So the update should be implemented Afternoon PST Today?
Can't wait to play with the new update tomorrow.
7 PM Pacific. I guess it is technically after noon.
So the update should be implemented Afternoon PST Today?
Can't wait to play with the new update tomorrow.
Grr, I've gotten to B+ 90 twice now and both times the matchmaking turned immediately against me.
BeautifulWas a proper pic of Flounder Heights posted?
Was a proper pic of Flounder Heights posted?
This game minus moray towers has the best maps for a shooter
Lol I knew you say thatbut Moray Towers is the best map in the game...
Will the gaf squads use a password? I want to play late tonight with you guys. May wear my power suit and splatling gun to be like the terminator lol
Was a proper pic of Flounder Heights posted?
TrueI think most of the time passwords won't be necessary, with it being a private room I imagine joining up would be a lot like it is now, except with no risk of randoms getting in.
but Moray Towers is the best map in the game...
At this point, most of my favorite weapons (and the Slosher!) are from the Custom brand, so that's my pick for fav weapons makersnip
What is the best way to deal with dynamo rollers? I heard that the splat bomb is best.
Hopefully one of these two new weapons can deal with them.
is the update coming out in 10 hours, or the day afterwards?
is the update coming out in 10 hours, or the day afterwards?
New to the game and changed to stick controls. I've been reading that this is a bad idea, but I can't figure out why.
It's all preference I use sticks and do well with them. Use whatever you are comfortable withNew to the game and changed to stick controls. I've been reading that this is a bad idea, but I can't figure out why.
I think I should have it tomorrow morning. Europe.
It's today, in 10 hours.
Nooooo.....I have now embraced the power of Damage up with dynamo roller.
Now even my farthest reaching ink can splat.
10pm estSo what time is the update EST? 9pm?
Playing one of the Jet Squelchers is the best way.What is the best way to deal with dynamo rollers? I heard that the splat bomb is best.
Hopefully one of these two new weapons can deal with them.
10pm est
Not in online games against randoms unfortunately, squads are ranked only. It would have to be in private matches
I like the range blaster because the splat wall gives you protection while engaging them from a distance.What is the best way to deal with dynamo rollers? I heard that the splat bomb is best.
Hopefully one of these two new weapons can deal with them.
I think a lot of people will be lolOk... looks like I'll be staying up late tonight lol
Actually the I think the scan for the ika musume stuff says the update will hit at 10 AM on Thursday in Japan. For the US that would be 9 EST/6 PST.
Actually the I think the scan for the ika musume stuff says the update will hit at 10 AM on Thursday in Japan. For the US that would be 9 EST/6 PST.
I figured most of the guys on here would be A+. I'm only middling in the competitive modes and I've gotten 8 points twice away from vanilla A. A bad run last night knocked me down to B+ though.
I figured most of the guys on here would be A+. I'm only middling in the competitive modes and I've gotten 8 points twice away from vanilla A. A bad run last night knocked me down to B+ though.
A lot of us are, including myself. I also feel a lot of them would be if they played ranked more instead of turf wars, they definitely have the talent for it.I figured most of the guys on here would be A+. I'm only middling in the competitive modes and I've gotten 8 points twice away from vanilla A. A bad run last night knocked me down to B+ though.
I figured most of the guys on here would be A+. I'm only middling in the competitive modes and I've gotten 8 points twice away from vanilla A. A bad run last night knocked me down to B+ though.
I'm A- too and could probably be A or even A+ if I played ranked more regularly but I'm too afraid of ranking back down to B+ again lol