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Space Dandy |OT| We're up all night to... ASK D-N-A... again, baby!

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Is it fanservice now to talk about boobs and ass?

Maybe he thought that it was going to be funny. I found the opening monologue hilarious. And I thought most of the jokes in the beginning half were very funny too.

YES, IT IS. What? Are you saying that rambling on about T&A with constant flashes to aforementioned body parts is NOT fanservice?

I don't care if he thought it was funny or not. That's not what I'm talking about. Stop defending every little problem one can have with it.


Next up, Jarate defends the merits of Strike Witches. "So the little girl pilots don't wear any pants! How does that make it creepy? It's a world where pants don't exist!"

yes, because showing adult women at a hooters knockoff and little girls camel toe is the same thing now.
Apparently you missed it, because I also mentioned the writing in general and the scene transitions in addition to the character building. The humour was also lacking for a pure comedy show.

you're the one who narrowed the focus exclusively to Meow and his character development for several posts.


I'm having trouble taking the notion that the first half of the show was fanservice seriously. Nothing about any of the scenes were titillating, any single individual you could label as being "fanservice" seems so far to have been a throwaway character, and the entire purpose of the bar was to establish Meow and Dandy as Lupin-esque perverts. Maybe that bodes poorly for the future where they might actually establish fanservice, but this? Between the lizard women tits?

Come on.

I can buy the jokes falling flat for people, but fanservice? Yeesh. Worlds most puritanical attempt at fanservice if that's the case.


Look, I don't think the show is "powered by fanservice" or anything, and the first half was fairly tame as far as that stuff goes. But it's not some weird accident that the story just happens to be about a guy who loves the ladies going to places where he thinks he can score. They didn't have to make it that way. But they did.

Really, the first half could have been just as indulgent as it was in the same setting if the writing and direction were better, and it wouldn't have been so grating. If they hadn't given themselves over so much to emphasizing the sex in the voiceover and stuff, a lot of that could have spoken for itself in the direction while interesting things went on. Instead, all the boring stuff was lousy with fanservice, which just made it seem even worse.

Why does it matter that it took place there. And remember, these are supposed to be bad people as the main characters. A lot of this stuff was to try and push those ideas. Dandy is not a good person, neither is Meow, and QT is kind of a dick sometimes. These are not supposed to be good characters, so it makes sense for bad people to go to places where bad people do hang out.

And sure, he didn't have to make it that way, but would it have drove home the point that Dandy was a horrid person if they took him to a Denny's knock off?


After a bit of backtracking, it was Redline and Trava: Fist Planet that my intuition was connecting to Space Dandy's sense of sci-fi style. I'll track down and watch these soon in the hopes that they help Space Dandy "click" with me. The things I do to myself for love of Watanabe... lol
Next up, Jarate defends the merits of Strike Witches. "So the little girl pilots don't wear any pants! How does that make it creepy? It's a world where pants don't exist!"


Thanks, Evilore.

I'm kidding. I like big butts and I cannot lie.


After a bit of backtracking, it was Redline and Trava: Fist Planet that my intuition was connecting to Space Dandy's sense of sci-fi style. I'll track down and watch these soon in the hopes that they help Space Dandy "click" with me. The things I do to myself for love of Watanabe... lol

It just may not be your thing man. This is pretty different from his other stuf, and maybe it's not meant for you.


I'll give the first episode a pass, but if they don't tone down the 4th wall crap I don't think I'll stick around. The tits and ass weren't gratuitous, and lets face it - he's right about asses being better than tits. As long as it's somewhat sensible for the story I don't care about fan service.

Next up, Jarate defends the merits of Strike Witches. "So the little girl pilots don't wear any pants! How does that make it creepy? It's a world where pants don't exist!"

Pretty much describes my apartment after I get home from work. Fuck pants.

Why does it matter that it took place there. And remember, these are supposed to be bad people as the main characters. A lot of this stuff was to try and push those ideas. Dandy is not a good person, neither is Meow, and QT is kind of a dick sometimes. These are not supposed to be good characters, so it makes sense for bad people to go to places where bad people do hang out.

And sure, he didn't have to make it that way, but would it have drove home the point that Dandy was a horrid person if they took him to a Denny's knock off?

I don't think Dandy is a bad person. Certainly not horrid. He's clearly a Han Solo type.

yes, because showing adult women at a hooters knockoff and little girls camel toe is the same thing now.

