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[SPOILERS] Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Thread #3) - That's Not How the Force Works

These ideas aren't exclusive though. Calming yourself and trusting yourself *are* skills you can -- and should -- develop. Mediation is a thing people actively practice.

They established that both in the opening and the scene where she looks out on all the greenvand breathes it all in.

They absolutely show that she has an ability to embrace calm and let it be part of her


This is factually wrong. Rey has an entire arc dedicated to accepting that lightsaber.

Oooh, "facts", oooh, "factually wrong".

Of course it was an important scene. But it was a well-telegraphed plot moment which you could see coming from a mile away. Still perfectly executed, but pretty run-of-the-mill, basically. 'Meaningless' was the wrong adjective on my part, admittedly.

The 'I am your father' scene is obviously way more important story-wise. It's an actual twist which overshadows everything else in the series and impacts on every other plot point.


Anything written by Timothy Zahn. Matthew Stover and James Luceno are both good too.

You are setting your expectations way too high if you go in thinking they will be Arthur C Clarke caliber though.

well I admitted I'm demanding, let's say it's my character flaw lol

anyway, thanks for an answer, I'll try to look into it once more.


Hes a decent actor I mean like what the fuck could anyone do with lines he had in the second film.
It's an actor's job to spin gold out of anything that ends up in their script, no matter how dumb. See: Anne Hathaway's love speech in Interstellar, and Noomie Rapace's lines about belief in Prometheus.

Actually, for the best examples of all, watch the YouTube Comment Reconstructions on the YouTube channel Dead Parrot.


It's an actor's job to spin gold out of anything that ends up in their script, no matter how dumb. See: Anne Hathaway's love speech in Interstellar, and Noomie Rapace's lines about belief in Prometheus.

Actually, for the best examples of all, watch the YouTube Comment Reconstructions on the YouTube channel Dead Parrot.
This is nonsense. An actor still needs competent direction to do their job correctly. Under the same circumstances I can't think of an actor that would've done a decent job in his role. And hell the love speech is still trash.


Feature on the Skellig islands, where luke skywalker was located.


Really beautiful, cant wait to see it in VIII.

EDIT: Also JJ looks absolutely burned out.

There is a shot in there with the island having more of a foggy/pre-storm atmosphere. Wish they would have gone for that but they probably shot what they could during whatever weather they got. Would have fit the last scenes better. Some shots before she meets Luke looked too touristy clean.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Have you guys seen the end of RedLetterMedia's review of TPM when its the shots of George Lucas and the producers having just finished the screening and you can just see pure panic in their eyes?

That is amazing.
In the "George Awakens" article, I was bowled over by this quote:
“Why would I make any more of those when everybody yells at you all the time and says what a terrible person you are?” Lucas said of the “Star Wars” movies. “I say, yeah, I don’t need that any more than anybody else does. We’re all doing this so we can either make a living so we can buy dinner or to get a little adulation to verify you as a worthwhile human being. And if you don’t get either one of those why are you doing it?”
The author included this, presumably, as a note of sympathy; immediately prior he claimed that Lucas' success "obscured his vulnerability as a human."

But... um... what? To make a living, and/or to be venerated? Those are the only reasons someone might make a movie?

Isn't there any room for the idea that maybe someone might... care about what they're making? Might want to share their vision, maybe even their art with the world and entertain, captivate, even provoke emotion in an audience?

I've seen that behind-the-scenes footage you're talking about, the panic and dread in the crew, many many times now. But I didn't get what I was actually looking at until having read the quote above: people watching a movie made by a man who made it so that people would think he was great for making it, and realizing that he was going to end up being mocked instead.
Liked the lost son best (forgot his name), but he was displayed too weak. At least he should've "won" that fight against supergirl. It would've even helped her character.

Its not that he was weak, he got shot by chewie's mega crossbow, just got done killing his father (leaving him mentally screwed up which affected his connection to the force, and got done fighting and taking a hit to the arm from the "Traitor".

Kylo's real name is Ben (Ben (Obi-Wan) Kenobi) Solo
I see two options for Phasma

She had way more scenes which got cut.
Boba Fett wasn't going to turn up and they needed someone to slap on key art and sell toys.

Also the last scenes on the island really irk me. The island just reminds me of Ireland which I'm fairly used to seeing and doesn't feel at all magically or special


I see two options for Phasma

She had way more scenes which got cut.
Boba Fett wasn't going to turn up and they needed someone to slap on key art and sell toys.

Also the last scenes on the island really irk me. The island just reminds me of Ireland which I'm fairly used to seeing and doesn't feel at all magically or special

That's preposterous! Ireland is magical and special.


Someone pointed out a video a while back that noted, in the original trilogy we don't get a named female character other than Leia until Return of the Jedi (Mon Mothma), and all pilots/troopers are male in the entire OT. Most of the other females are background dancers, etc. TFA shows them as regular troops and through the chain of command (and of course, Rey).

Yeesh, I never thought of it that way.
But... um... what? To make a living, and/or to be venerated? Those are the only reasons someone might make a movie?

Isn't there any room for the idea that maybe someone might... care about what they're making? Might want to share their vision, maybe even their art with the world and entertain, captivate, even provoke emotion in an audience?

