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Sonic the Hedgehog Community Thread |OT3 & Knuckles|

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
No, it's not that. i've ordered a shitton of JPN VG CDs, but the price for this track listing seems very overpriced. It could have easily been an amazing, more expensive but complete release. It would have been pricey, but fairly priced! This seems like a rip-off, all things considered.
Well, way back in the day, I paid 2300 yen for Final Fantasy IV's OSV. It was a 44-track disc. What that meant was that every single track was never looped. Some tracks were 20-30 seconds. Now that is a rip-off by comparison.

I hate how things are priced in Japan at times. It's no question that many forms of media in Japan are super, super, super expensive (games are like $80-90 over there sometimes, and I've had to spend like $100 on one single import game because of the exchange rate), and it sucks. I wish prices were more regulated there, but that doesn't seem like it's going to happen. So it's still "pay 50-100 bucks for a game, or pay 20-60 bucks for a soundtrack".

BTW, that article you linked to has an incomplete tracklist. 4gamer says that there are 68 tracks (全68曲), and only a fraction is on the listing they have (他 "and others"). Given that the tracks on Sonic soundtracks loop several times, I don't think that's a bad price for the ASRT soundtrack at all, especially taking other games in the series' soundtracks, other game series' soundtracks, etc. into consideration. Though, it depends on the packaging too. Some soundtracks have really cool packaging and extras, but other soundtracks are by-the-books.

If you really wanted to, you could wait for the iTunes release and grab it for cheap there. Sega, Square Enix, Falcom, etc. are really good at putting stuff on iTunes fairly quickly.


The only CD soundtrack I've purchased is the Pokemon BW soundtrack for about $40. Now that everyone has enough sense to put their soundtracks on Amazon or iTunes, I no longer drop exorbiant amounts of money for disc soundtracks.

Once I'm less strapped for cash, I have every intention to get the Colors soundtrack off amazon.
I got the Xenoblade soundtrack, but it was a birthday present, so I have no idea how much it actually cost the person who got it for me.


that puzzling face
I used to collect CDs but after discovering the space they occupy tends to add up all my album purchases are now digital.

If I ever run into a situation where I want somebody's autograph I get them to autograph my forehead.


So that total lunar eclipse is pretty sweet. Wish I had a better camera. Also fitting that I just randomly started watching Sailor Moon for the first time today and was reminded that the lunar eclipse was tonight.

Not my photo but man this looks awesome.

I don't have any albums outside of the X/Y OST I bought off of iTunes because I wanted the Pokemon Origins tracks. I do want to pick up the SMT4 OST. And now that you guys mentioned the Xenoblade and Colors OSTs those look tempting too. But it's hard to justify paying for them since I have limited room due to moving around a lot. :p


We got this concert on like 3 HD cameras and 24-track recording and I'm not allowed to say what we're gonna do with it (although that alone probably already gives it away)

edit: Although the twitch stream in hindsight is a little weird (it's a board mix, and in a venue this size the board mix is a little questionable since it doesn't have remotely the same thing as what you hear out on the floor (guitar amps and drums tend to propagate a lot of noise on their own) it's serviceable enough! There's better quality stuff coming up once we sift through our audio/video recordings and put a proper production together.

For right now though:

Sonic 2 medley at http://www.twitch.tv/pax/b/519214779?t=12h39m45s
Endless Possibility at http://www.twitch.tv/pax/b/519214779?t=13h19m15s
(For Tizoc<3 http://www.twitch.tv/pax/b/519214779?t=12h32m40s )

Whole setlist is worth watching though. It's 80% new for this PAX.

Dat Full Focus was too good mang, you all had such a blast playing it.

When can I expect this album to be available for purchase if possible?

Dario ff

Man, I remember you sending me early mixes of the original version of this ages ago when you were working on the Unleashed Project. Feels crazy to actually see it performed live. Incredible.
Fun Facts: It was discussed pretty heavily whether to choose sections of this song or this one for the trailer. So in an alternate universe, maybe Falk got inspired and re-did the first song instead. The main reason I didn't want the first one was due to how boss-fighty it felt tho.


Are they localizing it as Tales of Heart? That's weird. Hearts rolls off the tongue better because it's essentially end-word alliteration. Then again, &#12484; (su). Edit: sorry, tsu.
It may have been a typo on my end actually =V
...I don't like it. I dropped it for a reason. I know the game looks like it uses aerials a lot, and that's true, but they made a change to the system where when you need to recharge the combo and the enemy starts to fall, they recover from the combo almost instantly to make your combo start over. The battle system ends up not feeling as fluid as it originally did, and besides that, it's a completely different system altogether that tries to be halfway between Abyss and Xillia's instead. And you guys know how much I looooove Abyss's battle system. It's so boring.
Hmm so if an enemy is launched in the air but you don't have enough points to proceed with your combo, the enemies recover afterwards which affects the offensive game, is that what you mean?
Shing is typecast as fuck: he's good-hearted but knows nothing about the outside world, like many RPG protagonists. Hisui is the hot-blooded older brother who takes really good care of Kohaku. The object of the game is to essentially fix Kohaku because Shing broke her Spirune (which is the source of all emotions) and they need to look for her emotions. Innes is a strong person with a strong Spiria and a big weapon. Beryl's the kid magician, who is like most Tales kid characters. Kunzite is a mech human who is bound to Kohaku's every word. The game loves to bash it into the player's head that the game is about love and friendship. Not as much as Graces f, but man, it really tries to bash it into your head. It's not as saccharine because the game deals stuff in a darker tone. So it's kinda like Destiny, I guess? Only with current anime trappings.
Wait what game are you talking about here, Hearts? Cuz those characters sound atrocious as all heck, if the game made fun of these tropes it might be half way decent..
The most interesting thing about Hearts' cast/name stuff is that it comes from the earth. Every character is named after a rock or gemstone, the dream eaters are named after plants, etc.

