Salaam brothaMerry Beefmas, one and all
or, since most of us are black, Happy Kwanza(just pretend you know what this holiday is)
Merry Beefmas, one and all
or, since most of us are black, Happy Kwanza(just pretend you know what this holiday is)
Not to mention that Eggman and Wily get along suuuuuuuuuper-well. Their dialogue in the comics were really good and completely made the series for me.
That's just what I deem as GotY-worthy. I've played 74 games so far this year (mostly before school started and then I didn't have a lot of time to do much of anything other than work). See:
Most of which aren't GotY-tier and many of which are generally old. I did part of my Summer of RPGs project this summer when I wasn't dying of sick and caught up on most of the Famicom stuff I didn't bother to play and some of them have good ideas but are poorly-executed. Replayed a bunch of Ultima games. Replayed Baldur's Gate stuff and relived a time when Bioware gave a fuck. Just played a lot of CRPGs and older RPGs and had a lot of fun instead of drowning in a bunch of stuff I know isn't very good. EDIT: I should probably count some of my CRPG/Ultima re-plays on my list. That'd bring the total of games played to over 80, honestly.
Honestly, I just can't bring myself to care enough this year, and since the LTTP vote was scrapped, that lowered my desire to vote. Just tells me that people don't feel like having fun with it. If I did make a list at this point, I'd probably write it elsewhere.
My last plat was probably Amnesia V Edition. Can't muster the patience for Danganronpa 2 anymore but did Island mode twice. I'm getting through lots of games faster this way (ie: doing almost everything but the kitchen sink) without bothering to get all the cheevs.
Downloaded the demo last night since this hotel has unlimited Internet. Hope it's okay. If it doesn't trigger my motion sickness and I like it enough I might drop the $40 on it.
Oh god why
Oh god whydoes this make me want to play all the Adventure levels in 06
I have come across a terrible revelation...
...Okay, I feel kinda gross for even posting that.
That image of yours Scetus just gives me creepy geiger (Alien) thoughts.
This just makes me angry
Chris-chan always struck me as a person with legitimate, huge mental problems and the internet exploited that to turn him in to a monster
Hopefully this event makes somebody out there realize this and he can get real, actual, legitimate help
I know I sound like an asshole saying this, but you can't help someone who doesn't want to help themselves.
I'd think a certain internet movement is probably a better example of that, but yeah, Internet-using people as a whole have so little tact these days. Just makes the ones that do all the more worth knowing.The whole Chris-chan thing is a clear example of "people on the internet don't know how to stop anymore". And even when someone gets tired of it and moves on, someone else jumps in to take their place.
The whole Chris-chan thing is a clear example of "people on the internet don't know how to stop anymore". And even when someone gets tired of it and moves on, someone else jumps in to take their place.
To be fair: it's understandable why someone would film the cop thing. Someone likely would have done it regardless if it was Chris-chan or not seeing how ridiculous that situation was. I do agree that the fact that people made an entire wiki about him and are trying to bait him into doing stupid shit is far too much though.
Right, I'm not complaining about the cop thing. (Posting the police scanner audio is a bit much.)
Chuckie is gone, guys...
Yo, SonicGAF, I recently got a Wii U, hit me up with Friend Codes pls.
NNID: BlackJace
"ProfessorBeef"Yo, SonicGAF, I recently got a Wii U, hit me up with Friend Codes pls.
NNID: BlackJace
It's going as well as I thought it would, sadly.smh at that CWC thread
smh at that CWC thread
smh at that CWC thread
Yo, SonicGAF, I recently got a Wii U, hit me up with Friend Codes pls.
NNID: BlackJace
Oh hey, didn't Sonic 2 turn 22 this year? I turned 22 today. Definitive proof that Sonic 2 is the best Sonic game.
Sonic will have a good game this year.
I feel it.
Sonic will have a good game this year.
I feel it.
The bi-yearly sonic game is usually revealed around may isn't it?
Sonic will have a good game this year.
I feel it.