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Sonic the Hedgehog Community Thread |OT3 & Knuckles|


Rise of the Planet of The Apes is a good movie as well. (does anyone know if the Mark Walhberg Planet of the Apes movie is good?)

Yeah i think the new Godzilla was for all intentions, crap. It was just a boring slog with some one cinemas most boring and forgettable characters. The only interesting person in the film, Walter White's character
Dies halfway
the only thing good about it was Godzilla himself and the fight scenes.

Anyway, I think Age of Extinction is sort of an underrated movie. It is no Winter Solider, but it is the only Transformers movie that i had fun with bar the long length.

I see Godzilla 2014 as a disaster movie, and that showing a lot of Godzilla can weaken his presence. Then again this is a movie called Godzilla and what we really wanted was Kaiju fighting and beating the living shit out of each other.


I see Godzilla 2014 as a disaster movie, and that showing a lot of Godzilla can weaken his presence. Then again this is a movie called Godzilla and what we really wanted was Kaiju fighting and beating the living shit out of each other.

Then again again Godzilla movies usually barely have any Godzilla in them.
does anyone know if the Mark Walhberg Planet of the Apes movie is good?

It is not generally regarded as a good movie. I saw part of it a few months ago and it did not seem offensive but it was self-serious to the point of being kind of silly.

Apparently they change the twist at the end of the movie for the worse


I see Godzilla 2014 as a disaster movie, and that showing a lot of Godzilla can weaken his presence. Then again this is a movie called Godzilla and what we really wanted was Kaiju fighting and beating the living shit out of each other.

Yeah i guess, but still in disaster movies, you need characters to care for.. In Godzilla, besides Walter White, i never cared for anyone in this film. When Walter White
the whole movie's enjoyablity besides the Godzilla fighting stuff, dies along with it. The movie would have been much better if Walter white was allowed to
and be the main character.


It is not generally regarded as a good movie. I saw part of it a few months ago and it did not seem offensive but it was self-serious to the point of being kind of silly.

Apparently they change the twist at the end of the movie for the worse

The twist at the end is the best part of the movie. The bad part was that they had no intention of ever explaining it.


Yeah i guess, but still in disaster movies, you need characters to care for.. In Godzilla, besides Walter White, i never cared for anyone in this film. When
Walter White dies
the whole movie's enjoyablity besides the Godzilla fighting stuff, dies along with it. The movie would have been much better if
Walter white was allowed to live and be the main character.

You might want to use the spoiler tags like this, else it's pretty obvious what's behind the spoiler. ;)


Soo that Nights thing in Sonic Adventure makes me wonder this: Is Nights a good game? Does it have some of those early 3d gameisms?
Soo that Nights thing in Sonic Adventure makes me wonder this: Is Nights a good game? Does it have some of those early 3d gameisms?

It's hard for me to say whether the original NiGHTS is still a good game or not. I love it to pieces, and I love it so much that I think I may have lost the ability to look at it objectively.

It is essentially an arcade game made for home consoles combined with the sort of... high-concept visual designs you might get out of an artsy indie game. You are playing inside of a literal dream world, and members of Sonic Team specifically studied dream psychology to come up with the game.

Its main mode is not 3D. Though you can walk around in 3D space, you aren't really supposed to. The majority of the game is spent in a 2.5D perspective as the namesake character, NiGHTS, as you fly around on a guided track racking up as many points as possible before time runs out.

Here is the entirety of Christmas NiGHTS, recorded from the imported PS2 copy of NiGHTS I own. Skip to 3:30 to get to the gameplay. (I also have a playlist for the Saturn version)

If you don't know what you're doing, it is essentially the most obtuse, confusing game imaginable. The primary gameplay loop is that you have to deposit the large spherical crystals in to the altar at the start of the stage in order to transform in to NiGHTS. Collecting 20 blue marbles will unlock the next crystal, and you have to chain everything together in order to get high scores, good grades, and ostensibly, unlock more levels so you can finish the game.

The primary "trick" to playing NiGHTS is that once you have the next crystal, you don't have to immediately deposit it, and you should, by all means, do laps to grab as many bonus points as possible without letting time run out.

Once you get the hang of it, it is a very fun, very fast, very fluid game. It's also very short (you can finish it in under an hour if you know what you're doing).

Unfortunately, the original Sega Saturn version remains the best version of NiGHTS. When it was ported to the Playstation 2 (and later XBLA/PSN/PC), the analog stick controls didn't translate perfectly, making the game feel a bit more stiff. It's not unplayable, mind you, but it's a little "off" compared to the way it should be. Of course, not everybody can track down a Saturn and the game, so don't feel bad if all you can play is the HD version. It's fine. Really.


