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Sony CEO Jim Ryan says fans shouldn't expect to see PS5 exclusives launch on PC day one.


Tears of Nintendo
How doesn't matter when they release if they are patched some time after?
That's the problem, they should not require any patches at all after release and should work day 1 and be native PC versions. That's my response to them not releasing their PC port much later, cuz it doesn't matter when, PC ports will always be half assed and will always be in a shit state at launch and won't be fixed with just a cople of patches in two weeks time if ever (Dead Space, Callisto Protocol etc.).

So, my point being that instead of saying that "We're just going to wait longer before releasing games on PC", how about giving all this time to whoever will be porting games to PC to work on native PC ports the moment PS5 version is released or better yet, let them work with original studio from the start and colaborate with them to make PC port native to the platform from the start of development, not years after the fact.

Moreover, none of the PC ports should be tied to overpriced hardware available at release to run properly and for the people to have the best experience instead of TLOU PC port shitshow which is still a thing. All current PC hardware is years ahead of what PS5 has when it comes to performance, but not when it comes to architecture advantages and as long as there is no reliable way to match these advantages on PC platfrom, PC ports will always be shit, so they need to work on that as well and use everything PC platform has to offer (Direct Storage, Resizable Bar etc.) to minimize any potential problems.

That's what I would've done if my reputation was at stake, but Sony just don't give a fuck it looks like.
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I've got a better idea, don't give PC *any* PlayStation exclusives, if they want to play them so badly buy a PS5, increase hardware sales and software should even out with what would have sold on PC
How many PC gamers do you know that bought a console just to play 1st party exclusives?
Switch excluded since it can be seen as a portable.

I don’t know any. I don’t think that market exist or it’s extremely small.

The only thing that will happen is that the console exclusive games will get shat on more on the internet by people who never have played or plan to play the games, as always with exclusives on any platform.

Delays do this as well but it’s not as bad and in some cases there is some ”I’ll wait for the definitive edition” talk going on.
And console+PC gamers will double dip and complain about the price at the LTTP release,




its fine, he released too many games too fast and sales staggered. plus it didnt help they were shitty ports. bring them all in due time, thats fine. we have plenty of games to play and we can wait.


Rodent Whores
Gotta hand it to Jim for being able to frame this issue in a way that shifts the gaming Overton Window in a way that still appeases both Sony exclusive fans and PC players. Not too long ago, the fact that any Sony exclusives were coming out on PC at all was highly contentious for certain Sony fans. This sounds like a decent compromise. Considering the state of PC ports these days, they're going to need the time to properly optimize the game anyway.


Makes sense since they can't seem to get PC versions working decently with years of delay. Imagine their state if they tried doing it simultaneously.


Weird. His own right hand man Herman Hurst said that GaaS games will launch on PS5 and PC simultaneously.

No, Hermen said that inside their GaaS maybe some of htem may potentially release in PC day one. Which isn't the same than to say that all their GaaS will release day one on PC.

Maybe he was talking about the rumored chinese Horizon MMORPG, or maybe they try it only with one or two out of the dozen they planned to release, or something like that. As of now their released PS Studios GaaS haven't even been ported to PC.
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Mibu no ookami

Demoted Member® Pro™

In an interview with Famitsu (translated via ResetEra), Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE) CEO Jim Ryan shot down the idea of PlayStation 5 (PS5) exclusive games also launching on PC from day one. Ryan says that the primary goal of console first-party games is to build the game for the PlayStation experience. He added that overall reactions from fans have been “favorable” when games arrive a couple of years after initial release.

Ryan’s comments come as Sony has been more open to porting its PlayStation exclusives to PC in recent years. In 2020, the company released Horizon Zero Dawn on PC, and it followed that up with the release of God of War in 2022.

His comments are likely to disappoint some PC gamers who have been hoping to play PlayStation exclusives without having to buy a PlayStation console. However, it’s clear that Sony is still committed to its console business, which continues to perform to great results.

Jim Ryan has never asked a fan a single question in his life.

I know what he means, but just funny how that is worded.


Gold Member
Sony also profit off from their exclusive, hardware could also profit when the cost comes down over time.

However 30% cut is huge for Sony, that there is even less reason for them to not incentivize people to buy their platform
Well, they're putting games on PC anyway, hope their strategy pays off, I'll get a ps5 eventually regardless of PC ports, there are games exclusive to PlayStation that can't be played on PC like Kingdom Hearts, God of war 3, uncharted trilogy etc.

But, I still believe GAAS games will be there day one soon. Big AAA games will remain the same - some go to PC a year later, some remain exclusive to PS5.


Haptic Gamepads 4 Life
That's the problem, they should not require any patches at all after release and should work day 1 and be native PC versions. That's my response to them not releasing their PC port much later, cuz it doesn't matter when, PC ports will always be half assed and will always be in a shit state at launch and won't be fixed with just a cople of patches in two weeks time if ever (Dead Space, Callisto Protocol etc.).

So, my point being that instead of saying that "We're just going to wait longer before releasing games on PC", how about giving all this time to whoever will be porting games to PC to work on native PC ports the moment PS5 version is released or better yet, let them work with original studio from the start and colaborate with them to make PC port native to the platform from the start of development, not years after the fact.

