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Sonic the Hedgehog Community Thread |OT3 & Knuckles|


What is such a big deal about the Last of Us anyway? I played it a while ago, it was decent i guess, but i still prefer Uncharted 2 and 3
I've seen three TLOU Remastered threads at the top of gaming side one after another on two occasions already. With like 2 other TLOU Remastered threads on the front page.

It's crazy. GAF really loves its high resolutions and frame rates. Those threads fill like nothing I've ever seen before.
God help you if you don't care about frame rates, lest you be called an idiot.


It makes me wonder if they watch video games more than they play them.

I don't get the mentality at all.

I just don't understand what the discussion is about. When I see "PS4 game confirmed to run at 1080p/60fps, Xbone version to run at 720p/60fps"... I nod. I can't even write a post about that. That's just a simple fact. What is there to discuss?

I remember the first time a thread like that popped up (I think it was the Tomb Raider remaster), where the PS4 version completely shit on the Xbone version. There, I think the discussion was justified, because that was the first clear example that PS4 was going to get the superior version of multiplatform games from here on out. Shit got real. Console wars were ON.

But since then, it's been the same story for every multiplatform game. PS4 version > Xbone version. Yet, those threads explode every time like this is some kind of shocking news.

I don't get it.
I've noticed that the correlation between threads spiralling into pages upon pages of posts in an incredibly short time frame and me not being fussed by or grasping exactly why whatever detail has caused such an uproar is quite high these days.
To the point that some of you guys are saying this week is worse than usual where for me it looks like business as usual. I'll take a peek in those sort of threads every now and then to try and understand what's going on, I think the last one I remember was about shadow quality and framerates and I thought to myself "well I'd go with the 60fps over having superior shadows at 30fps, at least there's options", then glanced at the amount of pages the thread had accumulated and just backed out in fear and confusion.
But hey for all I know there was many pages of quality discussion therein, I just assume the worst at this point.

And as Anth0ny has pointed out, the PS4/XBone comparisons are another kettle of fish entirely.

What is such a big deal about the Last of Us anyway? I played it a while ago, it was decent i guess, but i still prefer Uncharted 2 and 3

Naughty Dog finally figured out that if your game involves lots of shooting then it helps a ton if the act of shooting is actually enjoyable and not just filled with bullet sponges and there was much rejoicing.
Well okay that's just my reason for why it was a solid game, for the majority of Gaf the reasons lie elsewhere.
So my nephew told me about a Youtube series called Sonic.exe which appears to be some messed up series of videos of Sonic messing up PCs and shit.
I didn't exactly watch but next time he mentions ish like that, I'm just gonna let him watch some Bill Nye the Science Guy videos on YT.

The things these fans come up with...

There's a video series on Youtube called Retsupurae. It started as a couple of guys riffing on really bad Let's Play videos but they eventually expanded their reach, and for a while there one of the things they were poking fun at was bad "Creepypasta". And I think one of the first ones they did was Sonic.exe. That's been my only brush with it and it's dumb as hell. I can't imagine why anybody latched on to it as something that is scary or interesting because it's SO poorly written and SO stupid

I guess it's like that Pewpiedie/Jeff the Killer stuff where kids like to be scared but only by their own shitty, incompetent garbage. I guess it's what passes for Goosebumps/Are You Afraid of The Dark for the "Minecraft Generation".

I'm old.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Just signing in to say that BEEF SAID I WAS RIGHT A FEW DAYS AGO about leaving GAF for a few months because I couldn't stand the atmosphere and the deterioration of discussion on GAF and lack of resizing pics so that the posts seem longer than they actually are because people don't know how to format properly. :V

To add to the conversation, though, a simple glance at the thread list really does seem like business as usual. It's the same treatment that Mario Kart 8 got, FF13 saga got, The Last of Us got (last year), MGS demo got, Titanfall got, etc. The Last of Us and Destiny are the conversation du jour now so it's not really a surprise. It's just that GAF's gotten much bigger and thread whining is against the rules, so it feels like more threads are being made than normal. Not to mention that there are two games being talked about as opposed to one in a quarter that doesn't naturally see a lot of releases. If it were Q4, I'm pretty sure it'd feel like a normal circumstance and a lot of games would be releasing at around that time so everything would naturally balance out anyway.

