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Sonic the Hedgehog Community Thread |OT3 & Knuckles|

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Ruby-senpai noticed me!

(Kidding, I think you did a great job at Sega. It's going to be weird without you around for a while!)


Ummmmmmmm. I think I have a problem. Noi pointed out that Lightning Returns fucked me up for a while, and left me bitter and jaded and even more of a grouch than I already am. I don't even want to play another Square Enix game at this point, even when he was coaxing me to join in FF14 with him. Or even any game he seems to recommend (ie: I don't want to take many risks anymore). Basically, I've become a huge grouch, and I don't want out of my comfort zone which is not a good thing.

What seems to happen often lately is that it seems like whenever I play a game, I seem to have a largely different opinion from everyone else*. Final Fantasy XIII-2 seemed to be the start of it when I didn't like it as much as FF13, but everyone seemed to love it. Tons of people love Ni no Kuni, but I didn't like it at all. Lightning Returns has a mixed reception but a lot of people here seemed to like it but I really loathed it. Lots of people loved Child of Light and I thought it was incredibly shallow and poorly-structured. Finally, Shovel Knight seems to be met with the notion that it’s a flawless game but I feel like it does have a lot of flaws and things that need rebalancing. There are a lot of other games, but those are the ones that seem to stand out and I feel awkward even discussing them lately because now I’m starting to feel like I’m the one who has wrong opinions. Part of the reason is because GAF’s gotten so big that it’s difficult to find dissenting opinions in a 40+pg thread, so in the end, I feel like -I’m- in the wrong and I should probably keep my mouth shut.

It's more that... I guess I can't resist being blunt and not sugarcoating things like I used to because I feel like I don't have that much patience to do it anymore. But at the same time, I don’t want to piss people off by communicating how I feel in a brutally honest manner, so I just bottle it up and it’s been slightly exploding from time to time in private to a select few people.

I think I should probably take a break from message board culture for a bit (even if I’m not posting very much), but at the same time, we have the Sonic Unleashed stuff coming up and I don't want to put that off. I don’t feel like I’m in the right mindset to do it, and I’m sorry for that. Noi and Bean tried to cheer me up and knock me out of it, but I think I just need some time to myself. Don't think I'll ask for a ban this time, though.

*obviously i'm not the only person who feels that way about some of these games since there are others who feel similarly, but we're definitely few and far between. It's me having my own awkward issues.

OMG Aero

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news Schala, but it turns out you don't like video games any more and have to find a new hobby now.
I remember when I spent the first half of last year not really enjoying anything games related as much as I'd like, what an odd period that was.
I think Guacamelee was like my equivalent to Schala's Shovel Knight situation.
My cure was a trio of strong summer releases but this year has no such thing so I'm all out of solutions, I'm a tremendous help.
Metal Slug 3 just blew my mind. What an absolutely chaotic masterpiece.
I feel like SNK saw the writing on the wall for the bankruptcy and thought "fuck it put in EVERYTHING"

Which leave the sequels lookin kinda pointless...how the fuck do you follow up Metal Slug 3s onslaught of ideas?


It's time to play another Time and Eternity or Sonic 06, Schala. Time to be reminded of what a bad game is truly like. I suggest Senran Kagura. :p

Honestly, that works for me when I start getting jaded and not really enjoying games I should be. I bitch at some horrible game for a while and then quickly feel ready to sit down and have fun again.

but srsly, if you don't play Senran Kagura I probably will because I'm so sick of the "the story and gameplay are soo deep, you just don't understand because you haven't played it" argument. Someone save me from this horrible fate
You could always go back to games you know for a fact are fun, or look into games from the same era to see if anything else gives you that kind of high, I suppose.

I wouldn't go in expecting anything to be perfect, though. That's just setting yourself up for disappointment. I totally expect Shovel Knight (whenever I get around to it) to have small things that annoy me; every game does.


Yeah, got it on steam.

Mission 2 and the final mission... The dudes responsible for them are craaaaazy.

Decided to play it today for Playfire rewards and while the audio has some odd issues, it's as kickass as I remember it but man...this game should only ever be played 2 player, it's more fun that way.

A minor nitpick is that if you take alternate routes, finishing them then reaching the boss area just seems out of place. In Mission 2, if you go into the cave, you fight yetis and then ride an Elephant Slug, after completing the cave, you are suddenly in the final area leading up to the boss. It's like cut and paste.
When you think about...what was the point of the cave and the yetis? All you do is make your way through yetis and free an Elephant which you ride back to the cave's entrance, from there you get off and are sent to the boss area.
I wouldn't be surprised if SNK had various ideas for stages and didn't want to leave some novelties so they tossed them into the game as alternate routes.

