Even as a casual observer of GAF these days, I don't feel like the site leans one way or another? You just have a lot of fans on all four sides of the equation, so I think it's just really stupid to say, "Oh, GAF has a Sony bias." That might have been true for
some reasons last gen, but now? You just have a ton of voices on both Sony and Nintendo's sides. A casual glance at the gaming forum basically tells me that there are a ton of fans from every circle. Maybe if you're deep into the console wars trenches, it feels that way, but from an outsider's perspective based on only viewing the forum when people tell me to and going through several pages through the thread list, it doesn't seem to be leaning in one direction at all. I mean, I see a lot of people not liking mobile games but I don't really care. I like a lot of mobile games these days, and it sucks that people belittle them but I don't let that get to me because I'm not a child who's self-conscious of what people think of me based on what i play.
The amount of Hyrule Warriors threads, The Last of Us threads, Destiny threads, Smash Bros threads, Titanfall threads, etc. seem to be fairly equal and people who say that isn't the case needs to take a step back and a few weeks off of GAF then come back to actually see how it is. Nintendo fans crying foul are just as bad as Sony fans crying foul who are just as bad as MS fans crying foul who are just as bad as PC fans crying foul. Get the fuck over it. Just play games and fucking talk about them, Jesus. That's kinda why I don't post much; no one's interested in talking about video games anymore. So I just play them and talk about them elsewhere with people who are interested. I don't feel like I've lost much, outside of interactions I have in some threads and I miss posting with a few people who I only see on GAF.
Just post in whatever threads you want. Don't whine and bitch and moan about how the site is "omg, sorny/nintendobias". Why should you care so much? Don't behave like you're in high school. You're here to talk about
video games. Video games should be
fun. I understand that
I might be a little biased considering my interactions with certain people on this forum, but I really don't feel like the site has any leaning at this frame in time. In the past, sure. Now? Not as much. It just feels amplified because there are new consoles around and there are more people posting on the site now than ever. People were fucking pissed about the PSN/credit card thing and the thread for that was fucking huge, so don't say it doesn't get mentioned because it usually does. People were mad about Sony screwing over people who imported games because they lost all their saves for Vita when they updated their firmware. Every company has problems. Don't pay attention to the minority with louder voices. If a game isn't on a platform you have or want, just learn to deal with it or save up or budget for a console if you want it. Get a refurb. Whatever, man.
fucking video games. All you do is press buttons or touch a screen and practice and get gud and it's a past time. It's not something that should define you unless you have a job in the industry, and it's not something that should make you have strong feelings about one way or another.
Like I said, I don't get "gamers" anymore, or I'm getting too old for this or I have other priorities.
There's also that really early run of Spinball that
had the wrong title theme.
Ahahahaha, i forgot about that one.
Oh, I have a list.
I only knew about it beause I was trying to buy a copy of US Sonic 1 that was not a "not for resale" version, but ended up finding one with a KA logo on it as well, which seems rather late in the game to do.
I didn't know there was a version with the K-A rating! That's pretty interesting. I thought they would've just went with the 6-pack version instead of a reprint of the first game.
Man, that's a lot of versions. Reminds me of how many versions I have of some Tales games or some FF games.
Are you just rounding out a collection of multi-region Sonic games, then? That's pretty neat. I wanted to do that with some Tales games since I have all of the Japanese games anyway. Maybe FF since part of my FF collection is Japanese.
Is the outrage just more fuel for the Xbone haters/non-owners?
People plain and simple don't like games they want to play on other systems, and instead of acting like an adult about it, they'll behave like they're in the third grade "arguing about which console is better because their parents said they could only get one console".
I mean, I can see the point where you're mad because Tomb Raider reboot 2 is obviously not exclusive because we know it'll go multiplat anyway. But moaning and groaning about it for months after isn't going to solve anything and you're going to play the game anyway so zzzz.
I'd rather companies just go balls-in and commit than make multiplatform stuff, but that's honestly the easiest way to make cash now in this sales environment, bluntly speaking. The industry isn't doing as hot as it was last gen fo' sho.
Easy steps to not get banned:
1. No personal insults to other members. So many grayed out names next to "Fuck you" posts. If you want to vent, vent on a game, not another member. "Fuck Sonic Colors what a piece of shit" is perfectly acceptable!
But just saying a game is a piece of shit is not perfectly acceptable unless you post supporting arguments. If you just leave a statement in there and not back it up, then you're just shitposting.
In other words, stay in community threads.
This is probably going to be hilarious and really stupid/hypocritical coming from me of all people (because I was the first one to complain about it), but... I thought about this for a long time since last December and I think I kind of see where the mods were coming from that time. At least two of them anyway. I don't see a problem with going off-topic in a community thread because it's effectively a community thread, but don't drag the topic too much away for pages. But don't just stay here, especially if you're new.