A lot of these threads could be consolidated into the OT, the screenshot thread, the sales threads, the review threads, etc. But new threads for new news, or making the game stand out more, etc. It ends up creating a lot of clutter which makes it more likely that you'd have to sift through multiple pages of Gaming Discussion as opposed to looking at the first two pages like you would have a few years ago. Having console/service threads aren't a bad thing either because I see a lot of "I got a [insert handheld/console]" threads in the first ten or so pages and I feel like those could have just been placed in a catch-all thread as opposed to contributing to the clutter. Either way, this forum needs a clean up and the addition of a few tabs. GAF isn't that small anymore and the four-tab sorting initiative is no longer going to cut it. The site seems to need a gaming news/sales tab, for sure. I'd be hesitant to say that it also needs several tabs for companies or consoles of choice since GAF isn't -that- big yet. But that's honestly how big GAF's gotten now: 137,043 members, some of whom lurk, but many others post (some probably posting on a formal message board for the first time after coming from sites like tumblr or Reddit). I do think the 6-12 month buffer between registration and approval should be the norm again in that case.

People like really like games you probably wouldn't like, and there's no problem with them being super-interested in what they like. I have no urge to play The Last of Us, and I got spoiled on the entire thing anyway so I kinda don't care to play it now. But I get why people like it and why they may not think it's mediocre even if you might think it is. Just because they like it and you don't doesn't mean they should probably shut up about it. It's just like how shitty you feel whenever you don't hold the gold standard opinion, but you have to keep your mouth shut because people will bitch at you otherwise. Yeah, it was cool to go into LBP threads and talk about why I didn't like the games and no one batted an eyelash 2-3 years ago and would engage in decent dialogue with me, but if I did that now, I'd likely get shouted at.

It's just like the time I came in here and bitched about why people can't see my point of view by saying something's not a bar of gold yet everyone seems to love it but they can't accept another person's opinion as being valid (and part of that is because OTs are such hugboxes that it's hard to say how you really feel so you're more than likely going to hold onto it until such a thread exists six months later or just write about it off-site). Let 'em have their moment and shit will die down sooner or later. It just feels like TLoU fatigue because that was the most talked-about game last year and it's once again doing that this year.

That doesn't mean it's the same story for gaf since we assumed GAF's craziness starting in late 2012 would've died down by now. Nope. It's still trucking, and I imagine that it'll continue for a while.

I'm too old for console wars. It's a load of garbage and I have my own disposable income to figure out what I want to buy and what I don't want to buy instead of waiting for my parents to buy it for me or choosing which console I want at launch. That's legitimately the only time console wars seems like a viable thing. Otherwise, I just want to play video games. If I have to get another console for that and try to justify it with maybe 5-8 games maybe a few years after, then fine. I don't have time to catch feels about whether or not people are being mean to a preferred console or if sales are tanking for a preferred console because I have other shit to deal with IRL and I'm not a company shareholder so I shouldn't give a fuck. If that shit is important to you and you're not a shareholder, then re-examine your life and priorities.

But those are my two cents that no one's going to listen to, so *shrug*.

Also I've been sick for a week straight and I'm losing work hours and it feels bad, man. I felt like I was on my deathbed for a few days.
I'm almost finished DQ7, though! That game is pretty damn good.


Does anyone know the origin of the Vampires hate Garlic or they get scared by crosses thing. those two always seem kind of silly to me even as a kid.


What is such a big deal about the Last of Us anyway? I played it a while ago, it was decent i guess, but i still prefer Uncharted 2 and 3

Some people think the story is real good, by some I mean a lot.

I feel the same way except replace uncharted with the jak games and put uncharted along side the last of us. I acknowledge those games craft, I am not a fan though. So everytime Naughty dog comes up its like " oh well that's neat, probably wont like it and I don't' . That said liked Tomb Raider tho
Does anyone know the origin of the Vampires hate Garlic or they get scared by crosses thing. those two always seem kind of silly to me even as a kid.

