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Splatoon |OT3| Feel Good Ink

Moray splat zones is probably the hardest to keep covered on either side. Once in a random run we almost had a KO but got kicked with 13 seconds left and we almost lost the damn match cause we couldn't keep our own side inked enough cause lol no sniper.


It's a stupid camp fest where two teams are RNG'd up.. [..] By the way, did I mention how easy it is for your entire team to crumble if no one thinks to you know COVER OUR SPLAT ZONE FIRST?

A familiar situation. Especially E-Liter can be really frustrating in this since it's range reaches the edge of the enemy zone. I've managed to kill them with a .96 while other team members have been attacking the middle. When the E-Liter has been occupied with them, I've crawled up the wall and splatted him. But it is difficult. Another method I've used is to rush to the middle while E-Liter is charging up, setting up a Splash Wall and shooting him behind that.

The bigger problem in Splat Zones are the players who don't seem to think that defending their own zone is worthwhile.

Damn, there's some serious lag this morning with Japs. You never know what will happen when you shoot someone. Makes up an extra difficulty.
Lol that patient play on the wall, Tingly. Anyways, GGs. Monster Hunter time. I also thought your Kraken was going to get me on that narrow strip. =P
Lol that patient play on the wall, Tingly. Anyways, GGs. Monster Hunter time. I also thought your Kraken was going to get me on that narrow strip. =P
I was hoping that I could keep you occupied long enough for allies to pass through and do something, but apparently everyone disappeared :p

GGs and g'nite! I need to work on my Splash Wall usage :( the good news is that 96 Gal Deco isn't bad on Moray Towers like I originally thought.
I was hoping that I could keep you occupied long enough for allies to pass through and do something, but apparently everyone disappeared :p

GGs and g'nite! I need to work on my Splash Wall usage :( the good news is that 96 Gal Deco isn't bad on Moray Towers like I originally thought.

I thought something was off after a few bombs. Was too quiet. =P Honestly though, it was fun just dropping a bomb. I was laughing and Booyahing. =D


It's a stupid camp fest where two teams are RNG'd up and whoever has the dumbest combination of roller flick ranges and beakons wins immediately. Never mind RNG also putting two chargers (E-Liter and Splatterscope) on the same team as the dynamo providing consistent ink shower support on their splat zone's side. Nothing gets past the midsection once the combination of the two chargers and fdynamo roller hot swap places and coat the bottom middle while allowing member #4, a ninja Krak-On Roller troll to shark everything that passes. By the way, did I mention how easy it is for your entire team to crumble if no one thinks to you know COVER OUR SPLAT ZONE FIRST?

Yesterday I won with a team of 4 rollers against a team with 2 chargers (one Elite, one Splatterscope and the other 2 I think were Splatshooters). We rushed in as a team and brought hell to the safety of the snipers camping spot right from the start. Once their spot had been compromised, one guy with occasional help stood around that area while the rest dealt with the Splattershots and painted the zones. We managed to take the count to 0. Of course this only worked because we all worked together, if not there´s no way we could´ve painted the wall to climb to their position before being splatted. But the thing is that I think people are understanding the importance of taking down the snipers ASAP in that map, before I always rushed there on my own and had a hard time even reaching the wall, but now more and more people are doing the same.

I´m not saying it´s easy but I think that eventually everyone will learn to prioritize that so playing sniper will be more complicated on the Towers.


ugh, back down to B+ again.

really wish there was regional matchmaking (sorry japan your lag can be awful)
really wish you could leave a lobby (A/A+ players camping out B rank lobbies is not fun)
really wish you could view your teammates weapon loadout in the lobby for team balancing purposes (if i knew my team was going to have 3 snipers I'd switch to a non-sniper gun)
really wish you could change your weapon selection in the lobby

hope some of this stuff can be patched in.


Yea, I've said it before, Moray is not meant for Splat Zones. It really seems like they struggled to even get zones there lol. The zones are two charger shots wide lol. E-liter can set a zone to neutral from the middle perch.

Beakons are an absolute must. In tower control as well. I think the map works for Tower Control though.
How's ranked mode compared to turf war?

Also, is the blaster op or what?
Ranked consist of two game modes currently, Splat Zones and Tower Control. There's also a third mode coming out in August.

Splat Zones has you trying to control a zone (or 2 zones) for 50 seconds (100 points, every second ticks the points down by 2). There's also a comeback mechanic of sorts where if a team that had control lost control and the other team gained control, then the team that formerly had control will get an additional penalty time they will have to clear.

Tower Control has your team trying to ride this tower to a goal (or get closer to the goal compared to the enemy team). For the tower to move, you need at least one person from your standing on it, but it won't move if an enemy team member is standing on it as well. The goal is located in the enemy's half the map, typically close to the spawn.

