does, also furries".
The analysis on how these current Sonic games play from the people who don't play them is quite fascinating.
Yes, really. I'm a little surprised it's taking long for everyone to cool down. It almost feels like GAF has just thrown up the silly and stupid that's been festering for quite some time now over the course of a month. The amount of corporate loyalism that seems to be rather prevalent, the discussions about females in games or games media, Nintendo's presence at E3, Namco's silliness towards Tales and the rampant mentions of a certain game in those threads... oh and apparently people being completely honest and making valid points about a recently announced game to be localized qualifies as being a downer, going into OTs for a game and not being allowed to make valid criticisms of it from your perspective, etc. It gets extremely grating.And yes I have felt that GAF has been pretty grouchy as of late, tempers were rising heading towards E3 and the aftermath of that mediocrity has broken people completely. I like a good whinge as much as the next guy but it's been pretty heavy recently.
the discussions about females in games or games media
Dimps' level designs have a bad habit of encouraging the former while doing nothing to mitigate the latter. They're better about it in some games than others.HOLD RIGHT TO WIN/AUTOPLAY! COMPLAIN ABOUT FALLING DOWN HOLES AT HIGH SPEED! Gee I wonder why?
Should I bite for Episode II at $10.49 on Steam?
In my opinion, it seems like gaming side in general's been a lot more cynical (as in, more than usual) since E3. Aside from a select few threads, It's almost a bit unpleasant these days.
Thanks.10$ sounds about right.
Yeah, just when you think they're done, there they go again. The tropes thread isn't very pleasant at times either. :|Crystal Dynamics is keeping thattorchbridge burning all on their own, in fairness. It might be the worst job I've seen PR do since Daikatana.
I'm a little surprised he hasn't posted in the thread yet because at least his posts are rather elaborate and at least has legitimate and understandable points. As for Sonic1Sonic, whoa, I shouldn't have had my speakers up that loud. I think your little chat with him broke him.I'm looking forward to a post by Mama Robotnik in that topic, hes a guilty pleasure of mine, sorta like Mariotehplumber is
speaking of Mariotehplumber / sonic1...
Yeah, it's really starting to show. I've started to just post in threads I'm subscribed to and stuff now. Not just cynical, but rather defensive too. E3 sort of amplified this sort of mindset. It's just really disappointing because people are focusing more on the littler things than just the games (though I suppose that isn't helped by the fact that most OTs are in Community rather than on Gaming).In my opinion, it seems like gaming side in general's been a lot more cynical (as in, more than usual) since E3. Aside from a select few threads, It's almost a bit unpleasant these days.
Sounds reasonable. It's not a 'oh man, this is so unplayable' sort of affair; it's just kinda middle-of-the-road. It gets better when you look for the red rings and try to speed through the levels using the partner skills. Sega1991 wrote a pretty good, thorough review of it.Should I bite for Episode II at $10.49 on Steam?
Hmm well I guess there have been a few events recently that spur on the defensive feelings, for Nintendo and Sony in particular. As for the recent influx, well I guess there's always a few bad apples in the bunch to use an old expression and I feel as if the amount is greater than usual, but if any of them are that bad odds are they wont stick around long anyway.Unless it's always been like this and I'm just noticing it now. There seems to be a very prevalent feeling of defensiveness lately.
Also, I feel like the influxes (as I feel like there was one around E3 at some point?) of some of the junior members who aren't behaving cordially or nicely towards others certainly compounds it. There are others who are pretty good and deliver some good conversation, but then there are some that are... well...
I will not deny this at all but I imagine that the complaint is being lobbied at the wrong games.Dimps' level designs have a bad habit of encouraging the former while doing nothing to mitigate the latter. They're better about it in some games than others.
In my opinion, it seems like gaming side in general's been a lot more cynical (as in, more than usual) since E3. Aside from a select few threads, It's almost a bit unpleasant these days.
Edit: So, ah, did we end up learning anything from the 'what's wrong with Sonic' thread? It was certainly an attempt to discuss what other people dislike about the series, but I don't think anything substantial has come out of it so far other than... well, people sticking to their guns.
Nah, it isn't as bad as, say, the crossover thread. At least some people are being honest and putting forth some valid things. For example, the story stuff, I definitely agree with. At least the beginning of the thread was fine when it started up last night since you had some of us trying to carry on the conversation anyway.It's actually less of a disaster than posts in here led me to believe. None of the complaints are anything new, though, no.
Mainly due to E3/NPD/game releases. Like you said, you can pretty much gauge how the thread's going to go by merely reading the title. C'mon. We're supposed to be discussing how fun playing games can be. D:Hmm well I guess there have been a few events recently that spur on the defensive feelings, for Nintendo and Sony in particular. As for the recent influx, well I guess there's always a few bad apples in the bunch to use an old expression and I feel as if the amount is greater than usual, but if any of them are that bad odds are they wont stick around long anyway.
I was gonna make a joke about Sega calling Justin Timberlake, but then I thought about it.Michael Jackson's dead, man.
Which modern pop artist do you think could contribute to Sonic music?
Well... who are the popular modern artists now? Is it that Lady Gaga lady still (I've noticed that people don't really talk about her anymore), or is it that wubwubwubwubwub business? Is Daft Punk still popular?
Edit: Jamiroquai is sadly not very popular.![]()
Well... who are the popular modern artists now? Is it that Lady Gaga lady still (I've noticed that people don't really talk about her anymore), or is it that wubwubwubwubwub business? Is Daft Punk still popular?
Edit: Jamiroquai is sadly not very popular.![]()
Man, how can you seriously think we're into that shit D:I didn't pay this thread much attention because I assumed it would be more sonic porn and such nonsense.
Gaga is still popular, but Daft Punk seem to have been off doing fuck knows what the last few years, besides the Tron 2.0 soundtrack.
And I'll always remember Jamiroquai as the guy with the huge hat :lol
Man, how can you seriously think we're into that shit D:
Well, Sonic fans do have a certain.. reputation, considering CWC and Alix Henriol are two of the more well-known representatives :lol
well yeah but we don't have that kind in GAF sonic threads!
From the issues thread:
I was gonna make a joke about Sega calling Justin Timberlake, but then I thought about it.
Which modern pop artist do you think could contribute to Sonic music?
It feels good to find a thread where I won't be called a raging furry and stuff because I like Sonic. Hopefully I can fit into this little community nicely.