When OTs were being planned to be shunted off to Gaming Community, there was a major concern that a lot of threads would go here to die because... well, when an OT goes to community it dies. The problem is that these OTs become insular communities, and then those insular communities can go from thread to thread and it's kinda hard to get into discussion, or it's hard to break into discussion.
The community threads have a similar issue, but not as pronounced because they're basically fan threads and you kinda expect them to talk about music or fanart or other games in the series. You don't necessarily expect them to go, "I saw this movie on the weekend", "this happened at school", "today this happened in my life", etc. because we have the off-topic forum with threads designated for those purposes. You can kinda do it because, y'know, community, but not as often or as much as you would in the off-topic forum.
The biggest problem that I see is that I never ever see a lot of the people I posted with in various RPG, Nintendo, Sony, platformer, and puzzle threads anymore. And the reason for that is because they've found their homes in community threads. Now, when
Stump said this:
Stumpokapow said:
I totally understand the temptation of finding an oasis where the group of people who self-select for posting are better than the site average... or even if they're not, that they're less confrontational... or even if they're not, that the pace of posting is slower so the impact of a bad reply is less severe than in a fast-moving thread where a high effort post can get drowned by a tide of shit.
But to some extent, it's a self-fulfilling prophecy. If all the good posters leave or voluntarily segregate themselves, the problem gets worse, which leads to more departures or self-segregation. There are lots of good posters who get stressed or bitter and it sucks. So if you find yourself withdrawing from the site as a whole, I can't blame you and I can't expect you "spend time getting stressed with idiots", but also it sucks for the rest of us that we're deprived of good conversation.
I have to be honest, I'm not really a Sonic fan. I like a few of them. I dislike a few of them. I don't feel strongly. So all this to say that it's not likely I would enter into or participate in this thread. And that's fine, because you guys deserve a spot to discuss Sonic without me lowering the quality of discussion with my misplaced opinions. But the bummer is that I don't get to discuss platformers with Anihawk or Dark Schala or whatever, when I'd like to.
Maybe it's because I'm thinking about it in a more lucid sense, but I started to realize, especially when I made that LTTP DQ7 thread a few weeks ago, I really miss a lot of people. Lots of people have left, but a lot of people are
still here but I never get to see them anymore unless I go into their IRC (which I don't have much time for), go into their community thread (where I don't feel like I fit in), or I tweet at them or they tweet at me to ask me what I think about something (which is perfectly fine -- it's a good way to keep in touch with people who are permabanned or who don't want to stay on the site anymore). A lot of the people who would've posted a few threads I posted in in the past year have likely segregated themselves into community threads instead of bringing their conversation to the table for everyone to enjoy. I think someone in the Black Culture Thread brought up a really good post (and Beef
linked it to me the other day) about caring about the people want your intellectual food on the table. I care that you guys value what I have to say. It makes me feel better that someone's listening.
There was a time when I used to read every single post in various threads because I knew what some people were going to say and I was interested in what others had to say. There was a point when I recognized almost everyone who posted on gaming side by
name and by
writing style. If someone came back with an alt, I'd know because they sometimes don't change their style, lol. I wanted to know what a lot of people thought about games, and there were a few people who I paid a lot of attention to because we basically played the same stuff. And I felt happy that I finally got to post alongside them and talk to them about games as a peer. The GAF plays threads were some of my favourites on GAF but they aren't as feasible anymore because some people just... don't want to post on the gaming forum or people are busier. It sucks.
The point is: I
miss talking about platformers or RPGs with a lot of people and it's gotten so different that I don't feel comfortable in those threads because those insular communities basically trench down in those threads and talk about the game along with other stuff. I barely see a lot of the people I used to post with in those threads anymore, and that's kinda sad. I'd read this site for years and there are a ton of people on GAF that I respect, some of whom post here still but barely post in a lot of threads, and some people who left.
So... no, I wouldn't necessarily advocate staying in community only. It segments the site quite a bit, and we're seeing the repercussions of 2011's decisions now. Everyone feels so segmented and it's hard to get good conversation lately because everyone's separated. It doesn't feel like a true-blue community anymore because there are
sooooo many people here now, because of the new console wars/louder minorities, and because of the segmentation.
I mean, if you feel more comfortable in community threads, that's fine. I'm starting to feel like a lot of the animosity going on on the main fora is a result of this "experiment". At the same time, gaming forum doesn't feel the same as it did years ago (and I'm not the only person who feels this way since I've done some talking with a few older members of the site for the past few months), and it's much harder to actually talk about video games so I completely get why people would want to stay in community threads. Who'd want to wade through the crap, right? But it sucks that some of us don't get to see what you think and what you have to say on the main forum as much anymore.
...and that's what I learned over the past eight months of mostly observing the site and doing my own thing. I feel like a fool for not realizing it sooner and being completely stubborn about it, to be honest with you.
Again, if you feel more comfortable in megathreads or community threads, that's fine. But just know that a lot of us miss you in some capacity.