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Sonic the Hedgehog Community Thread |OT3 & Knuckles|


1. Smash U - by far

2. Smash 3DS - it's smash, but kinda worse cause it's on 3ds

3. Zelda U - it's zelda. too far away to be that hyped, though. teaser was neat.

4. Bloodborne - it's dark souls.

5. Bayonetta 2 - looks super fun, plus it comes with the first game.
Finally stopped putting it off and gave my Sonic 2006 video a custom thumbnail


I feel dirty, but sometimes it helps to lean in to established visual tropes


Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep HD Remix is a thing I'm looking forward to because it's the only good Kingdom Hearts game. Too bad it comes with two games that end up jacking up the price of the game, but what can you do? Out this December for PS3.

Didn't like KH2 Final Mix? I really disliked KH2 but FM fixed my gameplay issues with that game for the most part. There's no saving the plot in the KH series so whatever in that case, lol.

1. Smash U - by far

2. Smash 3DS - it's smash, but kinda worse cause it's on 3ds

3. Zelda U - it's zelda. too far away to be that hyped, though. teaser was neat.

4. Bloodborne - it's dark souls.

5. Bayonetta 2 - looks super fun, plus it comes with the first game.

Pretty close to my top 5 for E3. I really want Yoshi and Kirby too. The white PS4 bundle is sexy but I'm not that interested in Destiny and no other games for PS4 are really grabbing my interest to get a PS4 this year. Xbox One has more games I'd play at the moment but I don't mind waiting awhile for a good bundle.


Finally stopped putting it off and gave my Sonic 2006 video a custom thumbnail

I feel dirty, but sometimes it helps to lean in to established visual tropes

I mean, does anyone really believe 2006 isn't a bad game? Everyone will come across something in-game that will elicit the feeling of "why the fuck am I playing this"?


To be honest, the video title bothered me a bit, because the silly glitches aren't why Sonic 06 is a bad game. It's the bad controls, the bland art, and the badly designed... everything.


OMG, Sonic 06 is like one of my guilty pleasures, I absolutely love playing and dicking around in it and stuff, but the fact that some people ACTUALLY defend it and don't think it is shit just sickens and baffles me.
To be honest, the video title bothered me a bit, because the silly glitches aren't why Sonic 06 is a bad game. It's the bad controls, the bland art, and the badly designed... everything.

I suppose it depends on how you define a glitch.

I would say the bad controls are sort of a glitch.


OMG, Sonic 06 is like one of my guilty pleasures, I absolutely love playing and dicking around in it and stuff, but the fact that some people ACTUALLY defend it and don't think it is shit just sickens and baffles me.

You are aware some people have actually managed to make speedruns of the game where they beat it in under an hour?

It's a 1:1 image, though, so you're not gonna get 16:9 without cutting part of it out.

There is a bigger version, though:

Gracias. I'm still working on what you sent me, though I might err reword and restructure what you wrote ^^; Got swamped by work today but I'll try to get it sent to you when I'm done.
Hey, does anybody know what's going on with Mike Pollock? Apparently he's been entangled in some kind of controversy with SuperPsyGuy, but I can't seem to find anything...
Hey, does anybody know what's going on with Mike Pollock? Apparently he's been entangled in some kind of controversy with SuperPsyGuy, but I can't seem to find anything...
Actually, yes; It's an issue I've been following pretty closely for a while now. I've been hesitant to bring it into here because it's a bit of a tricky subject to give the appropriate care necessary, but at the same time, it's a fairly important subject that needs addressing.

I'd recently been hanging out in Skype chat with a ton of goons from Something Awful, generally brought together by slowbeef's absurdly-late-night Twitch-streaming antics. One of them (whose screen name I'll omit for her sake, although if you choose to look up some of the things I'm about to mention, you'll find it pretty quick) didn't stick around in the chat for very long, but she was a pretty nice woman with a cute obsession with Japanese mascots (Funyassi and Kumamon in particular), so I followed her on Twitter.

However, this woman had a very troubled past with an online male predator, and was slowly coming out with all the facts recently. As it turns out, the predator in question was PsyGuy of Fireball20XL internet fame.