So in the original Hearts, you can use your Soma linked with your Spiria (your soul) in battle to basically use skills and level up and stuff. A person with a strong Spiria needs to be resistant to most emotions. Hence Tales of "Hearts".

The original Hearts ended up having several things to its disposal. Every character's Soma could not be replaced. Most of your money, then, is spent on materials to strengthen your skills and learn new ones. It's partly because your Soma is linked directly to your Spiria, so it gains EXP as your character. Remember? A person with a strong Spiria is a stronger person? It's like zen Buddhism or something. It's up to you to evolve your Soma correctly. You learn everything, from stat upgrades to Artes, through Soma Build. You also spend a lot of your gald on the Heal Stone, which basically functions like gambits. You will upgrade the heal stone by buying gambits like "When ally's knocked out"/"when under 50% health after battle"), varying percentages of HP to heal, additional conditions such as healing status ailments, additional uses, and more capacity of energy to use. So if you've played Tales of Graces f, it's a less streamlined version of the Arles Pot. Eres Pot. Whatever it's called in English.
Hmm that sounds interesting from a gameplay standpoint.
Spir mazes are probably the worst parts of Hearts because they function a lot like Symphonia's EX dungeon. Defeating enemies gives you more time to complete the dungeon in, touching red boxes gives you more time to complete the dungeon in, etc. Some sidequests have spir mazes for you to complete to restore the emotions in a person.

Regarding battles in the original Hearts, it worked so well with Aerial combat. There is no TP at all. Every attack and arte instead costs EG (emotional gauge). The EG fills as the enemy attacks you or if you block something. CG (combo gauge) fills as you attack. If you fill it enough, you can summon guest characters or cameo characters to attack for you via Connect Panels. Just use the stylus to do it.

Regarding combo chaining, it's like an inferior version of Destiny Remake. What does this mean? You can basically combo ad infinitum if you wanted to. It's because EG can refill really fast in the right conditions and thus you can aerial as much as you wanted to. Just be aware that the enemies can have the capacity to lock you into a combo of their own too.

It's really cool how all of the systems in the game basically link to the game's title and its theme. It's just like Graces in some respects wrt that. Hearts didn't feel very stiff. Backstepping, frontstepping, and movement felt very fluid and fast.
That's a lot to take in but it does seem deep. Mind if I quote your post to those that ask about the game?
OK. Let's talk about the Vita version.

The Chase system is new. It involves pressing on the d-pad with a face button to activate in order to follow up with a chase attack, a chase link, and a chase finisher. This is mostly for trophies, though. At least using all three of those consecutively.

All of those systems I talked about that basically linked the gameplay to the game's title and theme? Gone. Tales of Hearts R's growth system ends up being streamlined and very similar to Xillia 1's system instead. In this game, you can have 4 party members in the party as opposed to three in the original. I don't really think this means much since if you've played a Tales game, you know that quality > quantity with respect to battles. They also removed a lot of artes for some inexplicable reason. I guess it's because of the new way the Soma Build works in this game now. Kohaku loses her signature spells like Sunburn/Starlight, etc. They've implemented TP in this game instead, and that really bothered me. They ended up turning it into a by-the-mill Tales game instead of keeping it unique and having the Hearts theme strewn throughout the game, even in its systems.

The only thing I feel like this game has going for it is the Guard Counter. It should be implemented in every Tales game from now on. Otherwise it's really stupid, sucks the heart out of the entire game, and I prefer the DS version by a large margin because of the battle system/systems changes alone. It isn't because of the additional anime-like scenes to make Kohaku look more like a ditz or anything (okay, maybe that's part of it). Chase Link and Guarding (guarding is really good!) are alright. I think most people will have beef with the fact that the game has random encounters instead of on-screen encounters.

