Wow, that conference certainly had its ups and downs. And sleep-inducing moments in-between.
The PSP games were underwhelming, I had been hoping for some new and exciting games, and instead they showed more or less nothing (Killzone did look nice though). On the other hand, I was happy to see them showing off the game download feature for PSP, to see it actually becoming a reality. Hope it's not limited to primitive games like Ridge Racer though.
Nice to see Sony copying Live and making it free, also that they're including a HDD with every unit. The games looked...down to earth. I mean, after all the hype and last year's "target renders" or whatever, the games generally looked more like what I would expect in a realistic world.
One big problem with the conference was how they showed off games like Genji and Gran Turismo HD for waaaay too long, especially since they weren't very exciting to look at in the first place. Should've made the presentations a lot shorter, and throw in some great games in the beginning instead of GT4 tracks in hi-def. :/
Heavenly Sword looked great though, and MGS4 (Raiden actually looks cool now, who would've thought

) of course. I also liked the EA stuff more than I thought I would, Warhawk and Resistance looked nice too. Dunno about Tekken though...not that I expected something similar to last year's E3, but Virtua Fighter 4 looked a lot better (although VF5 has the advantage of being a completed game and perhaps we saw the arcade version).
They showed quite a lot of games in movie-form that looked great IMO, but was in movie form, thus they cannot be trusted.
And that controller pretty pointless in my opinion. :/
As long as it's optional though I guess it's OK. I though the eye toy thing with the cards was a lot more interesting control input-wise, I hope they actually turn it into a real game eventually.
And finally...the price. Wow. I mean, I'm sure early adopters will eat it up...but MS will probably have a great line-up this winter, and they already have the lower price. I have a feeling the PS3 price-point is simply too high, and will scare away consumers. I think Sony could be in serious trouble, they could be in the biggest trouble they've ever experienced on the console market.