She was underage, but PsyGuy caught on that she was a female fan of hers, and took a personal interest in her. He'd then proceeded to do all sorts of creepy things - talking about how pretty she was, how well-behaved she was for her age, how he was so eager to fuck her when she turned 18, writing poetry about her with tons of sexual imagery... Worse, he made himself very needy toward them, basically demanding her full attention at all times, acting as if this is how a relationship is supposed to work.

It would be bad enough if it were just this one girl. It wasn't; he was juggling around women like he was a circus clown. He'd often hide the existence of the other girls from one another, claiming that each girl in question was the only one in his life. Then, after the girls had invested so much time and emotion with him, at the expense of their real life family and friends (remember, he acted really needy), he'd abruptly dump them for another one of his girls. If they had seriously put him above their real-life acquaintances, because - hey, this guy's an internet celebrity, and they're actually romantically involved with him, that's kind of a rare occurrence that's worth keeping up! - then they would be left with nobody in their life, and Psy couldn't give a shit.

Of course, Psy would often rebound back toward the girls, trying to make things start up again. Not even after a significant period of time, like you'd expect such a rebound to work; no, we're talking a month, or even as short as a few days.

Eventually, this woman had had enough of his shit, and was trying to break up with him. If you thought he was creepy when she was buying into his act, try how he reacts when she's catching on to him and trying to break free: he starts to try and make her life a living Hell. We're talking sending her lists of phone-numbers of serial killers. Poetry about how he'd love to murder her. Publicly discussing her on his podcast as a crazed, jilted lover. Intending to post her phone number on the podcast so his closest followers can harass her endlessly in real-life, 4chan-style. Having his closest friends and fans harass her as he did.

She managed to break free, somehow, but it left her so emotionally-shaken that she was officially diagnosed with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.

Lately, though, in an attempt to try and cope with this PTSD, she'd written up a blog post on Tumblr about all the horrible shit he did to her (which is how I learned about all of this). It caught on mighty quickly - other women on Tumblr started to speak out about how he'd acted toward them, as well, and it was by-and-large a lot of the same shit, only with different targets. It's hard to say how many girls and women he pulled this stunt with, but there's at least ten accounts in response to that one Tumblr blog.

If you need more information, see Mr. DJB's recent Retsupurae of one of the guy's LPs. She guests with him, and goes into detail a lot better than my relatively-uninformed ass can; I've probably mangled some of the facts in my retelling, but I sincerely doubt she, as the victim, would mess them up.

As for Mr. Pollock, he basically just chipped in with "sorry, but I don't believe this; I need more concrete proof than tens of women speaking out, as it could just be a well-coordinated smear campaign". I disagree, obviously, because it'd be a little too convenient for so many women to all come out with stories that kind of piece together fairly well about the same skeevy behavior, and I'm not really eager to go victim-blaming here. That said, I'd rather not harass either him or PsyGuy - in the case of the latter, he actively desires attention, and I think I will actively be avoiding him from now on to deny him just that.
It's a really rough position, but there is something about the Sonic fandom where some of the fans got really bitter and nasty, and it stretches way beyond where it should stop. It's really hard to take even a group's word at face value. But I haven't seen the videos, etc. And I'm absolutely not saying anything about the veracity of their claims. It's just hard not to be cautious when I know how malicious some people get in this fandom about a blue hedgehog that runs really really fast.

I had an old friend touch base with me a while back, out of the blue, and I only later found out it was exclusively to spread lies about someone in the fandom, where that person and some friends were going out of their way to paint a dark picture of a person at a very bad moment in their life. I wasn't exactly a fan of this person to begin with, so I bought it hook, line and sinker at the time. I was basically used by the friend to spread a malicious story that turned out not to be true.

I think the short reply is "If even half of this stuff was true, and it was backed up somehow, you could go to the cops, even if it's been years." This may have been addressed in the video, I don't know yet, and if their claims are true, he may have specifically scared them away from going to police. But they could now.


that puzzling face
Gracias. I'm still working on what you sent me, though I might err reword and restructure what you wrote ^^; Got swamped by work today but I'll try to get it sent to you when I'm done.

