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[SPOILERS] Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Thread #3) - That's Not How the Force Works

Rouge will be dope. Space cannibalism and space martial arts.



I came up with an interesting idea for a fan edit yesterday. There's probably only a 20-30% chance it could be pulled off well with the available footage, even including any deleted scenes that the Blu-ray might have, but I'll give it a shot.


Luke was a sociopath who turned into a serial killer by the 3rd movie. Killing innocent animals for amusement ("I used to bullseye womp rats in my T-16 back home") should have raised all kinds of red flags.
Also remember how he heartlessly traded R2D2 and C3PO to Jabba.


Saw the film last week, and just watched the trailers for the first time last night when I was drunk. That "it's true... all of it" line from Han had me sobbing, lol.


Ahhh yeah.
I speak only the truth.

Luke was a sociopath who turned into a serial killer by the 3rd movie. Killing innocent animals for amusement ("I used to bullseye womp rats in my T-16 back home") should have raised all kinds of red flags.
If Luke downed Ren he would be wearing a Kylo skin suit soon after.

Attack of the clones is the best Star Wars movie.
Revenge of the Sith man, dismemberment plus lava equals Obi Wan is a glorious asshole.


Someone pointed out a video a while back that noted, in the original trilogy we don't get a named female character other than Leia until Return of the Jedi (Mon Mothma), and all pilots/troopers are male in the entire OT. Most of the other females are background dancers, etc. TFA shows them as regular troops and through the chain of command (and of course, Rey).

I'm on the pro-Rey side but this is bugging me because it's incorrect. Mon Mothma is never named in RotJ, and Beru was named in ANH.


People should stop referencing data that makes me feel uncomfortable because games get ported to platforms I don't like
I recently watched the movie on Saturday and I got to say it was OK but I wasn't blown away or anything like that. I guess part of the Star Wars "magic" is lost on me because I'm older now and I start to analyse or critics things that seemed off to me versus my younger self who would have simply enjoyed the movie for what it was and ignored all of it's flaws.

Has anyone here ever watched the anime Cromartie High School? Throughout the movie every time they glossed over a detail it felt like they paused the movie for a margin of a second and put up a sign on the screen that read "To find out more just read the new expanded universe". Not that I expect the movie to go into details about the many new things it's introducing to the franchise and much less to explained them to the mass audience but it was very jarring to see this happen throughout the whole movie.

A personal small disappointment of mine is that they did nothing with the Star Wars Rebels cast and no hint of Darth Maul in the movie so I fear for the fate of both of those parties in this new expanded universe.


I don't even think it's the scripting as much as it is the editing. Everyone knows there's 20 minutes of this movie that came out of the final cut (which was Abrams'), and it seems pretty clear, based on what we knew WAS in there before it got delivered to theaters, that the 20 shouldn't have come out.

There was a point where Kasdan said they thought the movie was in good shape, they just wanted to get it down to a shorter length. It's starting to seem like they should have stepped away from the movie right around when he said that, instead of working to get those extra 20 off the film.

But then again, in this alternate universe where they don't do that, do we have 3 Spoiler Threads consistently poking over the fact the film drags in spots and overexplains shit?

Who knows.
I agree that's the largest issue. With script I was mostly referring to hauling out a 3rd death star in the 3rd act, rather than following the chase for Skywalker's location through.

I really hope we get to see a good hunk of those 20 missing minutes from the longer cut when the blu-ray hits, as Abrams has said would be the case. Some of the issues with the film might be addressed in just a couple of them, rather than a 20 minute longer cut. (My own big problem is the film sprinting into the action of the 3rd act right after the fight at Maz's place, leaving Maz's exit to be "You have one!"; we know there was a sizable scene cut in between.)

I'm on the pro-Rey side but this is bugging me because it's incorrect. Mon Mothma is never named in RotJ, and Beru was named in ANH.


The overall point was, the role of women in the OT. The video and I both forgot Beru, but I think the general point still stands.


thats how I feel too. Indiana Jones has always been the superior Lucas trilogy

Indiana Jones is the best. I've even grown to appreciate Temple of Doom (which has an amazing soundtrack), even though I thought it was really bad the first time I saw it. You just don't get bug tunnels, mine-cart chases and confrontations on unstable bridges in films any more...

Also, the interplay between Sean Connery and Harrison Ford in The Last Crusade is wonderful. Even Crystal Skull has a bunch of really good, fun parts.


I really hope we get to see a good hunk of those 20 missing minutes from the longer cut when the blu-ray hits, as Abrams has said would be the case. Some of the issues with the film might be addressed in just a couple of them. (My own big problem is the film sprinting into the action of the 3rd act right after the fight at Maz's place, and we know there was a sizable scene cut in between.)

There probably won't be a special edition, Abrams just said that the deleted scenes will be on the blu ray.

