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Sonic the Hedgehog Community Thread |OT3 & Knuckles|



that puzzling face
Highlight of the show:

*crowd goes wild*

*sound of ovaries exploding*

*guys start screaming like girls*

*chorus of headscratching and 'hunh?'s*

I love you guys SonicGAF. Just thought I'd put it out there.

Guess Who

Highlight of the show:

*crowd goes wild*

*sound of ovaries exploding*

*guys start screaming like girls*

*chorus of headscratching and 'hunh?'s*

I love you guys SonicGAF. Just thought I'd put it out there.

I thought I was your only love~


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Sonic was a western brand a long time ago.

A loooooooong time ago.

Actually that's true. Even as I posted that, I reflected that the US-based Sega Technical Institute developed Sonic 2, 3 and Knux.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Yeah, Sonic's been a western brand since forever. Way bigger in the west than he's ever been in Japan.

I can agree upon reflection. But is it typical for a Sonic game to release in Japan some 18 months after it comes out in the West? Goddamn....


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
The difference isn't usually that huge, no. I don't think the original ASR ever came out in Japan, though. Maybe on iOS.

I guess I don't see it as quite as much of a tragedy. ASR was an okay Sega product... but ASRT was a high point for Sumo, Sonic, Sega and kart racing in generation. Just due to the sheer quality, I'm glad it's going there... but it took awhile.


that puzzling face
We got this concert on like 3 HD cameras and 24-track recording and I'm not allowed to say what we're gonna do with it (although that alone probably already gives it away)

edit: Although the twitch stream in hindsight is a little weird (it's a board mix, and in a venue this size the board mix is a little questionable since it doesn't have remotely the same thing as what you hear out on the floor (guitar amps and drums tend to propagate a lot of noise on their own) it's serviceable enough! There's better quality stuff coming up once we sift through our audio/video recordings and put a proper production together.

For right now though:

Sonic 2 medley at http://www.twitch.tv/pax/b/519214779?t=12h39m45s
Endless Possibility at http://www.twitch.tv/pax/b/519214779?t=13h19m15s
(For Tizoc<3 http://www.twitch.tv/pax/b/519214779?t=12h32m40s )

Whole setlist is worth watching though. It's 80% new for this PAX.
We got this concert on like 3 HD cameras and 24-track recording and I'm not allowed to say what we're gonna do with it (although that alone probably already gives it away)

That's good. The audio in this stream archive is a little blown out when you guys really get going.


that puzzling face
Yeah, you get a -lot- of kick drum (which is reinforced to hell on the mains) and then a boatload of the stuff that would be hard to hear without reinforcement like the strings, vocals and choir.


that puzzling face
Not gonna be happy till they announce God Eater 2 localization (though my own personal guess is the big barrier is licensing because they involved jpop stars)

I mean I have the game in Japanese but it's kinda hard to get friends to stop badgering me about the lack of Vita games when they can't read Japanese. :(


But I've played all the Advance Wars!

also, RIP in peace Advance Wars franchise

capital idea owl, I mean how underwhelming could it realistically be

If you're gaming on your WiiU, why not just replay Wonderful 101 instead? Worst case scenario you end up craving watching Sentai and Kamen Rider-like series.
...but if you want something new, how about Toki Tori 2 on Wii U?

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Yo Schalla, what'd you like and dislike about Tales of Heart?
Are they localizing it as Tales of Heart? That's weird. Hearts rolls off the tongue better because it's essentially end-word alliteration. Then again, &#12484; (su). Edit: sorry, tsu.

...I don't like it. I dropped it for a reason. I know the game looks like it uses aerials a lot, and that's true, but they made a change to the system where when you need to recharge the combo and the enemy starts to fall, they recover from the combo almost instantly to make your combo start over. The battle system ends up not feeling as fluid as it originally did, and besides that, it's a completely different system altogether that tries to be halfway between Abyss and Xillia's instead. And you guys know how much I looooove Abyss's battle system. It's so boring.

The last Tales story I genuinely liked was Vesperia's, and the story I liked before that was Destiny R's. Go figure. The triverse idea is stupid and always was stupid. You don't need to link Tempest/Innocence/Hearts because they don't need to be linked that way. That's why we're waiting on Tempest R; it's part of the triverse.

Shing is typecast as fuck: he's good-hearted but knows nothing about the outside world, like many RPG protagonists. Hisui is the hot-blooded older brother who takes really good care of Kohaku. The object of the game is to essentially fix Kohaku because Shing broke her Spirune (which is the source of all emotions) and they need to look for her emotions. Innes is a strong person with a strong Spiria and a big weapon. Beryl's the kid magician, who is like most Tales kid characters. Kunzite is a mech human who is bound to Kohaku's every word. The game loves to bash it into the player's head that the game is about love and friendship. Not as much as Graces f, but man, it really tries to bash it into your head. It's not as saccharine because the game deals stuff in a darker tone. So it's kinda like Destiny, I guess? Only with current anime trappings.

The most interesting thing about Hearts' cast/name stuff is that it comes from the earth. Every character is named after a rock or gemstone, the dream eaters are named after plants, etc.