Edit: I just realized you may have been asking how Moray Towers is in Ranked mode lol. Whoops.

The blaster isn't OP, but it is kinda hard to deal with at first, but you'll eventually learn. It's easy to get burst hits with it, but hard to get direct hits with it. You just have to get closer to them so they have a hard time to get you with a burst or direct hit. You usually have enough time to escape if one burst hits you, assuming your team's ink is around you.


How's ranked mode compared to turf war?

Moray is great in ranked. Splat zones is nicely different than in other maps, there's the middle which has to be crossed to get to the enemy base. TC is fun too, not the easiest since there's so many possibilities to hit the tower from above - but also not as difficult as Kelp Dome.

Also, is the blaster op or what?

Yes. Hate it.
The blaster isn't OP, but it is kinda hard to deal with at first, but you'll eventually learn. It's easy to get burst hits with it, but hard to get direct hits with it. You just have to get closer to them so they have a hard time to get you with a burst or direct hit. You usually have enough time to escape if one burst hits you, assuming your team's ink is around you.

I mainly hate the blaster because of the bunny hop play that comes with them. I understand the practicality of it, but it's annoying.

Blasters get screwed when they can't use ninja.


I watched some videos from the pre-release test days and it was entertaining. Everyone thought the roller was overpowered and the complete lack of skills or tactics back then was hilarious.

I just realized that I do not have the three-star strength up shoes. I assume they exist.


We are rank A and still don't know how to use beacons?

It worked in my favour, though, since enemy team didn't even know enough to destroy beacons I placed directly in their splat zone.

What the hell? Why do I always feel like I am doing everything myself? If my team isn't defending our zone, and not attacking their zone, what are they doing the whole time?

And they still never, ever, use my beacons.


We are rank A and still don't know how to use beacons?

It worked in my favour, though, since enemy team didn't even know enough to destroy beacons I placed directly in their splat zone.

depending on the map my team uses my beakons all the time, you have to provide them with safe spots. On maps like Kelp Dome you can generally forget about beakons. Besides, I'm my team's favorite walking beakon anyway
A+ 80, almost there. Stupid rotation ruins everything again


What the hell? Why do I always feel like I am doing everything myself? If my team isn't defending our zone, and not attacking their zone, what are they doing the whole time?

God, reminds me of one of my matches on saltspray yesterday, the enemy had the zone captured but I was able to clear most of them out. I remember looking and seeing that we still had 3 of our team active while the enemy only had one, and I was the only person at the zone. I worked to recapture the zone by myself but kept having to stop and refill ink. Before I could get enough put to down to capture it for us, the whole enemy team showed up and I had to fall back. No one on my team showed up to help me despite me being alone at the zone plus a beakon behind me. I still have no idea what they were doing at that time.

We lost that match horribly.


What rank are you because at A+ I have had matches that go back and forth, ones where we crush them or they us, and matches where it's hard to get the tower all together, so it's been quite the variety from my experience. I think it's just bad luck that those are the only matches you are experiencing

Edit: I'm joining back now

I'm B- now, but these bad matches only happen in Tower Control. TC is the only mode that would benefit greatly from voice chat. I've seen some really cool impromptu strategies come up in TW and SZ, but TC is almost always an ugly tug of war. Even when I win TC, I don't feel happy about it.


Moray tower is great in non ranked.

How's ranked mode compared to turf war?

Also, is the blaster op or what?
I wouldn't say blasters are op, they can be frustrating to verse at times because they can get you in positions that you can't escape sometimes, as Daboss said, it's important to be surrounded in your own ink in order to maneuver around them. In tower control at least, my strategy is to get off the tower when I see enemies, deal with them then hop back on or if I didn't, or simply can't deal with them I jump on the tower again to keep it there, while I wait for my teammates to come and back me up, this seems to be working for me in the A+ ranks. I haven't played ranked, either mode surprisingly, on moray though so I can't speak for that
What is it with Spyke and ordering gear? I have never gotten the exact gear that I've ordered from him. Can he only deliver 100% if it's gear I own already/powered up max already/certain types only? It can't just be bad RNG luck anymore...


What is it with Spyke and ordering gear? I have never gotten the exact gear that I've ordered from him. Can he only deliver 100% if it's gear I own already/powered up max already/certain types only? It can't just be bad RNG luck anymore...
I've heard the odds are real bad. Like 1 in 200.


