I feel sorta bad for these B- players, but I don't care ATM.
I don't actually think I want to spend a lot of time in private rooms tonight; I want to work on leveling and discovering what the "rewards" every five levels are. So if anyone on GAF just wants to play TW, I'd like to do that.
I assume we can't level up gear in private rooms?
The only way to nerf the Inkzooka is to fix the awful lag compensation it has. I think the specials should only splat in the perspective of the person who is on the receiving end of it.
backlot: Have I added you? NNID PreyingShark man we make NNIDs so complicated.
Inquisitive: What's your NNID? Dunno if I've added you but I'm up for Turf Wars.
The only way to nerf the Inkzooka is to fix the awful lag compensation it has. I think the specials should only splat in the perspective of the person who is on the receiving end of it.
The Squiffer has no range.
Yea I want to play private rooms but I really want to level up the new gear as well. Ah decisions lolEDIT: never mind. I think I read your question wrong. I'm not sure about leveling gear. Gonna check that out.
Yea I want to play private rooms but I really want to level up the new gear as well. Ah decisions lol
Dynamo Rollers are dumb.
I'll probably be doing squad or turf war. My NNID is backlot if you want to add me. Anyone else feel free to send me a friend request as well.
Inquisitive: What's your NNID? Dunno if I've added you but I'm up for Turf Wars.
lol still a charger right?
But won't those be 3 vs 4?squad battles instead
Yea I want to play private rooms but I really want to level up the new gear as well. Ah decisions lol
But won't those be 3 vs 4?
Dynamo Rollers are dumb.
If I'm already in squid form and have room to move I can often dodge Inkzookas on reaction.Yeah, this is the big problem with the Inkzooka. It has far less warning than other OHKO specials, yet lag compensation means you can dodge it entirely and still die.
Ah that sounds promisingWell, we'll find out for sure tonight. I rewatched the IGN preview of the private battle, and they are awarded P's at the end, so whether that's just money or if it'll actually count on weapons would be anybody's guess.
Oh good! I thought it mandatory for some reason lolOnly if you want them to be.
The worst is when the inkzooka shot just lag teleports directly to your face.If I'm already in squid form and have room to move I can often dodge Inkzookas on reaction.
Still die because on their screen I hadn't dodged yet.
The worst is when the inkzooka shot just lag teleports directly to your face.
Yeah, that too.The real worst is when you spontaneously explode and have to wait for the game to tell you what invisible thing just killed you.
Well, we'll find out for sure tonight. I rewatched the IGN preview of the private battle, and they are awarded P's at the end, so whether that's just money or if it'll actually count on weapons would be anybody's guess.
Game: This charger killed you.The real worst is when you spontaneously explode and have to wait for the game to tell you what invisible thing just killed you.
The real worst is when you spontaneously explode and have to wait for the game to tell you what invisible thing just killed you.
Yeah, this is the big problem with the Inkzooka. It has far less warning than other OHKO specials, yet lag compensation means you can dodge it entirely and still die.
I once saw the shot come out a whole two seconds after I died.Game: This charger killed you.
Me: I didn't even see a shot go out. They just stared at me and I died!
Game: Because fuck you that's why.
I once saw the shot come out a whole two seconds after I died.
I've seen squids continue to push the tower for three to five seconds after their death.
I've died out of nowhere while in friendly territory and seen rollers and their inkpaths suddenly materialize on my screen several seconds later.
I've seen the match linger on the GAME! screen for ten seconds because a guy was jumping in to his friend that died ten secobds before, and even walked around and laid a mine.
And of course we've all seen how the Dynamo's big weakness of "just shoot them during the slow swing" always works like a charm.
You know how when the map is loading the camera will pan around before the players all spawn and the match starts? One time that sequence was taking an extra long time and I actually watched the other players start the match as the camera was still panning around.
You know how when the map is loading the camera will pan around before the players all spawn and the match starts? One time that sequence was taking an extra long time and I actually watched the other players start the match as the camera was still panning around.
Lol, I once was playing in a full gaf lobby and watched them play for 30 seconds before getting disconnectedThis happened to me during the testfire.
I think the japanese twitter said that the update becomes available to download at 6pm pst.Ugh, the next 5-6 hours until this update and downloading it are going to be a long one...
Had to happen to meLol, I once was playing in a full gaf lobby and watched them play for 30 seconds before getting disconnected
Game: This charger killed you.
Me: I didn't even see a shot go out. They just stared at me and I died!
Game: Because fuck you that's why.
This happened to me last night during Splat zones, and I was so confused.
Then the confusion was replaced with swift rage.
Bad KDR to end it, but I finally hit A-.
Bad KDR to end it, but I finally hit A-.
I went up to B- today. Won most of my games and I really don't like the Skatepark in Tower Control...
I love Kelp Dome though, probably my favorite stage in the game.
Welcome to A-, now the real fun begins. (lol)
I know the rotations are pretty terrible, but wouldn't you prefer to wait for splatzones?
That's how I do to progress through ranks ( alright, I lie, I do this for the money), especially when Walleye Warehouse / Saltspray rig are up, I've read that Urchin underpass can go straight to a ko if you lock the paths.
Imo it's more fair than TC.
You're a great sniper, shoud be easy once you'll get some cool teammates( got lucky so far).
If it's tc just run an instant respawn comeback roller build and ride that wave to A+ blue.
OK so it's not that easy but still