Moreover, none of the PC ports should be tied to overpriced hardware available at release to run properly and for the people to have the best experience instead of TLOU PC port shitshow which is still a thing. All current PC hardware is years ahead of what PS5 has when it comes to performance, but not when it comes to architecture advantages and as long as there is no reliable way to match these advantages on PC platfrom, PC ports will always be shit, so they need to work on that as well and use everything PC platform has to offer (Direct Storage, Resizable Bar etc.) to minimize any potential problems.

That's what I would've done if my reputation was at stake, but Sony just don't give a fuck it looks like.
All true, but releasing the games with issues full priced then patching after and not charging full price anymore is still better than a PC version not existing. The only problem in this cases is the full price for old games.


The only issue I have is Sony isn’t porting more of their back catalogue to PC to fill in the gaps between major releases. Games like Gravity Rush Remastered, Infamous Second Son, and The Last Guardian are all games that have exhausted their usefulness on PS4 and should find a new audience on PC.
Those games have not even PS5 patch.


It should NEVER be released on PC.
It does not matter if it is released two, three years after release.
Playstation games should be playable ONLY ON PLAYSTATION!
Maybe if Sony was at least pretending to be committed to preserve and respect their legacy of PlayStation games.. which ain't the case.


I approve his message. Get back to your port begging PCMR, we will decide on a case by case basis what we will give you and when.
Oh i know them!
I even seen port begging for half life alyx on ps5 ,even pc exclusive Squadron 42



That is smart as all efforts should go to the console version for it's launch.

I do not mind waiting 12 months for a game to come to pc from playstation.


Anyone with half a brain knew that this business strategy is what Sony was going for instead of devaluing their brand and releasing it on PC on day one. It seems to work perfectly for them. Jim doing violent business.

LOL at the people calling for the day one PC and PS5 launch. It's not going to happen unless its a GAAS type of multiplayer game.
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Anyone with half a brain knew that this business strategy is what Sony was going for instead of devaluing their brand and releasing it on PC on day one. It seems to work perfectly for them. Jim doing violent business.

LOL at the people calling for the day one PC and PS5 launch. It's not going to happen unless its a GAAS type of multiplayer game.
let them dream
He's basically saying what I and many other smarter people knew all along.

I tried to tell people Sony wasn't gonna copy the day and date strategy of MS because they still wanna sell a lot of consoles and sell PS5 copies of games.

Why sabotage your PS5 hardware sales and software sales when you can still keep them and get PC players to double dip on your games at a later date? A lot of PC players are okay waiting to play games, Sony knows this.

MS startegy doing day and date hasn't really done wonders for them. Their sales are still low for their first party games and their consoles have become redundant to PC gamers with good rigs. GamePass has even made their software sales on consoles suffer more.

I personally own a PS5 and PC because I hate waiting for games. I'm okay playing those PS5 games day one on the console and double dipping on them on PC if I see them on a Steam sale years later.


So games reach wider audience? It only matters to keep them exclusive if consoles are sold at profit
Not really. It gives the demographic pathways to invest further and become more connected to the PS ecosystem.

Plus- exclusives sold on PS allows Sony to keep 100% of that revenue.

This just reinforces why i’m a PS5 and PC gamer. Best of everything.
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hemo memo

You can't die before your death
Anyone with half a brain knew that this business strategy is what Sony was going for instead of devaluing their brand and releasing it on PC on day one. It seems to work perfectly for them. Jim doing violent business.

LOL at the people calling for the day one PC and PS5 launch. It's not going to happen unless its a GAAS type of multiplayer game.
This post will be funny in few years.
I feel like he says this every 90 days? Right? There’s no way this is the first thread for this.

Maybe there should be a separate thread designated for Jim Ryan says no to PS games on PC day one.


This post will be funny in few years.

In how many years to be more specific?

This gen or the next-gen? This generation Sony is dominating software and hardware sales, so I don't see a shift in their strategy anytime soon.

If sales are tanking like MS then a shift is needed. But not anytime soon looking at the sales figures. So no, my post wont be funny anytime soon. You have to wait a very long time to get a laugh out of my post. So in the meantime, keep that dream alive I guess.
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That's cool with me! I might pick up a PS5 slim this year for GTA and the odd exclusive that I can't be arsed to wait for.
I dont care for corporate doublespeak. None of us do. Hence why we are all sick of Philbo. I wish you had posted that gif in response to me showing how herman said something that completely refutes what jimbo just said. Not sure why you have an issue with me pointing out the discrepancy and no issue with the suits being dishonest just to appease people.

This man just released TLOU Part 1 on PC just 6 months after launching on PS5 and here he is saying they wont come for 2-3 years. Come on.

It may not be doublespeak rather than a change in strategy.

I suspect Sony is seeing that their PC strategy isn't selling the gangbusters they expected. So why try and rush it out for a 1 year release cadence?

Sony is seeing all these PC port disasters that come in hot day 1 and their own TLOU 1 port and maybe they just decided to not rush those ports. They will probably make the same money regardless.
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