Unless the deleted scenes were unfinished or unscored though, like some of the prequel deleted scenes, hopefully someone will be able to put them back into the movie fairly well and we can see what it may have been like.
A personal small disappointment of mine is that they did nothing with the Star Wars Rebels cast and no hint of Darth Maul in the movie so I fear for the fate of both of those parties in this new expanded universe.
It wouldn't have made any sense anyway. The vast majority of people watching this film don't know Rebels exists or that Maul survived. That and the Rebels crew are probably dead or retired. Same with Maul.


There probably won't be a special edition, Abrams just said that the deleted scenes will be on the blu ray.

Unless the deleted scenes were unfinished or unscored though, like some of the prequel deleted scenes, hopefully someone will be able to put them back into the movie fairly well and we can see what it may have been like.

In the 2nd trailer we see a shot of Maz handing Leia the lightsaber, which was likely from the scene cut after the battle. The bit we see of Maz is finished, at least. Hopefully the rest of the scene was also.


It wouldn't have made any sense anyway. The vast majority of people watching this film don't know Rebels exists or that Maul survived. That and the Rebels crew are probably dead or retired. Same with Maul.

you just spoiled Rebels to me, didn't you?

and on top of that I've been lied to, Sith are not dead.


you just spoiled Rebels to me, didn't you?

and on top of that I've been lied to, Sith are not dead.

Darth Maul isn't in Star Wars Rebels, if that's what you mean. The Clone Wars retconned his death in TPM and said that he survived and got a robotic body from the waist down. It's almost certain that he was supposed to die by the end of the show, but the show got cancelled so we don't know until they get around to releasing more of the unused TCW scripts. But it's a safe bet that he died, probably during the Siege of Mandalore.


The Maul storyline on Clone Wars was cool. Rebels is also decent so far. It is honestly unfortunate there's little chance of it ever being mentioned in the films.


Darth Maul isn't in Star Wars Rebels, if that's what you mean. The Clone Wars retconned his death in TPM and said that he survived and got a robotic body from the waist down. It's almost certain that he was supposed to die by the end of the show, but the show got cancelled so we don't know until they get around to releasing more of the unused TCW scripts. But it's a safe bet that he died, probably during the Siege of Mandalore.

I thought WadiumArcadium says he's in Rebels

carry on

edited: on second thought, so Sith aren't dead yet
at least not officially?


People should stop referencing data that makes me feel uncomfortable because games get ported to platforms I don't like
It wouldn't have made any sense anyway. The vast majority of people watching this film don't know Rebels exists or that Maul survived. That and the Rebels crew are probably dead or retired. Same with Maul.
:( I know but being a big fan of those two parties I would have loved a reference or a some sort of hint.

Ezra is only 14 years older than Luke IIRC some I wouldn't write him off just yet unless he dies in his show though I would like to think that he survives and becomes a vagabond Jedi.

As for Darth Maul I'm not sure how fast his race ages but at least he's alive for now in the comics so I hope to see him in the big screen one day again.
Gave me goosebumps, I love how she is legit terrified. Same in the interrogation room. I know I'd be fighting back tears hard in that situation if I wasn't already bawling my eyes out.

which is why she was getting owned even in the forest fight, before overcoming her fear (w/ the Force) and fighting the way she normally does.

But in her defense, if I had a vision of Kylo and his crew killing everyone, I'd be scared too.


sparkle this bitch
My biggest issue is the film just doesn't give you time to breath resulting in some pretty hectic pacing issues.

It starts in typical Star Wars fashion with the action piece introducing Finn, Poe, and Ren. Then introduces Rey. Next scene after that is the Escape piece. Followed by Finn and Rey meeting, following by their escape from Jakku. Followed by the next the Han and Chewie which ends in another damn escape sequence.

About every 10 to 15 minutes, we were greeted with another action set piece and it gets exhausting. Because of that, they were never really able to build up any suspense. Since it takes the most from ANH. The Deathstar is hinted at from the beginning. It's power is shown off. They get caught by it and instead of a quick action scene. It builds. Starts off slow by sneaking around and discovering bits of it. It escalates properly.

TFA just dumps you into it every damn time and it hurts the pay off in the end.

The positive side to that is... the new cast is absolutely fantastic. I was surprised with how much I liked every single one of them. Rey, Finn, Ren, and Poe. While the plot was a retrend. The characters weren't at all.
To be fair the show is canon, spearheaded by Lucas and is the single biggest set of content for the franchise aside from the movies.

That's wonderful and I'm glad she exists but people posting her picture to counter my point that Star Wars hasn't treated women all that well aren't actually doing so.

It's not just Rey (though she is huge) that makes TFA's treatment of women better, it's Tey +Leia + yes even Phasma + women stormtrooper + women in both Resistance and TFO bases + women X-Wing Pilots

And even TFA is still majority male.


well not really...yet
Sucks you feel that way but it's officially no longer that. I am sure at some point we will also get the long fabled live action TV series as well.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
It's clear what I was talking about and even then, that's one character in a single show.
Nah, clone wars was generally WAY better about the handling of women than the prequels and OT. Lots of characters on the good and bad side. The films though were a lot worse, especially the prequels. What the absolute fuck was this?
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