I'm B- now, but these bad matches only happen in Tower Control. TC is the only mode that would benefit greatly from voice chat. I've seen some really cool impromptu strategies come up in TW and SZ, but TC is almost always an ugly tug of war. Even when I win TC, I don't feel happy about it.
I was already at A+ when tower control first came out so I can't really speak for the lower ranks, but when it was first released I hated it as well. I thought that it was just a poor death match where it's just luck over who wins because battles take place in a small area. Then I went back when A+ players actually learned the mode and I had a better experience with it, so it might just be that the players you have played with haven't really figured out the mode yet. And yeah every mode could benefit from voice chat, the ranked ones a little more


I wouldn't say blasters are op, they can be frustrating to verse at times because they can get you in positions that you can't escape sometimes, as Daboss said, it's important to be surrounded in your own ink in order to maneuver around them. In tower control at least, my strategy is to get off the tower when I see enemies, deal with them then hop back on or if I didn't, or simply can't deal with them I jump on the tower again to keep it there, while I wait for my teammates to come and back me up, this seems to be working for me in the A+ ranks. I haven't played ranked, either mode surprisingly, on moray though so I can't speak for that
When they're shooting into choke points like the one on urchin underpass there's pretty much nothing to do but fire back into the choke point and hope to hold them off long enough for one of your teammates to flank them. That's mainly what I did playing against Zing's custom blaster last night, with varying degrees of success (mostly failure)

I've heard the odds are real bad. Like 1 in 200.
I don't think they're that bad, I haven't ordered from him very often but it's still happened to me twice. It's definitely not only if they're maxed though, it's happened to me on a piece of gear with only one ability unlocked
I dropped down to B all the way from A- yesterday. I'm not sure what it was, but I guess it was a mixture of bad luck and sloppy play. It feels good to realize that I can maneuver around B players better than I can the A- ones. I'll get it all back together but wow that's so demoralizing.


I'm finally going to be able to pick this game up in august and was wondering if it still has an active player base?

The community here still seems pretty active. As for general matchmaking, there's no regional option, so it's also really active because is still mostly Japanese players.


I see plenty of non-Japanese players whenever the game kicks me into low-level rooms due to bad streaks of losses and negative K/Ds (thanks gaf). The really high-level players seem to be mostly Japanese now.
I'm finally going to be able to pick this game up in august and was wondering if it still has an active player base?

The Splatoon train is just starting to run.

Hell, if anything we'll get a lot more people next month since there's a lot of folks waiting for the August update.


Awesome! what is in that update?
You'll be able to form your own teams, as well as start your own lobby with whatever game mode and map you want.
Right now the stages are on a 4 hour rotation with 2 stages per mode per rotation, and the only mode you can play with friends it turf wars. And even though you can play with friends currently whether you are with them or against them is random.

Also, Nintendo has been consistently rolling out new weapons/maps/modes since the game launched. This roll out is expected to conclude in August. So some people seem to be waiting until that content is out to buy.
You'll be able to form your own teams, as well as start your own lobby with whatever game mode and map you want.
Right now the stages are on a 4 hour rotation with 2 stages per mode per rotation, and the only mode you can play with friends it turf wars. And even though you can play with friends currently whether you are with them or against them is random.

Also, Nintendo has been consistently rolling out new weapons/maps/modes since the game launched. This roll out is expected to conclude in August. So some people seem to be waiting until that content is out to buy.

That all sounds pretty great


One game into ranked session today, try to sneak up on Japanese charger, he kills me looking in the opposite direction. Next in a fight with a Japanese carbon roller, he throws a burst bomb that missed, then comes up to me and smacks me with the carbon roller and I get splatted, ok no problem wait you were splatted by burst bomb, no I was splatted by carbon roller, that's how bad the lag was even he didn't know what happened lol. I got them back the next game though so it's cool

Edit: did the thread go back a page?
This post reminds me, is there a place for brush users in Tower Control? I've never brought mine into TC matches just because of all the high power/long range weaponry that dominate most encounters and I'm terrified that all I'd have against it is simple swishswishswish. Sprinklers and Inkstrike don't seem terribly useful outside of protecting space but when would you ever be in the situation to use either if you yourself are on the tower?

Splat Zones there's a strong argument to be made for brushes due to the speed at which they can cover an area and move on or defend it if really necessary (but this is somewhat stage dependent -- I have no idea how bad it gets on Moray), but Tower Control seems rough for the current brush set.

Absolutely none. Ranked is already a bloodbath for brush users due to everyone packing long range 1-2 hit kill weapons, TC cranks it up to 11 because you're all focused on one tiny little platform and your opportunities for sneaking up on people are non-existent. If the enemy is pushing, they're going as a big pack and chomping up all the territory at the same time, you can't get around them. Combine that with wails, mines, bubbles, krakens, dynamo torrents and endless bombs all popping off at the same time and you're a sitting duck.

The Nouveau IB and OB variants might have a place in TC, but I wouldn't expect them anytime soon since Nintendo seem to be ignoring the brushes.
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