Vampires.com said:
Garlic originally got its good reputation from ancient Egypt. Back then it was believed that garlic held incredible healing powers. From Egypt it spread and developed more uses and powers. It was known not only for healing but also protection against the plague and supernatural evils. In southern Slavic regions in was used to protect oneself from demonic forces, witches and sorcerers. The Christian St. Andrew was said to be the donor of garlic to humanity.

Garlic used against vampire was big in southern Slavic countries and Romania as well. It was used to find vampires and to prevent vampires. A vampire in hiding could be spotted by not being willing to eat garlic. In the 1970s , a Romanian church distributed garlic during service, observing those who refused to eat it and figuring out if the person was a vampire. Crazy that this happened only 30 or so years ago right?

To prevent someone from being turned into a vampire it was common to stuff cloves of garlic in the corpse’s nose, mouth and ears to keep out all evil. It was also smeared over the eyes. Also, once they killed a vampire and cut off its head they would then fill its mouth with garlic to keep it from returning.

It wasn’t just the Slavic areas that used garlic. In China and Malaysia it was rubbed on children’s foreheads to prevent vampire attack. In the Philippines it was rubbed under the armpits.

I don't know about you but VAMPIRES.COM sounds like a pretty trustworthy source for this information

Except that an article on their front page, posted yesterday, misspells the word "Review" and they have not fixed it

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
is this the kind of stuff you guys have been discussing these days since i've been gone or what

y'all been doing them weird OT-like topic shifts ?_?

(Reason why I'm saying to try not to treat this thread like a chat room is because we've gotten in trouble for that before. Please try not to make it so overt.)
Otherwise, I just want to play video games. If I have to get another console for that and try to justify it with maybe 5-8 games maybe a few years after, then fine. I don't have time to catch feels about whether or not people are being mean to a preferred console or if sales are tanking for a preferred console because I have other shit to deal with IRL and I'm not a company shareholder so I shouldn't give a fuck. If that shit is important to you and you're not a shareholder, then re-examine your life and priorities.
In something that will not be much of a surprise to those here, this part resonates with me the most.
Always a fun read, not much else to add except for me nodding along.

Does anyone know the origin of the Vampires hate Garlic or they get scared by crosses thing. those two always seem kind of silly to me even as a kid.

This got me curious so I've looked into the mystery of the garlic fear, my 15 minutes of investigation led to various answers leading me to believe that there's nothing truly set in stone for the Garlic hate. A few of the ideas range from garlic simply being a thing that can fend off evil spirits for whatever reason to the myth of garlic being fatal towards bloodsucking creatures like mosquitoes and therefore extending to vampires as well.
In turn I then investigated the almighty powers of Garlic which was viewed as something of a cure all back in the day apparently so its powers crop up even outside of warding off supernatural beasties including the likes of werewolves.
Egyptians, Romans, Greeks, they all appear to have a few tidbits related to garlic for various reasons, basically all hail garlic.

And without doing any research I always just figured that for the crosses it was due to a holy cross being a religious symbol and representing that which is perceived as good and holy. A vampire itself represents the opposite being something of a demonic evil especially in the eyes of the church so their symbol (in some cases imbued with holy power or such fluff) is a deterrent to dark beings like vampires
See also holy water and the contents of Simon Belmont's sub weapons.

Of course how vampires are represented in fiction varies, some take all the old myths into account, others will pick and choose various points while adding some of their own so there's not iron ruling in place.
Look at that Sega1991, my minutes of investigative research lessened in impact, I was too slow as Sonic would say.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
It's a "Konami before they became Metal Gear Studios and lost their soul" thing.

(I wrote a Valiant Hearts tome and posted it on my blog while I had time off from GAF and a bunch of DQ7 tome-like impressions elsewhere, but eh. Not the time for it.)
A vampires decaying flesh is easily peeled off with the lashings of a whip, so it stings something fierce and they don't much care for it ruining their occasionally effeminate or dashing appearance which is something they place great pride upon.
And I base this on absolutely nothing, kind of feel like it makes sense though.

Hang on, there are hidden tomes I've not gazed upon? now that there is true horror.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Well, I took time off from GAF and beat a bunch of games so that's to be expected.

