Have mercy! Finally we have a movie with nice pacing that never drags or gets boring, what I get like once in the blue moon and you are unhappy about that?My biggest issue is the film just doesn't give you time to breath resulting in some pretty hectic pacing issues.
It starts in typical Star Wars fashion with the action piece introducing Finn, Poe, and Ren. Then introduces Rey. Next scene after that is the Escape piece. Followed by Finn and Rey meeting, following by their escape from Jakku. Followed by the next the Han and Chewie which ends in another damn escape sequence.
About every 10 to 15 minutes, we were greeted with another action set piece and it gets exhausting. Because of that, they were never really able to build up any suspense. Since it takes the most from ANH. The Deathstar is hinted at from the beginning. It's power is shown off. They get caught by it and instead of a quick action scene. It builds. Starts off slow by sneaking around and discovering bits of it. It escalates properly.
TFA just dumps you into it every damn time and it hurts the pay off in the end.
The positive side to that is... the new cast is absolutely fantastic. I was surprised with how much I liked every single one of them. Rey, Finn, Ren, and Poe. While the plot was a retrend. The characters weren't at all.
Agreed on new cast, tho