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Spider-Man |OT| web's outta stock y'all


Well, the drones from the challenge are meant to fly faster if you get closer. You're just chasing it to the end point.

Can't help ya with birds. I do cut corners and catch them pretty easily. I'm pretty good with swinging too. The boosted point jump is really powerful.

The problem is that the birds speed up if you get too close. I got within 10m of one last night and watched it zip forward to about 50m away. It's like there's a point in their flight path that they have to reach before you can web them.

I've noticed it with car chases as well, but not all of them. Some of them you can press triangle as soon as you're within range, but others will get sudden bursts of speed to get away from you if you get too close, too early. The
Helicopter chase
main mission had the same thing, but that was a scripted encounter so it's understandable there.


Birds and cars have weird detection. I abhor the car chase because the triangle never shows up on time. I just mash L1+R1 for the birds when I'm 20m or closer.

I think there also might be some scripted part where you can't catch a bird too fast. It has to fly for like a dozen seconds or something. Maybe it's like the context of it getting tired.
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But again after God of War I am a tad bit disappointed by the HDR implementation. It's pretty good but not even close as mindblowing as in Horizon. What gives? Sony is slacking.
Insomniac is slacking (in this aspect, they've done a great job generally with the game). It's kind of odd - Ratchet & Clank had a much better HDR implementation (that's how I remember it anyway, haven't played it in a while). My guess is they wanted to go for a more realistic look and went too far with that. I doubt we'll be getting major engine changes any time soon, so this is what we'll have to contend with, but I hope Insomniac patches in some settings for HDR instead of it being just on/off. At least on my TV (KS7000, i.e. KS8000 in the US) it doesn't seem to hit the same level of peak brightness as say God of War (which is in my personal top 3 when it comes to HDR).


I reached the last % of the game and my only question is "WHERE ARE THE AVENGERS"? xD

Srsly they even have the tower THERE!! What's Tony doing?


Maybe I'm missing something but does this game have any personality at all? Every time I've walked in on my housemate playing I sit there thinking it looks like any other big budget 3rd person open-world action game released in the past five years.

Negative I know. I'm not a big fan of comic book stuff but Spidey always seemed to be the one with pizazz. The game seems almost dour.


Maybe I'm missing something but does this game have any personality at all? Every time I've walked in on my housemate playing I sit there thinking it looks like any other big budget 3rd person open-world action game released in the past five years.

Negative I know. I'm not a big fan of comic book stuff but Spidey always seemed to be the one with pizazz. The game seems almost dour.

This game looks as good as the person playing it. If they are crap at web swinging and/or Combat then it can make the game look dull.

Playing it is a blast. If I had to compare GoW to Spider-Man as which Sony Exclusive was better this year in terms of story telling, side quests, general upgrade systems etc etc... Probably GoW, I would rate GoW a 9 out of 10 and Spider-Man a solid 8.

But which is more fun? Spider-Man for me, and for that reason it would be my GoTY


Gold Member
I finished it last night. I loved the costumes. I still have a lot of the side stuff to do. I really enjoyed it. I liked how they progressed in the last half. I didn't feel like I was running around town dodging the main objective. Insomniac really did a good job and I like their style.

The ending cutscenes left me wanting a lot more. I thought they could have done an amazing Goblin boss fight had they pushed the main plot further. I was missing the nice sunny day weather, perfect for a boss fight with Goblin.
Having the radioactive spider sit on MJ's jacket while she travels all the way back to F.E.A.S.T. didn't make sense to me. I love Miles, but MJ gaining powers would have been cool. She could have been bitten multiple times, but the spider just hangs out on her jacket. I liked how time progressed, but how did Peter build that suit in so little time? Doc could have destroyed the entire town in that period of time.
I ignored a lot of crime in the city. I started off doing a lot of the bases with the waves, but after I got to level 25 I stopped caring about the content. It reminded me of those bases in Assassin's Creed where you took out the entire area and the final henchman or mini-boss. The boss fights were cool in that there wasn't a lot of build up getting to Shocker/Rhino/etc.
The dream sequence/poison sequence was straight out of Arkham games. I mean, seriously... I could only think about the Arkham games when that happened to Peter. Especially the appeal of demon's breath(Arkham Knight)
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This game looks as good as the person playing it. If they are crap at web swinging and/or Combat then it can make the game look dull.

