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Spartacus: War of the Damned - the conclusion of a legendary journey - Fri on Starz

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What... What... What... What... What... What... What... What... What... What... What... What... What... What... What... What... What... What... What... What... What... What... What... What... What... What... What... What... What... What... What... What... What... What... What... What... What... What... What... What... What... What... What... What... What... What... What... What... What... What... What... What... What... What... What... What... What... What... What... What... What... What... What... What... What... What... What... What... What... What... What... What... What... What... What... What... What... What... What... What... What... What... What... What... What... What... What... What... What... What... What... What... What... What... What... What... What... What... What... What... What... What... What... What... What... What... What... What... What... What... What... What...


Yo Crixus...you've been holding out on us man. You could have been giving the motivational speeches this whole time!
that was a dramatic finish with that eye opening.

its the only way for him to go. Since season its been his desire.

Damn, Caesar got rimmed
Gotta say I chuckled a bit when Crassus wondered why Ceasar wasn't riding his horse.

And Crixus was such a badass. What a proud warrior. Gotta say that I started to cry a bit at the end.


Man this was another excellent episode that last scene was shot beautifully
Did not expect the rape scene at all but then again this is Spartacus
Preview for next week http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gXS3Zq6TmQ0 Don't watch if you don't want to see a bunch of big spoilers

About one of the scenes in the preview...

Agron getting crucified :( I figured if any of them would it was him...though I figured Nasir would be with him just for the shot of them trying to reach towards eachother.


One of the top 3 episodes for me (Nothing can top the season 1 finale). Had my heart in my mouth during the entire last 15 minutes - from the speech onwards. The writing on this show does not get the praise that it deserves I think

Also, Manu Bennett needs to be nominated for an Emmy for this (no I am not drunk)


What am I supposed to do with all these feels ;_;

And goddamn fucking Tiberius, you cocksucking coward. That guy needs to get got in the most savage way possible.
Tiberius is making his bid for Ashur status.

Sorry Tiberius, but you're not yet at Ashur levels of baditude. Getting closer though!


Hunky Nostradamus
So...Tiberius killed Agron and Crixus and raped Caesar. Urgh. Agron deserved so much better than to be taken down by that inexperienced child. Crixus was fighting Caesar so I can buy that he got distracted, but I still would have preferred if Crassus had taken him out. I wonder what they have in store for Naevia.


So...Tiberius killed Agron and Crixus and raped Caesar. Urgh. Agron deserved so much better than to be taken down by that inexperienced child. Crixus was fighting Caesar so I can buy that he got distracted, but I still would have preferred if Crassus had taken him out. I wonder what they have in store for Naevia.

If the show follows a particular historian we may get some righteous retribution. Though I don't know how, with this Spartacus running away with the women and children.


So...Tiberius killed Agron and Crixus and raped Caesar. Urgh. Agron deserved so much better than to be taken down by that inexperienced child. Crixus was fighting Caesar so I can buy that he got distracted, but I still would have preferred if Crassus had taken him out. I wonder what they have in store for Naevia.

Yeah, that was disappointing. This show isn't great at sending off characters. I'm still mad that Naevia killed Ashur...
I can't even verbalize how much this episode pissed me off.

- Agron AND Crixus just casually and randomly taken down, minutes of each other, by the little fucking shit Tiberius on his fucking horse, without even a fucking fight? The 2 biggest characters on the show after Spartacus, who have been there since the very beginning, taken down in such a pathetic way almost simultaneously, by such an undeserving character? And both from behind? The "undefeated Gall" goes down from a spear to the back by a punk kid while distracted fighting another dude? Disgusting.

- You'd think Crixus' army, that large and seasoned, would have some fucking scouts or something to warn of incoming armies. But no, it's OH HI THERE 10 LEGIONS JUST APPEARED 50M BEHIND US. You know, they just sneaked up.

- One minute we're getting pumped with Rome just on the Horizon, and in the next couple minutes Crixus' entire army is entirely decimated in such a rushed and underwhelming fashion.

-Whats the point of watching anymore? There's no chess pieces left on the table, it's already checkmate. Spartacus is left with only women and children fleeing to the mountains, the good fighters are all dead, Rome is completely safe, and Crassus still has his entire army pretty much unscathed. There's nothing left that can change the overall dynamics, and we know Spartacus is fucked. They may as well ended the series at this episode, instead of dragging it on for another couple episodes as Spartacus does not have a fighting force anymore. After all this, it would have at least been cool to see Crixus' army REACH the gates of Rome, and scare a few people, instead of this utterly anticlimactic ending to their rebellion.

Literally the only thing that would partially redeem this bullshit is if Tiberius got raped and crucified by his dad.


