Directly from the film:
"We need a pilot."
"We've got one!"
Every other case where we've seen a prodigy pilot in Star Wars, our background on their piloting skills has boiled down exactly to someone mentioning that they're a pilot.
Obi-Wan, ANH: "I understand you've become quite a good pilot yourself."
Anakin, TPM: "I'm the only human who can [fly a podracer]."
And, likewise, in every case, we see them first demonstrate their piloting skills pulling off stuff that's supposed to be really really difficult.
Luke, ANH: Blows up the Death Star by making a shot down to the reactor without using a targeting computer during his first outing in an X-Wing, somehow magically doesn't get shot down even though he's right in Vader's scopes and Vader pulls the trigger.
Anakin, TPM: Wins the Boonta Eve podrace against much more experienced racers, recovers from an accidental trip up a service ramp that was clearly supposed to wreck his pod.
Rey, TFA: Avoids being shot down by (but not being shot by) two TIE Fighters amidst the wreckage of a large battle, flips the ship perpendicular to the ground so Finn can get in a final shot.
What's the explanation, every single time?
The Force is with them.
But that explanation apparently doesn't cut it for a woman.
She specifically says that she's never "left the planet" during the film; it's implied she's flown before, just not the Falcon, since it "hasn't flown in years."
So what do we see? She fumbles a bit to take control of the Falcon, but once she gets going she finds her element and starts trying trickier maneuvers.
But wow so implausible