Even among the new tracks there's still some remixes tucked away, it's like a never ending well of remixed tracks even by Kirby game standards.
Well this is a Canvas Curse sequel.
Even among the new tracks there's still some remixes tucked away, it's like a never ending well of remixed tracks even by Kirby game standards.
Well I've got my favourite pair of Dreamland 2 tracks so I'm pretty pleased.
These are pretty much my exact thoughts on Sonic 3, right down to the fuckin' amazeballs final boss sequence that'llprobablynever be topped by the series again.
This post is FREAKIN FANTASTIC and needs to be in the OT for the Remaster. NEEDS TO.
This is the best thing ever and I fucking love it. And I fucking love you for writing it. Seriously.
That Sonic 3 post is great!
How could u guys pay Sonic Adventure DX: Red mountain theme 2 dust for best level music. It's so good
Sonic's Schoolhouse. It's a game.
The first thing you're greeted with in-game is proof that the film studio Orion had a computer game division (really? Wonder what else they did), and Sonic proclaiming that he is, in fact, Sonic, and that you should click on him for help. He says this in the most obvious woman-doing-a-male-voice way imaginable. (Like, I understand women do voices for young boys and all, because actual young boys hit puberty after a while and can't do the roles they were hired for any longer... but this is Sonic. He's a teenager. He doesn't need a little kid's voice. This just seems an odd casting decision.)
You play as one of several animal characters. Not Sonic, because he's the teacher here. Not Tails or Knuckles or Amy or anyone you'd even recognize, but instead classic characters like Alligator in a Leotard, Monkey Whose Eyes Bug Out, or Kangaroo That Looks Like a Fox. The screen in which you select them has some rather bizarre CGI make them look like animations that rejects from the first Tekken's character select.
You're then dropped off into a first-persondungeonschool lobby with a floor plan lifted straight from Wolfenstein 3D. There are six doors total. Four lead to the actual learning part - two math doors (addition/subtraction and multiplication/division) and two reading doors (reading and spelling). Two more doors lead outside opposite ends of the building; one leads to two more doors which yield bonus games of some sort. One has you running away from Eggman and his Badniks as you try to grab a certain number of rings, which is made a bit chilling given that none of them make any noise whatsoever and your first-person viewpoint doesn't have crazy Quake-pro FOV, so they can easily sneak up on you and take all your progress away in an instant (you lose the rings, but you can't regrab them). The other is a basic Memory game, where you match these question-marks-that-turn-into-statues-of-things aligned in one row with the corresponding question-mark-that-turns-into-the-same-statue in another row.
On the other end of the schoolhouse, you get access to a school bus that takes you to a field trip to the zoo (after you watch Sonic drive the bus there down a small forested road at 300 MPH and nearly rear-end the car in front of him while doing it). There, you get to learn all sorts of fascinating factoids about the animals comprising the playable characters. Did you know that New Zealand is just of the western coast of Australia? Me neither, I thought it was the south-eastern. No factoids on hedgehogs, foxes, echidnas or egg-shaped mad scientists, though. That'd be too interesting.
Obviously, you'd just want to dick around with the bonus games, right? Well, tough shit. You need passes to get into any of them, and the only way to get that is to go through the education parts. So buckle up, bronco, we're going in.
Uh... huh.
Okay, so here's the rub. There are four blackboards in the front of the school room, each with a puzzle to be solved - real basic things like "A, B, _, D" or "6 x 9 = _" for spelling/math, and the names of objects for reading. Correspondingly, either a bajillion numbers/letters hopping around or ballons with pictures floating about are also in the room, to be used as solutions. You have to target the letter/number/balloon you want and then shoot it at the corresponding blackboard - possibly a few times, if the answer isn't single-digit. They've also placed "recycle bins" on either side of the classroom to dump unwanted letters/numbers into. Sonic cheerfully exclaims "You've recycled! That's great!" whenever you do so. This is entirely pointless, as you could get rid of what you accidentally picked up by just grabbing another one.
Of course, the selection is a bit limited in the front of the classroom, so you can go to the back of the classroom, where you get to be met with Dr. Eggman. Eggman doesn't want educated citizens to rule over (despite allegedly being a feminist), so he'll steal whatever answer you were holding on to by ramming his ride directly into your behind, potentially taking from you the correct answer to the solution. This is all innocent enough if it weren't for the fact he's riding a vehicle that looks like it was designed to friggin' eat you.
Anyway, once you answer one of the blackboards correctly, a door next to it opens up to another room, in which you'll find... another blackboard. Perhaps two! Answer those, though, and you get access to a room with neon-colored walls (the color of which you can change if you get close to them and hit the "Use" key) and one of the passes to the bonus games or the field trip. Sweet! Also in one of those neon rooms is a key that lets you skip one of the questions, if you somehow couldn't find it within yourself to answer "Q, R, _, T".
Every question you answer also nets you a gumball. You can get up to 10 per run through a classroom. This fills up a gumball machine, the screen for which you can then print a certificate declaring how smart you are in numbers of gumballs. There's even a cute animation of the gumball machine filling up, but it maxes out at 100 and you get gumballs through the bonus games as well, so who cares.
The weird thing is, it may not even have been intended to be a Sonic game from the onset. There's videos still on the disk of an unused clock character that's in the role Sonic fills in the final product.
