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Splinter Cell: Blacklist |OT| Warning: May Contain Trace Amounts Of Stealth

Not trying to get too far ahead, but this game excites me for SC7. It feels like they finally figured out how to blend all their ideas together, and they are probably aware of the criticism of Eric Johnson's take because nearly every reviewer and player here has noticed his script was too thin to give him a fair shot. If they continue to fine-tune things, give Sam some better material, and give me a bloody balaclava option... we could have something great on our hands.


Junior Member
think i'm near the end. it's solid but nowhere near chaos theory for me. the missions aren't very memorable, and there's way too many staged sections at the end either w/ waves of enemies or some dumb escort shit. there isn't a single mission here that comes close to the bank, hokkaido, displace, etc. also the FPS sections are fucking horrendous


I don't know how well it did opening week but I never have to wait for a game or a partner online (xbox) so I hope that's a good sign.

Having a hell of a time with this. They already had a good foundation with Conviction but this has been giving me way more classic SC feels.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Been playing bits and pieces for the past couple days...

I like it. It left a VERY poor first impression from the first hour, but it got much better as it went along. The general feel of moving around feels pretty good, and stealthily killing guys feels really satisfying.

That said, I don't give a fuck about anything coming out of any of the characters' mouths. I don't care for Tom Clancy military bullshit, and that's always been the case. Talking to your crew in-between missions doesn't improve anything. Its like I'm talking to a bunch of walking case-files, and they can only speak in acronyms and code words (and you're expected to know and care about all of it from the start).

I don't care at all for Fisher's voice either. I'm not an Ironside purist in any way, but this guy isn't helping at all. He's just so fucking bland, and the script doesn't help him in the slightest.

The actual game is pretty fun (outside of the first couple missions) - i just have to move past all the boring fucking dialogue to get to it.

Yea, been eyeing this one as I always dig a solid proper stealth game, but watching videos and quick plays to get a feel for the gameplay, and the mission banter has been a total turn-off. Granted, Splinter Cell has always been this bland to listen to, but here it really seems to go beyond the norm.

Also are the three playstyles really that unique? I mean are missions designed so that you really miss out on a lot of stuff replaying as a different class and loadout?


Not trying to get too far ahead, but this game excites me for SC7. It feels like they finally figured out how to blend all their ideas together, and they are probably aware of the criticism of Eric Johnson's take because nearly every reviewer and player here has noticed his script was too thin to give him a fair shot. If they continue to fine-tune things, give Sam some better material, and give me a bloody balaclava option... we could have something great on our hands.
Play the side missions, they seem to have captured the charm of the banter over comms that is sorely lacking in SP. It's like they didn't have to follow a script or anything for those.
Been playing bits and pieces for the past couple days...

I like it. It left a VERY poor first impression from the first hour, but it got much better as it went along. The general feel of moving around feels pretty good, and stealthily killing guys feels really satisfying.

That said, I don't give a fuck about anything coming out of any of the characters' mouths. I don't care for Tom Clancy military bullshit, and that's always been the case. Talking to your crew in-between missions doesn't improve anything. Its like I'm talking to a bunch of walking case-files, and they can only speak in acronyms and code words (and you're expected to know and care about all of it from the start).

I don't care at all for Fisher's voice either. I'm not an Ironside purist in any way, but this guy isn't helping at all. He's just so fucking bland, and the script doesn't help him in the slightest.

The actual game is pretty fun (outside of the first couple missions) - i just have to move past all the boring fucking dialogue to get to it.

As a fan of actual spy/military bullshit I feel the same way, although that's been the case with the Tom Clancy's series of games this entire generation. Everything got more cinematic and silly with GRAW, and they just kept trucking with it. I think it was Destructoid's review that pointed out how most of the big "setpieces" of Chaos Theory (aka one of the best games ever made) involved like... one or two guards, maybe one with a flashlight. It was very low key and in general the game had this sort of stoic, brooding menace to it. Amon Tobin's incredible soundtrack helped.

I really like Blacklist so far, and it has enough of the trappings of good spy fiction to keep me entertained, but the Clancy games have gotten more and more... I dunno. Dumb? Blockbustery? I'm tired of people bleating "murica!" every time they criticize the story as if they're special fucking snowflakes, but there's something to be said about the lack of matter-of-fact actual military attitudes in recent games. Maybe they should drive a dump truck full of money to Clancy's house and actually get him to write one of the damn things.


