I saw that happen actually haha, it was right after you killed me. He avenged me.
Haha actually after watching the playback that was Azure he did that to right after he killed you. He bump killed both of us that last match lmao
I really want to get better with dual squelcher too but I can't figure out what it's supposed to be good at doing. The other long distance weapons are stronger and the short distance weapons are faster. Feels like there's no way to get an advantage with it.
It's best used defensively rather than offensively, but it can be effective at breaking through the enemy's territory too depending on the weapons the enemy is using. I love pressuring chargers with it. Some of my highest kill counts in matches come from defending the middle of walleye warehouse or the north areas of saltspray rig from invading enemies.
I'm kind of helpless and am nothing more than a distraction/decoy if I rush into enemy territory without anyone in front of me, and I still get my ass kicked by faster, sneakier weapons like the brushes and splash/sploosh-o-matics but the faster fire rate and lower ink consumption than the splattershot pro and .96 makes me prefer it to them, and makes it more useful offensively than the jet squelcher in my opinion. Also beakons are great and I love them.
But if you're not comfortable using it then just move on to something you do like. I don't really know if I can give you any tips other than make use of the range as best you can. Let your teammates with the shorter range & melee weapons be the one to break into enemy territory and support them from behind the best way you can. If you do have to be the one to go in try to spread your ink around you as much as possible and keep an eye on your surroundings for ambushes.