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Sonic the Hedgehog Community Thread |OT3 & Knuckles|

Right now
is telling Big that
getting a spin-off isn't all it's cracked up to be, Knuckles says his was pretty good, and Shadow retorts that Chaotix was supposed to star Espio anyway and was on a platform no one bought

"** The pair of Sonic rivals tumble into each other, fighting over a topic that doesn't deserve to be fought over."

Edit 2: It has multiple paths, not just different dialogue.


Shadow in the big "game" got me like


Also sega doing some half life 3 shit with the code.


Someone recently messages me about an old video on Secrets of Sonic Team I had - the unveiling video of Sonic Adventure back in 1998.

The one I had on the website was kind of potato quality, so they asked if I had a better version of the original. Went back and found the CD I got given with the video.

Unfortunately the video is still pretty Potato. Slightly better than it was before at least:


Is the original person who owned the video, Julie-Su Shadow, still out there? Sonicanime.net isn't a thing anymore. She owned Sonicteam.com back in the day and Sega sent her a ton of stuff in order to get the domain back, which is why she had the video. Now with the internet being so easy, it'd be great to get this in it's original video quality.

Or maybe Ruby can do it one day?
I HAVE RETUR-oh wow we're still only on OT3? Damn, we really muat be hurting for Sonic news.

...so how about those comics. Pretty sure after the Unleashed arc is over I'm probably gonna stop reading it ubless I hear really good things about it. I'm starting to lose interest in it and haven't really liked how the Unleashed adapation has been handled.


Seriously? I know the comic being Pender'd to hell was emotionally horrible, but things have gotten better, and the comic has never been brighter!



A recent official Sonic post used this old Sonic render. As far as I'm aware it's actually the one used on proto 3d blast box art.


Compared to the final versions. It's just ever slightly a different angle than Sonic Blast's artwork.


Just cool that they actually still even HAVE that render somewhere.
I have the oddest urge to replay Blast, and I feel horrible for it.

Better than my urge: To replay Sonic 06 (I never got that far into it). I don't know why I want to try it again. It's just one of those things where you want to see for yourself just how bad it gets, I guess. I've been wanting to replay the franchise anyway, why not get the worst out of the way first?

I HAVE RETUR-oh wow we're still only on OT3? Damn, we really muat be hurting for Sonic news.

Sonic Boom dropped almost a year and a half ago and nothing seems to be on the horizon since :/ And I have zero interest in the comics after reading about the fuckery that is Ken Penders (not a big comic reader anyway).


that puzzling face
Better than my urge: To replay Sonic 06 (I never got that far into it). I don't know why I want to try it again. It's just one of those things where you want to see for yourself just how bad it gets, I guess. I've been wanting to replay the franchise anyway, why not get the worst out of the way first?

Every time I think like this, I remind myself that as much as I enjoy schadenfreude and laughing at and along with truly horrible games, I don't have time to stare at 2-minute loading screens for 1 line of mission briefing dialogue.
Sonic Boom dropped almost a year and a half ago and nothing seems to be on the horizon since :/ And I have zero interest in the comics after reading about the fuckery that is Ken Penders (not a big comic reader anyway).

Ken Penders hasn't been involved in a long time. Ian Flynn has been in charge for several years now, and has knocked it out of the park.

For a while he was mostly trying to clean up all the loose ends Penders and previous writers left, while trying to get things more in line with the games. Then Penders sued, so he basically had to wipe out a third (or more) of the supporting cast, which in turn has given him freedom to chase his own plans. It's also given him access to AoStH characters, since Penders apparently forced Sega to check exactly which characters they own outright. They're reimagined, but it's nice he's doing something with them.

Honestly, if they were going to give the games to an English writer, as they did with Ken Pontac and Warren Graff, Ian would be the best option they could go for, unless their desire was to completely shake things up. Which is what they were trying with Sonic Boom, but didn't have the nerve to follow through on.


Ken Penders hasn't been involved in a long time. Ian Flynn has been in charge for several years now, and has knocked it out of the park.
Eh there are some issues, besides glaring worlds unite level failures. You then have to deal with Ian trying to establish a world which equals " i hope you dont like video game characters" when shadow and knuckles two of the most popular characters in your series stiill used to this day, are deemed of less import than characters spun off from an irrelevant cartoon sega themselves dont aknowledge, maybe thats weird. I feel like thats a genuine thing i have warn people about when recommending many just enjoying sonic and game stuff having to be thrown into characters they dont care about that are for whatever reason valued more than the ones they do. I end up just recommending, sonic universe. They i describe the main book and they kind of dont care about a lot of the characters happening, and there were hog. That thing that lasted way too long.

