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Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions |OT| of Undelivered Ham


Ok, I shut off my ps3 and turned it back on again and tried again and now it reads the disc fine.

From the Playstation blog. Marvel might be unveiling something new about Shattered Dimensions tomorrow at the New York Comicon.

EXCLUSIVE NEW INFO for Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions: Yeah, I know you’ve already played this one (you have, haven’t you?!…), but we’re not done with Beenox’s awesome trip through four Spidey universes yet. In addition to having Creative Director Thomas Wilson answer some lingering questions posed by the Marvel gaming diehards at HeroHQ.com, we’ve also got another revelation about the game for you.

Today's announcement was for Cosmic Spiderman DLC for the end of the month. No price was given.


The most interesting news though is that a sequel appears to be in the works.

Meanwhile, Thomas Wilson, the creative director of Shattered Dimensions, also took a few questions from the audience. One question was whether there are any plans for a sequel, to which Wilson coyly answered, "I think our first date with Spider-Man went well, and we want to build it into a strong relationship."


Rated-Rsuperstar said:
The most interesting news though is that a sequel appears to be in the works.

Meanwhile, Thomas Wilson, the creative director of Shattered Dimensions, also took a few questions from the audience. One question was whether there are any plans for a sequel, to which Wilson coyly answered, "I think our first date with Spider-Man went well, and we want to build it into a strong relationship."

I hope if they do one, they're given sufficient time to polish it. I thoroughly enjoyed the game, but if they had more time to iron out the bugs and control issues, it could have been in the same league as Batman AA.


I did the first level with Kraven and my first impressions are:

+Love the graphics. Looks so nice cell-shaded and runs so smooth 60fps (outside Kraven fight which was at like 10fps at times)

+Great writing. Very funny and nonstop jokes. When it keeps repeating the same line over and over it's kind of lol though.

+Really good voice acting. This along with the writing goes a long way to make it a joy to play.

+Freedom of swinging = awesome. Love the hidden collectables that encourage swinging and exploration.

+Love the gallery. The character bios where it tells you about them and says their first appearance was something I loved in Batman AA and I love it here as well since I'm not up to date with comics.

-Boxing mini-game in my spiderman...what? That was bad.

-Controls in combat feel weird. I honestly don't have any idea what I'm doing a lot of the time in battles with tons of enemies or bosses and if I can brag a bit I am pretty good at fighting action games, so it's the game that's giving me a feeling of distance between the combat and my controlling of it. Like I don't understand, am I supposed to just tap L2 to dodge every attack? Or am I supposed to press a direction and L2 to control the way I roll? Or am I supposed to hold L2 and do manual rolls? When the spider sense is on all the time in a battle the auto-dodge seems really bad? The whole auto-dodge system is weird.

-I quit after it said SAVING in the bottom corner after what I thought was the first checkpoint and quit. Then later I hit continue and I started at the beginning of the level. Does it do hard saves at checkpoints?

Anyhow, really like it! A lot! Look forward to playing more.


Did the first Noir level...hmmmm

I can't stress how much I loooove the graphics. Really really good art + 60fps makes me so happy. I grew up on comics and comic book games during the Atari/NES/Arcade era, but then during the N64/PS1/DC/PS2 era comic book games started sucking and so I skipped almost all of them. So going from like Spider-man Maximum Carnage on SNES to expansive cool looking open 3d environments to play through is pretty awesome!

I generally like the gameplay in the Noir one. It's simple stealth, but the ability to climb walls and air dash around gives it a fresh spin. It's always better for stealth to go for simple and fun over complex and frustrating.

That being said, even 2 real stages in I'm starting to feel the issue I kept seeing in reviews when the game came out: namely that the levels are way too long. Everytime a level starts I'm loving it and having 10/10 level of pure enjoyment. Then I get to a mini-boss and have a decent length drawn out fight. Then I finish the fight I feel "yay, level is over. That was a good level" but wait! That is only half the level! Now you do the exact samething over AGAIN except this time the fun level is like 5/10 because I just did all this and overcame a lengthy boss fight and I'm feeling done with this level/character and I just want to move on and get to the next level/character. If they wanted to do the "do this stuff, do this stuff with more challenge" level design, then I think they should have axed the mini-boss fight in the middle so at least it'd just be one long level and then a long boss. But long level -> long mini-boss -> long level -> long boss is just overkill and any enthusiasm for the stage going in is gone by the end. It doesn't help that the bosses have been kind of frustrating due to camera/control problems. Like on Hammerhead final fight I kept looking at a piece of debris with a red circle around it and hitting O to grab it but instead he web grabs hammerhead who is ungrabbable. Repeat this over and over until I actually get a debris piece and throw it properly so I can get to the next part. Definitely a littttle rough. But the walking around in the shadows taking out guards while listening to conversations that fill in the plot is super cool and I did like that stage.