So in the original Hearts, you can use your Soma linked with your Spiria (your soul) in battle to basically use skills and level up and stuff. A person with a strong Spiria needs to be resistant to most emotions. Hence Tales of "Hearts".

The original Hearts ended up having several things to its disposal. Every character's Soma could not be replaced. Most of your money, then, is spent on materials to strengthen your skills and learn new ones. It's partly because your Soma is linked directly to your Spiria, so it gains EXP as your character. Remember? A person with a strong Spiria is a stronger person? It's like zen Buddhism or something. It's up to you to evolve your Soma correctly. You learn everything, from stat upgrades to Artes, through Soma Build. You also spend a lot of your gald on the Heal Stone, which basically functions like gambits. You will upgrade the heal stone by buying gambits like "When ally's knocked out"/"when under 50% health after battle"), varying percentages of HP to heal, additional conditions such as healing status ailments, additional uses, and more capacity of energy to use. So if you've played Tales of Graces f, it's a less streamlined version of the Arles Pot. Eres Pot. Whatever it's called in English.

Spir mazes are probably the worst parts of Hearts because they function a lot like Symphonia's EX dungeon. Defeating enemies gives you more time to complete the dungeon in, touching red boxes gives you more time to complete the dungeon in, etc. Some sidequests have spir mazes for you to complete to restore the emotions in a person.

Regarding battles in the original Hearts, it worked so well with Aerial combat. There is no TP at all. Every attack and arte instead costs EG (emotional gauge). The EG fills as the enemy attacks you or if you block something. CG (combo gauge) fills as you attack. If you fill it enough, you can summon guest characters or cameo characters to attack for you via Connect Panels. Just use the stylus to do it.

Regarding combo chaining, it's like an inferior version of Destiny Remake. What does this mean? You can basically combo ad infinitum if you wanted to. It's because EG can refill really fast in the right conditions and thus you can aerial as much as you wanted to. Just be aware that the enemies can have the capacity to lock you into a combo of their own too.

It's really cool how all of the systems in the game basically link to the game's title and its theme. It's just like Graces in some respects wrt that. Hearts didn't feel very stiff. Backstepping, frontstepping, and movement felt very fluid and fast.

OK. Let's talk about the Vita version.

The Chase system is new. It involves pressing on the d-pad with a face button to activate in order to follow up with a chase attack, a chase link, and a chase finisher. This is mostly for trophies, though. At least using all three of those consecutively.

All of those systems I talked about that basically linked the gameplay to the game's title and theme? Gone. Tales of Hearts R's growth system ends up being streamlined and very similar to Xillia 1's system instead. In this game, you can have 4 party members in the party as opposed to three in the original. I don't really think this means much since if you've played a Tales game, you know that quality > quantity with respect to battles. They also removed a lot of artes for some inexplicable reason. I guess it's because of the new way the Soma Build works in this game now. Kohaku loses her signature spells like Sunburn/Starlight, etc. They've implemented TP in this game instead, and that really bothered me. They ended up turning it into a by-the-mill Tales game instead of keeping it unique and having the Hearts theme strewn throughout the game, even in its systems.

The only thing I feel like this game has going for it is the Guard Counter. It should be implemented in every Tales game from now on. Otherwise it's really stupid, sucks the heart out of the entire game, and I prefer the DS version by a large margin because of the battle system/systems changes alone. It isn't because of the additional anime-like scenes to make Kohaku look more like a ditz or anything (okay, maybe that's part of it). Chase Link and Guarding (guarding is really good!) are alright. I think most people will have beef with the fact that the game has random encounters instead of on-screen encounters.

When I played Tales of Hearts for the DS, the one thing I hated was that they added bosses breaking out of hits far too soon. I didn't feel like the Vita version of this game had that problem since comboing wasn't too hard. Outside of that, I love looking at the DS version (it really did have some of the better sprites in the series), I like reading the text in the DS version even if it is standard-Tales-game stuff, and the combat felt so much better than the Vita version. I do think they should've brought Innocence R over because, despite the bar being so so so low for that game and the cast being kind of unlikeable, its improvements are much better over Hearts R's. The only thing it doesn't have over Hearts is its menu aesthetic. The Hearts R menu is really nice to look at. Innocence R's menu can look a little bland by comparison. Hearts R's content is cut, which is really unfortunate. It took me less time to get through the midpoint of Hearts R vs how long it took me to get through Hearts DS's midpoint.

Oh, and they gave the Hearts music over to the Tales of Innocence composer to somewhat, well... the effects are far less desirable. How fun. Shing has a stupid run animation this time around, and some of the areas run like jank, so going into it, I realized how much of a budget they threw at this thing. It's weird how Innocence turned out well, and Hearts didn't because they probably didn't give a shit and wanted to put something out on there for easy money. But since a lot of Japanese players also slammed Tales of Hearts R for completely changing everything about Hearts, I'm not alone in my assertion. Even kiryogi said it best: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=45751548&postcount=573

But hey, don't mind me. I don't post in Tales threads because most of the people in them are complete buttheads who can't accept another person's opinion of it, even if she's played the game probably more times than you probably have and know the ins/outs of the entire thing.