Playing it is a blast. If I had to compare GoW to Spider-Man as which Sony Exclusive was better this year in terms of story telling, side quests, general upgrade systems etc etc... Probably GoW, I would rate GoW a 9 out of 10 and Spider-Man a solid 8.

But which is more fun? Spider-Man for me, and for that reason it would be my GoTY

That's fair enough. My housemate tends not to be great at games. Sometimes I hear him yell things at the TV and then I make sure to poke fun when I next see him.


Gold Member
I also thought they asked you to collect quite a bit stuff for no reason. I liked it at first, but then it kept happening and happening. Lol
The speed missions with Taskmaster were cool the first time it's on your radar and then I didn't bother doing it again. We all know we aren't going to actually fight Taskmaster. Game Designers keep it all in there for the shock and awe, but we all know far too well

The enemies reminded me of Infamous in a way. Not in that they were the exact same, but that I almost wish they changed size. Infamous had these larger sized characters that were fun to take down:
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I'm glad some people seem to enjoy the MJ stuff, but holy shit it's just terrible to me. I just got through the 3rd one, and it's still not any more interesting. I find them insultingly easy and not fun in a gameplay mechanics sense in the slightest. This type of gameplay has been done better in countless games, it simply didn't need to be added here. MJ could have been developed through the cutscenes telling the exact same story without me having to actually walk her through each area.

And after the third one, I think Peter must have said something to her about maybe not sneaking through areas where there are dozens of armed guards willing to kill on sight. I skipped the post MJ gamplay cutscene, so I missed their dialog, but afterwards they keep talking on the phone and MJ is like "Peter this is exactly why we broke up you treat me like a child don't do this don't do that". It's just cringe worthy in my opinion. Yeah Peter is probably wrong about that, I mean it's not like MJ's only move when found by a guard is to cower in the corner and yell wait before they shoot her in the face.

Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
Finally played a bit more last night. I’ve been sick and not up for gaming much.

I’m still having a blast with the game. The traversal is so fun I don’t mind the open world collection stuff. I finished up the police towers and think I just have three zones to round up backpacks and landmarks in. Story wise I’m still early. Last one I did was the first with MJ.

Combat is getting more fun as I unlock more abilities and get more used to it. Wish I had more time to play, but being sick and in the process of moving houses (uhaul move next weekend, smaller stuff currently) isn’t leaving much energy.


I have a question, I asked on the Reddit sub but it disappeared as usual...

I know that they changed the plot somewhat from E3.
Peter learns about Mr Negative during that cutscene in the helicopter.
They changed it to a random thug with a rocket launcher.
How and when does Peter realize that Mr Lin? is behind the Demons?
He was at the politcal rally but was knocked out during Lin's entrance.
The one thing that didn't make sense to me.
I have a question, I asked on the Reddit sub but it disappeared as usual...

I know that they changed the plot somewhat from E3.
Peter learns about Mr Negative during that cutscene in the helicopter.
They changed it to a random thug with a rocket launcher.
How and when does Peter realize that Mr Lin? is behind the Demons?
He was at the politcal rally but was knocked out during Lin's entrance.
The one thing that didn't make sense to me.

This confused me as well. I felt like a scene is missing. Peter is never like "I can't believe this. It couldn't be Mr. Li." The player is just told this and everone is "ok".


Gold Member
I have a question, I asked on the Reddit sub but it disappeared as usual...

I know that they changed the plot somewhat from E3.
Peter learns about Mr Negative during that cutscene in the helicopter.
They changed it to a random thug with a rocket launcher.
How and when does Peter realize that Mr Lin? is behind the Demons?
He was at the politcal rally but was knocked out during Lin's entrance.
The one thing that didn't make sense to me.

my guess is when Mr. Lin took his "personal trip" and Parker suspected as much. Peter's face gives it away if you ask me. Plus he was the only person who knew about the Demon mask
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Hey - on the car crash side missions when you have to rescue 3 civilians, I fail every time on the third civilian. It says to press "L" - but I can't seem to get it to work. What do you have to do when pressing "L"?