Neo Member
The DLC is costumes? Ugh, no thanks. Something about dressing up barbies isn't my scene.

Finished the game. Loved it, but it was a bad spiderman game. By that I mean the swinging wasn't fun and you were limited in where you could go. It was like a flashy PS1 version spiderman. I hope the next one combines open worlds with the levels. So much freakin better that way.


Bebpo said:
I did the first level with Kraven and my first impressions are:

+Love the graphics. Looks so nice cell-shaded and runs so smooth 60fps (outside Kraven fight which was at like 10fps at times)

The game was NOT 60fps. Not even close. The framerate was fairly stable, say a good solid 30 with only a few minor dips, but was absolutely not 60 or close. I guarantee you that.


2&2 said:
The game was NOT 60fps. Not even close. The framerate was fairly stable, say a good solid 30 with only a few minor dips, but was absolutely not 60 or close. I guarantee you that.

Hmm. You're probably right, but compared to most 30fps games it looks a lot smoother. I'm playing DR2 on PC at 60fps and honestly Spider-man looks about as smooth besides the dipping (PS3 version). If it's 30fps I wonder if they use some technique to make it look smoother than it is.

Either that or my eyes are just getting worse with age.


Ok, yeah my eyes aren't fooling me.

The PS3 version seemed to have an unlocked frame rate that allowed the game to often close in on 60fps (while the 360 version seemed locked at something in the 30s), but the PS3 port would still dip down into the low 30s fairly often. The 360 version also seemed to have slightly better lighting, so if you want mildly better graphics and a stable frame rate, that's the version to get; if you want frame rate at any cost, the PS3 version might be best.



Bebpo said:

Weird. Not sure how much I trust that review. Lens of Truth did a framerate analysis and the average for both the 360 and PS3 were dead on 30. They only looked at a few short segments though. I'd wager if there are any spikes, they're minor the game almost always hovers around 30. I didn't see much of anything that looked off of 30 in the 360 version, and I'm really sensitive to frame rates. I couldn't go back to Batman AA on the 360/PS3 after seeing it @ 60fps on the PC. It was like night and day. Regardless, it runs pretty solid. I just wish the PC version came out simultaneously. It probably looks fantastic running true 60fps, but I've already had my fill of the game and moved on.
This game has the worst final boss in the history of video games. If you're going to have the battle be glitchy as fuck, at least have some checkpoints.


Absoludacrous said:
This game has the worst final boss in the history of video games. If you're going to have the battle be glitchy as fuck, at least have some checkpoints.

Hmmm, yeah see I'm really enjoying the game, but what strikes me as what is keeping it down in the 7/10 amateurish range is that it's the glitchy, annoying, you die a lot kind of amateurish and not the fun, but simple and glitchy kind of amateurish.

It's interesting how that's almost always what tends to stick out the most in unpolished games: dying and frustration bringing down the experience. Usually because controls/camera or just design is weak and it causes death when it shouldn't.

I just did the Sandman level and when fighting the sand enemies trying to grab a barrel and throw it was ^^; Even if I'm looking right at a barrel, half the time I hit circle he does a web strike on the enemy. Made the "throw 25 barrels at enemies" challenge kind of annoying. Also had some glitching at the start where spiderman was spinning in circles which was a bit weird. And then there's stuff which isn't glitchy but it feels off. Like when did the last hit on Sandman he still had some life left but then it suddenly goes to YOU BEAT BOSS FMV and the level ends. Was really out of nowhere. I feel like a lot of bosses lack that satisfying finish when you beat them.

Doing the next Noir level now with Vulture and again getting some glitches. First time I go into this alleyway later on the guards move around on their patrols. 2nd time I go to the same section the guards NEVER MOVE and since they're all standing next to each other if you grab one you set off the alert. So I had to just avoid them all and get to the end without being in the light, which in some of these cramped areas is really difficult to see where the light is hitting or isn't.