You see my post on previous page? Strife's willing to make you a custom banner with the logo wherever you want it

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Oh lawd, this is a day when I'm gonna be blunt, isn't it?

Didn't like KH2 Final Mix? I really disliked KH2 but FM fixed my gameplay issues with that game for the most part. There's no saving the plot in the KH series so whatever in that case, lol.
I don't like the combat at all in KH outside of BbS. I think it's boring and KH2 FM didn't really do much to fix that for me. With that said, KH2 did something really good: it fixed the camera so that I wouldn't get motion sickness. I think the games, stylistically, look very good. Otherwise, I don't necessarily think the combat's for me.

BbS did a lot of things right that I hope that KH3 actually does right. I spent hours playing Itadaki Street in that game, lol.

I don't pay attention to the story at all so I couldn't tell you what character does what or who they hook up with or whether or not everyone is Sora.

I'm so sure by the looks of things that Tengami itself is not the sort of game/experience(?) I'd bother with normally but you know I'll follow the Wise Man.
Actually I already gave the soundtrack numerous listens but now I need to hear this stuff in context as well, there's like a Japanese themed Forest Interlude spin off in here.

The latter half of your E3 list makes me wonder just how many Indie games fliy under the radar at an event like E3, the last few I'd yet to hear of but 12 odd hours later one sticks with me for having a playable character simply known as "GHOST MONK" which amuses me for whatever reason.
Yeah, a lot of indie games flew under the radar. Sometimes sizzle trailers aren't enough, and you have to look some of this stuff on YouTube or the streams that multiple companies are putting up. There's only so much you can do when people are paying attention to games from huge publishers or well-known smaller publishers. If I didn't go out of my way to look at this stuff, I wouldn't have known they would've existed at all.

I don't think people will like Tengami too much? It's more of an experience and a story, so it's best if you get it if you know it'll be discounted. I already played it on mobile and it was fairly neat for the price I got it at. Usually mobile to console ports result in a price increase for whatever reason, so that's why I'm wary about recommending Tengami, period.

  • Pillars of Eternity - It got a small appearance at E3 in the form of this article! An spiritual sequel to my 2nd top favorite RPG, with a graphical engine developed with the exact same concept* I was messing around with a few years ago, done by actual professional artists. An excellent method to get a great looking game while maintaining a small budget, especially with the scope they want to achieve.

Huh, I thought I was being mean for not liking what I played of Xenoblade Chronicles, especially with all the positive attention I heard of it. But if an RPG buff like you is not that fond on it, maybe I wasn't that unjustified on skipping it. (Then again, stuff like Ni No Kuni also gets positive attention for some reason)
You're welcome to like what you like and dislike what you dislike. You shouldn't feel obligated to like everything that everyone else likes because it's popular.

Thanks for reminding me that Pillars of Eternity existed, though. I almost forgot about that one.

I haven't even finished the first Xenoblade cause the game already bored me enough. Pretty to look at, but man the dumb as bricks AI drives me up a wall. Would rather play any other Monolith game again.

You mean we aren't going to get into co-op shenanigans? ):
Yeah, sure. If you want. Just know that I like exploring. :V

The AI sucks, and the best way to control AI is through chain attacks. Don't forget that the animations don't really seem to work super-well. The battle interface is pretty garbage. The shop UI sucks because it takes forever to compare what you have to what you want to buy. Then it takes long to swap equipment because you have to unequip gems to compare, then buy equip, equip, reorganize your gems again. The quest system is zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Welcome to this area, let's make you do like 30-50 MMO quests for little money or junk rewards. Why the hell wouldn't you give me a Bestiary in this game when almost every quest would go by quicker if I did have one. If you do everything in an area and fight everything you can and explore every inch of it, you end up being overlevelled and the game ends up being out of balance. And you have limited inventory space when you're expected to get loot. But you're expected to explore and quest, so... I dunno. I don't think they ever thought things through. But again, Monolith Soft.

