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Spider-Man is Entering The Marvel Cinematic Universe

YO gaf check out my Rap about this news

ok here I go

Yo yo spider man was bitten by spider now he shoot spider webs from his hands to save your bitch mathafucka while eating ice cream chocolate flavor mathafucka marvel got him back now im eating sandwich made by my ex wife yes im 8 years old but i got ex wife mathafucka you don't know me im the champion spider man is my best friend we get dem bitches in club on Tuesday got your girl coming with me she choose me im like the pokemon master i got two master balls mathafucka one for your ex and one for your new girlfriend
spider man mathafucka

I'm done


I gotta say, between this and your post in the Persona 5 thread, you are by far the GOAT poster.


Kind of helps when Spidey actually appears in a movie you can then merchandise more effectively.

And how much could Spidey merch spike upward with him in the MCU? Interacting with Iron Man and other heroes on the big screen.....

Good point but I dont see it making much of a difference. Its not like Spidey is lagging behind in merchandise, hes still far and away the top seller when it comes to superheroes.


If anything he'll be used to help The Avengers reach that "growth potential"
Man, Spidey is my fave superhero but I can't help but be bummed out by the delays.

I'm also wondering when he's going to make his debut. Shouldn't it be too late for him to be included in Civil War? That would only leave Doctor Strange.


YO gaf check out my Rap about this news

ok here I go

Yo yo spider man was bitten by spider now he shoot spider webs from his hands to save your bitch mathafucka while eating ice cream chocolate flavor mathafucka marvel got him back now im eating sandwich made by my ex wife yes im 8 years old but i got ex wife mathafucka you don't know me im the champion spider man is my best friend we get dem bitches in club on Tuesday got your girl coming with me she choose me im like the pokemon master i got two master balls mathafucka one for your ex and one for your new girlfriend
spider man mathafucka

I'm done


I almost feel like I should ignore you for the way your posts seem to make me laugh out loud at the worst moments.
YO gaf check out my Rap about this news

ok here I go

Yo yo spider man was bitten by spider now he shoot spider webs from his hands to save your bitch mathafucka while eating ice cream chocolate flavor mathafucka marvel got him back now im eating sandwich made by my ex wife yes im 8 years old but i got ex wife mathafucka you don't know me im the champion spider man is my best friend we get dem bitches in club on Tuesday got your girl coming with me she choose me im like the pokemon master i got two master balls mathafucka one for your ex and one for your new girlfriend
spider man mathafucka

I'm done




Hopefully now people will give Latino Review some respect and this gives more credence to their detailed Phase 3 spoilers.


My hope...

We know Spidey will be in Civil War, they should just enter him into the story with no more fanfare than they do Cap and the other characters, everyone knows who Spidey is so let's not waste a lot of time on explaining him or why he's there. He's part of the Marvel Universe, that's it. Let's move on with the story.

So Parker plays a very similar role in the story as he does in the comic version of Civil War, only at some point in the third act... Peter will die. This will give us the catalyst we need to wrap Civil War up by the end of the film with the right emotional impact.

At some point during the film, we are also introduced to Miles BUT ONLY IN THE BRIEFEST POSSIBLE WAY -- let's not get off track the same way Iron Man 2 did. That was a disaster. Very much a background thing but just enough to where people recognize who he is

Maybe he can be a kid on the street and he sees Spidey swinging through the city and has a "Wow that's Spider-Man..." moment. But they definitely need to mention him by name. Ganke can be by his side to do that.

Then BOOM, The Spidey movie will be a fully fledged Miles film and from that point on, Miles is the Spider-Man of the MCU


Or just have Cap/Iron Man trying to recruit Spider-Man.

SPIDER-MAN: Sorry guys, I'm not even supposed to be here.

Crowd laughs. RDJ winks at the camera. Chris Evans smirks.


So Idris Elba for Spidey or what? Don't let me down gaf. Bring the shops.

fake edit: forgot about Heimdall. Shit. And Cumberbatch is out for Strange...

Don't give me some pretty youngins.

So much hype for Phase 3 now ...
I hope they do young Spidey (17/18 yrs old) again but this time get someone that is or actually looks like a teenager. Neither of the previous dudes look convincing as teenagers, with Garfield looking the closest. I know the desire to see older Peter is there, but I just think it could be interesting to see this kid hanging with the Avengers.


Somewhere deep within the Nevada desert some Sony executives are digging a hole in the dead of night with nothing to illuminate their labour but the headlights of a Lexus.

One of the Armani clad goons pulls a large, bloodied canvas bag from the car's boot. Amy Pascal emerges from the gloomy dark and takes a swig from a bottle of forty year old Johnnie Walker.

She nods her head. The suited thugs throw the bag into the hole with no regard or ceremony and begin to cover it with dirt.

And so the ballad of Avi Arad comes to an end.

The deal benefits Sony way more than Marvel from the looks of things. I never felt this was a good deal for Marvel from the start when the rumors were out, but I guess Feige really, really wanted to work Spider-man into the MCU. It's understandable from that viewpoint, but in terms of actual business, it looks like Marvel is going to be helping Sony to make a ton of money, and in exchange they just get to use Spider-man in some of their films.

In terms of negotiating positions Marvel had Sony over a barrel, what exactly did Sony have that Marvel could want?