Still I'm digging the game for the diverse villain lineup, cool set pieces, and fun swinging. The Noir dimension while having some gameplay annoyances has the best atmosphere imo. It's really well done and refreshing since it's a totally different take on the spider-man universe.
Bebpo said:
Hmmm, yeah see I'm really enjoying the game, but what strikes me as what is keeping it down in the 7/10 amateurish range is that it's the glitchy, annoying, you die a lot kind of amateurish and not the fun, but simple and glitchy kind of amateurish.

Yea, pretty much. It was a fun game for exactly the reasons you mentioned, but the times the game would just wig out kinda killed it (among other things, like a terrible targeting system).

Trying the boss on Hard and having the game suddenly insta-kill you due to a glitch, or having things you're supposed to be able to hit bug out and suddenly become unhitable were good times. Even better when there were no checkpoints and you would have to start back 15 minutes prior and repeat the same unfun section.


2&2 said:
I hope if they do one, they're given sufficient time to polish it. I thoroughly enjoyed the game, but if they had more time to iron out the bugs and control issues, it could have been in the same league as Batman AA.

"Of course I'll give them sufficient time to polish it..."
My biggest problem with the game is the web crawling. It makes no sense that he can't climb 80% of the surfaces in the game.

I was showing it to one of my Japanese friends, not a real active gamer but a huge spider-man fan. He was having fun but kept cursing when he couldn't climb anything. Especially when you miss a web-zip and fall down, unable to get up except by that vertical web jump you get by holding the button. He was getting really annoyed at spidey constantly kick-flipping off the cliff wall.

Once you train yourself to play by the games rules, it is plenty of fun though.

The glitches were a huge headache though. I had the instant kill glitch on the last boss happen at least 5 times. Anytime I would try to do an air combo on one of the small frys I would be teleported to my death.


BudokaiMR2 said:
My biggest problem with the game is the web crawling. It makes no sense that he can't climb 80% of the surfaces in the game.

I was showing it to one of my Japanese friends, not a real active gamer but a huge spider-man fan. He was having fun but kept cursing when he couldn't climb anything. Especially when you miss a web-zip and fall down, unable to get up except by that vertical web jump you get by holding the button. He was getting really annoyed at spidey constantly kick-flipping off the cliff wall.

Once you train yourself to play by the games rules, it is plenty of fun though.

The glitches were a huge headache though. I had the instant kill glitch on the last boss happen at least 5 times. Anytime I would try to do an air combo on one of the small frys I would be teleported to my death.

It's weird. I read the thread and see a lot of people talking about web crawling, yet if the tutorial didn't tell me it existed I wouldn't have even given it a second thought. In my mind I associate Spider-man with swinging and the R2/RT swinging and quick tap zipping satisfies that. I guess I was never into Spider-man enough to think of web crawling as an important part of his character, so I don't mind its absence here.

The Vulture level was pretty cool. Long ass level. Took me 52 mins. I'm definitely enjoying Noir spiderman the most so far. Then again I like stealth games. Started Scorpion with 2099 and it's pretty good so far. Only thing annoying was the first fight when you have 2 mins and you're supposed to throw the eggs at him to get him off the wall but he keeps doing the web zip thing into Scorpion instead wasting my time. You know, 80% of my issues with the game so far could've been solved just by making THROW OBJECT and WEB ZIP INTO ENEMY separate buttons instead of the same one (oh and having GRAB be the same to with a huuuuge grab range can be annoying in small areas where you WANT to web zip into a guy but he grabs them). I feel like this game is the case of cramming too many actions into not enough buttons.


finished act 2. Scorpion's stage continued to be fun and grabbing the eggs instead of homing on to enemies continued to be a problem throughout :p

Deadpool's stage was both great and a blatant example of the level design problem the game has. You spend like 20 mins+ exploring this nice sized oil rig, fighting dozens and dozens of enemies and collecting like 70 spider essences and then you have a boss fight...and then you do it all again!. I can understand that they were worried the gamer who doesn't collect anything and doesn't do the challenges and just sprints for the objectives will go from camera to camera and blow through a rig in 5-8 mins and they didn't want a 10 min level. But the more gamer gamer who tries to fully explore it and collect everything + do all challenges spends a lot of time on the first section and then doing it all over again is kind of booooring and kills the level design pacing. The tidal wave -> boat part was fantastic and I mean really, if the level was made up of "intro -> oil rig -> mini-boss -> tidal wave -> boss fight" it'd be an A+ level design. Not every game needs to be 10+ hours, for the next game Beenox should cut the fat and make a more satisfying game. If your boss says you need 10-20 hours, then tack on a multiplayer optional mode with tons of replay value instead of bloating out the levels.