It's a good game, but definitely not one of those "god, I can't stop playing this!" types of games. It wastes the player's time a lot. Older RPGs have some of these conveniences that I wish Xenoblade, so it's a wonder why these factors weren't factored in. Little things add up and they tend to get on my nerves.

I actually genuinely like Xenoblade, but I must admit I'm getting a bit tired of it, around 80 hours in (and only up to
). Doesn't help that I never feel like I have time to play the game, since I have other obligations constantly nagging at me.

I don't think it's a bad game, though, or that the hype, if a little excessive, is unwarranted.
It's not a bad game, but oh lord the hype was completely unwarranted. I think the game is alright. I don't think the game's God's Gift to Humanity like some folks love to spout it is. At the end of the day, it's still a Monolith Soft game, just like Soma Bringer was.

For what it's worth, Xenoblade is literally the only Xeno-prefix game that I think is decent. Otherwise Monolith Soft has quite a ways to go. Like Level-5, I think they'd make a better BG art/presentation studio than anything else.

thought aonuma said that was gameplay footage.
That's what Square Enix said about Final Fantasy XVersus and some FF13 footage. I refuse to believe until it's playable or the press writes impressions for it.
It's a really rough position, but there is something about the Sonic fandom where some of the fans got really bitter and nasty, and it stretches way beyond where it should stop. It's really hard to take even a group's word at face value. But I haven't seen the videos, etc. And I'm absolutely not saying anything about the veracity of their claims. It's just hard not to be cautious when I know how malicious some people get in this fandom about a blue hedgehog that runs really really fast.

I had an old friend touch base with me a while back, out of the blue, and I only later found out it was exclusively to spread lies about someone in the fandom, where that person and some friends were going out of their way to paint a dark picture of a person at a very bad moment in their life. I wasn't exactly a fan of this person to begin with, so I bought it hook, line and sinker at the time. I was basically used by the friend to spread a malicious story that turned out not to be true.

I think the short reply is "If even half of this stuff was true, and it was backed up somehow, you could go to the cops, even if it's been years." This may have been addressed in the video, I don't know yet, and if their claims are true, he may have specifically scared them away from going to police. But they could now.

Yeah, and there was that thing with SonicTweaker a while back. They accused him of being a pedophile, a bunch other really nasty stuff came down, a legit police investigation apparently went under way, and... no proof was ever found.

I'm not saying it's true or false, but if you believe all the whispers you read on the internet, the rumor was that the group he hung out with on Skype got tired of him and just... decided to try and ruin his life on a whim.

I know for a fact I had people from Sonic Retro that were involved in that lie to my face (or as much as that's possible on the internet) about what was going on with that whole investigation, claiming Tweaker was on the run from the cops on a cross-country chase and that he would be "locked up and thrown in jail as soon as they catch him".

There were never any reports to state anything of that sort. He apparently never even left his home town.

Back in October somebody sent me a Tumblr ask about Sonic Retro and some of the reactions I got made me feel bad for some of the things I said, but then I remember incidents like these and... maybe I don't feel that bad.

There are some really, really bad eggs in this community.

Guess Who

Yeah, and there was that thing with SonicTweaker a while back. They accused him of being a pedophile, a bunch other really nasty stuff came down, a legit police investigation apparently went under way, and... no proof was ever found.

I'm not saying it's true or false, but if you believe all the whispers you read on the internet, the rumor was that the group he hung out with on Skype got tired of him and just... decided to try and ruin his life on a whim.

I know for a fact I had people from Sonic Retro that were involved in that lie to my face (or as much as that's possible on the internet) about what was going on with that whole investigation, claiming Tweaker was on the run from the cops on a cross-country chase and that he would be "locked up and thrown in jail as soon as they catch him".

There were never any reports to state anything of that sort. He apparently never even left his home town.

