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Sonic the Hedgehog Community Thread |OT3 & Knuckles|


I kinda found it funny how everyone flipped at the announcement of a new Pokemon game, even if it's an updated re-release.

Given how the Collection had been on sale numerous times before the Humble Bundle, I doubt it.

Well there are a few first timers getting the PC ver., so at worst it'd be RTTP of some people replaying Sonic Adventure 1 or 2 for example.


I kinda found it funny how everyone flipped at the announcement of a new Pokemon game, even if it's an updated re-release.

RSE is where the series peaked in several regards. Folding the mechanical updates from later games back into it is going to be a very hard act to follow.


Thank you Tizoc for posting that, would likely have missed it otherwise. Gotta say I may get a 3DS for this. Hoenn is my fave gen, by far. I must have spent over 1000 hours total on ruby and sapphire.
I did a Sonic 3 race (well, when locked on with Sonic & Knuckles for the bugfixes, but we stopped after Launch Base) with some goons last night.

Wound up trouncing the lot of 'em, and that's with tons of errors made on my part. I think I'm banned from racing Sonic games with them now :V

...we then followed this up with Mega Man 4, from which I could only muster the will to play through four Robot Masters before calling it a night. Believe I still have Ring Man, Pharaoh Man, Toad Man and Bright Man to go...

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
I played most of Pokemon X, but outside o' that, I don't think the series is for me.

Well in that case, I guess I'll just delete this "F*ck Sonic" OP, maybe change a few pronouns around and make it a "F*ck Nintendo" OP
God it's weird not looking at GAF in the morning cuz half the time I dunno what people are talking about!


RSE is where the series peaked in several regards. Folding the mechanical updates from later games back into it is going to be a very hard act to follow.
Which regards are those? Besides the trumpets of course.

I did a Sonic 3 race (well, when locked on with Sonic & Knuckles for the bugfixes, but we stopped after Launch Base) with some goons last night.

Wound up trouncing the lot of 'em, and that's with tons of errors made on my part. I think I'm banned from racing Sonic games with them now :V

...we then followed this up with Mega Man 4, from which I could only muster the will to play through four Robot Masters before calling it a night. Believe I still have Ring Man, Pharaoh Man, Toad Man and Bright Man to go...
Just watch out for that Ragny fellow. Despite his reputation he's a Mega Man 4 savant.


Which regards are those? Besides the trumpets of course.

Music, art direction, world design, side content, plotting (in Emerald, anyway), and possibly campaign difficulty. There's still room for improvement, but the fundamental Pokemon experience was never better.
Music, art direction, world design, side content, plotting (in Emerald, anyway), and possibly campaign difficulty. There's still room for improvement, but the fundamental Pokemon experience was never better.

I wonder how they are going to incorporate the Emerald's unique events into the remakes, namely with the villainous teams. One of Ruby and Sapphire's selling points was that you faced a different team depending on the version, but Emerald was the best because you got to fight both and it was so chaotically wonderful.
Ugh, I can't fucking stand RSE's aesthetic or music. It's one of the reasons I'm excited for the remakes, actually, as that's where the biggest change will occur. I thought FRLG were huge steps up in both departments, although both suffer from the GBA hardware musically.

I adore Hoenn, mind. That and Sinnoh gave a great impression of real exploration when navigating those regions. I wouldn't mind if ORAS start you off in Verdanturf this time, though, just to mix things up.
Just watch out for that Ragny fellow. Despite his reputation he's a Mega Man 4 savant.
To be fair, the goons in question are just the slowbeef's streams-afterparty group, not the actual Something Awful race group. No way I'd have the skill to go up against them!


Music, art direction, world design, side content, plotting (in Emerald, anyway), and possibly campaign difficulty. There's still room for improvement, but the fundamental Pokemon experience was never better.
I see. I only ask because I often see RSE cited as the low point of the series.

To be fair, the goons in question are just the slowbeef's streams-afterparty group, not the actual Something Awful race group. No way I'd have the skill to go up against them!
Yeah, you need serious balls to go toe-to-toe with gaming masters like Iron Chitlin.

Races are tons of fun, though. They're just so hard to set up and coordinate.

