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Sonic the Hedgehog Community Thread |OT3 & Knuckles|

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
A friend of mine, because I'd told him that the only way I'd played the Sonic Advance games was borrowing them from someone and only playing them once, bought me Sonic Advance for my birthday (which is tomorrow, hinthint).

I might play it tonight, but he also got me Granstream Saga and I'd been waiting 15 years to play that in full.

Hez needs to finish Classic 2


edit: also
D'awww, that is the cutest thing. :O

Well, I think it's cute. *shrug*

Penders, please... stop this madness...
What the fuck is this thing.

What the fuck. No.

No, really what the fuck.

BHZ Mayor

A friend of mine, because I'd told him that the only way I'd played the Sonic Advance games was borrowing them from someone and only playing them once, bought me Sonic Advance for my birthday (which is tomorrow, hinthint).

I hope you're ready for the merciless onslaught of bad cakes.
I'm going to have to agree with Cinossu: this image is both a perfect reaction and comparison:


In other news, somebody in Retro's Freedom Planet thread showed another artist's take on what a furry echidna would look like, trying to actually adapt the animal itself and not just be Knuckles-but-different:


I actually really like this. I mean, it makes me think of Darkwing Duck for some reason, but I still like it.

That same Tumblr gave me these adorable hedgehogs. Daww.
Well then, now that Nocturnowl's alter ego Penders' has graced us with his masterpiece, there's no better time then to find out SonicGAF's ten favorite Genesis/Megadrive zones.

  1. Sky Sanctuary
  2. Flying Battery
  3. Lava Reef
  4. Green Hill Zone
  5. Chemical Plant
  6. Hydrocity
  7. Casino Night
  8. Star Light
  9. Mushroom Hill
  10. Ice Cap

-Sonic & Knuckles is really the best
-Sonic 1 is bipolar as fuck. First you're like "aw shit son, Green Hill Zone!" then you get to Marble zone and its like "kill me, fam" then you go Springyard and its like "yo this is shit is aight, man" then Labyrinth is like "baby black jesus pls, what did I do to deserve this ;_;" then Star Light shows up and you say "Damn, this is the best zone ever!"
-Sonic 2 has a really strong first half, then just gets progressively worse, and by the time you get through 3 acts of Metropolis, Flying Take a Nap zone and Bottomless pit zone, its like "this is almost over right Sega"


-Sonic 1 is bipolar as fuck. First you're like "aw shit son, Green Hill Zone!" then you get to Marble zone and its like "kill me, fam" then you go Springyard and its like "yo this is shit is aight, man" then Labyrinth is like "baby black jesus pls, what did I do to deserve this ;_;" then Star Light shows up and you say "Damn, this is the best zone ever!"
-Sonic 2 has a really strong first half, then just gets progressively worse, and by the time you get through 3 acts of Metropolis, Flying Take a Nap zone and Bottomless pit zone, its like "this is almost over right Sega"
I see no lies in these statements.

My list would probably be:
  1. Chemical Plant
  2. Hydrocity
  3. Angel Island
  4. Green Hill Zone
  5. Casino Night
  6. Spring Yard
  7. Sky Sanctuary
  8. Launch Base
  9. Collision Chaos (this is probably cheating but screw it, this level was fun)
  10. Aquatic Ruin
I almost put down Oil Ocean but then I remember we're ranking the levels, not their music. That happens to me a lot.


1. Chemical Plant
2. Lava Reef
3. Angel Island
4. Flying Battery
5. Stardust Speedway
6. Green Hill
7. Sky Sanctuary
8. Hydrocity
9. Carnival Night
10. Casino Night

I hope Speedway counts. Even for visuals alone, that zone was a lot of fun to me.

OMG Aero

Okay so I know everyone is distracted by the horrifying artwork, but if you would all stop screaming and clawing your eyes out for a moment I'd like to draw your attention to the text on the image:

So I've been staring at that last line for like five minutes and saying it out loud in every way I can think of and seriously what the fuck does that even mean.

Guess Who

Okay so I know everyone is distracted by the horrifying artwork, but if you would all stop screaming and clawing your eyes out for a moment I'd like to draw your attention to the text on the image:

So I've been staring at that last line for like five minutes and saying it out loud in every way I can think of and seriously what the fuck does that even mean.

I'm thinking it's supposed to be a pun on "diva" and "deviousness".


This is probably more effort than it is worth, but I'm thinking of going through and redoing some of the shadows in Generations to be higher resolution.
Just a quick test,


Guess Who

One thing that bothers me a lot in video game lighting (and this isn't your fault, just an observation I see a lot): shadows are very rarely so crisply defined in real life! The further an object gets from where its shadow is being cast, the fuzzier the shadow is - no way would those hanging banners and flags have such sharp shadows in real life.