In conclusion:
tl;dr: Look, I made a video on the game back in 2007, just watch that.
Sonic Adventure
Jun Senoue, Kenichi Tokoi, Masaru Setsumaru, Fumie Kumatani
Open Your Heart –Main Theme of Sonic Ad venture–
Tricky Maze ...for Lost World
At Dawn …for Speed Highway
Sonic Adventure 2
Jun Senoue, Kenichi Tokoi, Fumie Kumatani, Tomoya Ohtani
Escape from the City
That’s The Way I Like It ...For Metal Harbour
Deeper … For Death Chamber
So out of boredom I made a post describing Sonic's Schoolhouse in the "Obscure games for well-known franchises" thread, and I'm reposting it here where people might actually care:
OYH and At Dawn are alright, but out of everything else in the game you go for Tricky Maze? psyduck.gif[pretty sure Sciz would want to fix my picks for the Sonic Adventure games, so I'll add this here:]
(Probably not going to budge on those Shadow tracks I picked.)
OYH and At Dawn are alright, but out of everything else in the game you go for Tricky Maze? psyduck.gif
If you're shooting for tonal diversity, at least spring for Be Cool, Be Wild, and Be Groovy, or Mt. Red, or Crazy Robo, or Mechanical Resonance, or even Unknown from M.E. if you want another vocal track.
I'll pick up Lava Shelter on that one. Thanks.At least ditch the half-baked E.G.G.M.A.N. mix for Circus Park or Waking Up or Lava Shelter or one of the handful of other good tracks that game has that isn't a remix.
what the hellSo out of boredom I made a post describing Sonic's Schoolhouse in the "Obscure games for well-known franchises" thread, and I'm reposting it here where people might actually care:
Sonic AdvanceGuys. I can't be arsed to do this right now because I wanna sleep and I figured you all would do a better job at it, so...
Pick three music tracks for these games. first come, first serve, and yep, I'm using it for the Soundtrack of the Generation archive.
Thank you so much. I really appreciate that. Just been feeling so drained this week.Sonic Shuffle's soundtrack is so... weird. I mean, the whole game is weird, but most of the tracks are pretty low-key. Makes an already slow, dull game feel slower and more dull. Then you got the wackier tracks playing during the jank ass minigames or the jank ass fights. It's just weird. (Though I guess it's no Sonic Schoolhouse)
New cell phone, time to dump a ton of sanic music on it
Also dive into the mellow because reasons its great shut up
H-help.....I'm so close to buying it....
Made a thing that I like. I just wanted to share it.
There really shouldn't have been two variants of the same song in the same category in the first place, frankly.Only one tie, and it was for Big Arms!
There really shouldn't have been two variants of the same song in the same category in the first place, frankly.
So I wrote a big-ass post about why Sonic 3 is the best shit ever over on SSMB, figured it wouldn't hurt to share here. Hope you guys like it lol -
I was saying for a month how fuckin' good that soundtrack is and no one listened to me.EVERYONE WHO DIDN'T VOTE SONIC UNLEASHED AS BEST OVERALL SOUNDTRACK IS DEAD TO ME
Live and Learn > Pumpkin Hill?
I genuinely find Sonic Genesis's butcherings more listenable than Sonic Chronicles's butcherings.What is wrong with people who voted Nocturne as worst Sonic track? There was a Sonic GBA track for you to vote for right THERE.
Live and Learn > Pumpkin Hill?
What is wrong with people who voted Nocturne as worst Sonic track? There was a Sonic GBA track for you to vote for right THERE.
Only three people voted for Dear My Friend so I'm guessing that's me, Sciz, and... ?
So it looks like The Deadly Six (along with the Freedom Fighters) are confirmed to be in Worlds Unite, cux apparently we needed more characters opposed to the ones from both game versions of Sonic and Mega Man, Mega Man X and even Sonic Boom.
Who are the Deadly Six, again?
LMFAOI'm calling the police on you people
That's every Sonic game.beloved Sonic characters Leader Guy, Fat Guy, Old Guy, Emo Guy, Weird Guy, and Girl
beloved Sonic characters Leader Guy, Fat Guy, Old Guy, Emo Guy, Weird Guy, and Girl
Well, well... you know... We're still running that Soundtrack of the Generation thread that only a few people in here voted in. http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=980801
You guys can totally vote.
...please. ;~;
Who are the Deadly Six, again?
What is wrong with people who voted Nocturne as worst Sonic track? There was a Sonic GBA track for you to vote for right THERE.
I was saying for a month how fuckin' good that soundtrack is and no one listened to me.
Only three people voted for Dear My Friend so I'm guessing that's me, Sciz, and... ?
I voted for GBA after hearing two tracks.Who are the Deadly Six, again?
Re: Sonic GBA: I gave my argument before. I can just ignore/laugh at Sonic Chronicles. But perhaps it was Beef who did this to me.
Every time I go into that thread I realize howWell, well... you know... We're still running that Soundtrack of the Generation thread that only a few people in here voted in. http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=980801
You guys can totally vote.
...please. ;~;
If it wasn't Sciz, it was probably meOnly three people voted for Dear My Friend so I'm guessing that's me, Sciz, and... ?
Well, well... you know... We're still running that Soundtrack of the Generation thread that only a few people in here voted in. http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=980801
You guys can totally vote.