OMG Aero

Ruby and Sapphire remakes could go either way depending on how adamantly they adhere to the original games. Heartgold and Soulsilver suffered for this because they kept the same busted trainer and gym levels that the original game had instead of fixing it, which meant that you almost certainly had to grind at some point and it was going to take you a while.
If they rigidly stick to the same encounter table from Ruby and Sapphire rather than changing it to add in more Pokemon from other regions, then the end of the remakes are going to suck just like the end of Ruby and Sapphire did. From just before the 7th gym to the end of the game you are almost entirely surfing around and the only wild Pokemon you ever encounter are Tentacool, Wingull, Wailmer and their evolutions.

They also need to optimize the shit of the XY engine because holy fuck do those games run like shit, it's mindblowing seeing how badly X and Y run when compared to other games on the same system.


Ugh, I can't fucking stand RSE's aesthetic or music. It's one of the reasons I'm excited for the remakes, actually, as that's where the biggest change will occur. I thought FRLG were huge steps up in both departments, although both suffer from the GBA hardware musically.

Yeah, we couldn't be more opposed on this. I'm terrified that they'll try to retrofit it into XY's terrible sound direction. It's Ichinose's masterpiece and I'm hoping he's spent the last couple years treating it as such. As long as Kageyama has nothing to do with it we might make it out alright.

I see. I only ask because I often see RSE cited as the low point of the series.

It got a shitload of hate back at release (continuing on to this day) for cutting features from and compatibility with GSC, none of which mattered in the least in the long term.

edit: There was also a lot of dissent about how pokemon design had taken a turn for the worse, when several of them are now fan favorites and the generation as a whole looks tame compared to the even crazier designs Game Freak came up with in more recent years.



So I just played through Guardian Heroes for the first time. It was one of those games I always wanted to check out, and one of the first Saturn games mentioned every time I'd ask "what are the good Saturn games?" I finally set aside some time to play through it. XBLA version.

I have to say, I'm not understanding the hype. I was immediately drawn to the game from the screenshots I saw years ago. The sprite work/art style is on some Third Strike level shit. Basically the pinnacle of sprite animation in games. The game looks really great.

I also liked that it was a beat em up with kind of fighting game inputs to use certain moves.

But that's kinda where the praise ends for me. From what I understand, the RPG elements and the branching paths/multiple endings are what makes the game unique. I can't say I had much difficulty getting through the entire game, nor did I care for the characters or story the game was trying to tell. If I don't care about the story, I don't really have much of a desire to replay the game over and over to experience alternate endings, or explore all of the branching paths. The RPG nature of the game didn't add much for me.

It's too bad, because I was really excited about jumping into the Saturn library, and I've come away disappointed. I know the Saturn library is incredibly deep, so I'll find a game that suits my tastes... right?

I think I'm going to start Nights into Dreams next.
Yeah, we couldn't be more opposed on this. I'm terrified that they'll try to retrofit it into XY's terrible sound direction. It's Ichinose's masterpiece and I'm hoping he's spent the last couple years treating it as such. As long as Kageyama has nothing to do with it we might make it out alright.

XY dude left the company, iirc. So you're safe. (I adored XY's soundtrack. Best E4 theme since... well, since RSE :p )


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
The story mode of Guardian Heroes isn't bad, but its strength is the versus mode.


Playing that for the first time was an epiphany. It makes you wonder why no other fighting game developer aped its style for 4+ player battles. Street Fighter style inputs that work off of a "left/right" distinction instead of "forward/backward", allowing you to easily aim your specials to either the left or right side, makes way more sense than the nonsense multiplayer modes in games like Guilty Gear Isuka or Street Fighter x Tekken. The only other fighting games I've played that utilize that kind of system are Treasure's licensed fighting games (Yu Yu Hakusho, Bleach).

The stat adjustment allows for a fair bit of meaningful customization as well, but that's diminished somewhat by some stats just being flat out more important than others.
Eech. Masuda started having problems back in DPP, was really hit or miss in BW, and followed Kageyama off the cliff for XY.

Agree about DPP and BW (though I love Cynthia's theme), but that E4 theme is honestly one of my favourite tracks from a Nintendo game in yeaaaars.


Agree about DPP and BW (though I love Cynthia's theme), but that E4 theme is honestly one of my favourite tracks from a Nintendo game in yeaaaars.

I'm sure he's trying to branch out musically rather than writing stuff in the same style for the sixth time in a row, but he's making Senoue look good here.