That can be controlled with a setting on the light when rendering out the shadowmap actually.
Here is an earlier test with a higher size multiplier, which I thought was too blurry.


that puzzling face
If the renderer lets the shadow blur be a function of distance (simulating diffusion basically) you have a deal.
Well then, now that Nocturnowl's alter ego Penders' has graced us with his masterpiece, there's no better time then to find out SonicGAF's ten favorite Genesis/Megadrive zones.-
At times like this I'm like boy that JC is a right Cookiepuss but then there's this below...

-Sonic & Knuckles is really the best
-Sonic 1 is bipolar as fuck. First you're like "aw shit son, Green Hill Zone!" then you get to Marble zone and its like "kill me, fam" then you go Springyard and its like "yo this is shit is aight, man" then Labyrinth is like "baby black jesus pls, what did I do to deserve this ;_;" then Star Light shows up and you say "Damn, this is the best zone ever!"
-Sonic 2 has a really strong first half, then just gets progressively worse, and by the time you get through 3 acts of Metropolis, Flying Take a Nap zone and Bottomless pit zone, its like "this is almost over right Sega"
Which I'm in almost complete agreement with which leaves me very conflicted.
The one outlier being I don't find Labyrinth quite so sacrilegious.

You want your list? well you've got your damn list!
The overall order doesn't really mean much, so here's the first ten to come to my head.

1. Hyrdocity: Someone found the way to mix water with speed, a genius move if I do say so myself. Zipping across the waters surface, water slides, laughing in the face of oxygen deprivation and those turret dudes with the bubble shield and kicking off a zone with a KILLER WALL because now it's time to test how well you can apply your speed in the water without giant hands doing the speed work for you.

2. Flying Battery: A variety of hazards and obstacles give Flying Battery plenty to work with, exterior drops of death and a mechanism filled interior that both aids and attacks, it keeps you on your toes and has something of a more methodical pace to other faster stages but it doesn't fall into the trap of getting too bogged down and slow, you could say its well paced.

3. Lava Reef: That act 1 music man, it's so good it makes act 2's music the biggest disappointment and genuinly hinders my enjoyment of that act, but then it ends with that Eggman assisted set piece before the boss battle and all is forgiven. Lava Reef takes advantage of its cramped environment instead of falling victim to it like the scourge that is Marble Zone.

4. Casino Night: It's not the original ping ponging zone but it is the definitive one that would become a Sonic staple, teaching kids that gambling is a-okay, that's our Casino Night Zone. Filled with glitzy visuals, being unable to pull yourself away from slots (as in I fell in this damn thing and have to wait for the animation to finish) and losing all your winnings, a hard lesson learnt.

5. Chemical Plant: Fantastically cruel in that it gives players a dosage of pure speed only to then dunk you in toxic goop where their new bested CPU buddy Tails will no doubt drown a horrible death, possibly with the player. I guess that's one way to teach the players not to spindash everywhere. Anyway TUBES, everyone loves the tubes, and the music as well of course.

6. Green/Emerald Hill: all those hills look alike, you know the drill, slopes, loops, corkscrews, easy speedy fun. In Sonic 1 this is a zone of false promises but it is the originator so it gets points for that, Emerald has cooler music and isn't a filthy lie of what's to come. It also gets painted blue and becomes a Hill Top, magic.

7. Launch Base: As far as (sort of) final zones go there's not much threat to be had here which on the other hand means it keeps the pace as you hurtle across pipes and get flung off of odd teacup lifts, you know i'm not sure what it is I like about this zone but apparently there's something.

8. Angel Island Zone: I've always felt they could've waited until a bit later to set the whole place on fire but it does make for one hell of a visual. More in depth design than other starting zones and more engaging for it. Could do with flowing a bit better for an opener but otherwise it's a good intro.

9. Stardust Speedway: Aka Hold right to win zone, or at the very least you just leave Sonic on heavy autopilot only pitching in when you get caught in a boost loop. But look at those funky visuals, i'm running across brass instrument roads with fiery feet with that trippy city backdrop, it wins on aesthetics alone.

10. Marble Garden: Yeah this one gradually grows on me each time I play through Sonic 3, It's a mess to be sure with some cheesy as fuck hazards designed to smack fast runners in the face with little warning. But what we do have here is a tribute to the weaving mass of complex level design Sonic games were once known for, it's a mess but I'm like a pig wallowing in mud in this case.


Man, I hate Marble Garden Zone. I just can't fuck with that zone. It just feels awkward and boring at the end of the day.

The boss was great though.


I'm thinking it's supposed to be a pun on "diva" and "deviousness".

And it is, but... "-isnous" isn't how that word ends. If you have to hyphenate a portmanteau you know it's an awful idea anyway, but his spelling's as offensive as the art here. And the art is terrible, but I guess I'm desensitized to it since it's basically a 3D render of the sort of shit he railroaded into the comic itself in his day.