Also was Nolan North voicing Deadpool like he does in MvC3? I couldn't tell. Sounded almost like him but not enough that I could pinpoint it.
Bebpo said:
finished act 2. Scorpion's stage continued to be fun and grabbing the eggs instead of homing on to enemies continued to be a problem throughout :p

Deadpool's stage was both great and a blatant example of the level design problem the game has. You spend like 20 mins+ exploring this nice sized oil rig, fighting dozens and dozens of enemies and collecting like 70 spider essences and then you have a boss fight...and then you do it all again!. I can understand that they were worried the gamer who doesn't collect anything and doesn't do the challenges and just sprints for the objectives will go from camera to camera and blow through a rig in 5-8 mins and they didn't want a 10 min level. But the more gamer gamer who tries to fully explore it and collect everything + do all challenges spends a lot of time on the first section and then doing it all over again is kind of booooring and kills the level design pacing. The tidal wave -> boat part was fantastic and I mean really, if the level was made up of "intro -> oil rig -> mini-boss -> tidal wave -> boss fight" it'd be an A+ level design. Not every game needs to be 10+ hours, for the next game Beenox should cut the fat and make a more satisfying game. If your boss says you need 10-20 hours, then tack on a multiplayer optional mode with tons of replay value instead of bloating out the levels.

Also was Nolan North voicing Deadpool like he does in MvC3? I couldn't tell. Sounded almost like him but not enough that I could pinpoint it.
Yup, that was Nolan.
I am on the final level and I have to say the fatique is really setting in. The game drag on way too long just as someone said you do the same thing over again does not make a good level design.

My main gripe is probably the nausea inducing camera. Why do game maker feel the need to orient the camera for you and then do it in the wrong direction. The worst part is the wall crawling where the perspective just keep changing whever you turn Spidey.

Overall still a good game that could seriously used may be couple more months of polish and testings.
Playing through the Wii version right now and it feels a bit rough around the edges. The control scheme has a bit of a No More Heroes vibe to it. The combat feels very jerky and mechanical. It's not bad, but it's not great. And I hate the web zipping and how it gets all wacked out as you move the camera around. Sandman level was a pain.

The levels get repetitive and monotonous too. Really want to give the console versions a shot since it looks a lot more polished from the videos I've seen. It's not a bad game though, it's pretty fun once you get the swing of things and it's a nice change of pace from the open world games.


Got to the last stage of Act 3 before shutting it down for the night. Act 3 is amazing. The roster is SO GOOD. I see what Segata was saying about how are they going to top this premise for the sequel. It's like, no matter how improved the game design is, there's no way they can have a cast of villains better than this. It's literally impossible.

The final Noir stage at the Carnival was fantastic and cemented the Noir section as my favorite of the four. The carnival atmosphere <3 <3 especially as the fireworks went off and change the lighting design. The haunted house section was cool! And the gameplay was challenging but satisfying. I love how the fireworks changed the gameplay and made you take cover while they went off. I also liked how the bosses were the most puzzle-ish in the noir sections. Personally I think the stealth in this game is far better than Batman AA. Batman AA's stealth is too easy, poor man's MGS. While Spider-man's stealth is rougher and you get some unfair spottings at times, it's much closer to a real stealth game where you watch patterns, move in the shadows and strike when there's an opening. Really enjoyed the noir sections. I also liked how it was a single storyline. It really could have been a whole game on its own.

Will do
Carnage zomgggggg
and the final stage tomorrow. My feelings on the game at this point are while the game is rough and has a lot of flaws and the fun can dip at times, I absolutely love it because from a comic book fan perspective it's pure bliss. I feel like it's a must play for anyone who ever liked comic books.


Finished this tonight. The Carnage stage was kind of disappointing because I was really excited for it (Maximum Carnage was one of my favorite SNES games, I still have the red cart) and then it was NON-STOP ACTION VS. HUNDREDS OF ENEMIES FOR THE ENTIRE STAGE. Since I think the combat is the weakest aspect of the game it was kind hmmm. But still enjoyed it. The Carnage fights were good.