I wouldnt say Ian has knocked it out of the park, but hes doing better than ken penders,especially in one major area characterization. I think ian does it better than sega, i think there are restrictions put on the comic that suggest that sega might not understand characterization in general. I think a lot of people in this thread and on the net in general might get characterization more than sonic team. Back on track, that is Ian's strongest trait, character moments.

That isn't to say his characters are perfect, he has to work with in some very idiotic demands by sega that restrict stories and characters in weird ways. Like rouge becoming nothing, because team dark or teams in general probably shouldn't have existed longer than heroes, her character and omega have become characters strictly to serve shadow. But shadow doesnt need it, so it largely results in them fighting putties or jobbing while shadow does the actual work. This is just one example there are plenty of others Ian's rules have just destroyed, or made absent like blaze.

What he isn't good at is world construction, after Ken Penders's tantrum he was tasked to rebuild. And his solution was was prop up characters everwhere, because thats what hes good at. Build the world on something. Bad news is, you also have to dedicate time and effort to these characters, and they cant really. So they come off as nothing,and for many some mess they have weave through to get to the character they care about. The world isn't lived in, and there is very little time dedicated to these folks, and to actual game characters too.

Because some of the games guy's due to having to have a world created around them get a very short straw.
Tails had something going on, but that hasn't been addressed in years and doesn't seem like it is
Amy and blaze in the same camp and blaze is just absent. Same with chaotix.
Silver just ended some stuff that feels like it was set up so it can be addressed years later.
And eggman and his who crew, eggy is a bad guy so he'll do better than others by way of being necessary for story telling.
Shadow and knuckles's have opposite problem, theirs are the most interesting stories, and tbqh way more interesting than the were hog now troll filled mess that is the main book. But it shouldn't take them actually years to address two super popular charcters ( because shadow and knuckles comes back this summer), because i kind of dont care about nagus and...eggbosses and whoever. I wanna see the cool characters i like from the games go on their own adventures and do cool shit, but thats largey not the comic right now. Its, not to be too disrespectful, someone trying to reestablish a fanfiction because the original writer left. When the fanfiction may have not been worth trying to salvage in the first place? I feel like the strait up new dudes in many situation are way better than the salvage characters and themes.

And when a comic pushes so much of the reason it exists, the games, into the background. Unless the writer decides to roman reigns you like the were hog. Or are so popular, like shadow and knuckles, cant be contained,but delayed for years. And when you do get some focus while some new characters are excellent, there are just as many usless ones now interwoven within the games.

Its hard to recommend. He isnt knocking it out of the park by any means, hes doing pretty good with what he has though.
I am fine with Ian ignoring Shadow. To me, Shadow is the heart of the wrong direction for the Sonic franchise as a whole to take. His introduction signaled the beginning of when things got to be the absolute worst, culminating with his roles in his own game and Sonic 06. He is the poster child for the Sonic franchise taking itself way too seriously.

Plus, in spite of your complaints that Ian is ignoring Shadow, Shadow hasn't really been in a lot of Sega's games lately, either. Outside of the obligatory cameo in Generations, he hasn't really had a major role in a Sonic game in literally ten years. He technically turns up in Rise of Lyric, but I'm 95% certain that was a last-minute addition, given his cameo has zero relevance and zero bearing on anything in that game.

If Shadow never turned up in another game or comic from here on out, I probably wouldn't even notice, because that's just how little he matters to me. He had his moment, they told his story, and it ended up being more than kind of bad. He doesn't really have much of a reason to stick around outside of being Sonic's rival, and if there's one thing the Sonic franchise is not short on, it's rivals. And I'd rather they use Metal Sonic in that context.

Which Ian does. And it's kind of awesome.

The other thing also being that both Shadow and Knuckles are meant to be kind of aloof characters, so it doesn't really make tons of sense for Ian to put a spotlight on them super often when there are more active players to give focus to.


I am fine with Ian ignoring Shadow. To me, Shadow is the heart of the wrong direction for the Sonic franchise as a whole to take. His introduction signaled the beginning of when things got to be the absolute worst, culminating with his roles in his own game and Sonic 06. He is the poster child for the Sonic franchise taking itself way too seriously.
That's cool I guess? I also made the points that they are ignoring... kind of everyone but sure focus on shadow cool I guess? As far as the rest of your statement, nah the heart of the problem is them making shitty games. And to be quite honest I would much prefer the games take them selves too seriously as opposed to now... which is nothing on plain bread. Because if done well I can get metal gear rising out of things taking themselves too seriously or at least a laugh or both, metal gear rising is hilarious. And something cool happens, instead of nothing, no laughs and my time was kind of wasted. Like there is an art to a game being invested in its own bullshit that I feel is lost with a lot of modern sonic, the cheese is kind of gone. So there is just this plain ass nothing bread that moves really fast.Which is novel , but wears off. I'm not going to pretend sonic 06 was the best, god no, pull back sure. But if I had to choose one extreme over the other, its the funny edgy one.