I recently grabbed a Japanese copy of Sonic Drift 2, and realised what shitty scans we used to have of old manuals. Good for the year of 2004 when we originally scanned them, but man! They're tiny now.

Recently I've been kind of into extracting old artwork (which Sonic & Segaretro are very helpful with) and remembered that I did try and extract some of that cool artwork from Sonic Drift 2 using those old scans Safe to say they weren't the best, but it was the best we had:


Well now thanks to my new copy of the game, and my work's 600dpi scanner, I've given the Sonic Drift 2 page on Sonic Retro a big art uplift. Brand new Super-rediculous scans of each page are now in the manual page, and through some long and exhausting photoshop work I've extracted all the artwork at massive sizes and added them to the page, as well as Logos and Cover scans.

So now Fang looks a little more like this:


I also got copies of Sonic 2 and Sonic Drift 2 on Game Gear as wel, and I'll add them in a few weeks.
So, seeing as how we're already off topic...


So, recently I pulled a game called Monster Madness: Battle for Suburbia out of my closet. I remember playing the game way back when in 2007, but wanted to see what I thought of it today.

The Positives

This is basically a spiritual successor to Zombies Ate My Neighbors. It spoofs Horror B Movies, it’s got quirky weapons, tons of different monsters from different horror movies, different accessories, etc. It takes place in a neighborhood, a shopping mall, a cemetery, ancient crypts, large castles, catacombs, a High School, etc. You take on Zombies, Vampires, Werewolves, Robots, Gremlins, a High School Gym Teacher, and old crazy cat Grandma, the Grim Reaper, and so much more (66 different enemy types in all). To dispatch these enemies you have weapons ranging from Nail Guns and Shotguns to Cellphone Tasers and Beehives (yes, a gun that shoots out Beehives). You’ll also get accessories like bombs, gravity wells, toy monkeys, and a transformation item (you can transform into a Werewolf, Zombie, Demon, Vampire, and a Frankenstein monster). You will also have half a dozen vehicles (Swan Boats, APCs, ATVs, Mechs, Hovercraft, and Tanks), bouncy shoes, and “specialty melee” weapons to fight with. You also have weapons upgrading that you accomplish through collecting the required amounts of money (“Monster Tokens”) and by collecting weapons parts scattered throughout the level. The amount of different ideas the game attempts really is impressive for an early gen game.

Now, that’s just the content. What about how it plays? Well, the game is at its best when it places you in an arena full of an array of enemies and allows you to just let loose. While the gameplay gets off to a slow start, soon enough you’ll be switching between the array of weapons and items at your disposal to take out the spawn of the underworld. All the enemies have their own unique attacks and you can be put into a room full of 10 at a time.

The Negatives

While this all sounds great, it quickly becomes apparent that the game is full of issues. I mean, I would LOVE to be able to recommend this game to everyone, I really would. But after the good, comes the heavy dose of “Oh God, what were they thinking”.

Parts of this game simply do not work. Whether it be level geometry that was unfinished, areas that you cannot access which hampers your score, or the horrid platform controls. There are times where I have to glitch the geometry enable to access areas that SHOULD BE ACCESSIBLE.

Then there is the dickish level design. Timed death pits are fine. Timed death pits with an enemy gauntlet, we’re having a conversation. Being forced into an arena where all that keeps you safe from the timed death pit are tiny floating islands with an enemy gauntlet in which all the enemies are heavy on knockback and/or rigged with explosives (thereby constantly pushing you into the pit)? That’s where I say “screw you” to the developer. And the game is full of this. There is one part where you have to platform onto tiny little platforms with the camera zoomed out as far as possible (thereby making it nearly isometric) with no way to change it. In the fifth level, you are deposited into a junkyard. What do you do in said junk yard? Duck, dodge, and jump through all sorts of machinations that are insta-kill if you mistime yourself by even a second (does not apply on the easy setting). I wouldn’t have had such a problem with it if the controls and platforming were better! But no, good luck with the conveyer belts, swinging cranes, etc. with the single thing you can possibly do: Walk forward and do a little jump forward. In fact, let’s just say that anything having to do with platforming in this game is just plain terrible.

Beyond that, this game really did not have to be as frustrating as it was. The controls are what make the vehicle sections so horrid on top of the fact that most of the vehicles are sluggish, one of them (the large transport Jeep) blatantly tells you “without being in multiplayer, this vehicle is nigh useless” (great, you only have to use it throughout an entire level), and the horrible top-down/isometric view during certain sections messes with the controls. The only vehicle I ever felt completely comfortable with was the tank.