Gold Member
I'm glad some people seem to enjoy the MJ stuff, but holy shit it's just terrible to me. I just got through the 3rd one, and it's still not any more interesting. I find them insultingly easy and not fun in a gameplay mechanics sense in the slightest. This type of gameplay has been done better in countless games, it simply didn't need to be added here. MJ could have been developed through the cutscenes telling the exact same story without me having to actually walk her through each area.

And after the third one, I think Peter must have said something to her about maybe not sneaking through areas where there are dozens of armed guards willing to kill on sight. I skipped the post MJ gamplay cutscene, so I missed their dialog, but afterwards they keep talking on the phone and MJ is like "Peter this is exactly why we broke up you treat me like a child don't do this don't do that". It's just cringe worthy in my opinion. Yeah Peter is probably wrong about that, I mean it's not like MJ's only move when found by a guard is to cower in the corner and yell wait before they shoot her in the face.
I just finished the game. Loved it. The MJ and Miles sections are terrible. I just want to be Spiderman. I feel like they were added to check the diversity box.
Hey - on the car crash side missions when you have to rescue 3 civilians, I fail every time on the third civilian. It says to press "L" - but I can't seem to get it to work. What do you have to do when pressing "L"?
It says L and not L3? It means move left stick in the direction of the circle then the prompt will change to R1.
I have a question, I asked on the Reddit sub but it disappeared as usual...

I know that they changed the plot somewhat from E3.
Peter learns about Mr Negative during that cutscene in the helicopter.
They changed it to a random thug with a rocket launcher.
How and when does Peter realize that Mr Lin? is behind the Demons?
He was at the politcal rally but was knocked out during Lin's entrance.
The one thing that didn't make sense to me.

That scene was literally in first person and Peter (and the player) sees Li. It even had the spider sense blur the edge of the screen to show what Peter was concentrating at. He wasn't knocked out until shit has hit the fan.
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I have a question, I asked on the Reddit sub but it disappeared as usual...

I know that they changed the plot somewhat from E3.
Peter learns about Mr Negative during that cutscene in the helicopter.
They changed it to a random thug with a rocket launcher.
How and when does Peter realize that Mr Lin? is behind the Demons?
He was at the politcal rally but was knocked out during Lin's entrance.
The one thing that didn't make sense to me.
Martin Li shows up in the cutscene right when the Spidey Sense was going off. It showed three people, and Martin Li was the second guy.


Just finished the game, the ending was really good, and...
No making deals with the devil!! Thank you, Insomniac! And fuck you Quesada!
EDIT: Just to give an overall on my feelings, it's a good fun game.

Story was alright overall but it was the ending and the execution that really made it great. My main issue with it however is that Spider-Man usually has a cast of characters surrounding him that add a lot of colour to his personal life, but everyone was so bland.

Worst victim is definitely Mary Jane, stripped of all her uniqueness. Aunt May similarly just feels like she's just there. Jameson is relegated to a radio host and Parker/You never get interact with him at all in the game.

I hope in the sequel they liven up the supporting characters.
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"It says L and not L3? It means move left stick in the direction of the circle then the prompt will change to R1."

Thanks! I'll give that a try....


Great game but combat can be hard sometimes. I got a glitch few days ago. Spidey remained in fighting stance even after the fight was over. It happened after random crime near Empire State Building. I had to defeat criminals and save cops from an armored car. I tried to do some side missions but Spidey still remained in the fighting stance. The only way was to reload the last save.
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Already finished the game. Nothing on the top of the Avengers tower. Maybe night time or what you wanted me to see was there only during the shitstorm?
When you get to the top, he makes a comment about where the Avengers might be.


I got the feeling that the story should've started at the end of Act 2, if that's what they really wanted to do

Can't believe they went full retard making a discount-Arkham during Act 3.... game was doing so good with the "daily routine" story

But nooo, it had to turn into a Arkham City/Knight/Origins situation...


