We haven't even seen those new walkers in action that are off to the side in the parade shot.
ahhh yes, how could we forget? the moment when kylo gives rey 2 minutes to gather her thoughts while a light saber is inches from her face.
i think the last dragon did it better when bruce lee roy attained the glow, while the shogun of harlem was drowning him.
ahhh yes, how could we forget? the moment when kylo gives rey 2 minutes to gather her thoughts while a light saber is inches from her face.
i think the last dragon did it better when bruce lee roy attained the glow, while the shogun of harlem was drowning him.
He like many other villains were trying to make her join him when she was the most vulnerable.ahhh yes, how could we forget? the moment when kylo gives rey 2 minutes to gather her thoughts while a light saber is inches from her face.
i think the last dragon did it better when bruce lee roy attained the glow, while the shogun of harlem was drowning him.
ahhh yes, how could we forget? the moment when kylo gives rey 2 minutes to gather her thoughts while a light saber is inches from her face.
Oneperfectshot has some behind the scenes photos from the director of photography. I'd seen it mentioned that TFA was the first Star Wars film to use lightsabers that were lit, so they could capture the light sources on the actors and environments during filming, rather than add all of it during post. You an see that here:
Couple of recent articles:
Plagiarizing "Star Wars": The Problems with "The Force Awakens" (
The George Awakens (The New Yorker)
I'm so over using TFA to redeem the prequels and Lucas. It's a ridiculous narrative born out of cynicism and misplaced nostalgia.
It's like some people are really pissed that someone proved that there can be a good Star Wars movie outside the OT and that ruins whatever theories they have in support of PT.
Couple of recent articles:
Plagiarizing "Star Wars": The Problems with "The Force Awakens" (
The George Awakens (The New Yorker)
lol yes yes pregnant at-home Padme is VERY in keeping with sixties ideals!After Lucas directed the Star Wars prequels, the last of which came out in 2005, he found himself in a different critical vise. The new generation didnt care about the ideals of the sixties. They cared about the ideals of the late seventies and eightiesthe blockbuster era.
Couple of recent articles:
Plagiarizing "Star Wars": The Problems with "The Force Awakens" (
If this statement sounds outrageous just ask yourself: which sequence in "The Force Awakens" matches the terrific Darth Maul duel of The Phantom Menace"?
I blame you for compelling me to read that. I thought it was something actually written by EbertCouple of recent articles:
Plagiarizing "Star Wars": The Problems with "The Force Awakens" (
Does he mean the lifeless fight scene starring two morons vs. a non-character? The last fight in TFA blows the Maul fight out of the water. At least that one has characters I, you know, care about.
If this statement sounds outrageous just ask yourself: which sequence in "The Force Awakens" matches the terrific Darth Maul duel of “The Phantom Menace"?
I blame you for compelling me to read that. I thought it was something actually written by Ebert
edit: yes, I would have found that remarkable -_-
"The villains will be after the same things as their predecessors more or less, but in this case they are made too look (not to subtlety) like Nazis."
Was this even edited at all, or is it like "Forbes contributor"-tier?
I blame you for compelling me to read that. I thought it was something actually written by Ebert
Kylo Ren vs Rey
From a choreography standpoint the Maul fight in Phantom Menace was neat but it was a fight between 3 characters the audience had basically no connection to, and the fight itself is somewhat pointless because it has almost no bearing on the fight to save Naboo.
Couple of recent articles:
Plagiarizing "Star Wars": The Problems with "The Force Awakens" (
The scenes where Rey and Kylo Ren do battle and the one where Han Solo meets his fate demonstrate that these new filmmakers do not grasp what their predecessors always did: it was always the characters journeys by themselves that made the older movies enjoyable, including their falls and heartaches. After all, The Empire Strikes Back is the best film in the series and also the bleakest. It took aspiring Jedi Luke Skywalker two full entries of the original trilogy and many a setback to develop the necessary skills to defeat his famous father, in contrast, having Rey defeat Kylo with relative ease creates no real sense of achievement and really demeans the latter character.