Valiant Hearts impressions. DQ7 impressions are elsewhere, but I've been asked to post impressions on GAF when I finish with it, so I'll just do that then.

The Castlevania community thread, OT, wiki, or Google might know a thing or two about garlic. lol this is like a few years ago when everyone was into the whole vampires bs. I feel like I'm in high school and early undergrad all over again.


I've finally found an SMT game I don't like; Persona 1. Like, I knew Revelations was kinda bad, but I didn't expect it to be this lame. I'm playing the PSP remaster or what ever the fuck it is.

It's too goddamn slow (the battle system),the positioning system is lame, fusion and recruiting is frustrating and trial and error, the skill list is all over the place, there's too many frickin affinities and damage attributes, and worst of all, the encounter rate is sky high. Even the world map ffs. Apparently the load times are better in this version versus the PSX versin, but I'll be damned if I can't tell. EVERYTHING in this game requires loading. You can enter a shop and walk up to the cashier, which then brings up dialogue, and then more loading, only then can you actually buy shit. Even selecting "Buy" and "Sell" lags a bit.

And who's bright idea was it to make long ass enemy attack animations??? Whose??

I realize that Revelations was an experimental game, but holy shit is it a failure. The game doesn't know if it wants to be an SMT game, or something different. I'll slog through it till the end though...

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
brb, crying in a corner. I like Persona 1. :/

I really like the atmosphere and aesthetic, as it matches up with what Atlus released on the Saturn and PS1. But I've already talked about this in the relevant thread.

Oh, you're playing the shitty PSP version? RIP. That version kinda sux.


brb, crying in a corner. I like Persona 1. :/

I really like the atmosphere and aesthetic, as it matches up with what Atlus released on the Saturn and PS1. But I've already talked about this in the relevant thread.

Oh, you're playing the shitty PSP version? RIP. That version kinda sux.

so what are the differences between the psp and the other verison?

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
so what are the differences between the psp and the other verison?
The thread I had linked does a pretty good job of summing it up. A quick google search would also turn up the censoring in the PS1 NA version and the removal of a quest in the PS1 NA version. And the removal of some themes in the PSP version while adding some music that doesn't necessarily jive as well with the game itself.

PersonaGAF or the SMT community thread would more than likely answer these questions more thoroughly.

I do want to re-iterate to you to try to not to turn this thread into a slower chat room because there have been issues in the past.
Hey coming to think of it I actually do have Sonic related news, I played the 3DS version of Sonic Boom for roughly 30 seconds the other day.
So I basically have nothing to really say except being able to switch between characters instantaneously is a good move, Starting off as Knuckles bouncing up and down on a spring I switched out and threw a boomerang as Sticks the Jungle Badger and had Sonic fall into a spike pit after buggering up a lasso grapple attempt
You can use this information to inform your future purchase.


Skimming schala's post (I'm on mobile atm so larger responses are difficult), I am vehemently against more subsections. I've seen what happens when you get a tab overload on pojo: sections rot, people ignore where things are supposed to go, and there is confusion for less experienced users to find what they are looking for.
I say just mush all the topics into one megathread. But then again I'm bitter right now. #grumplife

At least I had actual fun playing Kirby and LBW (NO RUBBING IT IN SCHALA)


Thanks for fueling that fire polygon.

brb, crying in a corner. I like Persona 1. :/

I really like the atmosphere and aesthetic, as it matches up with what Atlus released on the Saturn and PS1. But I've already talked about this in the relevant thread.

Oh, you're playing the shitty PSP version? RIP. That version kinda sux.

Persona 1 and 2 ( both games ) are games that I enjoy, but filly acknowledge that they are super flawed and that p3 and 4 are way better. Very weird games, I enjoy them alot.

Don't know where I was going with that.
Been replaying the original Spyro.

I don't remember the game being as easy as it is, but it still holds up pretty well. Some of the worlds seem pretty empty, but it's fun enough.


Been replaying the original Spyro.

I don't remember the game being as easy as it is, but it still holds up pretty well. Some of the worlds seem pretty empty, but it's fun enough.

oh cool..I love Spyro 1 and 2. Though i am not too fond of the extra playable characters in 3.
oh cool..I love Spyro 1 and 2. Though i am not too fond of the extra playable characters in 3.