One thing that bothers me a lot in video game lighting (and this isn't your fault, just an observation I see a lot): shadows are very rarely so crisply defined in real life! The further an object gets from where its shadow is being cast, the fuzzier the shadow is - no way would those hanging banners and flags have such sharp shadows in real life.

More often than not I end up turning shadow quality down for exactly this reason. The framerate boost doesn't hurt any either.

What I don't think I've ever seen is a game that will draw more than one shadow per object, given more than one light source, and blending overlaps properly after that point is completely out of the question.

Well then, now that Nocturnowl's alter ego Penders' has graced us with his masterpiece, there's no better time then to find out SonicGAF's ten favorite Genesis/Megadrive zones.

No particular order:

Ice Cap Zone: Very nearly the low point of Sonic 3's level design, but the presentation values are through the roof and it's an intentionall easy zone anyway so whatever. The music of the gods, which is apparently the music of the 80s, but it's from the early 80s when the 80s were still the 70s, so same thing.

Carnival Night Zone: Balloooooooons. Once you get over the trauma of The Barrel, Carnival Night is a sprawling playground of things to interact with, shortcuts to find, and secret loot everywhere. Bonus points for having a Knuckles appearance.

Mystic Cave Zone: A pretty slow-paced zone overall, but everything in it is designed to keep you on your toes. Ledges crumble beneath you, fireflies could light up at any second and centipedes burst out of the walls, hanging vines dangle you right over a spike pit and dare you to jump, the moving platforms are also a spike gauntlet, etc. And that's all backed by some of the series' most daring music and art design.

Green Hill Zone: They put a ton of time and effort into these levels and it shows. Great path diversity, five kinds of badniks, secrets everywhere, lots of little skill jumps you can make by exploiting the physics, and that iconic S-tunnel into the sky moment.

Mushroom Hill Zone: Bwop, bwop, bwop. Fun aesthetic, fun to explore, clever badnik design, a cool palette-swap gimmick in Act 2, and a great boss.

Lava Reef Zone: One of Sonic 3's greatest triumphs is that it hits a lot of standard video game level tropes and manages to make every single one of them feel fresh even to this day. Despite the name, the lava ends up playing second fiddle to all the mechanisms the zone's full of, especially once that incredible act transition kicks in. The boss finally turns up the heat and makes you respect a potential molten death, but even then you can grab a fire shield and have fun breaking the rules because that's just how Sonic 3 rolls.

Metropolis Zone: Speaking of lava levels full of mechanisms. Metropolis has the most miserable bastard badniks in the series and a bunch of nasty traps, but it's the sort of place you love to hate because there's always that sense that maybe you could've been a little bit better, and that's the hallmark of good difficulty. Major bonus points for the music, the boss, and the great "fuck you, kid" of suddenly tacking on an Act 3.

Doomsday Zone: Yeah it isn't a real level shut up. This was the coolest thing ever, and no amount of half-baked attempts to recreate it in the years since can tarnish what an amazing note this was for the game to go out on.

Sandopolis Zone: I don't necessarily like playing through Sandopolis, but I'm sure as hell going to remember every little thing about it for life. It's endlessly creative, even if not every idea hit the mark.

Flying Battery Zone: I'm still finding things in this level I haven't seen before.


I feel the same way about Metropolis, actually. I wanted to put it down, but memories of getting wrecked by the zone's badniks came up. Aside from that (and being so fucking long), I find it an appealing level, both visually and mechanically.

BHZ Mayor

It's Dark Schala's birthday today, so that means it's bad cake time. I decided to start off with one I knew would be near and dear to her heart.

My favourite Sonic zone is
SonicGAF Zone
. I just like going there.
Tell me about it, there's still so many routes to discover.

It's Dark Schala's birthday today, so that means it's bad cake time. I decided to start off with one I knew would be near and dear to her heart.

*lippy lightning cake*

Well damn I don't think I can top that but it wont stop me from trying to be just as near and dear to said heart.


You're welcome Princess, here's to another year of tomes.


Well then, now that Nocturnowl's alter ego Penders' has graced us with his masterpiece, there's no better time then to find out SonicGAF's ten favorite Genesis/Megadrive zones.

From top to bottom.

-Hill Top Zone -STH2
-Chemical Plant Zone -STH2
-Lava Reef Zone -STH3&K
-Hydrocity Zone -STH3&K
-Wacky Workbench Zone - SCD
-Stardust Speedway Zone - SCD
-Star Light Zone - STH
-Green Hill Zone - STH
-Sky Sanctuary Zone - STH3&K
-Flying Battery Zone - STH3&K

So four 3&K choices, and two of each from the previous titles.
Top Bottom