I actually have a newfound appreciation for the Prequels, at least on a conceptual level.I'm so over using TFA to redeem the prequels and Lucas. It's a ridiculous narrative born out of cynicism and misplaced nostalgia.
you can see my edit, I was ready for some kind of incredibly prophetic article from 2013^ Roger Ebert is no longer alive...
I'm just saying she was given way too much time. It was awkward, just like the ending wrap around cliff scene.
I agree with this part
I agree with this part
I love this shot so much, wish we could have got more of the Knights of Ren
I don't because
1) It implies that Luke throughout the entire trilogy was building up to confront Vader, which isn't true. A New Hope does nothing to build towards those two confronting, Vader doesn't even know who Luke is, and the only thing Luke knows about Vader is that Vader killed Luke's dad (but that line is a throwaway backstory line). Luke vs Vader didn't even remotely become a plot point until Empire.
2) It's another article that ignores the fact that Ren was injured during the fight with Finn and Rey.
Luke's, probably.When this was in Rey's vision, my impression was that she sees this through the eyes of someone else. I wonder who?
See, I don't.I agree with this part
Luke's, probably.
"(unlike Darth Vaders, it doesnt seem to serve any real purpose)"Couple of recent articles:
Plagiarizing "Star Wars": The Problems with "The Force Awakens" (
Maybe he did, but he just couldn't kill his nephew, there's gotta be a reason why an extremely important assignment (finding Luke) has only one Knight of Ren working on it.Nah I don't think he was there when this happened, he would have stopped them or killed a few of them before fleeing imo
rhetorical questions?When you ask a question don't you usually wait for an answer?
Also time dilation in movies.
Couple of recent articles:
Plagiarizing "Star Wars": The Problems with "The Force Awakens" (
The George Awakens (The New Yorker)
Id gladly take any of the prequels, over "Episode VII" any day of the week.
Just a question: did Rey get hurt. Both Kylo and Finn get injured by the lightsabers, but did Rey? I don't remember.He wasn't trying to, and wasn't order to, kill her though.
I don't because
I don't think the details of the fight is the point -- it's not mine, at this moment -- but the lead up to the fight and to Rey's powerup. We don't see her really struggle with the Force and her major setback is almost immediately rectified.See, I don't.
I understand the angle, but I just don't get the criticism.
They didn't copy Luke vs. Vader in terms of the escalation of those characters to the climaxes of ESB and RotJ. I don't see an issue with this. TFA showed two opposing characters, a hero and villain, at less than full capacity, rather than stretching out the hero's arc over the course of three movies to the point where that character is finally capable of taking down the villain. Rey and Kylo will rise together, as opposed to one rising to meet the other.
I can get on board with that. It's something that TFA did that DIDN'T copy the OT.
I HIGHLY recommend people listen to the AOTC commentary. There is so many things they utterly BRAG about that just don't hold up anymore. Rob Coleman bragging that EVERY single Clone Trooper is digital and none are real is a highlight.
Also this embarrassing edit from ROTS. Watch Anakin!
Just a question: did Rey get hurt. Both Kylo and Finn get injured by the lightsabers, but did Rey? I don't remember.
I don't think the details of the fight is the point -- it's not mine, at this moment -- but the lead up to the fight and to Rey's powerup. We don't see her really struggle with the Force and her major setback is almost immediately rectified.
3) It also ignore's Kylo's arc. He's too arrogant and torn between light and dark. After killing his father and losing to a relative newbie, both of those issues have been mostly solved. In Episode 8, Kylo will not forget he lost to Rey (she scarred his face) and it will most likely be a driving force in his growth going forward.
Ah thanks.She did get thrown into a tree before the fight started.
If we have to go through the whole "Rey struggles to learn how to use The Force" thing then people would complain that they're mirroring Luke's initial struggles in Empire Strikes Back too much.
Also this embarrassing edit from ROTS. Watch Anakin!