Why does Namco/Bandai suck so bad at F2P?
Why does Namco/Bandai suck so bad at F2P?
Why does Namco/Bandai suck so bad at F2P?
They sure are pushing F2P!
Ridge Racer F2P
Tekken F2P
Soul Calibur F2P
Gundam F2P
There's more but I don't remember/don't care
Nope, I just tried.
This bodes well for my minuscule expectations towards that Ace Combat game.
My favorite part of MMOs; we won't get anything.This means they'll probably give us all some free shit right? ... right?
Day 2 and I have yet to play this piece of shit. Error 1098. Fucking Scamco. Seriously.
This means they'll probably give us all some free shit right? ... right?
This means they'll probably give us all some free shit right? ... right?
Square, Square, Back + Square, Square
Was this in SCV? Wicked combo.
I'm kind of loving this game already, and I'm just in the tutorial. I could see myself playing this a LOT. SC + RPG? Fuck yes.
Sophitia is pretty badass. I love Back, Back + Kick.
So its working now?
I don't care about anything, MUH TAKI IS BACK
I'm glad they figured out one thing, if nothing else.
"I cannot afford to lose yet!"
- Sophitia
Really takes on a totally different meaning in a f2p game lol.
The only winning move.Logged in, selected character, picked tutorial, waited for it to load, disconnected. Deleted game.
I thought my new sword will be more powerful after leveling up so I fused old one with it and leveled up.
It ended up weaker.
Overall the game isn't bad, but the load times are inexplainable, just so fucking slow you start thinking: "I better play something else."
I wouldn't mind it as one of those one-player modes from the main console games, but yeah, the load times kill it.Overall the game isn't bad, but the load times are inexplainable, just so fucking slow you start thinking: "I better play something else."
Yeah, the long and frequent loading times are unfortunate. Tekken Revolution doesn't have this problem, so I wonder what happened here...This is actually pretty fun, but the loading times are ATROCIOUS.
Well, downloading/uploading, then. ^^it's not loading, it's communicating with the servers and god knows where or how shitty the servers they threw up for this are
Why is that parody site posting real news?http://www.p4rgaming.com/namco-expl...-error-we-dont-want-people-playing-this-game/
Parody site that pretty much echos how I feel Namco is handling the SoulCalibur IP.
Why is that parody site posting real news?