I mean, many of the things that annoyed me were not bad ideas, but were just fucked over by lousy programming. That, or just really poor implementation. An example of poor implementation would be the weapon parts collecting.

Collecting weapons parts by exploring the level? Fun. Collecting weapons parts by running through the level, only half the time the only way to reach the parts is by glitching the game and having to collect 250 to 500 parts per level to slightly boost your score? And not only that, but none of the parts are really hidden and spread out in plain view? Not so much. And the no deaths thing is just bullshit. The levels, near the end, are 60 to 80 minutes long, and on higher difficulties, a ton of stuff is Insta-kill.

I WOULD talk about the difficulty setting more in depth, but the game has a nasty habit of randomly deleting all of your saved data. I have no idea if there is a way to avoid this or if it’s triggered by something in particular, all I know is that I’m not redoing 15 hours of progress just to review the higher settings.

Outside of gameplay the game doesn’t fare well. Even by 2007 standards, the character models were bad. The soundtrack is… meh. It has 4 or 5 good tracks but most are ambient pieces that wear out their welcome the 20th time through (again, many of the later levels are an hour or more long if you aren’t rushing through). Visually, the entire game looks like it’s made of a plastic like material. Even the story doesn’t fare well, and I didn’t even expect all that much out of it. While it’s quirky, there is not one shred of character development and what little there might be is utter garbage (basically the only character development there is is that Zack works up the courage to ask Carrie out. That’s it). The characters don’t really bond together, none of them really outgrow their stereotypes, and by the end they’d just assume have nothing to do with each other despite surviving an apocalypse together. I guess I shouldn’t expect too much out of a story making tons of homages to B level horror movies, but come on developers… throw me a bone! Finally, there’s the issue with the framerate: anytime you get a decent amount of explosions, the game chugs like crazy. This is especially an issue with the vehicle sections where certain sections may as well be fully in slow motion.


Overall, I liked the game, but I think that’s because there’s so little else like it on the market and I’ve always liked this type of gameplay. You can tell the developers really, really tried… but it wasn’t enough. The game is blatantly unfinished at points and full of jank. Approach cautiously if you want to check it out.



-The weapons and accessories.
-The core combat
-It tries a lot of different things


-Doesn't implement a lot of what it tries to do very well
-Framerate issues
-Horrible platforming
-Awkward controls for the vehicles
-Dickish level design
-Little to no character development
-Parts of the game are blatantly unfinished
-Grading system needs work
I wouldn't recommend playing Guardian Heroes for the story. The plots contradict each other in pretty glaring ways, some paths can skip plot events and make the resulting boss fights make no contextual sense (the one time I encountered
Golden Silver
, he had never been introduced in the plot proper - and yes, that character can be introduced in the plot proper), and every path - every path - forces you to watch Kanon's backstory dump. I know the XBLA version lets you skip cutscenes pretty quickly; I forget if the Saturn version does. Either way, yeah, it gets kinda tedious.

I mean, it's fun and all, and totally worth checking out, but Streets of Rage 2 is still my favorite beat-'em-up.


Yeah, we couldn't be more opposed on this. I'm terrified that they'll try to retrofit it into XY's terrible sound direction. It's Ichinose's masterpiece and I'm hoping he's spent the last couple years treating it as such. As long as Kageyama has nothing to do with it we might make it out alright.

It got a shitload of hate back at release (continuing on to this day) for cutting features from and compatibility with GSC, none of which mattered in the least in the long term.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EF1B3g89ETw Eh this fan remake doesn't sound too bad (X/Y styled RSE battle theme). I want more trumpets though. :p

I actually disliked Ruby/Sapphire due to what you said, but Emerald fixed most of the problems I had with it plus Fire Red/Leaf Green/Colosseum came out by then to allow the old Pokemon back in. They just better not bring back the stupid cellphone from Emerald.
Funny, here I was thinking X/Y's soundtrack were a trainwreck after the greatness of Gen 5's music.

random hour later edit: Now I feel mean for saying train wreck myself, it was just incredibly underwhelming.
You like Kane, what do you know
Why all about what constitutes a train wreck of course, I'm well educated unfortunately.

