The milk tea fest T-shirt is white, so are we really gonna have white ink? lol
I love the dark blue tooSpeaking of colors.
Whats your favourite Ink color?
I love the dark blue one because it feels like im actually swimming in an ocean. And Pink is kinda rad as well., its like swimming in pepto bismol
Heh, I go to play Super Metroid after the bad run my team conrantly had yesterday, and forgot to turn it off for the night. So when I wake up, it's still on. I play for another 10 minutes before switching over to Splatoon. I sign on, get my 18 (expected) snails, walk to the Online lobby door, and try to shoot it to open it before realizing that this isn't Super Metroid. Ha... I should drink some cold water before I play.
Although if a lot of people from Eat are getting a fair few 4v1 matches, then obviously they'll win those adding more to their total, it ain't fair![]()
I love the dark blue too
But.. wait.. one of them is 2D, and the other is 3D
If it was Prime, I would understand, but Super?
So I've got someone called FridgeBoy in my game...who is on #TeamSleep and plays as a girl.
Speaking of colors.
Whats your favourite Ink color?
I love the dark blue one because it feels like im actually swimming in an ocean. And Pink is kinda rad as well., its like swimming in pepto bismol
Strangely, Sky Blue and Green. I didn't think I would like Sky Blue so much, but after that one level in single player I love it.
What 6 abilities should i specifically go for in charger play? And please, don't say 2 of them should be damage up.
The current gear is my standard, any weapon should work fine, setup.
Almost at eternal. Got a good team immediately. We're 10-1 I think
Almost at eternal. Got a good team immediately. We're 10-1 I think
It depends on how you want to play. If you want the campy and defensive Charger that keeps people away from your side, Damage Up isn't necessary. If you want to be a Squiffer while not actually using a Squiffer, then you need all of the Damage Ups that you can get. I prefer the middle road usually. One damage Up main with a few subs IIRC. I change gear occasionally, so yeah. Still, it doesn't stop me from experimenting with other builds.Well. Two should be damage up.
I agree about Splatfest. With the maps they gave us this time it was brutal. At least allow us to play with friends on the same team.I hope the August update will provide a fun way of getting money, or at least an easier way.
And I hope the can provide a fun way of getting snails cause Splatfest is really boring.
I always quit at the first loss. No matter if we had a 20 streak before.
What 6 abilities should i specifically go for in charger play? And please, don't say 2 of them should be damage up.
Depends entirely what Charger and what kind of game you want to play.
I use Ink Bomb Range up, Ink Bomb Ink consumption down and Ink Tank Refill up.
Well, I bought the Octobrush and just gave it three rounds.
Never again. I want my money back.
That's because you prefer to hold spots down. =P
It depends on how you want to play. If you want the campy and defensive Charger that keeps people away from your side, Damage Up isn't necessary. If you want to be a Squiffer while not actually using a Squiffer, then you need all of the Damage Ups that you can get. I prefer the middle road usually. One damage Up main with a few subs IIRC. I change gear occasionally, so yeah. Still, it doesn't stop me from experimenting with other builds.
I'm aware. I just don't understand the point of asking for advice when you've already predecided how you are going to play.
Looks like I found a good team that understands the subtle intricancies of the game, you know like holding the fucking top area in Saltspray Rig. It's a pity the splatfest ends in 5 minutes![]()
I still insist that putting damage ups on a Charger is some weak ass shit that is never going to fly in any real games.
Like you're basing your game on shorter range gameplay when in real games you should be responsible of destroying any opposite team chargers (and once August update rolls in there will be more of that you can quote me on that).
What is this "real games" you're talking about?
Organized teams and tactics.
Dmg up is how you kill opposing chargers.I still insist that putting damage ups on a Charger is some weak ass shit that is never going to fly in any real games.
Like you're basing your game on shorter range gameplay when in real games you should be responsible of destroying any opposite team chargers (and once August update rolls in there will be more of that you can quote me on that).
Yeah, when I say top area I reffer to both the biggest and the smaller one that controls access to it.This is the second time today I see people saying that holding the top area is somehow important in Saltspray Rig but that's not true. It's the area below the top area that's important to hold.
I still insist that putting damage ups on a Charger is some weak ass shit that is never going to fly in any real games.
Like you're basing your game on shorter range gameplay when in real games you should be responsible of destroying any opposite team chargers (and once August update rolls in there will be more of that you can quote me on that).
You mean games that sometimes happen or games that don't exist yet?
Dmg up is how you kill opposing chargers.
Yeah, when I say top area I reffer to both the biggest and the smaller one that controls access to it.
Invisible roads was it?
Well basically games I'm not aware that exist yet. More or less what you could call competitive play.
DMG up assumes the other Charger will come down to range you're most effective in. There's better perks if you want to utilize Charger's range.
Oh yeah that's true. Sometimes I just see the opposite team just defending the top area by super jumping there and that's a good way to lose the game.