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Space Dandy |OT| We're up all night to... ASK D-N-A... again, baby!

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This wasn't my favorite episode, but I feel that the main cast is really starting to gel and that makes the hit-and-miss nature of the humor less of an issue. The show continues to look great, too, and I can't wait for the Yuasa-esqe episode this weekend. :)
Man, I really enjoyed the last 2 episodes. The race one was just ridiculous action, and the ep 8's weird shift from heartwarming scenes with the dog to absurdity with the flea aliens was entertaining.
Being that I've been out of the anime loop for years (attack on titan is what brought me back in) is there anything else like this show? People mention Cowboy Bebop? is that like this?

Cowboy Bebop is the anime the creator of Space Dandy is famous for. But, even though it has a good amount of comedy and satire, Cowboy Bebop is a serious noire space drama most of the time.
I'm amazed you haven't heard of it before though. But if you want a more serious Space Dandy show... my god you may have hit the jackpot.

That said, I've also just caught up on the show and want to post my impressions...

I love it. I love Dandy, I love QT, and my god the budget on this show is glorious! Watched the dub, btw.
That said, my complaints.
I said it before, but I reiterate. Meow is worthless, he's brings nothing to the table. I think you put QT doing all the stuff he does, and bam, same show... maybe even better.
And the reason I keep going back to that is, is the cast feels off. Like it's too small. I'm kinda hoping the show pulls an 'Ed' and adds a fourth main character soon... and a really good one, but that might be too much to hope for.
Anyways, the episodes...
1,2, and 3 are super awesome. 4 is good. 5 is the WORST [I wonder what I would of thought of it, pre finding out about moe culture... but I HATE it now. It's creepy and weird/pointless. Burn it with fire.]
6 is a little pointless, but brings it back with an awesome ending sequence. And 7 and 8 are both awesome again. Can't wait for 9. And a great fourth crew member sometime maybe!
Just finished episode 8 (watching dubbed) that Toys in the Attack reference, damn. Also was surprised by the use of "feels" in the actual script.


Yeah, of course. Funi loves messing around with stuff like that. What does he say in the sub?


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
yeah i've noticed it's super modern in content in a few episodes. i love it. it is a new show after all, still, to hear 'feels' is like wait, what.

That's why I love Funimation.
They take the right kind of liberties. It retains the meaning of the original Japanese, but does so in a way that doesn't sound awkward or forced, a common problem in bad dub writing *looks at Viz*


^I knew about Cowboy Bebop but I was out of the anime loop for a nice amount of time...like a decade lmao

but if the dude that made this made that then I will check it out tonight

I need to find the song that plays during the surfing scene. Is it on Youtube somewhere?

I got you right breh breh

it's probably one of my favorite animated scene in the show. Song works so well with it.


I really liked episode 8. It's might be my favorite animation-wise; the entire chase sequence was glorious:



Ep9 totally looks super weird. More like Space Kaiba, amirite.

Ep.9 Promo is up.

Looks like this will be the first episode that has a pretty radically different aesthetic. You can definitely tell this guy's pedigree is Yuasa. Cannot wait.

Oh boy oh boy this is going to be good. Looking forward to the "cheap animation" complaints.


The only nice and interesting characters the crew finally interacts with are dead... non-sentient... whatever. Their gone.

this show is a bunch of nothing.

I liked how melodic the animation and music were in this episode though.
Space Dandy - Episode 9

This wasn't really a funny episode. This was just a beautiful episode. When Dandy
pulled that stone off the planet
, everything from that to the end looked absolutely gorgeous. It's times like these where I'm reminded that Space Dandy doesn't need to be comedy all the time, sometimes it can be just plain beautiful to watch.

The story of the episode was pretty decent as well. Plants
turning smart
, I'll watch that.


Really weird but cool episode, I really liked it, felt like I was high or something. Also I have to catch up since I missed last weeks episode. Does anyone know what was it about?


A stunning treatise of the human condition. The plants were guilt ridden for having complicated every simple gift of the gods. Fattening up the cat so he can be foie gras. smh


Space Dandy 9



The background art was certainly stunning this week.

I liked this episode, especially the dream-quest atmosphere and structure it had; it gave it a kind of strange, mythic feeling. Great ending too. All of the weird designs, odd music, and Yuasa-esque animations worked together to sell the idea of this bizarre and unnatural alien planet; I'd go so far as to say it's the most "alien" world they've visited so far.

Meow is worthless as usual, LOL.


Wonderfully weird episode. Definitely had a great surreal tone to it. Nice art direction and fitting music as well. The Yuasa style animation is a treat. It just meshed together really well.