Non the less, Metal Slug 3 is among their best games, and is a terrific co-op game. No shame in playing on easy if you just want a fun time too =)


What seems to happen often lately is that it seems like whenever I play a game, I seem to have a largely different opinion from everyone else*. Final Fantasy XIII-2 seemed to be the start of it when I didn't like it as much as FF13, but everyone seemed to love it. Tons of people love Ni no Kuni, but I didn't like it at all. Lightning Returns has a mixed reception but a lot of people here seemed to like it but I really loathed it. Lots of people loved Child of Light and I thought it was incredibly shallow and poorly-structured. Finally, Shovel Knight seems to be met with the notion that it’s a flawless game but I feel like it does have a lot of flaws and things that need rebalancing. There are a lot of other games, but those are the ones that seem to stand out and I feel awkward even discussing them lately because now I’m starting to feel like I’m the one who has wrong opinions. Part of the reason is because GAF’s gotten so big that it’s difficult to find dissenting opinions in a 40+pg thread, so in the end, I feel like -I’m- in the wrong and I should probably keep my mouth shut.
I personally don't mind your views even if they are negative about a game, because it helps to have a look at the bad elements of the game as well.
I do wonder though if you are focusing too much on the negatives of a game that you let it sour the overall game experience. I know you mentioned about 'being a grouch', but I'm sure you don't really want to complain or nitpick on games.

The thing is, I and many others have played many games over the years and even games that featured stuff we didn't like, it still didn't stop us from enjoying them. We either overlook or simply not let the annoying stuff bother us.
Case in point: Might and Magic Clash of Heroes
I've replayed this game dozens of times and while I hate the special and boss fights, it is among my most addicting games of the past gen or 2. I ESPECIALLY don't like the game's music but the gameplay on its own makes up for it.

It's more that... I guess I can't resist being blunt and not sugarcoating things like I used to because I feel like I don't have that much patience to do it anymore. But at the same time, I don’t want to piss people off by communicating how I feel in a brutally honest manner, so I just bottle it up and it’s been slightly exploding from time to time in private to a select few people.

I think I should probably take a break from message board culture for a bit (even if I’m not posting very much), but at the same time, we have the Sonic Unleashed stuff coming up and I don't want to put that off. I don’t feel like I’m in the right mindset to do it, and I’m sorry for that. Noi and Bean tried to cheer me up and knock me out of it, but I think I just need some time to myself. Don't think I'll ask for a ban this time, though.

*obviously i'm not the only person who feels that way about some of these games since there are others who feel similarly, but we're definitely few and far between. It's me having my own awkward issues.

Mind you I don't have anything (anymore) about any different or negative views you would have about a game, in fact I tend to welcome them since you bring some interesting points to light. They also hardly effect my opinion and enjoyment of a game, simply because as I posted above, I don't let it bother me and just focus on what I like about a game.

For that matter, what are stuff in Shovel Knight that you're not liking? The game's launch trailer showcased some stuff that just seemed needlessly hard or difficult to me, and are just there simply for the sake of 'challenging gameplay'.
Jigga if I want challenging I'll play MGS games on Hard, I don't want any of that faux 'I wann be the guy' shit you people think NES games had back in the day.


Decided to play it today for Playfire rewards and while the audio has some odd issues, it's as kickass as I remember it but man...this game should only ever be played 2 player, it's more fun that way.

A minor nitpick is that if you take alternate routes, finishing them then reaching the boss area just seems out of place. In Mission 2, if you go into the cave, you fight yetis and then ride an Elephant Slug, after completing the cave, you are suddenly in the final area leading up to the boss. It's like cut and paste.
When you think about...what was the point of the cave and the yetis? All you do is make your way through yetis and free an Elephant which you ride back to the cave's entrance, from there you get off and are sent to the boss area.
I wouldn't be surprised if SNK had various ideas for stages and didn't want to leave some novelties so they tossed them into the game as alternate routes.

Non the less, Metal Slug 3 is among their best games, and is a terrific co-op game. No shame in playing on easy if you just want a fun time too =)

I loved, loved the mission 4 alternate route.. Mad indiana jones vibe coming out of there.

And yeah, maybe it's because I'm just that awful at the game, but I've been playing through the game on easy.


that puzzling face
Man, I remember emulating Metal Slug for the first time on NeoGeo and I was so blown away by how much more vibrant it was than the iffy PSX ports. Entire series is seriously top tier in its class, but I agree MS3 was something special on top of that.


Ugh I need to get the 3DS back from my friend so I can finish this 3DS backlog.
I got Yoshi's Island 3DS and just want to beat it to see if I'd like it enough to keep it.