I've seen that behind-the-scenes footage you're talking about, the panic and dread in the crew, many many times now. But I didn't get what I was actually looking at until having read the quote above: people watching a movie made by a man who made it so that people would think he was great for making it, and realizing that he was going to end up being mocked instead.

In practice these two (bolded) things play out more similarly than most people probably realize, especially in the age of the filmmaker as artist where films are ultimately judged as the products of their producers/directors. A film captivating an audience is, according to the way films are discussed today, the very same thing as a director captivating an audience.
Listening to this week's Full of Sith, community ethos in this thread would go a long way (and I'm guilty of breaking it, so, starts with my own actions).


Directly from the film:

"We need a pilot."
"We've got one!"


Every other case where we've seen a prodigy pilot in Star Wars, our background on their piloting skills has boiled down exactly to someone mentioning that they're a pilot.

Obi-Wan, ANH: "I understand you've become quite a good pilot yourself."

Anakin, TPM: "I'm the only human who can [fly a podracer]."

And, likewise, in every case, we see them first demonstrate their piloting skills pulling off stuff that's supposed to be really really difficult.

Luke, ANH: Blows up the Death Star by making a shot down to the reactor without using a targeting computer during his first outing in an X-Wing, somehow magically doesn't get shot down even though he's right in Vader's scopes and Vader pulls the trigger.

Anakin, TPM: Wins the Boonta Eve podrace against much more experienced racers, recovers from an accidental trip up a service ramp that was clearly supposed to wreck his pod.

Rey, TFA: Avoids being shot down by (but not being shot by) two TIE Fighters amidst the wreckage of a large battle, flips the ship perpendicular to the ground so Finn can get in a final shot.

What's the explanation, every single time?

The Force is with them.

But that explanation apparently doesn't cut it for a woman.

She specifically says that she's never "left the planet" during the film; it's implied she's flown before, just not the Falcon, since it "hasn't flown in years."

So what do we see? She fumbles a bit to take control of the Falcon, but once she gets going she finds her element and starts trying trickier maneuvers.

But wow so implausible

I'm glad you wrote this so I didn't have to. There is nothing un-Star Wars about Rey or her actions in the film.
Her character was wasted, but the fact that there is a female captain over the stormtroopers is in and of itself noteworthy. We also see female X-wing pilots and hear female stormtroopers.

Someone pointed out a video a while back that noted, in the original trilogy we don't get a named female character other than Leia until Return of the Jedi (Mon Mothma), and all pilots/troopers are male in the entire OT. Most of the other females are background dancers, etc. TFA shows them as regular troops and through the chain of command (and of course, Rey).

Huh? Aunt Beru in the first film says hi.


It's a shame that Captain Phasma was so wasted. Gwendoline Christie absolutely nailed the physicality of that character and had the perfect masked voice. Hopefully the sequels can give the character some kind of redemption to the fodder she was given here.


Honestly, the only great Star Wars movie is ESB imo, even then it has some of it's own issues. The rest of the six are, eh..


thats how I feel too. Indiana Jones has always been the superior Lucas trilogy
it always bothered me how Luke got over the death of his aunt and uncle and then ben so quickly.

Fuck em.

They were holdin the boy back.

If it wasn't for them, Luke would have been stormtrooper #234342423 to get blasted in some battle and the Death Star eventually destroys Yavin IV and the Rebel Alliance. So yay Owen and Beru?
The problem with the Force Awakens is that its basically crams movies 4 and 5 into a single movie, and the characters have to act just about as competent as the original cast was the end of 5 as a result.

The problem is that it's not that enjoyable to watch a character develop that fast.
Luke was a clueless idiot for a lot of his travels. Rey, Finn, Poe, they all start out competent and only become more competent as the movie goes on. Sure they're not Gary Stu/Mary Sue's, but they're not particularly captivating either.


it always bothered me how Luke got over the death of his aunt and uncle and then ben so quickly.

That just comes with the pace of Star Wars and melodrama. It's consistent throughout the series. Some people complained the same about Han's death although I think the film stays with, returns to, and responds to his death more than ANH does with Obiwan's or anything in the prequels.


Luke was hard as fuck from the get go. Saw the people who raised him die, shrugged and moved on.

Luke was a sociopath who turned into a serial killer by the 3rd movie. Killing innocent animals for amusement ("I used to bullseye womp rats in my T-16 back home") should have raised all kinds of red flags.
The direction was quite good, as was the photography. The issues with the film really come from scripting and editing (which also fall to him).

I don't even think it's the scripting as much as it is the editing. Everyone knows there's 20 minutes of this movie that came out of the final cut (which was Abrams'), and it seems pretty clear, based on what we knew WAS in there before it got delivered to theaters, that the 20 shouldn't have come out.

There was a point where Kasdan said they thought the movie was in good shape, they just wanted to get it down to a shorter length. It's starting to seem like they should have stepped away from the movie right around when he said that, instead of working to get those extra 20 off the film.

But then again, in this alternate universe where they don't do that, do we have 3 Spoiler Threads consistently poking over the fact the film drags in spots and overexplains shit?

Who knows.
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