I don't feel like its intellectually honest to say that shadow is some bringer of destruction when removing characters... didn't fix their habits.. or their stories. You don't like shadow I guess? Cool. That is fine. But lets not pretend shit magically got better, it really really didn't. And its the same problems, technical ones and not letting new gameplay elements cook for too long.

Plus, in spite of your complaints that Ian is ignoring Shadow, Shadow hasn't really been in a lot of Sega's games lately, either. Outside of the obligatory cameo in Generations, he hasn't really had a major role in a Sonic game in literally ten years. He technically turns up in Rise of Lyric, but I'm 95% certain that was a last-minute addition, given his cameo has zero relevance and zero bearing on anything in that game.
Again I complain they ignore... a lot of characters, focusing on shadow though alright sure . Blaze's world basically doesn't exist, but sure Shadow alright.

I make point that it seems shadow was supposed to be more of a thing, and that didn't happen in the sonic boom retrospective thread. Though that can be said about most of that game.

And to one of your points actually... when the last time has knuckles... or any character besides tails have had an active important role in a game... everyone is on the same playing field to be quite fair. Except for one thing Sonic Tails knuckles amy Shadow Metal sonic and eggman being the only things they deemed relevant enough to move over to sonic boom. And if that isn't an indication of the characters they find important, I don't know what is. And I'm not just complaining about just shadow, i'm complaining about everyone who isn't sonic. As I mentioned, tails starts up a story and its gone. Its just gone.

I'm rambling but my point was there are characters of actual import not getting interesting stuff, that aren't shadow. While I have to deal with Ian's world building which is "new characters and salvaged ones you aren't going to get enough context for to care about " . So if i'm not given any incentive or time to care about these dudes, why should I not be desiring more interesting stories for the characters I do care about.

Also the characters, the comic book based ones are spun off from a cartoon more irrelevant than everyone else. Shadow forces his way though by being so popular sega keeps him around. Sega doesn't even acknowledge the comic book. What was your point even for real?

If Shadow never turned up in another game or comic from here on out, I probably wouldn't even notice, because that's just how little he matters to me. He had his moment, they told his story, and it ended up being more than kind of bad. He doesn't really have much of a reason to stick around outside of being Sonic's rival, and if there's one thing the Sonic franchise is not short on, it's rivals. And I'd rather they use Metal Sonic in that context.
That's cool, I guess? I personally stopped liking metal sonic because he's a generic robot and thought shadow trying to get him to stop being such was an interesting minor plot line in the rivals games and in the comics, but sure? As for shadow not turning up, Sure I guess? I mean he is ( also the producer of sonic boom already said more shadow a coming so... have fun with that I guess. And as I pointed out in the sonic boom thread, they want some adventure ass money. And already have more toys for homeboy produced before the new season is out. ). But I mean sure I guess.

I like character interactions and characters, they are cool.

Which Ian does. And it's kind of awesome.
Eh? I guess? Shadow still gets stories ( more than metal gets usually) and gets to be a person and Metal sonic is a generic nothing robot. Awesome works for me?

other thing also being that both Shadow and Knuckles are meant to be kind of aloof characters, so it doesn't really make tons of sense for Ian to put a spotlight on them super often when there are more active players to give focus to.
Shadow is chasing and Alien who has the ability to produce more aliens, who when the last time that happened almost devoured the earth, also knuckles's .... everything. Knuckles is going though some shit right now, he needs hug. Hugs aside... both of those plot lines seem a lot more relevant especially the potential planet devouring one, than a lot of the stuff going on. And more interesting to be honest. Also being aloof doesn't really justify lesser or more stories or the opposite for that matter to be quite honest. I don't know what even point was that supposed to be. Yeah I know Berserk keeps getting delays, but I don't think that's because Guts doesn't like talking to people. Interesting folks to follow will be interesting hyper or no.

Not trying to be rude but you seem super spiteful dude, i'm not interested in this if thats where this is going


Sonic gets the main focus because he's the main character. By extension, SatAM characters are still hanging around because Sonic needs a supporting cast to play off of on a day-to-day basis, and they fill the role better than trying to shoehorn in a bunch of additional game characters who don't make sense tailing him around. They also let certain types of stories happen around Sonic that can't happen to Sonic. The game characters who are following him around are being handled better than they ever were before.

