Oh, I doubt his opinion is one not share by many.
Based on what evidence?
Oh, I doubt his opinion is one not share by many.
Couple of recent articles:
Plagiarizing "Star Wars": The Problems with "The Force Awakens" (
The George Awakens (The New Yorker)
considering J.J. Abrahams outstanding résumé.
As things turned out, Id gladly take any of the prequels, or even his Star Trek into Darkness," over "Episode VII" any day of the week.
If this statement sounds outrageous just ask yourself: which sequence in "The Force Awakens" matches the terrific Darth Maul duel of The Phantom Menace"?
Lucas couldnt have picked a better amanuensis than Abrams, who honors his heroes but doesnt have it in him to drive a light sabre through their hearts. Abrams will never be a master.
Well okay I guess. Bit overblown.I find it funney that weeks after release, so many are in line with every other movie ever talked about here
Stage one, joy
stage two ehhh it was ok
stage three this movie is not good.
Its so funny and so true to form.
1. We are coming off the PT which almost ruined the entire franchise!
2. Disney and JJ had to rebuild, and remind us why we liked this franchise in the first place.
Go Back to move forward, and created amazing new characters in the process. I am truly sorry for those that didn't like this, but to call it trash; then Star Wars was not your thing ever. It might be my favorite only behind Empire.
What is this bullshit trying to prove? That some guy thinks Abrams isn't a "master?" wtf kind of journalism is this?
It doesn't really matter if it was different when it wasn't good.This is damn good, and pretty much my thoughts as well. I was hoping TFA would have more new stuff, like the prequels had. All of the set pieces in TFA were rehashes of stuff in the OT. The prequels gave us a lot of new and interesting stuff; some of it failed but at least it was different.
Different =/= Good
"But guys, it was different!" seems to have become the new rallying cry for Prequel defenders.
It's not journalism. It's a masturbatory opinion piece.
At the end of the day TFA is is a good movie and the prequels are not. Good writing, characters, storytelling, acting, cinematography >>> new aesthetics and setpieces. Sure, I respect Lucas for doing something new with the material and trying to make Star Wars a wushu operatic romance, but they are bad movies.
Right on, Liquidsnake.I find it funney that weeks after release, so many are in line with every other movie ever talked about here
Stage one, joy
stage two ehhh it was ok
stage three this movie is not good.
Its so funny and so true to form.
1. We are coming off the PT which almost ruined the entire franchise!
2. Disney and JJ had to rebuild, and remind us why we liked this franchise in the first place.
Go Back to move forward, and created amazing new characters in the process. I am truly sorry for those that didn't like this, but to call it trash; then Star Wars was not your thing ever. It might be my favorite only behind Empire.
I've seen this sentiment many times across the Internet which obviously include some Star Wars threads here.Based on what evidence?
Other than that, it seems to be the kneejerk cyclical hipster tendencies of shifting focus to whatever is popularly derided at the moment to get some cool cred for liking something kitschy.
Guys what happened to the greatest storm trooper of all time?
I can't exactly remember if we saw him die or not? I'd love to see him back
Well, that's because the subtext collapses like a house of cards the moment it's put under scrutiny.
Yeah, an emotionless Jedi order would be a neat idea, but as Plinkett points out, Obiwan, the 'proper jedi', smiles and laughs and gets annoyed and is sarcastic and forms bonds (primarily with anakin, but other scenes imply him being good friends with others as well) and gets flat out fucking pissed bonds of strong friendship and expressing extreme anger are within the Jedi philosophy, but love leads to the dark side?
As it is, the subtext we're looking at is clearly a happy accident that could have lead to a more interesting story if it were nurtured, but it clearly wasn't in mind of the writing, so we have what we have.
I've seen this sentiment many times across the Internet
Guys what happened to the greatest storm trooper of all time?
I can't exactly remember if we saw him die or not? I'd love to see him back
Either Chewie or Han iced Sawg Trooper. #besttrooperGuys what happened to the greatest storm trooper of all time?
I can't exactly remember if we saw him die or not? I'd love to see him back
I don't get why we have these articles. Having an opinion? Fine. Thinking Abrams sucks? Fine. But the notion of you publicly criticising an artist from a podium that enables your voice to be heard by many, especially one who created a film that received amazing reviews and acclaim, just seems adolescent to me at best.