It's done for the same reason, to appeal in the same way to the same audience.
that was my main gripe with the writing in the first episode, yes.

which is a rather silly complaint for an episodic SERIES that focuses on comedy and action. condemning the writing because they didn't develop a character they just met in the very first episode of this type of show strikes me as ridiculous.
I'm having trouble taking the notion that the first half of the show was fanservice seriously. Nothing about any of the scenes were titillating, any single individual you could label as being "fanservice" seems so far to have been a throwaway character, and the entire purpose of the bar was to establish Meow and Dandy as Lupin-esque perverts.

Yeah. It mostly came across as that. But the combination of T&A (even though you consider them to be toned down) + flat jokes was definitely below par.

Maybe that bodes poorly for the future where they might actually establish fanservice, but this? Between the lizard women tits?

Come on.

Has the internet not taught you that if something can be imagined, someone, somewhere out there gets off to it?

I definitely think the criticism is kind of an overreaction. The episode wasn't total drivel by any means. But as a followup to Bebop and Champloo, it felt a little disappointing. Still, I loved it, and cannot wait for the next episode. Watanbe's shown us what he can do in the past. Who knows what's in store for us with Dandy? I'm so excited for the show and to see what it unleashes on us.


After a bit of backtracking, it was Redline and Trava: Fist Planet that my intuition was connecting to Space Dandy's sense of sci-fi style. I'll track down and watch these soon in the hopes that they help Space Dandy "click" with me. The things I do to myself for love of Watanabe... lol
That's because it's all 70's themed space pulp. You only have to check out a few eps of Cobra to see how trashy it all is!


I definitely think the criticism is kind of an overreaction. The episode wasn't total drivel by any means. But as a followup to Bebop and Champloo, it felt a little disappointing. Still, I loved it, and cannot wait for the next episode. Watanbe's shown us what he can do in the past. Who knows what's in store for us with Dandy? I'm so excited for the show and to see what it unleashes on us.

this is your problem, you comparing it to 2 of the greatest animated shows ever made. They may be by the same guy, but I don't think it's as good as those shows. Just go in and have a good time. It's a fun cartoon with incredible animation.
this is your problem, you comparing it to 2 of the greatest animated shows ever made. They may be by the same guy, but I don't think it's as good as those shows. Just go in and have a good time. It's a fun cartoon with incredible animation.

Let's face it. The show's getting the hype, attention and people's time because of its legacy. If it's gonna ride that train to get us to tune in, then its only fair that its held to Bebop's and Champloo's standards.

Still, I think it's way too early to come down as hard on it as some people have though. It was just one episode, and the second half (as far as I'm concerned) was awesome.
Watanabe isn't the god of anime people make him out to be. I loved Kids on the Slope but it wasn't nearly as good as his other work either.


If you need to be able to show Japanese cartoons to normal people to justify watching them you're better off not doing it.
Bit of a messy first episode...the fan service was overbearing and the action was nicely animated but far too hectic for its own good.

I'll stick with it for a while but right now I don't have high hopes. Shame, I was looking forward to this one.

Also, imo Kill la Kill did a far better job of establishing itself and justifying the fan service (to what extent that is possible) in the first episode. It had a focus that SD is lacking.


Let's face it. The show's getting the hype, attention and people's time because of its legacy. If it's gonna ride that train to get us to tune in, then its only fair that its held to Bebop's and Champloo's standards.

Still, I think it's way too early to come down as hard on it as some people have though. It was just one episode, and the second half (as far as I'm concerned) was awesome.

It's like saying The Wall is a disappointing Pink Floyd album because it wasn't as good as Dark Side or Wish you Were Here.


Watched it again and I liked it a bit more for some reason.

I really like QT and Meow's voice actors in the dub. Both performances make them really...not sure on the exact word. Endearing I guess. Which is an impressive feat for 25 minutes of screen time (less than that for Meow).
It's like saying The Wall is a disappointing Pink Floyd album because it wasn't as good as Dark Side or Wish you Were Here.

I'm not really too familiar with Pink Floyd's music so I can't really comment there, but artists' works are always judged against their catalog. Fair or not, people expect artists to consistently hold up a level of quality that they've set in the past.


which is a rather silly complaint for an episodic SERIES that focuses on comedy and action. condemning the writing because they didn't develop a character they just met in the very first episode of this type of show strikes me as ridiculous.

writing can coexist with comedy and action. they are not mutually exclusive. ever wrote a comedic sketch before? or a screenplay?


Let's face it. The show's getting the hype, attention and people's time because of its legacy. If it's gonna ride that train to get us to tune in, then its only fair that its held to Bebop's and Champloo's standards.