As a fan of actual spy/military bullshit I feel the same way, although that's been the case with the Tom Clancy's series of games this entire generation. Everything got more cinematic and silly with GRAW, and they just kept trucking with it. I think it was Destructoid's review that pointed out how most of the big "setpieces" of Chaos Theory (aka one of the best games ever made) involved like... one or two guards, maybe one with a flashlight. It was very low key and in general the game had this sort of stoic, brooding menace to it. Amon Tobin's incredible soundtrack helped.

I really like Blacklist so far, and it has enough of the trappings of good spy fiction to keep me entertained, but the Clancy games have gotten more and more... I dunno. Dumb? Blockbustery? I'm tired of people bleating "murica!" every time they criticize the story as if they're special fucking snowflakes, but there's something to be said about the lack of matter-of-fact actual military attitudes in recent games. Maybe they should drive a dump truck full of money to Clancy's house and actually get him to write one of the damn things.

Yeah as far as military shooter stories go I enjoyed Blacklist's more than most. Mainly because I think I actually started to like the dynamic between the team and the tension that existed there. It's nice to see a team that isn't super close and efficient.

I also agree with what you said about people shouting about how this was just another American propaganda piece. Even before the game released people were crying 'murica. But when you actually look at it, I see it as getting as close to any Tom Clancy title will get to being almost against the government and international politics.


Neo Member
Just finished the game and feeling really conflicted about it. The stealth is a lot better than I would have thought, but man, nearly every single mission Ubisoft has to throw in something 'different', on-rail/escort, defend a position, heck even a FPS section and UAV, all made worse by the fact that I really enjoy the stealth :(

Also a thought on Fisher - who is this Fisher? I'm not talking about the voice/look, but the character, nothing he does in this game resemble the Fisher from before.


Also are the three playstyles really that unique? I mean are missions designed so that you really miss out on a lot of stuff replaying as a different class and loadout?

Been doing a stealth run and it's forced me to take many side paths that I wouldn't have noticed, had I been doing a more direct run. Some are quite inventive and go beyond simple air ducts that circumvent the enemies. The game also rewards you with bonus experience, for exploring these extra routes. I do think however, saying there's three playstyles is being generous, as there aren't really different routes for panther. You're either taking a direct route, without the alarm sounding or taking the stealth route, killing along the way.

I've said earlier in the thread, that Chaos Theory is one of my favourite games ever. Blacklist definitely doesn't hit the same heights, but for the most part, it stands for same stuff Chaos Theory did and is definitely a step in the right direction. I agree with XANDER CAGE, that I miss the more low key stuff. Sometimes less truly is more.

I've been talking almost exclusively about gameplay. The story isn't as offensively bad as I thought it would be and the new soundtrack isn't half bad, but they really don't come close to Michael Ironside, Amon Tobin and the amazing atmohsphere of Chaos Theory.


What platform you on? On PS3 the contextual stuff is on X button and melee/knockout is the Square button so we don't get that problem.

PC where it makes little sense to have everything on the same button. I'm trying to rebind all that I can to avoid it.

I have a lot of weird little quirks on PC like automatically being put into run mode when I drop down from a ledge.


Somehow I double posted. Sorry NSA, don't come after me! So I'll just throw and extra little comment at the bottom of this to at least make it contribute. :D

I think the side missions are definitely the most Sam Fisher-esque moments in the game. He has some of his banter back and the missions are a lot of fun.
found that a fully upgraded shotgun is a pretty good counter to spies, enjoying it much more now.
Its not however very good at the heavy armored enemies in campaign and side missions. Just an FYI I learned the hard way.

You don't want to start trading shotgun blasts with those tanks - you *will* lose.

There goes my kick-ass "Big Daddy" loadout. For now anyway... and damn, that short warehouse scene from the first move was legendary.
Its not however very good at the heavy armored enemies in campaign and side missions. Just an FYI I learned the hard way.

You don't want to start trading shotgun blasts with those tanks - you *will* lose.

There goes my kick-ass "Big Daddy" loadout. For now anyway... and damn, that short warehouse scene from the first move was legendary.

good to know, only ran into a couple of the big fellas so far and just snuck by them. Good thing money is easily obtainable in MP, I've upgraded the FAMAS and it works pretty well when SHTF.
Dam it all. Me and a random dude where kicking all kinds of ass on classic. Then on the third match, we suddenly don't see each other on the map. We still manage to do well as Mercs. As spies, we again don't see each other but after the first hack, the lag begins. We can't hear each other. 30 seconds later the Wii u freezes.