When I played Tales of Hearts for the DS, the one thing I hated was that they added bosses breaking out of hits far too soon. I didn't feel like the Vita version of this game had that problem since comboing wasn't too hard. Outside of that, I love looking at the DS version (it really did have some of the better sprites in the series), I like reading the text in the DS version even if it is standard-Tales-game stuff, and the combat felt so much better than the Vita version. I do think they should've brought Innocence R over because, despite the bar being so so so low for that game and the cast being kind of unlikeable, its improvements are much better over Hearts R's. The only thing it doesn't have over Hearts is its menu aesthetic. The Hearts R menu is really nice to look at. Innocence R's menu can look a little bland by comparison. Hearts R's content is cut, which is really unfortunate. It took me less time to get through the midpoint of Hearts R vs how long it took me to get through Hearts DS's midpoint.
Hmm so DS ver. is the better one huh? Was it ever localized in English?
Oh, and they gave the Hearts music over to the Tales of Innocence composer to somewhat, well... the effects are far less desirable. How fun. Shing has a stupid run animation this time around, and some of the areas run like jank, so going into it, I realized how much of a budget they threw at this thing. It's weird how Innocence turned out well, and Hearts didn't because they probably didn't give a shit and wanted to put something out on there for easy money. But since a lot of Japanese players also slammed Tales of Hearts R for completely changing everything about Hearts, I'm not alone in my assertion. Even kiryogi said it best: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=45751548&postcount=573

But hey, don't mind me. I don't post in Tales threads because most of the people in them are complete buttheads who can't accept another person's opinion of it, even if she's played the game probably more times than you probably have and know the ins/outs of the entire thing.
If it makes you feel better, jRPG withdrawl syndrome makes people desperate =V
I'm not a big Tales fan, heck I traded off my PS3 copies of Graces and Xillia.
Graces' characters really pissed me off with how generic animesque they were. Ditto with Xillia having anime tropes in it as well. If Xillia were only the adventures of Jude Milla and Alvin I might've liked it more to warrant a replay, Alvin was such a bro.
Honestly, if you want to know why I don't post on the gaming forum anymore, it's that. I'm so sick and tired of being afraid to say what I want to say about a game because a few folks will be so overly defensive that you're criticizing their favourite game that you're essentially made to shut up and take it. So half the time I feel like I'm backed into a corner because the voices on either side are so loud that no moderate view is allowed, or the other half, I can't say what I want to say about a game because it goes against either the vigilant defense or the vigilant offense.
I've come a long way now that I really don't let criticism get to me much. Feel free to critcize Ni no Kuni all you want, I'd agree with the issues of the game, but I'd still enjoy it because those issues don't bother me much.

Actually here's something I've been wanting to post since I've seen you mention it before: Does it seem that most of the 80s-90s video game era music composers are women? I recall Castle of Illusion and SF2 to have female composers working on them.


that puzzling face
Fun Facts: It was discussed pretty heavily whether to choose sections of this song or this one for the trailer. So in an alternate universe, maybe Falk got inspired and re-did the first song instead. The main reason I didn't want the first one was due to how boss-fighty it felt tho.

It might happen; you never know. We're planning a bunch of full orchestra shows towards the end of the year which opens up a lot more as far as arrangements are concerned (@GW: The horns. THE HORNS)

So go here and vote for Sanic or something.

Dat Full Focus was too good mang, you all had such a blast playing it.

When can I expect this album to be available for purchase if possible?

We're neck deep in
a totally unrelated secret recording project right now through the end of the month
but what I expect to happen is that the official video will go up on YouTube (full concert, start to end, including MC and dicking around between songs) in a couple of weeks, and then after the
secret project
we'll sit down and take a listen and decide if we want to turn this into an EP (a VGO Metal EP - I keep suggesting "Adamantite" as the title and getting dirty looks from Shota) or just a full concert CD with everything including Sonic piano solo and Zelda for variety. Snake Eater would have to go though regardless, for the same reason it got pulled off Live at Symphony Hall.
I've only just beaten the first boss, but Castle of Illusion HD is actually really cool. The visuals and music are great, I like all of the different areas that you can find, and the added voice acting and narration is pretty neat. Probably my favourite thing I've seen are the pseudo-3D parts of the level where you control Mickey from an isometric view. Only real problem I have is that Mickey's decent when jumping is a bit too fast, but it's something I got used to rather quickly.

Getting the game also got me the original Genesis game for download, which I played a bit of while the HD remake was downloading, and I'm pretty much preferring the latter.
Awesome work, Falk. I can't wait until you release your recordings, though, since the Twitch mix did sound a bit off. But hats off to you and the VGO.


that puzzling face
I've only just beaten the first boss, but Castle of Illusion HD is actually really cool. The visuals and music are great, I like all of the different areas that you can find, and the added voice acting and narration is pretty neat. Probably my favourite thing I've seen are the pseudo-3D parts of the level where you control Mickey from an isometric view. Only real problem I have is that Mickey's decent when jumping is a bit too fast, but it's something I got used to rather quickly.

Getting the game also got me the original Genesis game for download, which I played a bit of while the HD remake was downloading, and I'm pretty much preferring the latter.

COI HD looks amazing at 60fps, too. Master Race version with a fix, obviously.

In all seriousness, I think I'd gotten more and more dissatisfied with the forum in the last four months. I have a pretty good idea of which factors accelerated my dissatisfaction, but this is honestly one of two threads (well, now it's the only one) that I post in now. :/

The secret of NeoGAF is that despite its pretensions it's every bit as bad as every other forum (and part of the internet (and society generally)): some good peeps with a lot of bad shit in between. GAF likes to play at being superior but it's got the same crap as everywhere else.