[Also, hey guys, I made a post about potential NFP games, feedback would be cooooool
I do wonder how hard they'll be pushing this, I'm not too knowledgeable of the details around this but I guess it's considered to be used for something more than just a couple of games then? I should probably brush up on this before attempting to give any sort of useful feedback.

I want to say that we wont be seeing more 2D Mario in the near future but alternating between 2D and 3D entries on multiple platforms has practically made Mario a yearly deal and 3D just had its turn so I guess it's not that unlikely and serves as a safe testing bed, I'm just hoping they'll cool it for a bit because even I'm fatigued at this point.

Well you've simultaneously made me more intrigued and terrified by the idea in one post.

At least XY had the better champion theme.
Starts off in a great style that immediately catches my attention and then kind of trails off into more standard fierce battle fare as it goes which was a bit disappointing after the strong start, I'd say the same for the B/W2 champion theme as well coming to think of it.
It's like in both cases someone said it didn't sound champion enough so they switched gears halfway through each respective track, still they ain't bad.


I too enjoyed XY E4 theme. To me, it represented the "modernization" of the series. Fast paced, technoish beats. A nice change of pace from the grandiose trumpet and brass we've normally gotten.

Hoping to god it is in Smash 4.

You like Kane, what do you know

Also, hey guys, I made a post about potential NFP games, feedback would be cooooool

The Wii Party game board idea seems absolutely perfect for that kind of concept. It'd sure as hell make me interested. Especially if board pieces and items are random trinkets from Nintendo's history (super scope, power gloves, etc).

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
All I have to say is that NFP isn't really marketed towards me, but I guess if they break into the skylanders mould that almost every kid I encounter at the hospital clinic seems to love outside of their parents' iPhones or android phones, then I guess it could work.

I fear that they might be seen as "copying skylanders", but at the same time, who knows how kids work these days.

BTW, finished Kirby. thought it was a good game. dunno if I'll write something up yet. Honestly, it's one of my favourite platformers of the year and the soundtrack is super-hot.

...whether it be level geometry that was unfinished, areas that you cannot access which hampers your score, or the horrid platform controls. There are times where I have to glitch the geometry enable to access areas that SHOULD BE ACCESSIBLE.
Wait, that actually sounds almost unplayable, though. If you have to glitch through something in to actually get through the game, that's not very well programmed and it almost sounds like the devs didn't know what they'd wanted or what they'd wanted to do.

Like you said:
-Doesn't implement a lot of what it tries to do very well
-Framerate issues
-Horrible platforming
-Parts of the game are blatantly unfinished
That's actually kinda worrisome. :O

Did you feel like the positives outweighed the negatives, then?


i played a little crash warped and ctr.

crash warped is easily the best of the three crash games. so that's good. ctr kinda feels like naughty dog hates me and everyone else. but then again maybe i'm the only one who dislikes unskippable cutscenes that trigger whenever you drive near anything and impart the most obvious information in a god damn racing game.

edit: shit i gotta pick up kirby. i've been meaning to do that.


That was the vibe I was going for, yeah. :p

it would be kind of cool if they started doing things like make customizable characters based off save data and it transfers into other games. like your link in hyrule warriors affects the link in majora's mask 3d and zelda wii u.
Wait, that actually sounds almost unplayable, though. If you have to glitch through something in to actually get through the game, that's not very well programmed and it almost sounds like the devs didn't know what they'd wanted or what they'd wanted to do.

The main game is... mostly playable? There are parts where I had to glitch because half the time the "Flag marker" or whatever you want to call it didn't trip meaning I couldn't proceed and half the time it did (on replays it does trip sometimes). The main problem you will run into on the main paths are the fact that the developers didn't know how to do certain things they wanted, and the game gives you hell for it. There's this one area where you ride on a mine cart. You can tell there are no special qualities/programming to the mine cart and it is literally a piece of geometry that moves because the momentum messes with your character and 90% of the time the danger isn't even the enemies: It's being thrown off the cart and out of bounds (you'd think they'd put up invisible walls to protect you, but nope). The game is full of this.