Given that Disney already have the Spidey merchandising rights I'd love to see what Sony had to give up in order to make this deal happen. Maybe Sony had to give Marvel a bigger slice of the box office haul to make it worth their and Fiege's while?

Then again maybe Marvel thought that getting their 'finger prints' on future Spider Man films means that they can throw their full licensing and merchandising weight behind the Spider Man films, something that they haven't done thus far. It would money that would all go into Disney's pocket anyway.


I think Marvel gains a lot more than you give them credit for. Spider-Man in the MCU is about more than just Feige wanting Spider-Man. I think Feige sees that Infinity War Pt1 and 2 have real shots at getting near (if not THE) top of the highest grossing movies of all times list, and he knows that a Spider-Man deal strengthens that shot.

Spider-Man is, by far, Marvel's most popular hero. Marvel Studios may not hold the rights to his films, but by integrating him into the MCU they strengthen the films they do hold rights to. Spider-Man appearing in, say, Civil War strengthens its box office potential. Spider-Man having a (possibly) prominent part in Infinity War pushes that film far ahead of what it would already hit. It's the same reason they dropped $40 million (or so) on Robert Downey, Jr. for Civil War. In a post-Winter Soldier era (grossed $714 million worldwide) a new Captain America film—and, specifically, one as wide-reaching as Civil War—had a great shot at pulling in $800-$900m+ worldwide. Adding Robert Downey, Jr.'s Iron Man to that cast—by far Marvel's most popular movie property—strengthens that by a huge amount. The film doesn't need RDJ to do well, but his addition multiplies how well it will do. It creates more excitement and increases ticket sales and overall interest. Suddenly your $800-$900m+ potential has grown to a $1b+ potential.

And it's not just about the few hundred million dollars more a Spider-Man brings to the Avengers table. It's about the news cycle that drums up, the merchandise it sells, the word of mouth it generates and the new people it brings into the theater (and whose interest now intersects with the Marvel movie brand).

You're right that Sony gains a lot more than Marvel does. Sony needs this right now. Marvel doesn't need Spider-Man. They'd get by just fine without it. This deal isn't about needing Spider-Man; it's about how Spider-Man's inclusion strengthens the Marvel Cinematic Universe brand, from box office potential to public perception.

Very good post. +1

DC now: "no pressure"



The deal benefits Sony way more than Marvel from the looks of things. I never felt this was a good deal for Marvel from the start when the rumors were out, but I guess Feige really, really wanted to work Spider-man into the MCU. It's understandable from that viewpoint, but in terms of actual business, it looks like Marvel is going to be helping Sony to make a ton of money, and in exchange they just get to use Spider-man in some of their films.

If the Spider-man movies are good though, it's win-win for fans.
Marvel still has all the merch rights, so it's in there best interest to make sure there movies don't suck.


Thinks buying more servers can fix a bad patch
Correct, it's a deal where Marvel has full access to the Spider-verse to work into their MCU, and Marvel and Sony are co-producing any future Spider-Man films. Sony has final say on those stand-alone films. I'm just curious if the stand-alones are going to be part of the MCU as well, or if we get a MCU Spidey and a different storyline for Sony Spidey.

Its going to be a shitty situation since it'll be much harder for Marvel to get the movie right back, once the future spiderman movies has been resurrected with MCU's help.

For the short term now, this is awesome news.


My hope...

We know Spidey will be in Civil War, they should just enter him into the story with no more fanfare than they do Cap and the other characters, everyone knows who Spidey is so let's not waste a lot of time on explaining him or why he's there. He's part of the Marvel Universe, that's it. Let's move on with the story.

So Parker plays a very similar role in the story as he does in the comic version of Civil War, only at some point in the third act... Peter will die. This will give us the catalyst we need to wrap Civil War up by the end of the film with the right emotional impact.

At some point during the film, we are also introduced to Miles BUT ONLY IN THE BRIEFEST POSSIBLE WAY -- let's not get off track the same way Iron Man 2 did. That was a disaster. Very much a background thing but just enough to where people recognize who he is

Maybe he can be a kid on the street and he sees Spidey swinging through the city and has a "Wow that's Spider-Man..." moment. But they definitely need to mention him by name. Ganke can be by his side to do that.

Then BOOM, The Spidey movie will be a fully fledged Miles film and from that point on, Miles is the Spider-Man of the MCU

Lol no way Marvel would be that brave.


But isn't the audience for Spider Man and the Avengers toys the same though? It's not as if they are two distinct groups being brought together by this news.

But that audience has never seen Spidey interact with all the heroes in the MCU on the big screen.

That's going to be a crazy thing to see for the first time and I'm sure kids will flip their shit and geek out.

I mean Spidey is hands down the top seller merch wise without him interacting with the MCU, with him in there?

I mean damn.


For a while I was worried that Sony still having creative reigns would end up being a huge problem with this deal. But really when I sit down and think about it, Sony in general are responsible for some damn great movies, and the problem was their shitty attitude with using the Spider-Man series as their money cow. Maybe based Feige can bring some damn perspective on the project now that the creative team seems to have been catapulted out of the franchise, and although Arad is still on board, the fact that he's executive producer makes it feel more like an indirect effort.

Really, the thought of Feige being in direct charge of the franchise rather than Arad fills me with sick joy and I have to wonder whether or not Arad is incredibly bitter about the circumstances.
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