I've never played 3, but have played 2 a couple of times. I remember thinking 2 was the superior game to 1, but I can't honestly remember what memories are from 1 and what are from 2.

Bought all three games when they had the flash sales, so hopefully I'll make it to 3 and give it a try.


I have never played spyro game... I think.

I am pretty sure I have never played one.

the original spyro games were pretty good games *the 3rd one less do due to the extra playable characters, which sucked* I heard Skylanders isn't too bad, but isn't really a Spyro game. I don't know much about the Legend of Spyro except that it has Frodo Baggins as Spyro.

Whatever you do though, never pick up this game

edit: Oh Crash was awesome too. I did love the kart racing game over the main 3 games though.


I might investigate the series at some point.

Like Naughty ( but I actually played crash ) I was more invested in what Insomniac had created afterwards ( Ratchet and Clank ) than spyro.So it would be interesting to investigate the origin.

I am a huge fan of the Jak, Ratchet , Sly trifecta. That Ratchet movie got me hype.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
For etiquette purposes, I'd recommend resizing your pics and putting them in an extra space below your sentence as opposed to keeping it on the same line and not resizing. I'd recommend abload.de for easy resizing, since that's what I use.

It looks weird on my phone and makes browsing awkward.

Alternatively, you can put your pic in quote tags like so:

[ /img][ /quote]

...to automatically resize the picture on GAF.

[quote="Regiruler, post: 123546992"]Skimming schala's post (I'm on mobile atm so larger responses are difficult), I am vehemently against more subsections. I've seen what happens when you get a tab overload on pojo: sections rot, people ignore where things are supposed to go, and there is confusion for less experienced users to find what they are looking for.[/QUOTE]
We're already past that point, especially considering GAF's rapid growth in the past two years. I'm not saying make a subsection for every console or company yet. Just make a gaming news/gaming sales tab. It's much easier to find actual games discussion threads in the games discussion tab that way.

And it's already hard for me to find what I want to read, especially in terms of GAF Plays threads or general games discussion threads which seem to be beyond Page 5 on Gaming Discussion. I just want to browse, so I'm not sure what to look for if I decide to use the Search function (speaking of, there are a [I]ton[/I] of dupe threads or threads that are remarkably similar to each other which could easily be solved if people actually used the search function or how we used to find things when Search was broken for half a year (ex: google.com "site:neogaf.com [insert what you want to look for here]")). We've already reached the point where it feels like games news and games discussion need to be in two different places because one detracts from the other. For example, I've already told another GAF member that we shouldn't make the Final Fantasy I Ironman challenge thread with one of the reasons being that it will be buried super-fast on the main games discussion page. So how long is it going to take before Games Discussion becomes a page renowned for gaming news and more popular OTs? It looks like that to me right now!

This section has actually rotted [I]less[/I] than it did before since more threads are being put here, and people are funnelling themselves moreso into community because of similar issues that we've all expressed in this thread and others.

(I also think the previously-proposed reporting system should be a thing that exists and dedicate a few people to sifting through that stuff, but y'know. *shrug*)

[quote="Professor Beef, post: 123547211"]I say just mush all the topics into one megathread. But then again I'm bitter right now. #grumplife

At least I had actual fun playing Kirby and LBW (NO RUBBING IT IN SCHALA)[/QUOTE]
Well, you know. It's not like a lot of the threads are differentiating each other by a garden mile.

I told you Kirby was good. Threes!, Kirby, Kero Blaster, and Valiant Hearts are the 2014 games I like the most so far. ...other games I like more come from previous years, though. >.>


Anybody else think Sonic Next will be a return to Unleashed style? (Sonic in an Earth setting)

I really liked the Hedgehog Engine.


Anybody else think Sonic Next will be a return to Unleashed style? (Sonic in an Earth setting)

I really liked the Hedgehog Engine.

I hope not

One thing sonic boom is doing correctly.

Animal people
Just animal people and people who have robotnik in their dna. No other huumuns. I dont like it. If anyone cares about gun, have them be also run by animal people.

They'll probably try some new, crazy shit no one asked for and do it badly.

we'll see.

