I bought the game off GOG after skimming the OP (didn't want to spoil too much), then I got to the 5th block puzzle in a row in the Cathedral and quit. I'll give it another shot tonight.
Has the game aged well? I played it ages ago and thought it was very cool, but never made it too far. I'd like to play it on Vita now.
I remember that my dad bought a UK gaming magazine (can't remember the name) around the time the game came out that had a review of it and a kind of tips and tricks section that detailed all the elemental reavers and where to find them. I spent so many hours hopelessly trying to find them, even after I had already beaten the game. I only found out years later about all the cut content.
If it helps, of the dozen block puzzles in the game, the highest concentration of them are in the Silenced Cathedral. Get them out of the way, and they become much more infrequent.
There are some screenshots here that will give you an idea of how it looks visually - though they are from the PC version.
I was thinking more about mechanics wise. Does it hold up in terms of gameplay, level design, camera work, etc?
Such a shame you don't remember the magazine - that information never made it to the internet. We still don't know where the elemental Reaver forges were intended to be located.
If it helps, of the dozen block puzzles in the game, the highest concentration of them are in the Silenced Cathedral. Get them out of the way, and they become much more infrequent.
Unoftunately my dad threw most of his old gaming magazines out a few years back, so I don't think he has the issue anymore. I'm pretty sure it was a multiplatform magazine though...
However, I do remember the instructions for finding the reavers being quite detailed, which made it all the more frustrating when you went to the places specified and there was nothing there.
That's good, are there a lot more shift puzzles cause I was enjoying the ones in the first area.
Yeah, two major, mandatory areas coming up have cool shifting puzzles, with pillars, giant statues and beams deforming massively in the spectral/material shift as aids to progress. There is also a very very high optional area that is ascended through shifting suspended wooden beams. If you want the spoilers, the areas are.the drowned abbey, the dumahim village, and Nupraptor's Retreat
Also in the next level, look out for the shifts changing images on stained glass - its really well done. In both Soul Reaver and Soul Reaver 2, there are truths that only the Spectral Realm knows.
Its a PS2 game, so its most likely chance of being playable on a non backwards compatible Playstation would be a HD rerelease.
Has the game aged well? I played it ages ago and thought it was very cool, but never made it too far. I'd like to play it on Vita now.
So in SR1 Raziel was supposed to kill Kain and wipe out all of vampires, thus healing the world, which was Kain's plan all along?
Yeah, the whole 'aliens' concept introduced in the next games and Raziel's sacrifice for Kain are rather lame, but I really prefer for Kain to be alive. I just like him too much. SR2 and Defiance aren't as genius gameplay-wise as SR1, though.
Please do excuse the bump but the Soul Reaver games are on sale on GoG
I personally am considering getting the games via this sale as they look quite tempting at those prices.
Also is there a widescreen mod for 2 or is it able to handle it natively?
Made some Soul Reaver 1 & 2 in celebration of the recent GOG sale:
Soul Reaver 1
Soul Reaver 2
Saw this today and remembered what a great thread this was. thought they would complement each other.
PS Blog
Nice thread! (yeah, I realise it's kinda old, but it wasn't me who revived it )
I should play this saga someday. I remember playing the demo of Soul Reaver 2 and loving it, but when I got the full version I found it to be a difficult game, and got lost and finally stuck not far from the beginning. It didn't help that the game had no subtitles, and at the time my English wasn't good enough to understand what the characters said. The only thing I recall was the phrase "Lies, Raziel" from the first cutscene, said in a terror-inducing voice, which seems to have stuck with me for no apparent reason.
For those who played both games, is there a heavy connection between 1 and 2's story? Would playing 1 first make 2 more fulfilling?
Truth be told, I never actually played all the way through the original Soul Reaver. Around the time it came out, I was running a gaming site and actually got a beta version of the PSOne version of the game to try out (for a preview). I've always heard that the Dreamcast port was the way to go if someone was to play the first game. I still have a Dreamcast... Maybe I should check ebay for a copy.
I went on a mission a few years back trying to track down a copy of Soul Reaver 2. I must have checked at least half a dozen GameStops before I finally found a used copy in decent condition. The only crappy thing was it was disc-only. I had a spare case lying around, but couldn't find anything but crappy art to print off and slip into the case.
Truth be told, I never actually played all the way through the original Soul Reaver. Around the time it came out, I was running a gaming site and actually got a beta version of the PSOne version of the game to try out (for a preview). I've always heard that the Dreamcast port was the way to go if someone was to play the first game. I still have a Dreamcast... Maybe I should check ebay for a copy.
For those who played both games, is there a heavy connection between 1 and 2's story? Would playing 1 first make 2 more fulfilling?
would a reboot of the series be a sony exclusive ?
did the original games ever leave the playstation ?
edit : nevermind, the other games were multiplat.
I also wanted to thank Mama Robotnik for this excellent thread.
And I wanted to ask: for Soul Reaver 2, PC or PS2/3? Is there a really big difference technically (framerate, mostly)? How is the compatibility with Win7 and gamepads? I'd rather play on PS3, to be honest.
Would love an HD re-release of these games.
Was it? All I remember is this:
would a reboot of the series be a sony exclusive ?
did the original games ever leave the playstation ?
edit : nevermind, the other games were multiplat.
This thread needs to be revived so more people can see it. Amazing thread.
If any game needs an HD remaster its this game. I'm really interested in playing it on PC, but the graphics from that time period have aged horribly.
You are probably best asking some elses opinion on this as I'm biased due to my investment in the series. My opinion though: I think the level design holds up as there is a lot to explore - you are encouraged to experiment with the environment in two parallel worlds. The upgrades and abilities are interesting and encourage more further exploration, Metroid style. The environments are diverse as seen in the screenshots and unique - with flooded abbeys, insect hive churches and a city in which the last surviving humans silently worship you as a god. The bosses are good, with one in particular (Dumah) being one of my favourite bosses in gaming - the method of dispatch is both unique and hilarious.
The combat is distinct with focus on environmental finishers (water, sunlight, impalement, etc), the camera is functional, and the controls are precise.
The biggest downside is the dozen block puzzles in the game, each taking a couple of minutes at different points.
That's my take.
Nevertheless, I never quite understood why Kain cast Raziel into the abyss. The first cutscene (amazing at that time, by the way) suggests that he did it out of jealouse, but I think it's clear that wasn't the real reason. He must have seen something while time traveling, but I've never found an explanation.
Firstly, can I say that this is possibly the best thread OP I've ever seen!
Most pics in the 1st post of a thread that I've seen.