Went through some pacts and i'm feeling broken as shit tbh. Having fiends dying really quickly can be sad to see
When will this subside?
Using AI?
I'm levelling my affinity with him at the moment. Dude spends the entire time in healing bloom mode... but at least he's a distraction for the mobs and I can run through him for a bit of healing every now and again. ^_^I'm playing through the Radux quests now. Is it wrong that I expect him to goany second now?"Enchantment?"
Did you download it? It needs to be downloaded separate from the patch as an unlock.How do you unlock the Berserker black rite?
Did you download it? It needs to be downloaded separate from the patch as an unlock.
Go all out range - I equip five throw offerings whenever I come up against her.Quick question all I'm having trouble with the dual Illecebra pact both solo and with AI companions. Ive held off trying it on multi due to fear of having some player skill issues but Im feeling that it might be the way to go. So annoying you have to do it twice to complete the linked pacts!
Does anyone have any hints/tips/suggestions? Im currently specced 56/40 with an eye to level to 60/40, finish all the story content and then level to 99/1 for the trophy.
What the hell happened to the "search this thread" button?? Ugh, anyway..
So I'm doing the Avalon pacts and I've gotten to III and IV and there are blacked out missions that I just can't figure out. The one on Reparation (with the jack, and then the assassin sorcerer). I've tried everything to get those quests on the right hand side to unlock and nothing seems to do it.
I tried sacrificing the jack and I get wasteland effigy (kill the gargoyle). When I save him I get 'sorcerer in the city', when I sac the sorcerer in the city nothing opens up. It's still blacked out.
I really love this game but some of these branching conditions are annoying as hell.
So any idea what I'm supposed to do? It looks like you're supposed to sac the Jack then get sorc in the city, sac him, then it's supposed to open up "giant in the road" but it never does.
Driving me nuts.
This may sound dumb to most of you, but something clicked for me last night about the sigils. I finally figured out what to do in order to get better ones. I had been running around with the basic ones you get after the beginning missions not thinking it mattered. Anyway, just wanted to share this sudden moment of clairvoyance.![]()
So, what exactly do you do? Or is this just you forgetting to inscribe your arm?
Also thanks Korben but I don't see any mention of needing to do story mode quests for the III avalon pact as far as I can tell. I'll have to try again tonight.
Aww man. That final battle.
I was down to the last spell, which happened to be healing. All the others were broken. I used it up, hoping the game would detect that I was all out and maybe refill/replenish, but nope I was on my own.
Mind's eye revealed his HP was low. But I was 0/6 in spells.
Hadn't took much damage at this point, so I figure I had one more card to play. Let him damage me a bit, all the way down to sub 20%. Heand I'm planning to dodge like crazy. He swoops in, I dodge.. and I get hit by the god damnedflies away.tail
Somehow, I survive with only a sliver left. I hauled ass between those legs and let loose an Infernus on thoseballs.dragon
Now to decide.Save, or Sacrifice? Hmm.
This may sound dumb to most of you, but something clicked for me last night about the sigils. I finally figured out what to do in order to get better ones. I had been running around with the basic ones you get after the beginning missions not thinking it mattered. Anyway, just wanted to share this sudden moment of clairvoyance.![]()
anybody else problems with network errors? this past week hasn't been good for me.
Nice! Though, you seem to have linked the same trailer twice
I'm almost at 100. Slowly massaging my levels one at a time so that I can progressively level my magic to 1/99. Typically, when I needed to get my life to 40 for the last black rite everyone wanted to sacrifice... since I want to sacrifice everyone wants to save. :'(What level are most of you? I want to play online again but I'm only level 50
Yes- MP makes gathering much easier since it divides focus.I did get your message Agent White, I just haven't been on that much. Running through the Forgotten Pacts at the moment, but I might give you a shout if I get stuck if that's OK.
Is it possible to MP those incomplete quests?
I did get your message Agent White, I just haven't been on that much. Running through the Forgotten Pacts at the moment, but I might give you a shout if I get stuck if that's OK.![]()
Technically when does the demo end?
Demo has one chapter and a couple Avalon quests. You can replay them indefinitely, however online is no longer an option since the game was released.
Patch made the post battle report much better.
BTW do i need to destroy both weak points on Minotaur or just staff to make him take dmg ?
Going for the plat so I have to ask, is it easier to go for 99/1 Life or 99/1 Magic, or does it even matter?