Honestly, if you want to know why I don't post on the gaming forum anymore, it's that. I'm so sick and tired of being afraid to say what I want to say about a game because a few folks will be so overly defensive that you're criticizing their favourite game that you're essentially made to shut up and take it. So half the time I feel like I'm backed into a corner because the voices on either side are so loud that no moderate view is allowed, or the other half, I can't say what I want to say about a game because it goes against either the vigilant defense or the vigilant offense.

So fuck it. I ain't participating in Tales threads unless someone asks me to help out (which usually happens with the threads kayos or Ultros works on). I'm really tired of it and I guess I'll just sulk in this thread for a while.

Edit: Double-post, but I don't care.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
The TL;DR version is basically play it if you want, but know that the DS version is more cohesive and just... better. Vita version might feel more balanced but at the same time, it just took so much out of making the game about its central theme out, and just took a lot of the fun stuff out for the benefits of streamlining and cutting a lot of the narrative content out in an attempt to make the triverse happen.

I guess if you like Abyss and all that, you'd like it, but eh.


If you guys wanted to talk about expensive Sonic soundtracks, here:

Sonic World Adventure: 4200 yen
Sonic CD 20th Anniv.: 2400 yen
Sonic 4 Ep 1/2: 1890 yen
Sonic 2006: 3800 yen
Sonic 2006 Vocal Tracks: 2000 yen
Sonic Rush : 2625 yen
Sonic Rush Adventure: 2800 yen
Sonic Lost World: 4200 yen
Sonic Riders: 2310 yen
Sonic Riders Zero Gravity: 2310 yen
Sonic Heroes: 3200 yen
Sonic Heroes Vocal Tracks: 2625 yen
Sonic Generations: 4200 yen
Sonic Colours: 4200 yen
Sonic and the Secret Rings: 3400 yen
Sonic and the Black Knight: 3500 yen
Sonic and the Black Knight Vocal Tracks: 2000 yen
Sonic Adventure: 3360 yen
Sonic Adventure 2: 3150 yen
Sonic the Hedgehog 1&2: 3150 yen
Sonic Free Riders: 1800 yen

PS: I appreciate the silly names for every Sonic soundtrack lately.
Speedbeats Grand Prix
Planetary Pieces

I'll just add more.
Original Groove Rush
- Break Free -


I have Adventure 2's soundtrack lying around somewhere. The cover art is kind of nice.

I wonder what route the next mysterious sonic game will take.

OMG Aero

That mini tome post took a swerve towards the end there, it's a shoot brother.
It was pretty funny reading the top of that post, scrolling all the way to the bottom because who cares about tales games, then seeing that somewhere along the way it turned into MAN, FUCK NEOGAF.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
It was pretty funny reading the top of that post, scrolling all the way to the bottom because who cares about tales games, then seeing that somewhere along the way it turned into MAN, FUCK NEOGAF.
I peeked into a Tales thread against my better judgement and alas. The folks who haven't played it shitting on some people who dislike the game are just as bad as the folks shitting on the game if they haven't played it.

In all seriousness, I think I'd gotten more and more dissatisfied with the forum in the last four months. I have a pretty good idea of which factors accelerated my dissatisfaction, but this is honestly one of two threads (well, now it's the only one) that I post in now. :/

Yo I'm trying really hard not to get confused between l and I okay?
But they use "L"!

BHZ Mayor

Schala's post was like

Let me tell you something Gene Okerlund. You out here talking about a clique. The only clique you need to know about, is SonicGAF and Brother Bean. See because what you dealing with is the hedgehoghood. It's nonstop from this point on in NeoGAF. We take what we want, and after we take shitty posters in the FF Community Thread, we want the gold sucka.

Tales threads, we coming for you nigga!

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
These #consolewarz threads take me back to when I was 8 and couldn't afford ANY console or handheld and had to play stuff at my cousins' houses so I always thought the console war stuff was dumb. Acceptable if you could only afford one of them, but man, I'm surprised this still went into today.

Most of the consoles are cheap now. You can afford both.


Schala's post was like

Let me tell you something Gene Okerlund. You out here talking about a clique. The only clique you need to know about, is SonicGAF and Brother Bean. See because what you dealing with is the hedgehoghood. It's nonstop from this point on in NeoGAF. We take what we want, and after we take shitty posters in the FF Community Thread, we want the gold sucka.

Tales threads, we coming for you nigga!
This is why I like you all.

You say shit I'd think twice about saying even if it's how I feel, lol.

that was the joke since they used 'i' and 'L'
I know. -_-


Music CD's in Japan tend to be expensive.

Is this your first time ordering soundtracks from Japan? The most I've paid for a soundtrack over there was like 5300 yen w/o shipping for the FF13 LE soundtrack.

Sega's usually good at putting stuff on iTunes, for what it's worth. You can wait for that release instead.
No, it's not that. i've ordered a shitton of JPN VG CDs, but the price for this track listing seems very overpriced. It could have easily been an amazing, more expensive but complete release. It would have been pricey, but fairly priced! This seems like a rip-off, all things considered.
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