You would think people use beacons by now, yet they still don't.
Finding safe places to place Beakons is actually quite hard from my personal experience. I'm usually pretty frustrated at other teammates not using my Beakons as well, but I'm also wondering if the Beakons are just in the wrong places.
I usually want to place Beakons near a wall so that anyone using them will have some cover when coming down, but also be as close to the middle as possible.
The only places I know of which are absolutely (or mostly) fine for Beakons are:
1) The side alleys to the left of the spawn point in Walleye Warehouse.
2) On top of the big pile of crates in Saltspray Rig.
3) On the big white stone slabs from your spawn before the middle pits of Bluefin Depot.
4) Behind the barrier on the last platform before you get into the middle on Moray Towers.
5) At or near the end of the long alley on the far left or far right of the spawn for Port Mackarel.
I literally don't know where else to put them which would save travel time while also not being overly vulnerable.
a) Kelp Dome is so accessible everywhere thanks to the catwalks. Where should I be putting Beakons on this map which wouldn't leave me or my allies in compromised positions while also saving time?
b) Blackbelly Skatepark is also pretty small and is very level, so it's usually more practical to swim somewhere than to super jump.
c) Beakons are great on Moray Towers due to how much traveling is done on the map, but they're often vulnerable.
d) For Port Mackarel if I'm going through the middle lanes from spawn, I sometimes leave Beakons in the corners of the wide area before continuing into the middle chokepoints, but the Beakons die very quickly here too.