I own the NiGHTS sequel on Wii. The hype was immense for that game, but it's a fragantly unfinished game. It's a really sloppy product; which sucks because if it had been polished and had another year of development it would have been an excellent game.

This is a running theme with Sega games, really.


Just beaten Tail's Story plot in Sonic Adventure.. His is my second favorite only to Sonic. miles better than Amy's and Big's. I think i will try Knuckles. Apprently the treasure hunting in this game is better than Sonic Adventure 2's one. well, that is what a friend of my told me.


Just beaten Tail's Story plot in Sonic Adventure.. His is my second favorite only to Sonic. miles better than Amy's and Big's. I think i will try Knuckles. Apprently the treasure hunting in this game is better than Sonic Adventure 2's one. well, that is what a friend of my told me.

The "emerald-detector" is better in SA1 because it sounds when you are near any Emerald instead of just one specific one; but other than that it's a sloppier version of SA2.

OMG Aero

The treasure hunting in SA2 has that sweet music which automatically negates anything that may or may not be mechanically better in SA1.
Take Aquatic Mine for example which is a fucking terrible level until you find you the underwater breathing upgrade, with the chill music it has playing in the background it's not so bad.

Edit: Just looking for that music on youtube to link it makes me want to dig out my Wii and play some SA2. Man that Knuckles music is so fucking good.


Alright, i am done with Knuckles. Now it isn't too bad. the levels are short, and there is hints that show you the general direction. now on to Gamma and if i am feeling like, i might try give Big another chance.

Edit: Jesus. Gamma's Story is much shorter than i thought. He is a totally breeze. also, i lol that Eggman basically disappears halfway throughout his story. man, these characters vs. characters boss fights are ridiculiously easy.

Gamma was fun in a short of God mode of way. His shooting stuff possed not that much of a challenge. i think his first two you could beat in little under a minute. now i guess i can try to figure what i am doing wrong with big.


I think you'll like Gamma. I know I did.

Yeah i liked it. A bit on the easy, but hey, easy isn't always bad

So about this Chao Garden. Just a question to anyone here: Was there some kind of fad going on in the late 90s that Sega was trying to cash in with the Chao Garden?
It's hard for me to say whether the original NiGHTS is still a good game or not. I love it to pieces, and I love it so much that I think I may have lost the ability to look at it objectively.

It is essentially an arcade game made for home consoles combined with the sort of... high-concept visual designs you might get out of an artsy indie game. You are playing inside of a literal dream world, and members of Sonic Team specifically studied dream psychology to come up with the game.

Its main mode is not 3D. Though you can walk around in 3D space, you aren't really supposed to. The majority of the game is spent in a 2.5D perspective as the namesake character, NiGHTS, as you fly around on a guided track racking up as many points as possible before time runs out.

Here is the entirety of Christmas NiGHTS, recorded from the imported PS2 copy of NiGHTS I own. Skip to 3:30 to get to the gameplay. (I also have a playlist for the Saturn version)

If you don't know what you're doing, it is essentially the most obtuse, confusing game imaginable. The primary gameplay loop is that you have to deposit the large spherical crystals in to the altar at the start of the stage in order to transform in to NiGHTS. Collecting 20 blue marbles will unlock the next crystal, and you have to chain everything together in order to get high scores, good grades, and ostensibly, unlock more levels so you can finish the game.

The primary "trick" to playing NiGHTS is that once you have the next crystal, you don't have to immediately deposit it, and you should, by all means, do laps to grab as many bonus points as possible without letting time run out.

Once you get the hang of it, it is a very fun, very fast, very fluid game. It's also very short (you can finish it in under an hour if you know what you're doing).

Unfortunately, the original Sega Saturn version remains the best version of NiGHTS. When it was ported to the Playstation 2 (and later XBLA/PSN/PC), the analog stick controls didn't translate perfectly, making the game feel a bit more stiff. It's not unplayable, mind you, but it's a little "off" compared to the way it should be. Of course, not everybody can track down a Saturn and the game, so don't feel bad if all you can play is the HD version. It's fine. Really.

I always found NiGHTS to be a weird beast. It has the visual and audio design of a Sonic Team game, but the mechanics and overall game design sensibilities scream AM2 more than anything. It's weird. (A good weird, mind you.)


hmm.. you know, all this Nights talk is making me wonder this. *I ask too many gaming questions XD* Why did the Sega Saturn not take off? Was it somehow weak on the 3D graphics part in a time where the Gaming Industry was embracing 3d or something? what was it?