Shadow and Knuckles got a solid year of Universe issues devoted to them, Knuckles is kicking around the main book on a semi-regular basis, and Shadow's got an obvious plot hook waiting for him. They've been treated very well.

And it feels weird to say that the games are being pushed into the background when there's far, far more game-based content in the series now than there ever has been before. Like, I really don't know what else you're looking for here.

The biggest black mark I'll give the series at the moment is that I couldn't care less about most of the various regional freedom fighter teams.


Sonic gets the main focus because he's the main character. By extension, SatAM characters are still hanging around because Sonic needs a supporting cast to play off of on a day-to-day basis, and they fill the role better than trying to shoehorn in a bunch of additional game characters who don't make sense tailing him around. They also let certain types of stories happen around Sonic that can't happen to Sonic. The game characters who are following him around are being handled better than they ever were before.

Shadow and Knuckles got a solid year of Universe issues devoted to them, Knuckles is kicking around the main book on a semi-regular basis, and Shadow's got an obvious plot hook waiting for him. They've been treated very well.

And it feels weird to say that the games are being pushed into the background when there's far, far more game-based content in the series now than there ever has been before. Like, I really don't know what else you're looking for here.

The biggest black mark I'll give the series at the moment is that I couldn't care less about most of the various regional freedom fighter teams.
In order

Im fine with sonic getting focus, the freedom fighters as a supporting cast largely do nothing for me. Accept antione and bunnie, they rad and needed to be stolen by the games...years ago.

It isnt the concept of new comic book exclusive book characters that bothers me. I like alot of the newer characters I like, I actually like the concept of regional ff. They are more interesting than generic gun solider human, i like relic and eclipse. New characters to flesh out the world is a fine idea when you get in and get out.But my issue with say sally and rotor, they sort of never really get out? They don't and a lot the archie ones really do anything interesting or compelling, they are this constant.

And yes having characters just follow him around would be weird. I would argue the ff would do better to me if there was a roting sort of special guest seat more often than not. They recently did that sort of thing with knuckles, i would like that done with more folks.

And yes their stories are interesting, largely because sonic and and the shit revolving around him as of this moment isnt. On some level i guess i should thank ian for letting all the boring shit swirl around sonic. But that makes, the main book uninteresting which is largey my issue with these characters. The main book because a lot of reasons to be fair has become this kind of slog to which at this point im praying for this arc to end. Thats sort of the reason i want folks dropping by, maybe the main book will be as interesting as universe. And I get to see characters I like a bit more often. Something instead of " we dragged sonic unleashed out waaay too long"

I agree and said ian writes characters better than sega. Accept rouge and omega, but thats more sega's fault than anything.

Also i would like to mention worlds unite of example where video game characters should have been the only ones tagging along and no archie characters.

As far as game focus I dont think the games as integrated into the world as of currently as best as they could.

And as for shadow and knuckles, while dont particularly count then as one entity so there were no years to be had and that was two years ago, it wasnt just about them. The comic is operating under limited space, so a bunch of characters are getting underserved. And I dont think being higher than the low bar that is sonic team writing or pontiac and graf is sort of of an explination for time.

Like sonic universe seems like this thing to hypothetically eliminate the need for mini series. But due to the writers increased interest, have began stories so long, they cant be finished in 8 months of books and have 2 to 3 year turn arounds. Isnt that the entire reason that mini series exist? Like this exact reason.

So to like boil this down. The main book is boring , and universe has so many people cramed in it. 8 months is to short of a problem solving period and may require wait times from 2 to 3 years.

The character writing is fine. There are very much organization issues with it im not fond of.


The main Sonic comic is always boring to me; the interesting characters to me have always been the side characters like Shadow, Rogue, Silver, and the like. Sonic Universe does a great job of having stories around them, and those are the ones I end up reading from start to finish.


While agree that sonic himself isn't that interesting, and maybe removing characters from his games was a bad idea, because it revealed sonic isn't that interesting. And its why I praise sonic boom because it seems to very much realize that. But I used to enjoy the main, I enjoyed the story. And then like the reboot hit and i have been enjoying it less and less they have to build this world, and keeping the werehog around way too long. There are fun bits like the tournament but largely its this slog that runs together.

Sonic universe will forever be the better book, organizational flaws in all, but the main book was interesting at a point.
I am fine with Ian ignoring Shadow. To me, Shadow is the heart of the wrong direction for the Sonic franchise as a whole to take. His introduction signaled the beginning of when things got to be the absolute worst, culminating with his roles in his own game and Sonic 06. He is the poster child for the Sonic franchise taking itself way too seriously.

