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Sony investor opines SIE in growth mode and could have a budget of $13-$18B for acquisitions


For fuck's sake. You mean to tell me that a whole shitload of dead IPs in Konami could become Microsoft's with just 5 billion or something?

Just buy them MS or you Sony, so that you can make games with those IPs once more.

Konami's market cap is not really driven by their gaming business. You don’t need to buy the company to buy the ip.


Gold Member
I honestly think they will buy Square Enix, possibly Capcom too, but i'm cert on Square. And i'll be fine with that to be honest as the only Square games i have played in recent years was the Tomb Raider reboot trilogy, and after 'Shadow', i could care less.

Capcom would hurt a bit though, although i'm sure the games would come to PC at some point.
If they buy capcom we can forget bikini armours in the next monster hunter game...

Reeee win.


Gold Member
I wouldnt want to see Konami acquired by Sony or Microsoft, because those IPs would likely become totally americanized, and oursourced to an american studio. I would rather see something like Square Enix, Bandai Namco, or even Capcom buying them out.
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