The ultimate troll episode. Spartacus randomly decides to stop holding back Crixus from his suicide mission, seriously diminishing Spartacus's forces, splitting Agron and Nasir, and resulting in the deaths of pretty much everyone dumb enough to throw themselves at Rome. (Can you say strategic blunder?) Tiberius stuffs Caesar of all people and then becomes a badass out of nowhere, taking down Agron and Crixus on his own. Naevia is still alive, lol.

I thought the writers had regained some of their mojo this season, but they seem to have lost it again. The episode was solid enough from a technical standpoint, but I couldn't care about anything that happened to the characters because events unfolded in such a perfunctory manner. It was totally obvious that Crixus & friends were marching to their doom. What I didn't expect was how Crixus was sent off without a proper fight. How did this show go from having memorable deaths for everyone from Barca to Batiatus, to killing off major characters like Ashur and Crixus in unfitting, anticlimactic ways that cheapen their memory?

The only exception to all this is the Caesar rape scene. That was an interesting and unexpected twist that got me curious about how the various intrigues connecting Crassus, Tiberius, and Caesar will play out. Also, that one moment on the hilltop between those three was great.


at Tiberius ramming Caesar. Who would have thought that was Tiberius' plan all along.

Then the Horse thing.

I won't make a big of a deal on how cheap Agron and Crixus died, they've been fighting for days and after that huge fight, here comes Emeperator's army outnumbering them by a mile.

Sure, a 1v1 fight against Caesar or Crassus will be a great end, but that's not how it works this time.

See you guys next month:

3-09 05/Apr/13
The Dead and the Dying
3-10 12/Apr/13


Lol Caesar got ass raped. Dude is gonna get revenge so gloriously against that little shit, I can't wait for it.

Also poor Crixus.


While I can understand why people are angry over the nature of these deaths, I think they're fitting. Crixus' in particular. This is what he wanted; blood and fire. The AV Club brings up something interesting about how his path diverged from Spartacus. Sparty was in the same lane as Crixus, just wanting blood vengeance etc (see end of season one essentially) but he evolved/changed into the leader the weaker elements of the rebels needed. He's no longer seeking revenge, he's trying to clear a path for these freed men. Crixus (Nevia too) never lost the thirst for roman blood. So in the end he gets his glorious death at the hand of romans. Only instead of a great arena and clamoring fans/audience we have tired, wounded and embittered romans. It's not romanticized or played up because it's senseless, a waste (possible commentary?). He could have stayed with Spartacus, he could have tried a different path past the mountain for the exact kinda life he was saying he wished he could give Nevia.


They foreshadowed crixus getting stabbed in the back in the beginning of the episode but spartacus saves him that time. No Sparty in that last fight to do it again
While I can understand why people are angry over the nature of these deaths, I think they're fitting. Crixus' in particular. This is what he wanted; blood and fire. The AV Club brings up something interesting about how his path diverged from Spartacus. Sparty was in the same lane as Crixus, just wanting blood vengeance etc (see end of season one essentially) but he evolved/changed into the leader the weaker elements of the rebels needed. He's no longer seeking revenge, he's trying to clear a path for these freed men. Crixus (Nevia too) never lost the thirst for roman blood. So in the end he gets his glorious death at the hand of romans. Only instead of a great arena and clamoring fans/audience we have tired, wounded and embittered romans. It's not romanticized or played up because it's senseless, a waste (possible commentary?). He could have stayed with Spartacus, he could have tried a different path past the mountain for the exact kinda life he was saying he wished he could give Nevia.

Spartacus had his revenge last season which I think is the big catalyst for the change in his character.


Caesar getting raped was crazy, I guess they kinda went with there being rumors that he was raped by the pirates iirc, but still crazy (I feel bad for laughing at the horse comment ^^)

kinda torn, on one hand roman fucking victory, been waiting a long time for that, otoh that little shit got the killing blow, oh well can only hope he gets murdered soon


Would rather have no penis than have to show his to a medical professional
Best episode of the season, last scene was showed fantastically.
I laughed really hard at the scene where Caeser got raped :p But I am quite sure that he will get his revenge in a glorious way :p


Tiberius the ultimate troll, he rapes, he kills off characters, all without a single drop of sweat falling from his brow.

I'd have sacrificed every single one of the Crixus party to see Navea dead, pity she didnt die, piece of shit character that she is. Apart from Agron I wont miss any of the people Crixus took though, just want Navea to be quickly ended so I no longer have to suffer her presence.


Thought it was fine. Tiberius fought like a coward and he will die, I am sure of it. Caesar will get him revenge. I also think it is likely that Gannicus' cock will continue to rage on after this is all said and done. Hope Naevia gets crucified and the only thing that she can do to redeem herself is killing Tiberius while awaiting crucifixion. Would have liked to see more Agron vs Caesar.
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