The secret of NeoGAF is that despite its pretensions it's every bit as bad as every other forum (and part of the internet (and society generally)): some good peeps with a lot of bad shit in between. GAF likes to play at being superior but it's got the same crap as everywhere else.


GAF gets pretty bad at times (especially with all the console warriors coming out with the start of the new gen), but just try going back to GameFAQs or any non-gaf gaming forum. it's fucking unbearable.

I mostly spend time in community threads at this point. It's a much better experience.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess

GAF gets pretty bad at times (especially with all the console warriors coming out with the start of the new gen), but just try going back to GameFAQs or any non-gaf gaming forum. it's fucking unbearable.

I mostly spend time in community threads at this point. It's a much better experience.
There is only one board on GameFAQs that I post on and that's once in a while since they were folks that I started posting on the GFAQs with back in 2001. Looking back on it, it's pretty funny in hindsight. We were disappointed with how one of the boards was being handled (because we wanted a split/social board for that board) since the moderation was inconsistent, so we went to less-frequented boards instead and treated them like community threads. I'm pretty sure that still happens today. There are some folks on GAF that I recognize from that era, but I was younger than them and I didn't stick around long enough since I'd gotten soured on message boards in 2004ish.

Looking at some of the threads posted on GAF today, I think we'd make the obvious joke that we probably shouldn't say aloud. I'm a little disappointed that it had gotten to that point, but from my understanding, and from what I'd read when I lurked and posted on the forum for nearly seven years now, I don't think that GAF escaped those trappings, even eight years ago. It's just more obvious because of the larger userbase and more noise instead of signal.

The best part of GAF is that the traffic isn't as large as the average games site, so you can stand out a little more. Folks will pay attention to what you say, whether it's positive or negative. Granted, that feels a little harder now, with threads moving faster and new threads being made even faster than ever because of the increased member base. I don't think it's just the console warrior stuff, but perhaps the influx of users who... are a little more aggressive than I'd appreciate. There's a good reason why I said, "perhaps that year I had to get approved after my registration was a good thing." While I'd been reading the site since 2007, I did appreciate having the extra year to 'get' the atmosphere that seemed to start to change on the site so I'd know how to post and jump into a discussion better... and even then, I changed my posting habits after getting comfortable. I feel like some of the newer folks get approved so fast that they barely ever read the site prior to registration and jump into discussions with little tact or ideas of which posters generally frequent certain threads (ie: regulars in sales/platformer threads, regulars in RPG threads, etc), little know-how of how the site operates, and plain not following anything outlined in the FAQ forum.

All things considered, GAF isn't perfect at all. To some degree, based on what some of us have said on and off of the site, we've all had our share of issues with the board in general. Not going to repeat what anyone's said, but if you've said it out in the open somewhere else, we'd probably know. There's only so much we can do with respect to post-reporting or what-have-you, since I feel the forum's so big that it's hard to catch bad behaviour everywhere. That, and mods have lives. They don't have this omniscient presence. I think the moderation staff is some of the best we've had in years, and feels more consistent than it did maybe 5-7 years ago. Trolling threads isn't going to help, either, since it just adds to the problem and promotes shitposting.

So I dunno. I guess those are my musings about it. All I know is that I haven't been happy on the main forum for a while, and I know there are other folks in this thread who've felt the same way and thus have posted more regularly in community threads. It's the thing that they've been trying to prevent, and I've been periodically wracking my brain trying to come up with a solution to that. There are times when I genuinely miss threads being small enough that you recognize almost everyone posting in them, and people'd listen to what you'd have to say without immediately (and seriously) sniping at you. I feel like I barely know anyone these days, haha.

I'm just so so tired of the gifspam, shitposting, image responses, shitty trolling, meme overuse, black and white line of thinking (ie: no grey-area thinking allowed wrt consoles, games, politics, etc. just because that's how the discussion is rolling because equivocating helps the enemy you guys), etc. *shrug* I mean, it kind of sucks that people see stuff like community threads, twitter, irc, etc. as "refuges" or "safe havens" because some or many (depending on your line of thinking) of the threads on the main forum aren't fun to read or discuss things in, when the reality was a few years ago that we were comfortable with the site and thread pacing/discourse. I kinda see where the mods were going with a few months ago because it does suck to see that more prominent or level-headed posters are posting elsewhere or not posting at all. At the same time, I know that based on my personal experiences, I don't have the time (and thus patience) to go digging through less-than-desirable areas of discussion to find a discussion I'd like to participate in or even lead. It sucks for both perspectives, and I'm not entirely sure what to do to remedy that.

BHZ Mayor


GAF gets pretty bad at times (especially with all the console warriors coming out with the start of the new gen), but just try going back to GameFAQs or any non-gaf gaming forum. it's fucking unbearable.

I mostly spend time in community threads at this point. It's a much better experience.

Read Off-Topic for a week or two and you'll see exactly what Box of Bunnies is talking about.


