Since teams are never randomized during splatfest, you simply need to get lucky and start with a good team. Winning teams tend to not quit, and therefore, continue to win.How the hell do you get that kind of odds in your guys' favor?
Nikki ‏@NWPlayer123 1h1 hour ago
This includes your very own Octoling amiibo, as well as a Callie and Marie amiibo.
lol, the Kraken special
she also mentions content coming to the single player campaign. hopefully that's true. mentions a Direct coming in October to detail a 3.0.0 update.
I once made a thread saying that Splatoon was the most chill shooter I've ever played. I was wrong. So very wrong.
Just my luck then, teams i get that are good keeps on disbanding after 3 or so matches.Since teams are never randomized during splatfest, you simply need to get lucky and start with a good team. Winning teams tend to not quit, and therefore, continue to win.
So after having match after match after match (ffs game, ROTATE) at Urchin Underpass, it's either a complete victory or complete defeat. Every match I'm in, depending which team gets an advantage early on, it just seems to stick until the end. This is only in Underpass, as opposed to Bluefin and Hammerhead.
As I write this Bluefin comes up, finally.
That isn't Inkling langauge. It is total gibberish instead (compare the "y" in messy and tidy).
Is this you first time playing since v2.0.0.?How are you guys even playing. Every match I start ends up disconnecting within 30 seconds. Its bullshit. Ive never had this problem before.
How the hell do you get that kind of odds in your guys' favor?
A lot of games with lag
It has to be my connection.. this sucks
Well European Splatfests always lag immensely so it is not necessarily your connection.
So... My latest match started normal... Then within a minute it became 4v0
... So my team did the only sensible thing and cover as much as possible, and we still only hit 89.8%...
Next match was 4v3... Giving up already Science?
Another 4v3... Feeling bad for my opponents.
... why can;t this happen in ranked? <_<
I just found it weird that Nintendo shut down her YT for the hacking.
Good morning everyone!
This feels like a bigger blowout than Autobots vs Decepticons. Bill Nye shouldn't be associated with Team Science, it would only bring him shame.
Just reached defender on the art side. Currently at three losses with mostly wins. So far so good.
Europe and America getting the same maps that is a first.
I'm assuming you're in EU, so have you guys ever gotten Mall for a Splatfest?