Pretty fun episode. It had just the right amount of weird mixed with a simple story. The art was really outstanding. Don't think there's much to really talk about though. Just a cute weird story with lots of a good art.


So, counting up the worldlines so far:

Dandy Prime

Episode 1: Dandy splits the space-time continuum. The Aloha Oi crew is incinerated by Dandy's bomb.

Dandy 2.0

Episode 2
Episode 3: Meow is eaten by the boob monster. Fate of the rest of the crew unknown.

Dandy 3.0

Episode 4: The universe turns into zombies.

Dandy 4.0

Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7: Dr. Gel and Bea crash during the race and explode. Dandy transcends space and time and travels billions of years into the future, where he is now worshipped as a god. The fate of the other crew members is unknown.

Dandy 5.0

Episode 8: Dr. Gel and Bea are sucked into a black hole
Episode 9:
Meow is really fat.


So, counting up the worldlines so far:

Dandy Prime

Episode 1: Dandy splits the space-time continuum. The Aloha Oi crew is incinerated by Dandy's bomb.

Dandy 2.0

Episode 2
Episode 3: Meow is eaten by the boob monster. Fate of the rest of the crew unknown.

Dandy 3.0

Episode 4: The universe turns into zombies.

Dandy 4.0

Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7: Dr. Gel and Bea crash during the race and explode. Dandy transcends space and time and travels billions of years into the future, where he is now worshipped as a god. The fate of the other crew members is unknown.

Dandy 5.0

Episode 8: Dr. Gel and Bea are sucked into a black hole
Episode 9:
Meow is really fat.
I'm more of a fan of the theory that there's a main timeline, with the episodes where the mains die belonging to splits caused by the fuckery in episode 1.


I'm more of a fan of the theory that there's a main timeline, with the episodes where the mains die belonging to splits caused by the fuckery in episode 1.

That's quite possible. It's also possible every episode is a unique worldline, LOL.

I really just wanted to count up the definitive breaks.


This was by far the worst episode for me yet. Exactly how involved is Watanabe in this show? He just lent his name for marketing shenanigans, didn't he.
This was by far the worst episode for me yet. Exactly how involved is Watanabe in this show? He just lent his name for marketing shenanigans, didn't he.

in addition to a variety of other things, he wrote this particular episode that made you question his involvement in the show. so there's that.


This thread has slowed down quite a bit, I guess most people dropped it? Or are people discussing in the Toonami / Anime threads?

Last three episodes were the weakest so far in my opinion, but still enjoyable. I liked the visual craziness of the latest one. The next episode looks like it might be some character building for Meow, which is welcome.

This was by far the worst episode for me yet. Exactly how involved is Watanabe in this show? He just lent his name for marketing shenanigans, didn't he.

He is the general director and wrote the first episode, and will probably write a few more episodes. Just like Bebop and Champloo.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Episode 1:
This show is great.

Meh so far

I like it! I like the characters so far, anyway.

Damn, very fun already

So far this encompasses everything I hate about modern anime. It is straight garbage. I'm giving it a five episode test. If it doesn't pick up until then...

The animation is amazing, but everything else sucks.

Yup, this rules.

Well, that was a waste of time.

I like... I like it alot.

Holy shit anime is saved.

Best series ever

I really like it.

Anime saved. Fucking wow.

Episode 2:
Absolutely stellar episode. Looked like this one was Dai Sato? So soon, huh?

Yeah, I'm in love with this.

Completely agree but I still thought episode was still fantastic. It had actual STRUCTURE this time.

I really liked this one. The old guy's story was a nice change of pace.

Boy, the animation looked pretty damn great in this episode. Perhaps they can just make a show about, er, more interesting characters at some point.

I fell asleep during the episode after Scarlet's introduction. I missed the rest of it.

Loved this episode. And the dub is really good as well. Can't wait for next week's!
Hope Scarlet gets lots more air time.

It was good.

Liked episode 2, it wasn't amazing or anything (the animation was good). I don't get the fuss over the jokes.

Episode 3:
Episode 3 was alright. Each episode of this show always has something entertaining, and I guess this was no exception. But a lot of the middle of this episode felt pretty dead.

I feel like my expectations are in check, so I wouldn't call it disappointing, but it's not very memorable at the moment, outside of the animation. It feels more like the bad episodes of Level E, instead of like the good episodes of Level E.


Weakest episode yet, thanks to it being so predictable & run of the mill mediocre it had me yawning through out.

They didn't attempt to do anything interesting with the old monster in disguise plot, whoever wrote this probably wrote this within 5mins or copied it from tvtropes.

don't get me wrong am not saying the writing was kill la kill levels of bad, just that there was very little to no imagination at all put behind it.

