Within a minute of the Boom demo I was dragged out of the opening stage in order to control a remote control submarine minigame before even stumbling into the tutorial prompt for jumping, good to see this game had its priorities straight.
As I gingerly jogged forward across some token cartoon beach (fantastically titled seaside beach, I know Sonic ain't always one for names but come on) with generic tropical music making a faint attempt to set the scene the full weight of the games marketing tie in status hit, why was I playing this? I knew going in that I was effectively playing a licensed kids game with a few Sonic tropes thrown in to justify the hedgehog himself, indeed they seem to have brought across heavily automated spring, loop and corkscrew sections as tribute scattered amongst Boom's newfangled grapple beam and sort of open level design, not really sure they fit in but hey its obligatory I suppose.
There's nothing drastically wrong with what's going on in here in a bad Sonic game sense, there just ain't anything right either, it's seemingly as by the numbers as they come. Traversal often feels like waiting for the next marker prompt to appear on screen, the process of flinging from grapple point to grapple point before flying off to bounce off an enemy and hit a spring isn't exactly dissimilar to how other numerous other Sonic games play out such a scenario except with a more lethargic pace due to the games slower nature and for this demo stage at least that really felt like the meat of the game without much else to keep things interesting, a plodding 6 or 7 minute trawl that fails to engage.
The level design itself seemed to just meander around, I thought the goal was yet another slingshoting point, imagine my relief when the stage complete screen popped up detailing the collectables I had obtained and missed, needless to say I wont be returning to mop up the rest.
Oh but lucky me, two more demo stages remained, the worm tunnel which was basically two minutes of quickstep tedium and a race against JC's favourite Jungle Badger which is basically a more flowing version of the boost and grapple elements of the first stage and when I say flowing I mean in that hold right to win sense, well if nothing else Sticks kept up to keep it somewhat interesting, boy those jungle badgers sure can run...wait, that didn't come out right.
SO YEAH ANYWAY, Sonic Boom is thoroughly unexciting but you already knew that.