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Sony confirms Japanese PSP launch in December


Masayuki Chatani, Corporate Executive & CTO of Sony Computer Entertainment gives the news on the latest number of Famitsu.

(Update/edit) IGN has a Chatani's quote on Famitsu:
"We'll definitely be able to launch at the end of the year. Rest assured." He adds, "The state of development for the PSP is far better than it was for the PlayStation at the time."


Tag of Excellence
What seriously? No official comments or link to reputable websites?

I mean very cool if true, but a US release confirmation would be even better. Along with Ape Escape launch confirmation, mmmmm.


...that's it? just that, nothing new? i was expecting at least some new info given that this place has been inundated with DS stuff tonight...


hirokazu said:
...that's it? just that, nothing new? i was expecting at least some new info given that this place has been inundated with DS stuff tonight...

At least we know that PSP won't be delayed till next year as analysts wrote a few days ago.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Elios83 said:
At least we know that PSP won't be delayed till next year as analysts wrote a few days ago.

Were those analysts talking about the US or Japanese release date?
ahha bad move. All the games they showed at TGS looked incomplete and I didn't see a single killer app. 2005 launch with good games would have been nice.
"ahha bad move. All the games they showed at TGS looked incomplete and I didn't see a single killer app."

Yeah, I know. Sounds just like the PS2 launch...wait.


Doom_Bringer said:
ahha bad move. All the games they showed at TGS looked incomplete and I didn't see a single killer app. 2005 launch with good games would have been nice.

Sony would never miss the 10th Play Station anniversary to launch the console.
And the lack of software won't matter with early adopters.Think about PS2.
Elios83 said:
Sony would never miss the 10th Play Station anniversary to launch the console.
And the lack of software won't matter with early adopters.Think about PS2.

This isn't the same scenario, Kutaragi knows this which is why he's said they won't launch without enough software to back it up.

Sho Nuff

I predict the launch will be plagued by:

-Hardware shortages
-Buggy software
-Buggy hardware
-Lackluster titles

However, since it's Sony I don't think it will matter and everyone will be crawling over each other to get one.

I was there at the PS2 launch. I KNOW.


Tag of Excellence
Sho Nuff said:
I was there at the PS2 launch. I KNOW.
You and me both brother, I was working at EB and that was rather crazy. Actually many of the people didn't even know what games to get and some were just getting the system!

Wow 10 years already, impressive Sony!


SolidSnakex said:
This isn't the same scenario, Kutaragi knows this which is why he's said they won't launch without enough software to back it up.

Kutaragi is worried about having a good amount of software after the launch,he said he doesn't want to have a stack of games at launch and then a few months with nothing new on the schelves until the new wave of games is being developed.
Elios83 said:
Japanese in Q1 2005 and american even in November 2005.

The Q1 launch for it in Japan would make alot more sense. There's no way they can wait till November for a US launch though. Giving the DS a full year jump on the PSP isn't going to work.


Elios83 said:
Sony would never miss the 10th Play Station anniversary to launch the console.
And the lack of software won't matter with early adopters.Think about PS2.

Yes, because launching it on the anniversary is much more important than shoring up the increasing perception that the hardware isn't quite ready for prime time, and still being overly cagey on the price, the battery life, and how they plan on selling movies on the UMD format. Nevermind why they think anyone in their right mind would pay for the privilege.

Also: The early PS2 users were able to at least dig into the enormous PS1 back catalog to justify their purchases.
Elios83 said:
Sony would never miss the 10th Play Station anniversary to launch the console.
And the lack of software won't matter with early adopters.Think about PS2.
Yeah, they'll just use the backward compatibility to... oh wait. Or maybe to watch the DV...Ds.... oh yeah.


Early adopters are tipically hardcore and hi-tech fans.They don't care if the launch lineup is poor if they can have the latest technology on the market in their hands from day one knowing that sofware will arrive in quantity later so I don't think Sony will have any problem with the launch.
And however I don't think that Sony won't have a single game to launch the console with ^_^''
I understand the skepticism fueled by Sony's silence but a few people here are exaggerating between battery,price and lineup concerns...


Drinky Crow said:
Can't be a worse launch lineup than the DS, frankly.
Have you seen the Japanese launch lineup for the DS and the titles coming shortly thereafter? It trounces the PSP's current lineup.