I have not seen the issues progress like that before. I'm glad I got several awesome matches in today though.

If anyone with the Wii u version needs help through coop, send me a pm on GAF.


Fuck it. I switched to a gamepad on PC after having too many problems that make no sense. I don't get why I'm automatically running after dropping from a ledge, why I hit Q to take cover and Sam decides to leap over the cover right into a guy instead, etc. etc.

I've never been so annoyed in my life with something supposed to be streamlined and my problems don't make any sense considering others don't automatically go into a sprint after dropping from ledges or anything.

I never messed with anything so it makes no sense.


So it's been like four days and Steam still won't let me play the bloody thing. Stuck in it's "Pre-load" state for no apparent reason and Valve still haven't said or done anything about it. *sigh*

Where are you, what's the location of your Steam profile?

I miss Lambert though. Guess the scene in Double Agent is canon.

There is a text on Lambert's death in the menu.

I used to have a dog that could do that.

my cat could do it as well

is anyone else getting a system validation in progress dialog box that goes directly to "thank you for playing blah blah" when trying to start the game?

im about to kick this piece of shit out the window, ubishit's drm from hell can go fuck itself

Why do you think it is a DRM issue?
(looks like the game was running to me, as the system validation seems to be part of the game, and not Uplay)

Did you try the force windowed mode in .ini file fix?

PC where it makes little sense to have everything on the same button. I'm trying to rebind all that I can to avoid it.

Aren't meele attacks on "E", and context sensitive actions (like doors) on "space"?


Where are you, what's the location of your Steam profile?

Aren't meele attacks on "E", and context sensitive actions (like doors) on "space"?

No, space is for jumping over cover or climbing. E is for melee and interacting with objects so we've had times where we accidentally closed a door instead of hitting the guy that was closer to us than the door was or turning on the lights we already turned off while trying to attack a guy making it very easy to detect us.

In the binds, it says "Use/Hand-to-Hand Attack" instead of having the option of two different binds.


No, space is for jumping over cover or climbing. E is for melee and interacting with objects so we've had times where we accidentally closed a door instead of hitting the guy that was closer to us than the door was or turning on the lights we already turned off while trying to attack a guy making it very easy to detect us.

In the binds, it says "Use/Hand-to-Hand Attack" instead of having the option of two different binds.

So, in that cases does it already show the prompt for a meele attack ?

I see, that you already switched to a controller.
I hope you have fun with that.
(I only use mouse & KB when I am playing as a Merc)


So, in that cases does it already show the prompt for a meele attack ?

I see, that you already switched to a controller.
I hope you have fun with that.
(I only use mouse & KB when I am playing as a Merc)

Yes, but slightest movements will change it making it sometimes impossible to know what it selected, especially with the door behind me meaning I wouldn't see the context of it anyway. So it tells me E to melee but then you hit the button and find out that some stupid interaction overrules the melee in terms of importance even though it's not even in your view so you do that instead. If they made melee the absolute most important thing for the button, then it wouldn't be so bad instead of randomly choosing an interaction instead.

I'm going to do the same actually. Controller for spies and kb+m for Mercs.


for those having problem with controller, plug it in while you have already started the game, not before you start it. This has fixed my issues with controller, on PC of course.


Unconfirmed Member
Been playing this all weekend and SvM is definitely my least favourite part of the package. Giving the spies the ability to be offensive without really changing how clunky the mercs are makes this game just... ugh

co-op is a blast. ghosting Border Crossing in 3 min on perfectionist is a lot of fun. Took us about 3 hours but when you do it it feels awesome.

The campaign is fun. The story is nonsense but the action is fun and I'm enjoying the challenge.

also, who knew Horde mode would work in a sc game? The embassy missions are great.


Just did all the Briggs and Grim co-op missions with my buddy. What a blast that was. The co-op stuff is really well done. I didn't expect them to be such full fledged missions like that. Most of them seemed longer than the single player campaign ones. With better variety as well. The co-op stuff is the real meat of this game.


Unconfirmed Member
Just did all the Briggs and Grim co-op missions with my buddy. What a blast that was. The co-op stuff is really well done. I didn't expect them to be such full fledged missions like that. Most of them seemed longer than the single player campaign ones. With better variety as well. The co-op stuff is the real meat of this game.

definitely. I hope people aren't overlooking them because they say co-op. You can play them all solo and they are really fun.

If this game gets dlc (I assume it will) then this should be the focus. One-off missions like seafront and stuff.