GAF gets pretty bad at times (especially with all the console warriors coming out with the start of the new gen), but just try going back to GameFAQs or any non-gaf gaming forum. it's fucking unbearable.

I mostly spend time in community threads at this point. It's a much better experience.
GameFAQs is surprisingly civil on its smaller boards.
SomethingAwful is also shockingly more civil than I'd have expected it to be - at least, their retro-oriented threads are. LP to an extent. Obviously not GBS.

On-topic thing: apparently this happened on some Cartoon Network show (Steven Universe, possibly):



SomethingAwful is also shockingly more civil than I'd have expected it to be - at least, their retro-oriented threads are. LP to an extent. Obviously not GBS.

On-topic thing: apparently this happened on some Cartoon Network show (Steven Universe, possibly):

Got to start watching the newer CN stuff. That's pretty hilarious.

GBS was tons better a few years ago. I'm not sure wtf is up with their 2.1 or whatever with everyone starting to talk in lower case and shit. Not sure if it's supposed to be meta or whatever but it's fucking retarded now. Everywhere else is mostly fine, but I mostly started posting here thanks to the larger fighting game community. Yeah, GameFAQs is surprisingly civil in the smaller boards, but I try to never go there outside of looking up walkthroughs for older stuff.

As far as NeoGAF, I just stick to a few "community threads", and occasionally pop my head in some other topics. I try to avoid any console/sales discussion. Off-Topic is hit or miss but at least it's better than Reddit. Mainly anywhere where there's likely to be gif spam/meme spam I'm less likely to wander in. I hate that kind of stuff. I like Tales of threads when we're talking about gameplay and subsystems and stuff, and tend to just ignore them when people get into ~ANIME~ discussions/plot debate (x game is better due to its better plot!) /obsession over certain characters.

OMG Aero

SomethingAwful is also shockingly more civil than I'd have expected it to be - at least, their retro-oriented threads are. LP to an extent. Obviously not GBS.
GAF and SA are the only forums I'm actually an active member of now and lately I've been spending more time reading and posting there than I have here. The thing is that the experience varies wildly depending on the board you are on. I only really use the LP and gaming boards and those are completely fine, and even though the gaming threads revolve a lot more around megathreads than GAF does now, I find that they tend to be less like an echo chamber than community threads or general threads here are. The main reason I go on SA has to be for the LP forum though, you can get some really good discussion on individual games that you wouldn't really get on GAF outside of a LTTP thread.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
I'd say that's just one trend in the internet in general lately. A lot of small forums are dying out in favour of the big communities. Relevant Video.
This was a surprisingly good talk.

Basically, since some folks won't watch the whole thing, Moot thinks that the rate that content consumers and shallow content like 9gag/reddit/cheezburger is growing so much that it outpaces the growth of content and posts that we would describe as deeper or more effort-driven. It's so easy for folks to get heard on Facebook or create content on a Meme Generator in order to find validation and success online since the ratio for quality to quantity is much smaller. He uses P-p-p-powerbook as an example of a meme that had some quality and community drive behind it as opposed to being repetitive nonsense (but this is in itself a discussion of what a meme actually is).

Like, when I think back to when I started making threads or posting on GameFAQs, yeah, it was much harder to actually have that success and say, "yes, someone posted in a thread after me/responded to what I said/I didn't kill the thread!" or "people are actually posting in a thread I made!" In that way, you're adapting more to the community and trying to increase your social capital, versus now trying to forge an identity on a forum yourself prior to adapting to the community. I like what Moot said, though. It used to be difficult to find your ‘home’ on the internet, and when you actually did find it, you become slightly more emotionally-invested. It was much easier to do in smaller communities. Now that communities are growing larger with the Internet being accessible even on your phone and you can post from anywhere now, it’s a little harder to find your place or even retain your place in the community you settled into. And for that, you’d probably take to twitter or IRC or something like that to retain your place because it’s a much smaller space and you end up talking to or following the people you want to interact with (and thus you have a slight sense of community there).

Now everyone who uses a computer, a phone, a tablet, etc. gets somewhat immersed in Internet culture. I have an instructor who uses meme pics/cheezburger pics/tons of gifs of award ceremonies or BBT in her Powerpoints, and she's not incredibly internet-savvy. Yeah, it can be funny, but lordy, there is only so much you can take before you realize that it's repetitive. The way that some kids are roped into school events are through posters of memegenerator pics on campus, for example. Almost every school here has a meme page on Facebook and most of the memes are used incorrectly. So I guess there's this loss of meaningful semantic representation? When I was studying linguistics several years ago, the biggest focus for some of us was Internet memes because it was this cool phenomenon where almost every word had a story (sometimes fairly lengthy) behind it. I'm not sure if memes have that same function or meaning as they did before, but it doesn't mean that some of them don't have that semantic attachment to them too. But with respect to that, you have to ask yourself, “Why is this content and its popularity making deeper content harder to find, then?” Is it because it’s like refined sugar?

I don't know if this necessarily means that a barrier of entry for a site or added rules for raising community standards will solve this issue, but who knows. We seen that even with a barrier of entry on a site that this issue doesn't go away.

