Dark Schala
Eloquent Princess
Ruby-senpai noticed me!Omai!![]()
(Kidding, I think you did a great job at Sega. It's going to be weird without you around for a while!)
Ummmmmmmm. I think I have a problem. Noi pointed out that Lightning Returns fucked me up for a while, and left me bitter and jaded and even more of a grouch than I already am. I don't even want to play another Square Enix game at this point, even when he was coaxing me to join in FF14 with him. Or even any game he seems to recommend (ie: I don't want to take many risks anymore). Basically, I've become a huge grouch, and I don't want out of my comfort zone which is not a good thing.
What seems to happen often lately is that it seems like whenever I play a game, I seem to have a largely different opinion from everyone else*. Final Fantasy XIII-2 seemed to be the start of it when I didn't like it as much as FF13, but everyone seemed to love it. Tons of people love Ni no Kuni, but I didn't like it at all. Lightning Returns has a mixed reception but a lot of people here seemed to like it but I really loathed it. Lots of people loved Child of Light and I thought it was incredibly shallow and poorly-structured. Finally, Shovel Knight seems to be met with the notion that it’s a flawless game but I feel like it does have a lot of flaws and things that need rebalancing. There are a lot of other games, but those are the ones that seem to stand out and I feel awkward even discussing them lately because now I’m starting to feel like I’m the one who has wrong opinions. Part of the reason is because GAF’s gotten so big that it’s difficult to find dissenting opinions in a 40+pg thread, so in the end, I feel like -I’m- in the wrong and I should probably keep my mouth shut.
It's more that... I guess I can't resist being blunt and not sugarcoating things like I used to because I feel like I don't have that much patience to do it anymore. But at the same time, I don’t want to piss people off by communicating how I feel in a brutally honest manner, so I just bottle it up and it’s been slightly exploding from time to time in private to a select few people.
I think I should probably take a break from message board culture for a bit (even if I’m not posting very much), but at the same time, we have the Sonic Unleashed stuff coming up and I don't want to put that off. I don’t feel like I’m in the right mindset to do it, and I’m sorry for that. Noi and Bean tried to cheer me up and knock me out of it, but I think I just need some time to myself. Don't think I'll ask for a ban this time, though.
*obviously i'm not the only person who feels that way about some of these games since there are others who feel similarly, but we're definitely few and far between. It's me having my own awkward issues.