I was also playing around with the Kelp Splat Charger for Camp, since it's a Charger with Killer Wail. I didn't know about the Sprinkler trick on the billboard that I saw in Azure's stream, so I want to try that next time.
My problem with the Kelp Splat Charger was that I didn't have good options once someone got onto our side of the map and right up into my face. Splat Chargers and E-Liters can toss bombs, but Squiffers and the Kelp Chargers need to use their main weapons, which can be problematic in close quarters.
It doesn't help that my accuracy with Chargers needs work lol
Is there a way to check which maps are in rotation without being by my Wii U? Just back from a decently long vacation and haven't gotten to play Moray Towers and I really would love to
Unfortunately no

I think someone set up a web app that's supposed to say what maps are up, but it hasn't been updated in awhile and is apparently not very accurate.