SomethingAwful is also shockingly more civil than I'd have expected it to be - at least, their retro-oriented threads are. LP to an extent. Obviously not GBS.
I don't know what happened to GBS in recent years. I don't 'get' it, I guess. It's really stupid. Like FSLink said, nothing makes a whole lot of sense.

I mean, as I said to you on twitter, if SA closes the forums to lurkers again, I might just get membership to view the LP threads or games forum. Granted, you need a pretty thick skin on SA half the time, but I like peeking into the threads every now and then.

On-topic thing: apparently this happened on some Cartoon Network show (Steven Universe, possibly):

At the same time, the internet is responsible for this sort of thing, so meme culture is not completely bad. But it goes back to what I was saying. In this context, it works because it isn’t something that everyone would ‘get’ and it isn’t necessarily thrown around everywhere outside of games fandom.

Also, lol. I'm so glad that Sonic interpretation stuck around.

and even though the gaming threads revolve a lot more around megathreads than GAF does now, I find that they tend to be less like an echo chamber than community threads or general threads here are
And thus the megathreads generally seem to have decent conversational flow over there. I guess the echo chamber sentiment is more amplified here because you sometimes have the same folks posting the same stuff and thus you can sometimes predict what a poster's going to say before even reading their post going by the thread of conversation. It's stuff you've seen before again and again, and it's disappointing.

That's why I sometimes make the joke that I'm keeping some posts I've previously made bookmarked so I can just quote what I said since the same thread of conversation comes up again and again.

Edit: Wonder what QCS on SA is like these days. I think it's a good idea in general.


Edit: Wonder what QCS on SA is like these days. I think it's a good idea in general.

Glancing in it, more than half of are locked, one topic is "Please figure out who is buying Game of Thrones spoiler avatars.", and a "Please rename all of the forums" topic where there's a suggestion to name their business forum "The Wolf Shirt of Wall Street."

Yeah, Community [the show] is fantastic.


Thank god for Community, though.

The thread section, not the show. Well, the show too, I guess.

Seriously. I've come to the most likely wrong, but seemingly right conclusion of the gaming side being for people who'd rather argue about the sales & nonsensical minutia of games, with the community threads being full of those who actually play them and are open to interesting discussion. I don't even post on either side all that much, but I do consider this bit over here to be the safe haven and more enjoyable read.

OTs seem to be largely exempt in that view, but I find the community threads better still.


The forum is going to remain more hostile until this generation is seasoned. I probably slip up and get in trouble for doing some dumb things, but hey.

I find myself avoiding threads that are about things I find interest in a lot more now. I just don't feel like having to sift through bad shit anymore.

Where's qq been, by the way?


gaf was pretty bad if not worse when the ds and psp launched, all the way through the middle of 2007. i remember though, there weren't what you could classify as sony fans until the ps3 was selling worse than the gamecube and the psp was getting walloped by the ds.

people have already accepted the placement of the wii u and 3ds and vita thank god. all that's left is the ps4 and xbox one, a pointless discussion of resolution and framerate (aka dick measuring contests) that will continue until probably a year from now when sales settle down. there will still be some smoldering embers, but there were even console warriors caring about the ps3 becoming a second-place console when it turned 7 years old and didn't matter anymore.

Guess Who

all that's left is the ps4 and xbox one, a pointless discussion of resolution and framerate (aka dick measuring contests) that will continue until probably a year from now when sales settle down.

God, I can't wait for this to die. Resolution and framerate discussions dominate the entire narrative in a lot of game threads these days, as if people care more about the tech than the game.


You know how we're talking about how hostile GAF's gotten lately? It literally drove qq more away. (The hostility, that is, not the discussion.)

He's still on IRC, though.

Holy shit. I can respect the decision though, sometimes it's best to walk away before it all goes to hell.

Here's hoping he returns soon.


I'd like to see less instantaneous vitriol, I'll say that much. Heroes of the Storm, the Borderlands prequel, and F2P Orcs Must Die are all games I'm personally interested in, and all three announcement threads were scathing. It's okay for developers to make products that aren't aimed directly at you. Really! It's fine.

God, I can't wait for this to die. Resolution and framerate discussions dominate the entire narrative in a lot of game threads these days, as if people care more about the tech than the game.

I suspect this is in part because the AAA space is playing it so safe that the hope of better performance is the only thing they've got going for them. The handful of games that have something fresh to offer don't seem to be getting scrutinized quite so heavily.


that puzzling face
Don't see how that's any different from PC users either wanking or getting laughed at for good/bad ports last generation. Except that instead of a niche crowd it's now half (or more, with more swinging that way every month) being the dicks.

Guess Who

Don't see how that's any different from PC users either wanking or getting laughed at for good/bad ports last generation. Except that instead of a niche crowd it's now half (or more, with more swinging that way every month) being the dicks.

Yeah, PC gamer circlejerking has always been obnoxious, the disease is just spreading further to the point where absolute shitposts like "30fps is literally unplayable" or "if the game's 900p the devs are lazy fucks" have become commonplace.


that puzzling face
Actually 30fps is unplayable for me for many games.