We will see.
I picked up Sonic Adventure 1 for Dreamcast and have been having a blast reliving it. I wouldn't say it's purely nostalgia, I really do like the concept and scope of the game and think it holds up a little better than people give it credit for.

I'm doing the Chao races now and just need to unlock the last course. I found out you have to beat all the other courses in Jewel AND Beginner to open it up, after I just beat them all in Jewel. This was kind of irritating but whatever, it's Beginner, I'm sure it won't be that hard.

And then it's actually harder than the Jewel races, wtf? Like I'm shaving seconds off of my records and not even making the top 3. This is some messed up bullshit. Why couldn't the last course just unlock if you beat it all in Jewel? Uggggggggggh.

Also saved Super Sonic's story as my last emblem. hngggg


Anybody else think Sonic Next will be a return to Unleashed style? (Sonic in an Earth setting)

I really liked the Hedgehog Engine.

The Hedgehog Engine is just a graphics engine. It has nothing to do with how Sonic controls, only with how the games look. It's also outdated at this point.

I also think it gets far, far more praise than it deserves. The Xbox 360 and PS3 need to run Unleashed and Generations at a resolution below 720p and still have trouble keeping it at 30fps. Besides that, the art direction has a far bigger factor in how good those games look rather than the fake global illumination it uses.

I don't think any game besides unleashed has. Maybe Generations was a modified version, not sure.

Generations used it. Lost World might have used it as well, but didn't take nearly as much advantage of what it can do as Unleashed and Generations did. We don't know that for sure though and is just speculation I've heard from a more tech-savvy member.


The Hedgehog Engine is just a graphics engine. It has nothing to do with how Sonic controls, only with how the games look. It's also outdated at this point.

I also think it gets far, far more praise than it deserves. The Xbox 360 and PS3 need to run Unleashed and Generations at a resolution below 720p and still have trouble keeping it at 30fps. Besides that, the art direction has a far bigger factor in how good those games look rather than the fake global illumination it uses.

Generations used it. Lost World might have used it as well, but didn't take nearly as much advantage of what it can do as Unleashed and Generations did. We don't know that for sure though and is just speculation I've heard from a more tech-savvy member.

Huh, I always thought the engine handled the physics too. Thanks for correcting me. And performance wise, with regards to Unleashed, I'm pretty sure I didn't notice and stuttering or anything like I did with Generations.


With certain threads blowing up and hogging the front page, I wonder if a 'ignore thread' feature, much like ignore user, would be viable. So that if you see that you have no interest in a thread, you just ignore it and it frees space for other threads to come up on your front page. That way things don't get lost as easily because TLOU thread #12753 has been sitting there for 12 hours.

As for Sonic, I was wondering, what kind of ideas would you like to see if Sega made some smaller titles, perhaps on handhelds etc? One idea I thought of would be a Sonic canvas curse kinda thing, where you can draw your own slopes and stuff, but with a higher focus on momentum physics to pull off cool tricks. Also, Sonic would still need to be controllable directly unlike the Kirby game, due to how quick he is. Oh, and 'just like the classics' is kinda taken for granted, so let's think of new ideas.


With certain threads blowing up and hogging the front page, I wonder if a 'ignore thread' feature, much like ignore user, would be viable. So that if you see that you have no interest in a thread, you just ignore it and it frees space for other threads to come up on your front page. That way things don't get lost as easily because TLOU thread #12753 has been sitting there for 12 hours.

As for Sonic, I was wondering, what kind of ideas would you like to see if Sega made some smaller titles, perhaps on handhelds etc? One idea I thought of would be a Sonic canvas curse kinda thing, where you can draw your own slopes and stuff, but with a higher focus on momentum physics to pull off cool tricks. Also, Sonic would still need to be controllable directly unlike the Kirby game, due to how quick he is. Oh, and 'just like the classics' is kinda taken for granted, so let's think of new ideas.