Honestly, apart from Nintendo fans, who cares that much about the DS launch? Exactly. Launch lineups generally suck. That said, I don't think the PSP will launch this year without some serious rushwork on some of the game. But who knows? Seems like they'd have to fire up the marketing machine really soon too. I'll put $10 that the PSP owns the DS Playstation-style. I'm starting to think the brand is carrying all the weight these days. It's out of control. PEACE.
Pimpwerx said:
Honestly, apart from Nintendo fans, who cares that much about the DS launch? Exactly. Launch lineups generally suck. That said, I don't think the PSP will launch this year without some serious rushwork on some of the game. But who knows? Seems like they'd have to fire up the marketing machine really soon too. I'll put $10 that the PSP owns the DS Playstation-style. I'm starting to think the brand is carrying all the weight these days. It's out of control. PEACE.

Every single person I know wants a DS at launch. Nintendo fan or not, if that gives you any indication.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
clipunderground said:
Every single person I know wants a DS at launch. Nintendo fan or not, if that gives you any indication.

Why do people attempt to use the every single person I know excuse for so many things? Do you realize that regardless of how many people you know, you still probably know less than 1% of the initial purchase userbase?


clipunderground said:
Every single person I know wants a DS at launch. Nintendo fan or not, if that gives you any indication.

And not a single person I know does...so?

And Mario alone aint owning shit bro...but the whole DS launch lineup does look better than the PSP's

aoi tsuki

Sho Nuff said:
I predict the launch will be plagued by:

-Hardware shortages
-Buggy software
-Buggy hardware
-Lackluster titles

However, since it's Sony I don't think it will matter and everyone will be crawling over each other to get one.

I was there at the PS2 launch. I KNOW.
You're talking about the Japanese launch, right?


Pimpwerx said:
Honestly, apart from Nintendo fans, who cares that much about the DS launch? Exactly. Launch lineups generally suck. That said, I don't think the PSP will launch this year without some serious rushwork on some of the game. But who knows? Seems like they'd have to fire up the marketing machine really soon too. I'll put $10 that the PSP owns the DS Playstation-style. I'm starting to think the brand is carrying all the weight these days. It's out of control. PEACE.



sohka88 said:
You are the one owned... Nintendo loves people like you that buy the same game over and over.

New levels
3 New characters with their own unique ability
Marios new ability

Hardly seems like the 'same game'.
Enough new to warrant a purchase.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Oh, goody, another DS vs PSP fight.

sokha, it's not as if the PSP lineup doesn't have its fair share of recycled content to peddle to gamers again.


kaching I am not saying anything about the PSP, nor am I saying any PSP game is any good.... I just do not get why people (the same people) get all exited about buying the same games over and over.


sohka88 said:
kaching I am not saying anything about the PSP, nor am I saying any PSP game is any good.... I just do not get why people (the same people) get all exited about buying the same games over and over.
Well, rebuying essentially the same games is hardly exclusive to Nintendo fans... look at Madden annually, MGS2S, VF4Evo and so on... they're not even on a different platform. :/


sohka88 said:
you can't compare madden to this.

Sure you can.
Mario 64 is the only 'port' on the system that I can think of, and it comes with updated graphics (better models, framerate), new content (brand new levels, abilities, bosses, etc...), and multiplayer.

Seems a bigger leap than a year to year madden roster change/gameplay tweak.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
olimario said:
Sure you can.
Mario 64 is the only 'port' on the system that I can think of, and it comes with updated graphics (better models, framerate), new content (brand new levels, abilities, bosses, etc...), and multiplayer.

Seems a bigger leap than a year to year madden roster change/gameplay tweak.

<EA defense measures... engage!>

People really need to drop the pretense that all EA does with madden is change the roster and adjust the AI each year...


The constant "DS is better than the PSP" talk is - as of now - grossly unfair, simply because there's nothing to compare the DS launch to right now. What can be said is that so far, Nintendo's having a much smoother ride launching their system. That's about it.

Also, the constant raising of the "rehash" strawman, as if it's the sole property of Nintendo really, really needs to stop. In the face of the games Jarrod listed, plus Codemasters rubbing one out to CMR ever year, Splinter Cell sequels seemingly being started right after the previous ships, and Square digging up FF7 for a cell phone game, UMD movie, and PS2 game, Nintendo's "antics" seem right on par with everyone else.

Do you know why companies do this?
I'll give you a hint: It starts with "Because it generates a lot of money."


"GAF's biggest wanker"
sohka88 said:
kaching I am not saying anything about the PSP, nor am I saying any PSP game is any good.... I just do not get why people (the same people) get all exited about buying the same games over and over.
That's their prerogative. My wife doesn't get why I spend so much money on games, original or otherwise, Period. Gaming is a hobby, a luxury, and so is inherently frivolous in many ways.

The problem right now is that the noise to signal ratio on DS/PSP threads is getting ridiculously high. It's not helping to dignify the childish heckling of people like efralope or Drinky with knee jerk responses.
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