Except for the Briggs one which are mandatory 2 player. I can understand why that is so they are really built around it.


This game is really great. I can´t wait to play more to earn more cash, so I can buy more gadgets.

It´s too bad though, that they cut the offline co-op for the Wii-U...Would have been stellar when you could have your own screen.


I've never been the biggest Splinter Cell fan, the trial and error stuff was so punishing in the early games, that it turned me off when they first came out.

Anyway, I've been playing this on my Wii U for a few missions, and I gotta say this game seems awesome so far. I love the plane hub between missions...this is a trend the last two games I have played kinda taken right out of Mass Effect, and that's fine by me. It still has a bit of that trial and error stuff during stealth, but it feels much better. I just love the little details in this game too.

It really seems like this game is slippin under the radar though. Ubi Soft has done a horrible job marketing it for it's release, when this is probably one of the best Splinter Cell games I've played since Chaos Theory. It looks real pretty too for a current gen game. I dunno how it looks on PS3/Xb360, but it looks great on Wii U. Charlie's face is kinda iffy, but I think everyone else looks fine.


got it last night at last. PC version is actually pretty good so far.

- Intro was pretty cool
- I've only played the first mission yet but I quite like the idea of moving inside the plane, hope it's used well.
- first mission was pretty good, decent layout, it was still somewhat tight and you just move forward, it's not open ended but I hope it's not like that every mission.... fingers crossed.
-AI seems fine
-Game looks good, runs well, this dirty lens filter is so overdone though >.<

Still don't like the movements speed and auto movements from Conviction, feels floaty. If they get the analog movement from old games back I think it's a lot better. just doesn't feel right with 2 speeds.

Sam's voice isn't so bad. I think I'll get used to it, still not the best choice.
Just finished it, that last mission was a LOT of fun - reminded me of Chaos Theory in many ways. The balaclava, the use of shadows, the open layout, the enemy occupied facility - great stuff.

It's a shame that after the mission is over there's potential for a cool final encounter but it's cut off by an annoying QTE...

Ending was kind of meh, but the story was hard to really care about anyway - I play SC for the stealth gameplay, and for the most part this delivered. I'm glad the reliance on Mark and Execute was toned down - sure it's fun but it makes things way too easy, so limiting all weapons to 3 marks was good and I think I only used it maybe 3 times the whole campaign. I also liked the fact I was able to completely leave enemies undisturbed and only confront them if absolutely necessary.

My criticisms would be towards the forced action sections, the first person shooter sections and the main character. I have no idea who he is - not just because it doesn't sound like Sam Fisher anymore, but because he doesn't act like him anymore either. He should have just been a whole new character. They should have kept Ironside as Sam, made him a 4E advisor and put someone else in the protag role. They could have just used Briggs as the new main character, I mean the
whole final mission is as him anyway...

Overall, a solid game. Doesn't quite reach the heights of Chaos Theory but trumps Conviction in basically every way.
so what does raising your stealth stat thing with better gear even do? Wish there was a noise meter or circle that shows how much more stealthy you are or not after an upgrade, like in mark of the ninja had the noise circles.

I pretty much do most of my stealthing from taking cover and whistling and doing cover takeouts anyhow.


Can I still do the 4E missions after I finish the main campaign? I want to move on with it but looks like it's kinda short so I'm afraid it'll suddenly end and I'll have to start again to play the side missions.


What do you mean 2 speeds? The analogue stick does have a couple, plus there's the sprint with A.

EDIT: Should've refreshed the page.
I'm talking to miladesn.
so what does raising your stealth stat thing with better gear even do? Wish there was a noise meter or circle that shows how much more stealthy you are or not after an upgrade, like in mark of the ninja had the noise circles.

I pretty much do most of my stealthing from taking cover and whistling and doing cover takeouts anyhow.

Makes your movement quieter as far as I know, lets you move faster without as big of a noise penalty.


so what does raising your stealth stat thing with better gear even do? Wish there was a noise meter or circle that shows how much more stealthy you are or not after an upgrade, like in mark of the ninja had the noise circles.

I pretty much do most of my stealthing from taking cover and whistling and doing cover takeouts anyhow.

I'm not sure, but i use the top stealth suit because i like its design, it looks like some prototype goodness out of Metal Gear Solid 3 or something.


Great game, bought it for the PS3 and was suprised how much better it was than SC6.