I kind of think a sonic unleashed type gameplay would work. I mean if they made a game to fit with the 3DS's capablities in mind, i think that would make a great game.
As for Sonic, I was wondering, what kind of ideas would you like to see if Sega made some smaller titles, perhaps on handhelds etc? One idea I thought of would be a Sonic canvas curse kinda thing, where you can draw your own slopes and stuff, but with a higher focus on momentum physics to pull off cool tricks. Also, Sonic would still need to be controllable directly unlike the Kirby game, due to how quick he is. Oh, and 'just like the classics' is kinda taken for granted, so let's think of new ideas.

I support the idea that Sonic should keep the momentum factor in whatever type of game he spins (off) into, Sonic coming out of a hand drawn loop would have him flung out with a lot more force than when Kirby does it that's for sure.

Lost World's not to stellar implementation of parkour is disappointing but I still think the idea fits Sonic well, so a type of 2D Sonic that focuses on using various tricks and abilities to keep up the flow of platforming at a fast pace makes sense to me, think like Dustforce which carries a similar blend of momentum and wall jumping shenanigans mixed up with multi tiered Sonic level design akin to the classics and Sonic's flow being similar to the likes of Generations Action Master mission.
Some Sonic games have rather half hearted trick systems as well, you could build upon this in a way that you put combos into the platforming kind of like how DK Jungle Beat rewards the player for chaining together different types of moves in succession.

So to summarize, momentum heavy parkour Sonic with the signature sprawling level design that rewards you for maintaining flow and constant progression through a variety of advanced moves ranging from those that use the level design itself as well as Sonic's own abilities.


Huh, I always thought the engine handled the physics too. Thanks for correcting me. And performance wise, with regards to Unleashed, I'm pretty sure I didn't notice and stuttering or anything like I did with Generations.

You never made it to Jungle Joyride, did you? :V


I support the idea that Sonic should keep the momentum factor in whatever type of game he spins (off) into, Sonic coming out of a hand drawn loop would have him flung out with a lot more force than when Kirby does it that's for sure.

Lost World's not to stellar implementation of parkour is disappointing but I still think the idea fits Sonic well, so a type of 2D Sonic that focuses on using various tricks and abilities to keep up the flow of platforming at a fast pace makes sense to me, think like Dustforce which carries a similar blend of momentum and wall jumping shenanigans mixed up with multi tiered Sonic level design akin to the classics and Sonic's flow being similar to the likes of Generations Action Master mission.
Some Sonic games have rather half hearted trick systems as well, you could build upon this in a way that you put combos into the platforming kind of like how DK Jungle Beat rewards the player for chaining together different types of moves in succession.

So to summarize, momentum heavy parkour Sonic with the signature sprawling level design that rewards you for maintaining flow and constant progression through a variety of advanced moves ranging from those that use the level design itself as well as Sonic's own abilities.

I like it. If they expanded the trick system, I think a scaled back boost system would work as a way of rewarding players. Make it so that boost is not rewarded for getting rings, but for pulling off stylish combos. This also helps the learning curve, as the only players going fast enough that the level is throwing stuff at them at high speeds (a common complaint about sonic games) would be those who have already mastered some of the mechanics and would be prepared for it.


My 360 is officially dead so I can't continue my play through of 4 episode 2. :/

Anywho, I'm gonna pick up Billy Hatcher and Sonic Riders for my PC sometime this week hopefully.



there it is

With certain threads blowing up and hogging the front page, I wonder if a 'ignore thread' feature, much like ignore user, would be viable. So that if you see that you have no interest in a thread, you just ignore it and it frees space for other threads to come up on your front page. That way things don't get lost as easily because TLOU thread #12753 has been sitting there for 12 hours.

I agree. I've seen some forums with that feature (basically minimize threads you don't want to see). It's great.


I just played Sonic 2 on my girlfriends ipad

Why can't they just release it on consoles already? these controls are PAINFUL. Taxman pls =(


that puzzling face
You never made it to Jungle Joyride, did you? :V

Reminds me that I actually want to record a 60fps/1080p playthrough on JJ Unleashed Project just to abuse Youtube's new 60fps capability.

Too bad the enforced bitrates still suck
My understanding is that the enforced bitrates is what allows Youtube to play on devices besides a PC

Twitch recently locked down some of their streaming stuff for the same reasons. It yells at you if you try and stream in VBR, below 44khz, with the wrong keyframe settings, etc.
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