Still, I think it's way too early to come down as hard on it as some people have though. It was just one episode, and the second half (as far as I'm concerned) was awesome.
Because of Watanabe right? I can't imagine Space Dandy being a legacy already.
writing can coexist with comedy and action. they are not mutually exclusive. ever wrote a comedic sketch before? or a screenplay?

developing a single character they just met in the very first episode is far from imperative or some make-it-or-break-it test for the writing, especially in what is clearly a very silly comedy. good god, at least give it another episode before you complain about how Meow is underdeveloped.


You have been saying this entire debate that it's only one episode and people don't have anything to base their criticisms on. You just compared an animes first episode to The fucking Wall.

alright, you can completely ignore the argument it was based on then dude
Next up, Jarate defends the merits of Strike Witches. "So the little girl pilots don't wear any pants! How does that make it creepy? It's a world where pants don't exist!"

Not seeing the correlation here. There's a difference between an obvious Hooters knock-off and little pants-less girls.

White Man

You have been saying this entire debate that it's only one episode and people don't have anything to base their criticisms on. You just compared an animes first episode to The fucking Wall.

You're right. It's an unfair comparison. Space Dandy E1 was only half lame whereas The Wall is like 4/5ths lame filler.
I think regardless of what comes next, it's just a fact that they completely failed to present Honey as a character in the pilot. I didn't even know she existed until reading this thread. In fact it's possible that I would not have recognized her when she pops up again next week, had no one had mentioned her here.


I'm a bit confused by people calling the fanservice overbearing. Sure, there was some T&A, but pretty much all of it was concentrated at the introduction of the Boobies-bar. Once we caught up with Dandy and QT inside, the fanservice was basically non-existent, and the bar became a setting for Honey and Meow's introduction, along with some more general exposition. All in all there was like 4 minutes of T&A.


This so-called "fanservice" in Space Dandy was in actuality nonexistent. You saw some chicks in Hooters gear for a couple seconds and that's it. They were barely focused on at all during the Space Hooters part.

People seem to be confusing boob jokes and Dandy/Meow acting like lecherous losers with actual fanservice.
I think regardless of what comes next, it's just a fact that they completely failed to present Meow as a character in the pilot. I didn't even know she existed until reading this thread. In fact it's possible that I would not have recognized her when she pops up again next week, had no one had mentioned her here.

Do you mean Honey? Meow played a big role the second half of the episode

Also can we get some actual "fanservice" gifs in here like the shenanigans from a series like high school of the dead or infinite stratos. Those are shows that shove ridiculous fan service to the point of being distracting.


Just watched it. I like the style and animation and music and stuff. I didn't much like the intro though. Wether it's "fanservicey" or whatever you call it, it wasn't very funny. Or even that fun, really. Second half was much better.


No Scrubs
Do you mean Honey? Meow played a big role the second half of the episode

Also can we get some actual "fanservice" gifs in here like the shenanigans from a series like high school of the dead or infinite stratos. Those are shows that shove ridiculous fan service to the point of being distracting.

You mean like

See, this is hilarious.

I agree, and Most people agree space dandy's hooters bit fell flat, but the people defending it are defending it saying it's not really fanservice, at least not the over the top stuff that shows like hotd make famous.

Had space hooters happened in episode 5 or 8 with the characters more established I doubt people would be freaking out half as much as they currently are. Starting the series with it was a bad idea. Even if Dandy's leachery and space hooters play a large part in the show episode 1 should have been more the first half to suck people in.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Oh lordy...I was looking forward to this in a vague sense, but it had kind of fallen off my radar

Reading this page, well, I'm certainly still going to check it out, but the description of the first half of the episode sounds offputting


Oh lordy...I was looking forward to this in a vague sense, but it had kind of fallen off my radar

Reading this page, well, I'm certainly still going to check it out, but the description of the first half of the episode sounds offputting

just go in expecting a fun comedy set in sci-fi

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
just go in expecting a fun comedy set in sci-fi

Yeah.....that is always the part I was always apprehensive about, anime comedy and I historically have not gotten along, and if the opening is all about a "hiiiiiilarious" sequence at a Boob-cafe then, well, consider me pessimistic

But I'll give it a chance.
It's like saying The Wall is a disappointing Pink Floyd album because it wasn't as good as Dark Side or Wish you Were Here.
That was a terrible comparison, you judge music based off the artists previous work. You know, just like a lot of people here are doing.
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