Plus, in spite of your complaints that Ian is ignoring Shadow, Shadow hasn't really been in a lot of Sega's games lately, either. Outside of the obligatory cameo in Generations, he hasn't really had a major role in a Sonic game in literally ten years. He technically turns up in Rise of Lyric, but I'm 95% certain that was a last-minute addition, given his cameo has zero relevance and zero bearing on anything in that game.

If Shadow never turned up in another game or comic from here on out, I probably wouldn't even notice, because that's just how little he matters to me. He had his moment, they told his story, and it ended up being more than kind of bad. He doesn't really have much of a reason to stick around outside of being Sonic's rival, and if there's one thing the Sonic franchise is not short on, it's rivals. And I'd rather they use Metal Sonic in that context.

Which Ian does. And it's kind of awesome.

The other thing also being that both Shadow and Knuckles are meant to be kind of aloof characters, so it doesn't really make tons of sense for Ian to put a spotlight on them super often when there are more active players to give focus to.

While I don't often read the comics these days, I can appreciate this sort of thing.


You seem to have a pretty negatively-skewed view of the comic that doesn't mesh with the experiences of many people here, frankly.

1) I actually enjoy the comic, at least universe anyway. I could just not like an element. Why should being upset or critical of things in something I enjoy equate having a negatively skewed view. I enjoy... Universe and used to be more fond of the main book, and I can crique them at the same time. Should I be falsely positive? Make you feel good? That seems dishonest, there are elements im not fond of and I care about the thing enough to discuss them. Ian seems like a cool dude and all but being higher than the low bar that is ken penders doesnt make him averse to criticism. And after this past year of stories whether the excuses place the blame he deserves some. I dont think its been that good of a past year or so. And I think that is worth mentioning

2) folks dont agree. Cool? What is that supposed to mean?


I have been enjoying reading Ian's work on the Sonic the Hedgehog comics, along with the Mega Man series before it was "put in hiatus." They're fun comics to read, and I always recommend them (among with others, such as Owly, Pogo, & Bone) for kids that want to get into reading comic books, but are not interested with superhero fare.

I think my favourite thing about this series, is that Dr. Eggman keeps stealing the show whenever he shows up. I'm surprised that he isn't everyone's favourite character by now if he wasn't already.

"Your attention, please! Everyone in this town is now the property of the Eggman Empire! Resistance will be met with mocking laughter and violence, not necessarily in that order!"


Eggman is pretty solid in most versions of guy.

Edit: Nevermind. Just letting you know attitude's not appreciated.
The attitude of not liking elements of the comic? I dont know what to tell you? Its a thread who's purpose is to explicity express such things yes? Whats the issue here?


Eggman is pretty solid in most versions of guy.

Are there any versions of Eggman that don't steal the show?

Not counting the classic games, I guess, since a lack of dialogue meant only Knuckles could do any show stealing. Other than that I can't think of anything in which he's not amazing.


Are there any versions of Eggman that don't steal the show?

Not counting the classic games, I guess, since a lack of dialogue meant only Knuckles could do any show stealing. Other than that I can't think of anything in which he's not amazing.
06 eggman is kind of lame. Although most things in that game kinda are.

Sure, but you've been giving off a real "Nobody asked you??" vibe with some of your responses.

Uh I don't think i made a response that could be described as such on this page tbh, to be real with you. But if you feel that way sorry. But I'm going lay all percieved sass on you.

I had made no claims to you not needing opinions, I have only stated mine. One of which up above you responded in a "well who asked you" sort of way. Which makes this claim a smidge ironic, but ok
Uh I don't think i made a response that could be described as such on this page tbh, to be real with you. But if you feel that way sorry. But I'm going lay all percieved sass on you.

I had made no claims to you not needing opinions, I have only stated mine. One of which up above you responded in a "well who asked you" sort of way. Which makes this claim a smidge ironic, but ok

That's cool, I guess?
I'd be happier if we had the full picture the Mighty art was taken from...

I think July is the latest they have announced a mainline Sonic game for as long as I can remember. From Unleashed onwards at least it's been March/April. If that's the date they'll miss E3.


Oh god, they knowledge that was a thing that happened. I did't think they would ever do that again. Though they have in one form or another have been aknowleging and increasing amount of things. Accept sonic rush. No one ever remembers blaze.

speaking of possibly new art

Didn't Bigs fishing adventure have all new art, of like everyone?
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