Yes, I am doing the OT for both games on gaming-side (it's gonna be one thread), and the OT for comics, merch, and show etc on the off-topic (again, one thread). Been working on-and-off for weeks as I want to make it special. I know Coldman might be willing to help share the load, but I haven't talked to him just yet. Don't worry Sonic-GAF, it will end well, and we'll make sure there's something for everybody. I am not gonna half-ass the game OT, but the one that's gonna be denser will indeed be the OT OT for obvious reasons.


So about this Chao Garden. Just a question to anyone here: Was there some kind of fad going on in the late 90s that Sega was trying to cash in with the Chao Garden?

Chao garden was an extension of NiGHTS into Drams..'s A-life AI system. NiGHTS was released the same year Pokemon went to market in Japan, but it's most likely coincidental. (It would have taken awhile to implement, so the A-Life system had to have been planned near the start, well before anyone outside of Nintendo would know about Pokemon.)

hmm.. you know, all this Nights talk is making me wonder this. *I ask too many gaming questions XD* Why did the Sega Saturn not take off? Was it somehow weak on the 3D graphics part in a time where the Gaming Industry was embracing 3d or something? what was it?

Actually listen to this guy VVV
hmm.. you know, all this Nights talk is making me wonder this. *I ask too many gaming questions XD* Why did the Sega Saturn not take off? Was it somehow weak on the 3D graphics part in a time where the Gaming Industry was embracing 3d or something? what was it?

Nintendo was going to strike a deal with Sony to produce a CD-based addon for the Super NES called the Playstation. The peripheral was announced, games were in development, but then Nintendo backed out (rumored because Sony and Nintendo had trouble coming to terms as to majority ownership in the device or something)

With the Nintendo Playstation canceled, Sony tried to strike up a deal with Sega of America to make a next-generation 32bit add-on for the Genesis, as Sony Imagesoft had a good history producing CD-based games for the Sega CD. Sega of America was gung-ho on the idea of teaming up, but Sega of Japan shot them down. Even though those plans fell through, Sega of America still started production on what would later become the 32X. Unfortunately, Sega of Japan didn't clue America in to the existence of the Saturn, and the two projects collided, leading to consumer confusion and wasted development money.

Having been kicked to the curb by both Nintendo and Sega, Sony decided to just make the Playstation themselves.

An important thing to keep in mind at this point is that 3D acceleration as we know it today didn't really exist back then. 3D graphics accelerators could produce polygon graphics on PCs, but they were RIDICULOUSLY expensive and very, very few games supported them.

Sony's plan was to offer bleeding edge 3D accelerated graphics for (comparatively) cheap. The Playstation was the first mass-market 3D accelerated gaming hardware.

Sega of Japan, meanwhile, was banking on games continuing on the same path they always had been. They'd planned the Saturn to be a 2D powerhouse, with vastly improved color depth and the ability to display high resolution sprites. Then they caught a wiff of what Sony was doing. The Playstation was poised to usher in the 3D revolution. Sega's plans for the Saturn was merely going to be an evolution of existing technology.

Hastily, they went back to the drawing board. They retooled the Sega Saturn's hardware to tack on some 3D graphics processing. Sony's rendering technology was using triangle shaped polygons, so Sega chose to go with quad (square) shaped polygons just as a way of drawing a line in the sand. Sega's ultimate coup de grace, though, came at the very first E3 ever. They had their press conference, talked up how awesome they thought the Saturn was, and closed out with a bombshell: The Sega Saturn was going to retail for $399... now. Like, right now. The moment the press conference ended, you could theoretically walk in to a store and buy one that very instant.

The Saturn had originally been projected to launch months later, but Sega wanted to get out ahead of Sony and beat the Playstation to the punch. Unfortunately, they weren't as agile as they hoped. The Saturn was available, sure, but it was only being sold at one specific retailer (Kaybee toys), and they only had a very limited run available. What few games were available were quite clearly not ready, riddled with framerate problems and missing features. Sega's desperation was showing.

Sony, for their response at E3, had only one thing to say:


Mic officially dropped.

Sega was caught with their pants down. They rushed to market, unprepared, and Sony called their bluff. It started what became a cascade of failure for the Sega Saturn, as Sony made all of the right moves, and Sega did almost quite literally the opposite.

Remember earlier when I stated that Sony chose triangle polygons for their 3D rendering technology? Triangles became the dominant standard (and are still in use today). Sega's quad-based 3D rendering was tough to work with and quickly depreciated. It made porting games from the Playstation to the Saturn extremely difficult; games had to almost be remade from scratch specifically for the Saturn. It very quickly stopped being worth the effort.

Sega's hasty decision to slap 3D processing in to the Saturn ended up being a problem, too. Though the system was purportedly more powerful than the Playstation, it was extremely difficult to utilize that power. The Saturn was an early example of a game console having multiple co-processors working in tandem (something that is commonplace, now). Very few developers at the time knew how that stuff worked. By relation, making games for the Playstation was painless, and more developers flocked to that system for its ease of use.