The final boss was actually pretty cool! I'm lucky in that I didn't encounter any huge insta-death glitches that I heard about. It seemed pretty fair and checkpointed each section. Took me about 20 mins total, so maybe 5 mins a section. The first part (and certain other things from the game) seemed almost 1:1 stolen from Batman AA. It was basically the Giant Scarecrow scene. Still, looked cool.

Overall I am super super happy with the game. Honestly there are a bunch of things I don't like about it; namely the so-so combat and the stages that go on far too long. But the comic aspect is just so good. I never even knew I was a big comic book fan until I played this game :lol I haven't read a comic since I was like 13! But when I was a kid I used to read all of them and be really into comics and play all the comic book games on NES/SNES. So I guess this was just so pleasing to that 13 year old kid inside me that it brought it out and I had a huge smile on my face through the majority of the game. Seeing all these great villains and great spider-men come to life like this was pure comic bliss. I even grew to liking the boxing mini-games just for the animations and getting to see the bosses in up close detail!

The collecting and unlocking suits, upgrades, combat moves was fun as I'm pretty OCD about collecting so it was a good reward. The spider-sense was nice for finding things. I really liked the character bios, loading facts and bonus suits. All very interesting. The bonus art was quite good too.

Loved the writing. Seriously nailed the Spider-man character. Lots of really funny lines and all the voice actors gave great performances imo. Good music too and I've said enough before but the visuals were lovely throughout.

So yeah, technically the game has a lot of problems, but playing through this was one of 2010s highlights for sure. The fact that a team pulled a game of this scope and quality off as their first big budget title is darn impressive. Very excited for what they do next.

I think in terms of a sequel I'd like to see at least Noir and obviously Amazing return. I feel like Noir's gameplay and atmosphere was great and there's definitely more they could do with it. I'd like to see Amazing spruced up a bit. Compared to the others in gameplay he seemed a little plain since he had no special systems. 2099 would be a welcome return if they could figure out some more villains (I dunno how I feel about some of the ones made up for this game; female doc octo is kind of lolz design). But I'd actually rather they ditch Ultimate and find a new 4th Spider-man instead. Ultimate was pretty darn close to Amazing and you could switch them in each others levels and you'd hardly notice. Just made it feel like there were 2 normal spider man stages for every 1 noir and 1 2099. Unless they can do something to make Ultimate feel a lot different in gameplay/atmosphere I think it could go.

What are people's thoughts on villains they'd like to see? If you went with a "once used in any dimension can't be used in part #2" rule, it'd rule out quite a lot of major marvel bosses. I'm not really up in my comic book lore since, like I said, I haven't read a marvel comic in 15+ years but I'd like to see some crazy huge bosses like Blackheart or Sentinel as well as Venom, Rhino, maybe Thanos.

Anyhow great game. Will check out the DS version next. Looking forward to it since I enjoy metroidvania quite a bit!

Oh and the ending credits were awesome! But who is
I wouldn't mind seeing villains who showed up in one dimension return in another, as long as they are sufficiently different. Like, the Amazing Green Goblin would be very different from the one that appeared in this game. Doc Ock from Ultimate or Amazing would also be a character that could bring something different to the table. If you want ones who didn't appear in any dimension, it's a much tighter list.

Venom, Rhino, the Lizard, Shocker (so glad to see him *not* appear in a game for once), Chameleon (could be fun in a Noir level?), Hydro Man, Tombstone, Morbius, Kingpin, Beetle, Jackal, Kaine, Molten Man, John Jameson/Man-Wolf, Smythe and his Spider-Slayers. They're not all main-liners, but some good ones, and there's nothing keeping them from pulling other character's villains like they did in this one with Juggernaut and Deadpool. There are also amusing jobbers like Grizzly, Hypno-Hustler, Spot, the Looter, and so on.