I have a spare code for the Digital Deluxe Edition of Black List (EU Code, from Nvidia Promotion). If somebody wants it for a good price, just PM me. Hope we see eachother in a few online matches. ;-)
are the side mission stuff balanced for sp and/or mp? like are they noticeably different while playing co-op?

Or is the only different are the few co-op exclusive options of tackling a mission?


Have been playing on and off the past couple of days, and I have to say I expected it to be drastically different from the splinter cell formula, and so far I think the emphasis on stealth is no doubt there, especially if that is the route you want to take. I am digging it so far. My one and only complaint is this is not the Sam Fisher I know and love. Not even close. He is so generic now.


are the side mission stuff balanced for sp and/or mp? like are they noticeably different while playing co-op?

Or is the only different are the few co-op exclusive options of tackling a mission?

The enemy count is the same. Only difference is the paths you take.

Can I still do the 4E missions after I finish the main campaign? I want to move on with it but looks like it's kinda short so I'm afraid it'll suddenly end and I'll have to start again to play the side missions.

Yes, you can.
Ugh. Still really really digging the game, but just did the abandoned mill level and
did not like the forced combat scenario with briggs at the end. I did stick to stealth takedowns, but given I'd just spent the whole level trying to be a ghost, it's frustrating. I get they have story beats they want to hit but there has to be a better way, even branching paths on what could have happened there base don how the player has been playing so far in the campaign. I don't know
. Love it though, the side stuff is awesome, really grizzly at times, love the grimm stuff.
so there is zero difference between lethal and non lethal takedown outside of scoring and that knocked out enemies can be slapped awake by other dudes?

speaking of which, game seems to really encourage ghost playstyle even when offering 3 options. I seem to make way more money when i do the shadows way vs messing up and having to killing everyone.

game does seem more fun when you have to predator it though. the 'last place shadow' thingy is one of the better things that came out of conviction imo.
Man, I'm loving this game, and its variety.

I'm on the last mission, having done half the game in Realistic and then upgraded to Perfectionist. I'm ghosting trying, for undisturbed on every mission. What's funny is that I started out playing like in Dishonored, which is where I took down every guard and quicksaved after each. But the game really pushed me to try to not touch guards if I didn't have to. The Grimm missions, for example, can be completely ghosted with no KOs in less than 5 minutes if you know what you're doing.

The game pushes you toward ghosting, and then it teases you back with things like dead drop pickups, High Value Targets and laptop hacks. Often, there's a simple path to get through without being discovered, but then there's a laptop in a heavy patrol path or a high value target standing with a group of other guards. I love the tension this sets up.

Every play style has its moments. There are forced action scenes, but there are also forced "No detection. No kills. No KOs" scenes too. I even like the FPS scenes. (Maybe it's because I'm coming off of Dishonored). They're never too long, you can still sneak in them and mix things up after hours of trial and error ghosting. I think I'd hate it if it was Sam in first person, but the fact that it's Briggs, says something really interesting about his character. And surprisingly, the story beats and the character development support that.

The forced action scenes are all doable while ghosting, even on Perfectionist. I really appreciate that they mix it up. Sam isn't Batman who only comes out at night. And in Blacklist, he isn't so limited as he can only sneak when it's on his terms with full gear. There are levels in daylight. There are parts of levels where you have no gear. And these feel true to the story and show how capable Sam is. And they mix up game play and increase challenge. Okay in my book.

Co-op is not to be missed. Best parts of the game.

What I'm really excited for is that if you look at completed missions, there are tabs that show highest completion, play styles, etc. And then you get challenges that auto-generate based on friend's stats. There's so much replayablity here. I can't wait to go back and completely Ghost every mission. And then to go back and completely Panther every mission.
those sequences where you have to drag some escort person around while shooting guys are so dumb.

at least for the most part you have infinite ammo.

crossbow ftw.
Just did all the Briggs and Grim co-op missions with my buddy. What a blast that was. The co-op stuff is really well done. I didn't expect them to be such full fledged missions like that. Most of them seemed longer than the single player campaign ones. With better variety as well. The co-op stuff is the real meat of this game.

definitely. I hope people aren't overlooking them because they say co-op. You can play them all solo and they are really fun.

If this game gets dlc (I assume it will) then this should be the focus. One-off missions like seafront and stuff.

I'll buy more Grimm co-op missions in an instant. There's a lot of replayability to be found ghosting through, exploring alternate paths, improving upon your times etc. I'd love new costumes as well, unless I've overlooked them the only classic suit I could find was for Chaos Theory.
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