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Spider-Man is Entering The Marvel Cinematic Universe

The Hermit



omg I am so happy!


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
Alright... Time to get cracking on that Fantasic Four license. Let's will this into existence guys.



So okay. First official MCU Spiderman film hits in 2017, with one appearance in an MCU film beforehand. We'll assume that both Ultron and AntMan are too far along to entertain the notion of an appearance there. It's gonna be either Doctor Strange, or (much more likely) - Civil War. Assuming that Marvel knew about this deal for awhile - there HAS to be a version of the script that already introduces Spiderman. They saw the writing on the wall. So I think it's entirely possible that he could still have a decent role in Civil War, outside of an end-credits cameo (though I think that's the more likely outcome).

The real problem here is casting. Civil War has already started shooting. Maybe they've accounted for this. Maybe they haven't. But I think if we hear within the month, news of an actor being signed as Marvel's spidey - or confirmation that Garfield will stick around... he's a part of this thing.

Also looks like this will cause some sort of shift in the release scheudle. July 28th is for Thor: Ragnarok. And unless Marvel wants FOUR MCU movies in one year.. Somebody's gettin' pushed.
Cool post, I can't wait to see how they go about doing this.


Holy shit...

Think about Tobey M back.. He can be a older Spider-man. We can totally bypass all the origin BS with Spider-man cause we've already seen it twice. He can come in as everything has already happened and him fighting against a villain and obviously Nick Fury coming onto the scene to make him a offer.

The only problem is that The Avengers were set in New York.. Where the hell was Spider-Man?
Ew god no that all sounds terrible.

Toby wasn't very good and we certainly don't need an older spiderman. At most, young adult would be good so he can pair off well with Cap and Tony.
Now all we need is the F4 to come back and all will be right in the world.

Reed Richards done right is one of the most fascinating characters, I don't need to say anything about Dr. Doom and Galactus.

Dammit Fox do the right thing, you can keep the X-Men they're fine on their own.
Wait, BP and CM are looking at pushbacks now because of this?...

This was always going to be one of the negatives that fans were going to have to swallow when Spidey came home. Black Panther was going to take a hit to the shins. I wouldn't be surprised if T'Challa's role is shrunk just a little bit to accomodate Peter's, on top of T'Challa's movie getting bumped back on the schedule, too.


tagged by Blackace
I think it would be super fucking cool if like in the comics Peter was secretly working for Stark Tech or whatever but also an Avenger as Spider-Man.


This is pretty exciting! I would love some snarky Spidey in MCU, and vice-versa.

Dearest Fox... are you paying attention here? Are you?

Man, it'd be so amazing if they were able to keep Spiderman's casting a secret - and have this scene be not just the announcement of Spidey, but the reveal of who's playing him.
Ew god no that all sounds terrible.

Toby wasn't very good and we certainly don't need an older spiderman. At most, young adult would be good so he can pair off well with Cap and Tony.

Well I'm not talking like Tony's age.. I think Toby could pull off late 20's
I would just like to point out that my OP is the bestest OP in the history of OPs
and goddamnit I was late by seconds because I wanted to do a real OP :p
Garfield is good. Keep Garfield. It would make it a lot easier to have him just show up in one of these movies (and avoid a need for an origin story)
This was always going to be one of the negatives that fans were going to have to swallow when Spidey came home. Black Panther was going to take a hit to the shins. I wouldn't be surprised if T'Challa's role is shrunk just a little bit to accomodate Peter's, on top of T'Challa's movie getting bumped back on the schedule, too.
Pretty much my biggest fear but I wouldn't be shocked if it happened. I was really looking forward to Black Panther's role in Civil War.
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