I got the feeling that the story should've started at the end of Act 2, if that's what they really wanted to do

Can't believe they went full retard making a discount-Arkham during Act 3.... game was doing so good with the "daily routine" story

But nooo, it had to turn into a Arkham City/Knight/Origins situation...

I fucking loved that section (the stuff you put in spoilers) , what was wrong with it? The chase sequence felt amazing, and I just finished the boss(es) of that section last night and was just blown away personally.

I loved the Sinister Six assemble conclusion to that bit. I love Otto's characterization overall, and how he's providing the team with his tech to enhance their powers.
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I just finished the game. Loved it. The MJ and Miles sections are terrible. I just want to be Spiderman. I feel like they were added to check the diversity box.

Yeah it's easily my GoTY, and likely GoTG for me, even with those ridiculously unnecessary parts. I'm amazed Insomniac have done this as well as they did, as a massive fan of Spider-Man 2 and Web of Shadows, I couldn't have hoped for a better open world Spider-Man game. Obviously there are small areas for improvement here and there, but overall I think they took exactly the right direction and nailed just about everything. I am so in love with this game.


I fucking loved that section (the stuff you put in spoilers) , what was wrong with it? The chase sequence felt amazing, and I just finished the boss(es) of that section last night and was just blown away personally.

I loved the Sinister Six assemble conclusion to that bit. I love Otto's characterization overall, and how he's providing the team with his tech to enhance their powers.

In truth, there's nothing really wrong with it, but I've got so used to the Arkham formula that I was not expecting this to happen on SM as well...


Have they said anything about DLC costumes? I hope Raimi costume is one of them. This game has great detailed costumes so would be great to see it. It would look amazing. I haven't really followed news or discussions to avoid spoilers.


Have they said anything about DLC costumes? I hope Raimi costume is one of them. This game has great detailed costumes so would be great to see it. It would look amazing. I haven't really followed news or discussions to avoid spoilers.

No DLC costumes announcement so far.
At 53% now. It's an Insomniac game alright, for better or worse. Last game I played from them was Infamous SS (which I liked) and this feels like more of the same with a Spider-Man skin. Means it's a great game but nothing mindblowing really. The really nailed the rope swinging. Feels amazing.

The segment with the helicopter (known for the E³ demo) absolutely blew me away. The graphics are insane.
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At 53% now. It's an Insomniac game alright, for better or worse. Last game I played from them was Infamous SS (which I liked) and this feels like more of the same with a Spider-Man skin. Means it's a great game but nothing mindblowing really. The really nailed the rope swinging. Feels amazing.

The segment with the helicopter (known for the E³ demo) absolutely blew me away. The graphics are insane.
They didn't make inFamous. That's Sucker Punch.


Have they said anything about DLC costumes? I hope Raimi costume is one of them. This game has great detailed costumes so would be great to see it. It would look amazing. I haven't really followed news or discussions to avoid spoilers.

Heavily teased. James the Com Dev posted a photo on his twitter a while back with the Raimi logo lighting up the floor and the tweet said something about "City That Never Sleeps" leading many of us to believe it will be in "The Heist" DLC this October.


Just finished the main campaign, now cleaning up the crime events in each district to get the platinum. Really enjoyed my time with it, the story was fantastic, it looks amazing, and even after 20-odd hours I'm still loving swinging around Manhatten. I've never once used fast travel, swinging just feels right. I'm a bit concerned that it may ruin exploration of other upcoming open worlds, making other games feel slow and boring moving from A to B.

Regarding the criticisms of the stealth sections, I feel like there were two types of stealth; the combat stealth (which I enjoyed and which felt VERY Arkham) and the story mission stealth, where you controlled MJ or Miles. The latter were awful, and hopefully don't appear in the inevitable sequel. But I hope Insomniac don't read the criticism as being against all stealth in the game, because again, I really enjoyed picking off henchmenn in the bases one-by-one using gadgets and perch takedowns.

Good to see Insomniac get rewarded with so much buzz online (and in the real world), and for me they managed to live up to the hype of that first trailer and then some.


Gold Member
I wonder if they'll ever get to the point where the superhero games are all dynamic. A random encounter with a notorious enemy or explosions happening without cutscenes. Maybe a villain makes his war path without having such an introduction.

