But the meager list you posted isn't "too often." That's like, one death per movie, in films that have casts of main/supporting characters well north of 10 most of the time.
"Oh look, Star Wars killed off another mentor character" isn't a thing people are going to say. It's not what they said in the OT, and it's nowhere NEAR "Whedon-levels" of abusing death, said levels being overstated at the time because the fanbase couldn't understand that their favorite character's death could be a better use of the character than having them sit around and quip until time immemorial.
I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree on this one I guess. I think Star Wars is abusing death as a dramatic element too often and there are plenty of examples in entertainment where using a story element so much it has a negative effect. I'd also argue that averaging one death per movie when your 7 movies in is too much (especially when most of them are main characters)