Zeta gundam and Speed grapher are pretty big examples. One guy owns the lyrics, and duran duran own the song. Shit happens when more than one company uses the rights to a song.

Anyway, episode 3 was pretty weak shit.

Episode 4:
That was the best episode of anything ever. EVER.

A day in the unlife of a zombie
was legit amazing. The narrator killed it!

Easily the best episode so far. I thought it had pretty good jokes and entertaining action spread throughout the episode, and I like how the first half of the episode set up for the second half.

Everyone's faces were so hilarious to me lol.

Universal peace? Of course, Zombie outbreak is the answer!!

10/10 Good show Watanabe.

Best episode yet. Not for it's fight scenes, but for its pure humor and its execution.

Space Dandy - Episode 4

Best episode yet. I actually laughed while watching this episode, which I didn't do as much when I watched the other episodes of Dandy. My only flaw was the
mercenary fight scene
, it looked very strange. Still one of the best episodes, but just something I noticed.

Hey, finally an episode that's good all the way through! Hurrah!

Episode 5:
Space Dandy 5

Good Bunny Drop episode.

good episode. the art, music and voice acting was all top notch. Was nice to see that side of dandy.

That was about as serious as the goofiest episodes of Cowboy Bebop.

Loved the episode, even if it was a little cliche. The universe, art, and music in space dandy is just too amazing for me to hate the show.

Also, why does everyone post in the toonami thread when the episode is airing and not here? Is there some rules I'm missing out on?

episode 5 was executed well enough, but there was just nothing really special about it except the final action scene and the music/art.

Ep 5 was probably the best episode yet. It's not mindblowing but it does most things right and it comes at a perfect point in the run.

Next week though, looks like it's gonna be amazing.

I really liked episode 5, it was nice to see that side of Dandy. It's the first episode I have really liked.

Episode 6:
Space Dandy - Episode 6

It was pretty decent. Not a lot of action, and the story wasn't all that great. It was pretty funny that the aliens were fighting over wearing wither vests or underwear.

The last scene with the space boarding was pretty good. It was the best part of the episode.

I wasn't fond of the premise when it was previewed, and I didn't care for the episode now. Dandy had a couple of nice quips but otherwise there wasn't much there.

The ending was nice.

The worst episode yet. The premise of the episode has been done to death and it wasn't even done well imo. The last part when the song kicked in had me groaning, it felt so random. I can deal with no continuity, but it has got to be better than this.

This was worse than the zombie episode.

Six was good. This is the kind of nonsense I can get behind (and as nonsenses go, this was one of the more grounded episodes so far).

Liked the ending, but yeah, this just wasn't doing it for me. But there's always next week!

Episode six was a lot of fun. It was really silly, but it had enough funny moments throughout to keep me entertained. Dandy looking like a surfer in space was amazing.

That ending sequence is really good, it's awesome enough to end a series. The build-up sucked of course.

Episode 7:
Space Dandy 7

Exactly what you'd expect from the people behind Code Geass.



What is this feeling?

Loving this show.

Best episode of Space Dandy easy - everything in the episode was hilarious. The ending was great, too.

This was a fun episode. The ending was hilarious. Was that suppose to be Buddha?

I loved this ep, this show keeps on giving.

Verdict: Space Dandy impressions are largely positive.

Ep 9 is a visual treat. The best is that they still manage to get some classic tropes into the story, which are subverted by the fact that everything is so utterly alien. Like the friend who helps them escape who, of course, is a diva. Or the once colleague now turned "bad guy".


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Ep 9 is the best episode of Dandy anime saved etc

Zeus Molecules

illegal immigrants are stealing our air
Ep 9 is a visual treat. The best is that they still manage to get some classic tropes into the story, which are subverted by the fact that everything is so utterly alien. Like the friend who helps them escape who of course, is a diva. Or the once colleague now turned "bad guy".

Yeah I noticed that too, it felt like a familiar story but was unrelatable due to the nature of the aliens.


I rewatched today because I was half paying attention/drinking last night

I liked it alot. I think this is my 2nd favorite episode behind episode 5. I would love if they take more storylines like this, dealing with a foreign race and culture, often in the future. Artistically it was something beautiful, probably would have been an insane experience if I was smoking while watching this lol.

I loved it tho, alot of it was out of left field but being that this is a space hunter hunting aliens (and not just tits) it should be.


Okay, this one is the best ep so far. The art and music are amazing. I did like Kaiba, so that may influence it.

9 > 7 > 2 > 4 > 8 > 6 > 3 > 1 > 5
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