Spider-Man and Batman both did the whole
the city is now in its corrupted state and of course the whole city is a mess because the main character is drugged. Either it was Scarecrow from Arkham Asylum, Ra's al Ghul in Arkham City, or Poison Ivy in Arkham Knight. Scorpion's section felt like it drew its inspiration from those parts. The fight with Rhino and Scoprion was good.

I was reading more of the Spider-Verse arc after finishing the game. I kept thinking about how Spider-Man had changed since Civil War, One More Day, Spider-Verse, and The Other. I absolutely loved the suits in those comics because they reflect more about the character and the history he's had. One More Day rebooted the franchise.

I agree with a few other comments, that more heroes on Spidey's side would have been a huge plus. And maybe a push towards leaving his comfort zone.

This game was great. It was just a very heart filled Spider-Man. We aren't going to really get Eddie Brock, Cletus Kasady, or Morlun. Not to mention the arc where
Octavius becomes Spider-Man
maybe I'm just combining all the stories of Spider-Man and pulling it all into a "what if" scenario.
I only used his Scarlet-Spider and the Spider-Man 2099 suit. I never went back to his default costume
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I'm about to get the platinum, only got the suits trophy pending. I enjoyed the game a lot but I don't think I have the patience to get the necessary challenge tokens...

I think I'll wait for new game plus and see if I can get some more by redoing the challenges and getting more silvers.


I'm about to get the platinum, only got the suits trophy pending. I enjoyed the game a lot but I don't think I have the patience to get the necessary challenge tokens...

I think I'll wait for new game plus and see if I can get some more by redoing the challenges and getting more silvers.
If you didn't spend any challenge tokens, you only need like silvers for everything or something, and you can cheese the unlock by reloading manual saves.

Xaero Gravity

I'm glad some people seem to enjoy the MJ stuff, but holy shit it's just terrible to me. I just got through the 3rd one, and it's still not any more interesting. I find them insultingly easy and not fun in a gameplay mechanics sense in the slightest. This type of gameplay has been done better in countless games, it simply didn't need to be added here. MJ could have been developed through the cutscenes telling the exact same story without me having to actually walk her through each area.

And after the third one, I think Peter must have said something to her about maybe not sneaking through areas where there are dozens of armed guards willing to kill on sight. I skipped the post MJ gamplay cutscene, so I missed their dialog, but afterwards they keep talking on the phone and MJ is like "Peter this is exactly why we broke up you treat me like a child don't do this don't do that". It's just cringe worthy in my opinion. Yeah Peter is probably wrong about that, I mean it's not like MJ's only move when found by a guard is to cower in the corner and yell wait before they shoot her in the face.
The MJ stuff is probably my least favorite part of the game. I hate forced stealth sections, and j just don't like this version of Mary Jane. She's supposed to be this red headed bombshell, and I think she looks pretty unattractive.


If you didn't spend any challenge tokens, you only need like silvers for everything or something, and you can cheese the unlock by reloading manual saves.

Thanks for the advice. I got an ultimate score and a two or three spectacular ones and managed to get enough for the suits.

One of my favorite games, my first platinum (admittedly it is easy). Already looking forward to the sequel, I don't think I'll get the DLC. I'm glad it didn't require to get Ultimate in all the challenges, the drone ones are pretty tight.

Now that I've seen all the game I think it pulls too much from the Arkham series. The combat is one of the things that I've seen is compared the most but to me it feels pretty different.


I have a question, I asked on the Reddit sub but it disappeared as usual...

I know that they changed the plot somewhat from E3.
Peter learns about Mr Negative during that cutscene in the helicopter.
They changed it to a random thug with a rocket launcher.
How and when does Peter realize that Mr Lin? is behind the Demons?
He was at the politcal rally but was knocked out during Lin's entrance.
The one thing that didn't make sense to me.

Not only does Peter see Martin Li turning into Mr. Negative, but he also sneaked into his office collecting more than enough evidence proving that Li and Mr. Negative ate the same person.

No DLC costumes announcement so far.

Not totally true...

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