Quick reminder that there's only a week left (May 17) for the Sonic Generations speedrun stuff.
Item A: I updated the spreadsheet. Quote for it.
Item B: More votes needed for this, please:
The next game on the list was Sonic Unleashed, since that's what a few of us really wanted to speedrun, and Generations was more of a practice thing. I was thinking of doing Unleashed in July to give people a month or so to practice.
a) bump Sonic Unleashed in favour of SA2 in July
b) do Sonic Unleashed in July and do SA2 in August - 1 vote
c) Take a week off and do SA2 or Unleashed in June - 1 vote
d) scrap the idea entirely
I wanted to add Sonic Colours to the mix, since that's the last of the Uncolourations games in this.
Item C: A reminder that the prize for this time around was a quick concept of a Steam game of the winner's choice. Next time I'll pick some better stuff since this was essentially the growing pains thing. I acknowledge that it wasn't organized in the best way, but next time will be better. Especially if I have a month in between for it. Or would you not care for a competitive aspect at all, and would rather just do it for fun?
Item D: These are your times to beat if you want to do the speedruns competitively.
The person with the most best times will win the competition.
Good luck.
With that said, however, people can still do this for fun. I didn't like seeing people scared off by times, but the biggest part of the idea--at least when Pietepiet and I discussed doing this months ago--was for people to have fun doing it, competitively or no or with skills/no skills.
Also I tried to revive the Kirby Music appreciation thread, but oh well.