It's when you want to complete a level with anything other than possibly a C that the game shows that it was, quite frankly, unfinished or at least not bug checked. Some jumps to get to parts are impossibly long or too high for the characters to jump to and the only way for me to get to them is to glitch the level (and that's IF they aren't impossible to reach due to the invisible walls in certain levels). This wouldn't be such an issue if this happened to a lot of the higher end parts. Not only that, but near the end of the game, you'll have to collect between 300 to 500 parts per level and as the game goes on, more and more of the parts are put in these impossible to reach locations. Also, Some level geometry off the main path is literally unfinished (especially on the last level where 90% of the time I get caught in the level geometry itself and have to restart). There are times when I pick up the "Specialty Melee weapon" for the level and it won't trigger and I have to restart the level enable to get the S rank. There is also the fact that it is impossible to Platinum this game. The programmers accidentally set the achievement from "Complete this section in 20 seconds (or something like that)" to "Complete this section in 2 seconds"

Funny enough, when you say they didn't know how to do what they'd wanted... that's actually why they were shut down:

"The studio has spent $23m on Reich and it is a flop. Of the 9 levels only levels 1 and 2 are completed. It would be difficult to outsource the rest of the game since the other stages are partially completed. Past management staff has mismanaged the funds. There was no corporate monitoring on spending.”"

Like you said:

That's actually kinda worrisome. :O

Did you feel like the positives outweighed the negatives, then?

Thinking about it, no. I love the ideas behind the core gameplay, but it's all so poorly done. I had fun with it... but that fun came between periods of extreme frustration. Honestly, I'd go back on my recommendation to "proceed cautiously" and just say "Avoid".
it would be kind of cool if they started doing things like make customizable characters based off save data and it transfers into other games. like your link in hyrule warriors affects the link in majora's mask 3d and zelda wii u.

I do wonder if they'd go that far. It'd be interesting, for sure. Most I'm expecting is just "hey, this Link is this good at Hyrule Warriors, this good at Smash, etc etc".
You like Kane, what do you know

Also, hey guys, I made a post about potential NFP games, feedback would be cooooool

Good write up, Coldman.

Honestly, I'm leaning more and more towards buying a Wii U. Never got a Wii and near the end of the Gamecube I switched over to the Xbox and PS2. But with Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze, Wonderful 101, Bayonetta 2, Super Mario 3D Land, Smash 4, Pikmin 3, and X... the allure is getting to be too much.

BHZ Mayor

There is also the fact that it is impossible to Platinum this game. The programmers accidentally set the achievement from "Complete this section in 20 seconds (or something like that)" to "Complete this section in 2 seconds"

Thinking about it, no. I love the ideas behind the core gameplay, but it's all so poorly done. I had fun with it... but that fun came between periods of extreme frustration. Honestly, I'd go back on my recommendation to "proceed cautiously" and just say "Avoid".

Good. Now Schala and especially Noi have no excuse to still play it anyway.

Good write up, Coldman.

Honestly, I'm leaning more and more towards buying a Wii U. Never got a Wii and near the end of the Gamecube I switched over to the Xbox and PS2. But with Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze, Wonderful 101, Bayonetta 2, Super Mario 3D Land, Smash 4, Pikmin 3, and X... the allure is getting to be too much.

And dat Mario Kart man. Dat Mario Kart.


Yo , fellow purveyors of neon colored anthropomorphic go fast aminals.

You remember that thing withe speed run and the generations, were there rules to that? Like no items or super or whatever.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Real quick cuz I'm in the middle of something atm.

You remember that thing withe speed run and the generations, were there rules to that? Like no items or super or whatever.
There is the option for Red Ring runs (runs where you get all red rings in as little time as possible, normal time attack runs, and another for runs with skills.

No skills, if you're competing for the steam game of your choice prize.
Declare the platform you are playing it on.
Declare if you are doing the speedruns for fun or for the prize.

I need to edit the spreadsheet and I'll do that tonight. Been busy this week with spring cleaning and going out and all.


i played a little crash warped and ctr.

crash warped is easily the best of the three crash games. so that's good. ctr kinda feels like naughty dog hates me and everyone else. but then again maybe i'm the only one who dislikes unskippable cutscenes that trigger whenever you drive near anything and impart the most obvious information in a god damn racing game.

edit: shit i gotta pick up kirby. i've been meaning to do that.

I'm pretty sure you could skip those and honestly the cutscenes are few and far between. You can even skip Aku and Uka's tutorials by mashing Triangle IIRC.

Remember that the game was released in 1999 and to some that may even be their first Kart racing game (like for me). I actually learned some good info from those tutorials and the cutscenes added a little novelty to the SP mode.
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