I put down TLoU last year after playing the introduction at Shota's because I just couldn't stand it. Thank God for PS4 announced version (though I likely won't get a PS4 for some time, knowing that the experience isn't going to be a total bonerkiller whenever I get around to it is a Good Thing (tm))

tl;dr come at me bro

edit: To be more useful, anything that requires aiming or judgement (music games, platformers, ESPECIALLY SOMETHING AS FAST AS SONIC JESUS CHRIST) I'd rather simply not play at 30fps. RPGs and strategy games I'm obviously totally fine with it.

I'll never understand the industry's compromise that says 30fps is okay. I'd rather play a less fancy game with a better FPS than a fancy one at 30fps. Then again we're living in an industry that says thumbsticks are a-OK for FPS and where OnLive is trying to make a comeback because fuck responsiveness so I guess I'll just go be a little grinch/troll in my little cave by my little self.
you fuckin cunts

you either like what i like or eat a bag of dicks

i swear this industry is dying person by LITERAL person and all you want are indies


Did I do it right?

Guess Who

Actually 30fps is unplayable for me for many games.

I put down TLoU last year after playing the introduction at Shota's because I just couldn't stand it. Thank God for PS4 announced version (though I likely won't get a PS4 for some time, knowing that the experience isn't going to be a total bonerkiller whenever I get around to it is a Good Thing (tm))

tl;dr come at me bro

edit: To be more useful, anything that requires aiming or judgement (music games, platformers, ESPECIALLY SOMETHING AS FAST AS SONIC JESUS CHRIST) I'd rather simply not play at 30fps. RPGs and strategy games I'm obviously totally fine with it.

I'll never understand the industry's compromise that says 30fps is okay. I'd rather play a less fancy game with a better FPS than a fancy one at 30fps. Then again we're living in an industry that says thumbsticks are a-OK for FPS and where OnLive is trying to make a comeback because fuck responsiveness so I guess I'll just go be a little grinch/troll in my little cave by my little self.

See, this is where stuff starts getting subjective, is the thing. From my personal standpoint, it's clear that TLoU's framerate is significantly under 60 (and frequently under 30), but in the absence (until now) of a 60fps version, I'm not so bothered by the framerate that I refuse to play the game. The framerate was never so low I felt like it was hindering my performance. On a Sonic-y note, I played Generations on 360 before I got the PC version (because I was a thousand miles from my PC at the time), and I played it just fine. Which is not to say I can't tell the difference, or that Generations doesn't benefit from a higher resolution and better framerate, simply that these things aren't such dealbreakers that they completely ruin my enjoyment of a game. And this is clearly the case for the vast majority of people, as the framerate didn't stop TLoU from selling a bajillion copies and being acclaimed as one of the best games ever.

I'm sure there are people like you that are genuinely sensitive to framerate, but for the most part I find it very difficult to believe that a lot of it isn't just dickwaving and console warring.


Seriously. I've come to the most likely wrong, but seemingly right conclusion of the gaming side being for people who'd rather argue about the sales & nonsensical minutia of games, with the community threads being full of those who actually play them and are open to interesting discussion. I don't even post on either side all that much, but I do consider this bit over here to be the safe haven and more enjoyable read.

OTs seem to be largely exempt in that view, but I find the community threads better still.

don't forget 1080p/60fps threads

with 50 pages of discussion every time

as if it's still a fucking SHOCK that PS4 is more powerful than xbone

like where is this discussion coming from? How can you discuss a game's resolution and frame rate for so many pages? Multiple threads, at that?


don't forget 1080p/60fps threads

with 50 pages of discussion every time

as if it's still a fucking SHOCK that PS4 is more powerful than xbone

like where is this discussion coming from? How can you discuss a game's resolution and frame rate for so many pages? Multiple threads, at that?

it seems increasingly trivial. ten years ago we were talking polygon count. now we're talking pixel count. and how that is the end-all be-all to the game experience. i'd be more concerned with how the market shrunk before our eyes and what that means as far as breadth and variety goes moving forward. how things like dlc is becoming increasingly hardwired and how paywalls are suddenly neato keen. those are the sort of things that will affect how i play games moving forward, the sort of audiences being cultivated, and ultimately the kinds of games we get and don't get from first and third party publishers.
Why are people counting frames and pixels? Why can't games just be fun? I remember when I didn't need a goddamned calculator or a degree in math to enjoy a game...aside from Final Fantasy Tactics of course.


it seems increasingly trivial. ten years ago we were talking polygon count. now we're talking pixel count. and how that is the end-all be-all to the game experience. i'd be more concerned with how the market shrunk before our eyes and what that means as far as breadth and variety goes moving forward. how things like dlc is becoming increasingly hardwired and how paywalls are suddenly neato keen. those are the sort of things that will affect how i play games moving forward, the sort of audiences being cultivated, and ultimately the kinds of games we get and don't get from first and third party publishers.