He got shot by Han.
The bastard
He was shot with the bowcaster. If he survived that, he has the force in him. Or she/her.
This is damn good, and pretty much my thoughts as well. I was hoping TFA would have more new stuff, like the prequels had. All of the set pieces in TFA were rehashes of stuff in the OT. The prequels gave us a lot of new and interesting stuff; some of it failed but at least it was different.
Expressing an opinion to whomever might listen is adolescent. Okay.
Like I hoped for Tony Jaa in Fast7 I hoping he would join the team like a cool guy.Cri everitiem.
I wanted him to get captured and become a new character out for revenge who just wants to even the score with Finn. Make him Jason Statham-like character in Fast7, just a dude who pops up once in a while to fuck shit up hahaha
The prequels were so original and brave. Especially in the second movie where Skywalker disobeyed orders to not fight the Sith Apprentice and got his hand cut off as a result.Different =/= Good
"But guys, it was different!" seems to have become the new rallying cry for Prequel defenders.
It's the nature and tone that makes it so.
What's the nature of it? What was the tone?
Different =/= Good
"But guys, it was different!" seems to have become the new rallying cry for Prequel defenders.
Here's how it should have went
Have Phasma be TR-8R
Blast Plasma the same way you do TR-8R. Presumed dead.
Have some random officer lower the shield and get thrown down a garbage shoot.
Over the shoulder shot of Rey looking at Ren as the gap widens and figures start to run in behind him
Turns out the figures are Hux and motherfucking Phasma with a massive dent in her armor from taking that Bowcaster like a G and coming to save Kylo's ass.
Boom. Now you get to sell regular Phasma and Damaged Phasma toys AND you don't make her look like a chump.
Whats amusing about this is that the prequels actually have a ridiculous number of call backs to the originals, often pointless ones that make no sense in the context of the story.
Granted, in terms of plot beats, TFA is indeed more similar, but for every similarity they have, they provide some sort of twist, which makes things interesting. Rey is not Luke. Han is not Obiwan. Kylo is not Darth Vader. They're descendants of the OT, strongly resembling them like a child resembles their parent, but fundamentally different.
Like Han's death scene is superficially similar to both Obi-Wan's death and the I am your father scene, but the emotional beats of it couldn't be more different. The familial power roles are reversed from the I am your father thing, but it lends it more gravity than Obi Wan's sacrifice because it uses the familial tragedy aspect of the Empire scene.
The prequels just used meaningless references for the most part, but TFA did a good job of using the the old aspects in new ways to serve the story while recalling the the saga before.
The prequels were so original and brave. Especially in the second movie where Skywalker disobeyed orders to not fight the Sith Apprentice and got his hand cut off as a result.
Blah blah this person is not a "master" or whatever that means. It's ridiculous.
Well to be fair that was an attempt to set up why Anakin loses his hand, but yeah. Some seem to be forgetting how derivative the PT was and didn't even put it's own twist on it.
This is damn good, and pretty much my thoughts as well. I was hoping TFA would have more new stuff, like the prequels had. All of the set pieces in TFA were rehashes of stuff in the OT. The prequels gave us a lot of new and interesting stuff; some of it failed but at least it was different.
So a sense of new stuff now takes precedence over better writing, acting, effects work, cinematography, story telling, and characterization.
That's... Interesting.
Prequel fans just really love jar jar, flat angles and shot reverse shot.
I just love the time where Count Dooku introduction shot was sitting in a boardroom meeting![]()
Hey at least Count Dooku wasn't whiny and dumb looking like Adam Driver!
Hey at least Count Dooku wasn't whiny and dumb looking like Adam Driver!
Is this sarcasm?
Prequel fans just really love jar jar, flat angles and shot reverse shot.
I just love the time where Count Dooku introduction shot was sitting in a boardroom meeting![]()
Those digital shifts man. When you can't bother to shoot the performance you really wanted/you're a director who can't leave well enough alone after the fact... Making your scene look like some animorph abomination is the mark of great quality cinema.
I don't think the PT is that good but it's dumb that Disney seems to want to avoid anything pre-OT like the plague. Just because the movies weren't very good doesn't mean someone can't do something interesting with the ideas presented.