I am in a platformer mood right now and am salty that I couldn't get the Crash games on my PS Vita T.T


Junior Member
saw this on facebook. its epic. Iizuka-san and gang looking badass as ever


They look like they are ready to kick some ass!

"We are Sonic Team. Don't fuck with us."


saw this on facebook. its epic. Iizuka-san and gang looking badass as ever


They look like they are ready to kick some ass!
I hope BRB is first on the list of asses to kick.
*SK related snip*
Part of the problem is that SK is moreso geared towards new players. They don't want to scare off the more casual audience who has a passing interest in the game. I voiced concerns on their twitter, apparently they have a mode in planning that would change some of the item balancing to be harder.

That said, you should try shovel only. Once you get some practice in it's good fun.
Phantom Striker, Plague Knight, Mole Knight, etc. with shovel only is some great shit.
Apparently replaying the acts of Sonic 4 episode 2 is one of the things that boredom leads me to do.

Oh this game, I mean it's not a complete mess but it's rife with strange game design moments.
I forgot just how stiff this game feels, never before has starting Sonic's stroll felt so met with resistance, like the game is begging you to perform the failed homing attack motion for instant momentum, it's so rigid that at one point I missed the special stage ring and was incapable of actually turning around and getting back to it in time.
Momentum runs by its own rules that I'm incapable of comprehending, a spindash that loses all speed in seconds and curling up just slows you down even on slopes for some baffling reason. Teaming up with Tails is like a straight up middle finger to game physics that I can't even describe, if I may try it's like you could be heading vertically up a wall on the brink of a standstill, press the team up button and suddenly your spinning up the wall, bounding across the stage and steamrolling across everything until you hit a wall or bottomless pit.
Those rare boxes you stumble across that give you a screen filling special move to mash the three or four enemies in view to death with there and then make me more appreciative of Kong-Pow, indeed there are worse ways to implement such a feature, between this and the super roll it's like they wanted to make Tails more useful outside of his expected flight but weren't entirely sure how to do that so not quite Team Blast and borked momentum roll it is.

Oh I could say so much more but you know, Dimps pretty much sums things up, springs, boosts, springs, boosts, more springs, the only deaths I got come out of nowhere or from Frozen Walrus blockades. Though Episode Metal and its ability to make already weak stages even worse with haphazard design is a special case mind you, some next level Dimps-ing if you will.

I think it's safe to say that with this replay the game drought is getting to me, I've got to find myself some old classics to play for the first time and binge on them for the next few months, these are hard times indeed.

Phil S.

Hello, all. I've been a lurker of this community for a little while. My account was just activated this morning, so I wanted to pop in say hi. I know Schala, as we occasionally chat on the Twitter, and most others I know in a "oh, I know THAT username!" sense.

Anyway, I'm Phil, and it's nice to be able to interact with all of you!


Hello, all. I've been a lurker of this community for a little while. My account was just activated this morning, so I wanted to pop in say hi. I know Schala, as we occasionally chat on the Twitter, and most others I know in a "oh, I know THAT username!" sense.

Anyway, I'm Phil, and it's nice to be able to interact with all of you!


Unfortunately, Schala's taking a break from GAF, so you're now going to have to be her substitute. How many lengthy essays can you write about the games you play? :V

Phil S.

Yeah, that's what I was told.

I'm going to stick to non-sales age topics and not go in other incendiary threads. There's not going to be a lot to post in, though...



Unfortunately, Schala's taking a break from GAF, so you're now going to have to be her substitute. How many lengthy essays can you write about the games you play? :V

Shadow Hog, if you've finished any images or additions to the Freedom Planet OT, just PM them to me and then we can both finalize it by the week before its release =)


Hello, all. I've been a lurker of this community for a little while. My account was just activated this morning, so I wanted to pop in say hi. I know Schala, as we occasionally chat on the Twitter, and most others I know in a "oh, I know THAT username!" sense.

Anyway, I'm Phil, and it's nice to be able to interact with all of you!



I like how this is one of the quotes n the Freedom Planet website
""sonicfags making their own sonicfag game about their sonicfag characters. worst of all the're making it good"
~ Anonymous

OMG Aero

I wasn't paying attention at the time because like most sane people I didn't own a Saturn, but was Sonic R a full priced game when it was released?
Because there are like five tracks in that game and I can't imagine any situation or price that I would pay for that game alone and not feel ripped off.
I wasn't paying attention at the time because like most sane people I didn't own a Saturn, but was Sonic R a full priced game when it was released?
Because there are like five tracks in that game and I can't imagine any situation or price that I would pay for that game alone and not feel ripped off.

you're talking about a system that was like $400 in 1995

the target audience for this clearly didn't give a damn about money


Hopefully not both the main Sonic comic and Universe get released/published this week.
I need something to look forward to next eek :V
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