While I cannot emphasize enough how much this shit does not need to be dragged back up, suffice it to say this is a really badly informed version of what happened, and Scarred Sun already made a post with pretty much everything that went down from Retro's perspective, and I'll leave it at that. To say people just wanted to ruin his life on a whim is actually incredibly insulting.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
It's a little awkward to be discussing Sonic sub-communities in a meta sense since this thread as a whole itself isn't involved in some of this drama. I'd suggest going to PMs if folks would like to pursue this portion of the discussion (ie: the Retro stuff, not the Mike Pollock stuff).
While I cannot emphasize enough how much this shit does not need to be dragged back up, suffice it to say this is a really badly informed version of what happened, and Scarred Sun already made a post with pretty much everything that went down from Retro's perspective, and I'll leave it at that. To say people just wanted to ruin his life on a whim is actually incredibly insulting.

I'm gonna say just one more thing about this and then I will drop it:

For a place like Sonic Retro that may have developed something of a reputation for being a certain way, or containing certain people, hiding something like this in a forum announcement isn't doing anyone any favors.

Guess Who

I have no interest in pursuing the discussion further as everything that has been said about it was said years ago, and frankly it pisses me off to see it in this thread.
I have no interest in pursuing the discussion further as everything that has been said about it was said years ago, and frankly it pisses me off to see it in this thread.

I really am actually sorry. But given that it's marginally related subject matter, it probably shouldn't be a surprise, especially with the direction things were going in.

Any misinformation on my part was an accident, and I will own up to that.

The end.
Honestly, I've given as full an explanation as I need to. A question was asked, and having witnessed the whole issue since it became public, I gave as thorough an answer as I could. Some facts weren't quite right, but the gist was good enough. I wasn't really planning on dragging it out beyond the one post.

I stand by my decision to ignore Psy from here on out, though.
Next topic:

Freedom Planet tees


The design needs ~25 more orders by the end of the month or it won't get made (yay crowdsourcing)

Kind of awkward that there doesn't seem to be an easy way to zoom in on the design, save for Right Clicking and viewing the image separately. Not your fault, just weird of TeeSpring. I even turned off Adblock and refreshed to make sure that wasn't the issue.

Funny thing is, at some point 4Kids (or ShoPro?) decided to put up the original Japanese with English subtitles on YouTube as an official thing. It was still there, again, on I believe "4Kids" with no warning.

Apparently it's still up on Hulu like that: http://www.hulu.com/watch/139764#i1,p0,d0, 16:21ish, when the lights come back on.


Spontaneous posts might benefit me in the future.

Rambling aside,

Hello Sonic gaf. How you doing, got a question for you.

For those who enjoy the sonic comics, who is your favorite character introduced in the comics? Just a fun question , feel free to answer if you wish.
For those who enjoy the sonic comics, who is your favorite character introduced in the comics? Just a fun question , feel free to answer if you wish.

I'm not really caught up on the comics, but from the pieces I've read, I liked how they turned Nicole into a real character, and I liked her pre-reboot design (haven't seen enough of her post-reboot to form an opinion).


I don't like watching Twitch archives since they tend to load like molasses for me, so hopefully the Summer Games Done Quick get put on Youtube.

Spontaneous posts my benefit me in the future.

Rambling aside,

Hello Sonic gaf. How you doing, got a question for you.

For those who enjoy the sonic comics, who is your favorite character introduced in the comics? Just a fun question , feel free to answer if you wish.

Scourge and Finitivus. Funny how my fav. characters in the comics are villains heh.


I don't like watching Twitch archives since they tend to load like molasses for me, so hopefully the Summer Games Done Quick get put on Youtube.
Twitch Player is just an enormous pile of shit to start with. It's incredible how it runs at like 10fps on my computer and literally overheats my processor after 30 minutes to forced shutdown (nothing else does this), yet I can load up the same stream in VLC at full HD and 60fps with no problems.


strife asks if something like this is ok; he can tweak it for hires if it is


Looks good, but I need the words 'Official NeoGAF Thread' on the upper right. Maybe keep some more of the vertical area above the mech and the text there?
EDIT: Based on the bigger image which was linked a few posts back
Maybe try and show a little more of Carol's bike and try to fit Milla in if possible? Otherwise what I posted before the edit would be fine.
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