A few Sega developers managed to squeeze some very impressive visuals out of the Saturn, but it was too little, too late.

Sony had the right hardware, at the right price, at the right time. Sega fumbled around with a trainwreck of half-baked ideas, made worse when Bernie Stolar took up his position as head of Sega of America. Stolar hated the Saturn, and actively tried to give the system a premature burial. He constantly urged Sega of Japan to get on with the next big thing. Whatever small fighting chance the Saturn might've had was utterly squashed as Stolar made declarations like, "Nobody in America wants RPGs!" - even in the face of the massive success of games like Final Fantasy VII.

It was the clusterfuck to end all clusterfucks.


Damn, nice write-up. I knew a bunch already but having it formatted like that with some stuff I didn't know really puts it in perspective. Always amusing how Sony became the dominant force in gaming basically as a last resort.
Walking into a games store (was it KB Toys? I thought it was a Software Etc. where this happened to me) during E3, and just seeing the Saturn just sitting on the shelves was mind-blowing, in an era before Apple launches.

But it was so clearly a mistake, too. The price was crazy, and they were trying to headline with Bug.
Walking into a games store (was it KB Toys? I thought it was a Software Etc. where this happened to me) during E3, and just seeing the Saturn just sitting on the shelves was mind-blowing, in an era before Apple launches.

But it was so clearly a mistake, too. The price was crazy, and they were trying to headline with Bug.

Jeff Gerstmann always said Kaybee Toys. I didn't have any electronics stores near me, and didn't get my Saturn until after NiGHTS was released, so I don't actually know.



Sega of America, at least is much better than SoJ which unfortunately does most of the work then (and still today)

Walking into a games store (was it KB Toys? I thought it was a Software Etc. where this happened to me) during E3, and just seeing the Saturn just sitting on the shelves was mind-blowing, in an era before Apple launches.

But it was so clearly a mistake, too. The price was crazy, and they were trying to headline with Bug.

Bug was good ;~;


Alright so beaten the final boss Final Choas. i don't still don't understand this negative power of the chaos emerald bs, and apprently Sega doesn't either, because that is never brought up again in any Sonic Game.

Anyway. I feel mixed over the game. There is some parts i like such as Sonic, Tails Knuckles, Gamma *to an extent. He is insultingly easy* and things that i hated such as Big and Amy.

the Voice acting is not good *perhaps they get better in Adventure 2 or something*, the camera is...well it has that early 3d gameism. I like the story a bit. It is like watching one of those cheesy 90s saturday morning cartoons.

I think Sonic Adventure isn't a bad game, but if i were to choose between Sonic Adventure and Super Mario 64, i would pick Super Mario 64. Anyway. I always wanted to revist this game again
loose controls aside, i always did love Little Big Planet and Little Big Planet 2 is one of my favorite games.

edit: Bug? what game is that..i don't think i even heard about it


Could someone elaborate on the history of the Shinning series please? Which company actually owns it, its prominent titles in the franchise and its must play games.


I wanna say. I watched Sonic X Japanese verison several months ago. It is not that much better than the 4kids one. Both of them are bad shows, it is just that the 4kids one was slightly worse with it's crappy music. *not that the Japanese verison's was Beethoven either though*


I wanna say. I watched Sonic X Japanese verison several months ago. It is not that much better than the 4kids one. Both of them are bad shows, it is just that the 4kids one was slightly worse with it's crappy music. *not that the Japanese verison's was Beethoven either though*

The comic was good though, wish they'd release TPBs collection Ian Flynn's stories though =/
I liked Sonic X, personally, especially once you get past the first few episodes that get a bit too "Monster of the Week -> Kill it with Ring". I think my biggest problems were that they didn't spend enough time fleshing out Sonic's world (I'm pretty sure they were almost completely forbidden from it when they wrote the series), and that there was a time or two when the budget CLEARLY took a nosedive. (The Sonic Adventure 1 arc, that episode where Chaos attacks the city, phew.)

The comic did get fantastic once Ian Flynn picked up, but the early issues were a bit... eh. I think I remember in one of the non-Flynn issues (at least I hope it was) that Eggman was going on about "they seem to exchange these green slips of paper they call 'money'" and I was just cringing.

On a side note, I only recently saw the pilot for the Sonic X anime (set on Sonic's world, a lot of the footage was sped up and reused for the Japanese intro), thought it was interesting: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L7AqlIp5evA


I thought sonic x was alright, the space travel bit was weird and I wish they explored the animal world more. I never have been a fan most humans in sonic
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