As for
Spider-Ham, he was part of a Marvel initiative in the 1980s to try to expand to younger readers. During this time, Marvel had a separate line called Star Comics where they published ALF, Madballs, Barbie, and as a wholly original contribution, Peter Porker: The Spectacular Spider-Ham. The series was really stupid, and the comedy definitely aimed low, but it had its moments of absurd brilliance, such as Peter's origin. He was a normal spider who was bitten by a radioactive pig <Aunt May Porker> and became a spider with the limitations of a pig. Or a pig with the abilities of a spider. Hard to say. Anyway, his book was published for a couple years, then he moved into the back-up slot in Marvel Tales, then he just disappeared. Gen Xers who grew up with him remembered him in a ... sort of fond? way, and he has made occasional cameos since then, even getting a one-shot a few years back during Civil War.
They should just make Spider-Man Noir into its own game. The setting isn't used in many games at all, and they could refine the gameplay. Or if they had to choose another one, I would pick Spider-Man 2099. He looks so awesome and so his levels were pretty fun. Most games don't have bullet time anymore so it was fun to use that in a Spidey game. I loved the falling sections too. They were visceral and a rush. As for villains in the next game, they should have Doctor Doom because he's so dangerous, and Spider-Man usually has to trick him using his pride against him. Venom is a good villain for a game too, and a sequence where you have to swing after him would be good. Whatever Beenox chooses though, I'm sure it will be badass like this game was.
Man, I love this game so much...Beenox really proved that they know they're way around the wall-crawler, and I really hope Activision greenlights them for a sequel. Or even a full Noir game would be fantastic. Or really, any new Spidey game as long as they stay away from that terrible sandbox model.

Just got the Platinum trophy the other night, and now I'm jonesing for some new levels to play. Hopefully the Cosmic suits aren't the only DLC...


Hired it tonight and loving it to bits.

Currently on Deadpool's level, with the game paused as I type. Just noticed that Deadpool tells jokes over the pause menu :lol

2099 is amazingly awesome, I must say. Noir is a close second, but the average wall-climbing mechanics/camera are pissing me off. Had the camera spaz out randomly at a few parts, too.

But overall I'm digging it. Great Spidey game :)


Bebpo said:
Oh and the ending credits were awesome! But who is

Just read that spoiler.

The fact that that spoiler is in the game means I am running out to buy it tomorrow.
Linkzg said:
Going to pick this up tomorrow and I'm curious if there are any major differences between the 360 and PS3 versions.
Nothing major. The PS3 seems to have slightly better lighting, but it tears more than the 360 version. In pretty much every other respect, they're identical. I guess the 360 one gets it by a hair?
Segata Sanshiro said:
Nothing major. The PS3 seems to have slightly better lighting, but it tears more than the 360 version. In pretty much every other respect, they're identical. I guess the 360 one gets it by a hair?


Really though, I don't know how much it would matter either way. I played Web of Shadows on the 360 and that game became a slideshow near the end.

and just briefly glancing at some impressions of the 360/PS3/Wii version, I see a lot of posts where people want to see Beenox continue. If I end up liking this game, it's going to be heartbreaking to see Activision cut them off at one again. I'd still like to see a second Shaba made Spider-Man game, but that won't happen.
Linkzg said:

Really though, I don't know how much it would matter either way. I played Web of Shadows on the 360 and that game became a slideshow near the end.

and just briefly glancing at some impressions of the 360/PS3/Wii version, I see a lot of posts where people want to see Beenox continue. If I end up liking this game, it's going to be heartbreaking to see Activision cut them off at one again. I'd still like to see a second Shaba made Spider-Man game, but that won't happen.
The framerate on this one averages at 30 FPS on both versions, and I don't remember it ever slideshowing, so no worries there.

I hope Beenox can continue. My understanding is that Shaba *could* have continued, but didn't want to just be Activision's Spider-Man factory, and for that, they got closed. So uh, I hope Beenox wants to continue.


I think I'm at the end of the DS version. It's really short I guess. I'm just going back to the other 2 dimensions to 100% the maps before heading to the last boss(?)

Having not played Web of Shadows DS and this being my first metroidvania experience with spider-man I think it works pretty well and is generally fun but compared to either of those franchises it seems realllly unpolished.

I like that it uses different villains than the console version. That was cool and made it feel like a whole different game experience. Exploring the maps and swinging around is fast and fun.

Otoh, the framerate is wonky, the combat is totally broken (I do every fight by just web swinging left->right and back again knocking everyone down for 30 damage per hit), and a lot of the power ups could have been implemented better.

For instance the electricity powerup is a mess. Why didn't they just make you invulnerable to electricity? The whole "you can grab electric waves with your web but then you still get electrocuted when trying to get to the powerup" is annoying and honestly that powerup doesn't feel like it adds much since you still can't crawl or touch those signs. Another one is the glide which just doesn't control intuitively and you barely use it.