agreed. those are my favorite discussions right now, I think (besides talking about good games and how fun they are). where does nintendo logically go from here considering the monumental failure of the wii u? dedicated handheld devices are dying, is there anything that can be done to stop this? japan doesn't like real games anymore, why? how long until in app purchases consume all games and ruin gaming forever? all (depressing) topics that are a whole lot more fun to talk about than fucking resolutions and console wars.


i've maintained for a while that gaming is becoming more of a service, at least in the way of itunes (which may be more like a digital product?). steam is the growing platform for gaming enthusiasts, and i think the real golden thing about it is how all variety of games are allowed to coexist. something like bastion can sell next to skyrim where at retail it would be unheard of to put something like bastion on store shelves these days.

after this current gen, i don't know what's going to happen in the industry. will there actually be enough third-party games to carry an audience year-to-year? might there be a dropping off point if a game style becomes too saturated? i mean how many open-world 64 multiplayer games will people actually have time to invest in?

vr has always been the long-off goal for the jump beyond 3d. i remember being a kid and imagining what it would be like to be in a world like super mario 64 (and as a kid my imagination filled in the gaps and made sm64 a lot more cartoony and realistic than how i view it today). i think that with oculus rift and project morpheus, we're seeing what amounts to the earliest solid attempts at 3d- like star fox on the snes, or like what the sega cd and turbografx16-cd were to eventual disc-based platforms. we probably won't see people bringing it beyond pioneering stages into the mainstream for another five years. the tech will still be primitive compared to where it could go after that, but it'd be more like virtua fighter/tomb raider/super mario 64.

or it could be something else. maybe it's using holograms within your household and games interact with 3d space somehow. maybe it's using real-world information to influence traffic in a racing game in downtown san francisco. these are only suggestions. it can also be something much better.


I'll never understand the industry's compromise that says 30fps is okay. I'd rather play a less fancy game with a better FPS than a fancy one at 30fps. Then again we're living in an industry that says thumbsticks are a-OK for FPS and where OnLive is trying to make a comeback because fuck responsiveness so I guess I'll just go be a little grinch/troll in my little cave by my little self.

I generally don't mind 30 fps in games, but what I hate is people who instantly dismiss the bonus 60fps ads to both gameplay AND visuals. I remember, when I was playing A Link between Worlds, commenting on how fantastic the cutscenes/transitions looked due to the smooth as fuck 60fps and thinking about how great it would be for future Zeldas to carry that standard. Lo and behold, not even a month later, Sakamoto mentions that 60fps wouldn't necesarilly be a thing in future games and a bunch of people in the gaf thread for it are all "good, zelda only needs 30 fps they can focus on making it prettier". Genuinely beffudled reading through that.

Discussions over whether X game drops 5 frames on X console over Y console though? Ehhhhhh, even I have my limits. I think some people spent more time arguing in that one Dark Souls 2 You Lied lighting thread than they've spent playing the dang game.
Seriously. I've come to the most likely wrong, but seemingly right conclusion of the gaming side being for people who'd rather argue about the sales & nonsensical minutia of games, with the community threads being full of those who actually play them and are open to interesting discussion.
Well if it helps I've reached a similar conclusion myself.

In general though it seems one of the biggest issues around here is latching onto a negative point no matter how big or small and absolutely driving it into the ground as it dominates discussion (and if it doesn't take over discussion yet, keep harping on and on until it does). There are posters around these days that I can't tell if they're just acting faux outraged like some kind of gimmick or generally angry as they presumably slam their fingers with shattering force into the keyboard typing up whatever probably minuscule factor it is that's got their goat.

you fuckin cunts

you either like what i like or eat a bag of dicks

i swear this industry is dying person by LITERAL person and all you want are indies


Did I do it right?

Do what right? this isn't any different to your usual posts.
/heel beef.

Dario ff

I almost wanted a 120 HZ monitor for Bit Trip Runner 2, but that's mostly because LCD blur is annoying as hell and there's not much better monitors being manufactured here. The ghosting is blatantly obvious on that game (I sit about 2-3 ft from a 21" monitor), and it gave me some motion sickness. On the other hand, it looked perfectly fine on a CRT at 60 HZ.

I want better screen technology. :(


agreed. those are my favorite discussions right now, I think (besides talking about good games and how fun they are). where does nintendo logically go from here considering the monumental failure of the wii u? dedicated handheld devices are dying, is there anything that can be done to stop this? japan doesn't like real games anymore, why? how long until in app purchases consume all games and ruin gaming forever? all (depressing) topics that are a whole lot more fun to talk about than fucking resolutions and console wars.
I'm not much of a fan of that kind of discussion. It all seems like pretty wild speculation and tends to attract console warriors. The major players don't seem to act logically from an outsider's point of view anyway.

I would like to see more detailed LttPs. Threads that take an in-depth look at something already released. Half of the forum is news threads, another large chunk are speculation and hypotheticals about the future of the industry, and the rest often are set up more like a poll or a list than for a discussion (Should i buy Pokemon or Bioshock Infinite? Favorite game by Square Enix? Name games with good writing. Name protagonists that wear hats.)
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