so uh
Endless Possibility is pretty much a staple song in VGO repertoire now
what have i done lol
It's been ages since I've been here, remind me of what VGO is again.
so uh
Endless Possibility is pretty much a staple song in VGO repertoire now
what have i done lol
"How could you! You give me spicy food like this when you know I have high blood pressure!"
"But I...!"
"Now I know you truly hate me! Get out, I never want to see you again!"
Even as someone that's usually a stickler for continuity, I'm not one to really care about plot in Sonic titles.
I do think it was neat how Generations tied into Colors, though.
Rush Adventure was a story sequel to Rush, wasn't it? I never played rush so I wouldn't know.
In hindsight, I think the only reason I "loved" Advance 3 as much as I did was because of the Battle continuity and connections. And the music.Yeah, but I was speaking specifically of the mainline console titles. The handheld games (weirdly enough) are actually pretty good about continuity (Battle -> Advance 3 -> Chronicles come to mind).
I... think this is what 2006 was meant to be, at least initially.
The way all the townspeople specifically refer to him as "The Blue Wind of Soleanna".
Owl always had that song tuned to 100% in Brawl's GHZ
I only played Sonic Advance 2 and i remember it being fun, though Cream made bosses into an actual joke.
Conveniently also by Dimps.'Sup.
Did you ever stumble upon those giant rings with a star in the middle of them in a stage?
Right. Find seven of them.
In the same act.
In one go.
(I think you can die in-between rings, but it wouldn't surprise me if it had to be one life, too; the game loves to be cheap that way.)
If you can do that, you get a chance at that zone's Chaos Emerald... for that character.
If you want to unlock everything the game has to offer, you have to do that for all seven zones for all five characters.
Understandably, has never been a well-liked feature of Sonic Advance 2.
You unlocked things for every set of emeralds you completed.Uh there was a fifth character?
Kinda weird of Dimps to tie character top running speed and/or acceleration to how many rings were on-hand.
how many rings were on-hand.
I can tell you right now that I think it's the first, and Sega1991 and Pietepiet think it's 2. I don't think anyone thinks it's 3, although I'm willing to be proven wrong. And if somebody actually thinks it's Genesis, God help them.
I miss elaborate stories in Sonic games, a side effect of my first Sonic game being SA2. Having games like Colors, Generations, and Lost Worlds with simplistic and paper thin plots just makes them feel incomplete.
True Area 53 is my absolute favourite Sonic level name because what the fuck does that even mean?True Area 53 > Nonaggression
Fuck Angel Island and ever zone after in Advance.
Also, I'm back.
Good thing that it seems like Sonic Boom might be story focused!
read that as "Also, I'm black" and was about to welcome you to the fold, brotha
It's been ages since I've been here, remind me of what VGO is again.
Incidentally, I finally got around to reviewing Freedom Planet.
The latest issue of Universe is pretty good.