And then the DS touch mini-game ARGH. I'm not so good at touch stuff so I've never been a fan of it on DS, but these parts were harder than anything in the main game to this point. It's especially annoying when the sprites start to overlap because there are so many enemies and you're trying to touch the hand but it's not doing it and you lose your momentum and go >_< Weakest part of the game imo.

Anyhow liking the game as it's very fast and good fun with some decent exploration. But I much prefer the console experience.


Segata Sanshiro said:
My understanding is that Shaba *could* have continued, but didn't want to just be Activision's Spider-Man factory, and for that, they got closed.

That was pretty short-sided of them, given the economy and all. For what it's worth, I really enjoyed their combat system in Web of Shadows. If only the rest of the game was as good.
JohngPR said:
That was pretty short-sided of them, given the economy and all. For what it's worth, I really enjoyed their combat system in Web of Shadows. If only the rest of the game was as good.
I don't think they knew at the time they turned down being Activision's Spider-Man team that it would result in their closure. It kind of went like this:

"So hey, nice work on that Spider-Man game, guys. Uh, you gents interested in putting out yearly Spider-Man games from now until the end of time?"

"Not really."

"Okay, super. You guys keep doing your thing, don't worry."

Later that week



Been playing through on hard. Hated
battle =/

Rage quit against those fucking
creatures in the second 2099 level. Uber difficulty spike, or just me?


Finished the DS game. I don't really see the point of room after room of enemy waves. Was pretty boring to keep fighting when the combat is nothing special and the enemies have a ton of HP. Final boss was a fun fight.

I missed 1 pickup. The one in the middle with 2099. Orange barrier but no room to speed run from anywhere???

Overall it was good, but a heck of a lot of flaws that should be fixed for Griptonite's next game: Too short, fighting was meh, framerate was bad, controls were iffy, powerups were not well implemented (the metroid speed run is soooo awkward here compared to super meteroid). If they can fix that stuff I could see them making a great XBLA/PSN/3DS/PSP spider-vania. Even this game would've made a nice PSN/XBLA title @ 60fps with better controls and no touch mini-game.

I felt Shadow Complex was a B-/C+ metroidvania (with Super Metroid & SoTN being A+) and this was a C/C- metroidvania imo.


I love the noir and 2009 levels, I hate the deadpool level especially the tidal wave because the controls on it is just weak and the slightest touch will send it off to the wrong direction.
Overall, I didn't really like this as a game, but as spider-man fan service it was excellent. The post-credit scene made the boring slog through some sections worth it.


Sonic handles my blue balls
I really enjoyed this game - coming from someone who loves Spiderman 1 and 2 on the PSX and feels the open world mechanics of the last few games were just a tedious time-sink.

With that said, I was about to post how much I loved the game with two levels left and then met a barrage of glitches that in each instance caused me to quit and restart. I couldn't believe how easy it was to get stuck due to an enemy not respawning in the last few levels. I haven't seen any game so riddled with glitches like that in a long time.

Regardless, it was still a very fun game and I enjoyed the variety in gameplay.
Just started this game and I really like it. Played through the first 4 levels. I started on Hard because the game doesn't seem too long and I want a bit of a challenge.
I like the Noir levels, even though i'm not that much into stealth, but it is enough fun here. The 2099 Levels can get a bit chaotic because of all the light and bright colors,.

But I am definitely having more fun than I thought I would have, I hope the game keeps this level up until the end.


This game is great. It's got nothing on Arkham Asylum, but it's far better than I was expecting. The combat flows great, the levels have some significant variety in them, and there is still a good amount of smooth swinging to do despite it not being open world. The writing and voice are gold as well, which is especially a treat for a big Spidey/Marvel fan like myself (oh Deadpooool, you so crraaaazzy.)

Now if only they could make a steady, non-spazzy camera system....


Oooh perfect timing. I bought this game for the PS3 on Tuesday and finished it Friday night.

- Combat system seemed like a GoW clone, but it actually works unlike other games
- Webslinging is pretty intuitive
- Platforming was pretty satisfying

- Wallcrawling is clearly the worst part of the game.
- While the boss fights made you feel like Spiderman, most of them were just glorified puzzles and QTEs
- Boxing. WTF?


Yeah the first person boxing parts were just stupid. The only good thing I can say about them is that they were short.

I'm trying to Platinum all the levels on Hard too, but it's more difficult than I thought it would be. Getting a high combo rating and finding emblems is easy enough, but the time limit keeps slipping by me. And one Gold medal out of three seems to screw up the entire Platinum rating.
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