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[SPOILERS] Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Thread #3) - That's Not How the Force Works


Agree completely with this, the whole movie just seemed like it was banking hard on nostalgia like the new Jurassic Park movie did. And obviously it worked, but this movie went out of its way to prove "this new trilogy is more like the OT, and not like the PT" with all the similarities to ANH that it left the movie with absolutely no personality whatsoever IMO.

I can see why they used so many of the story beats similar to ANH, this movie like a reboot of sorts, but most it just fell flat to me, it feels like the movie was to afraid to do its thing so they relied on the concepts that made ANH such a phenomenon. And that's kind of disappointing.

Also I dislike JJ Abrams super fast pacing style of direction, it gives no breathing room. I hope episode 8 has more quiet and intimate moments, like the asteroid parts in ESB for instance.

My biggest complaint was regarding the fast pace of the movie. It was over and I felt like I didn't really get to enjoy it. However, it made me want to see it again, so there is that.

After a few days I thought well maybe, they set out to make a good movie, and setup basically the franchise again with potentially 1 SW related film a year. Not only that, but get you excited about a new cast and forget about the old. That, to me, they nailed it.

Regarding trying to just maximize profits, bringing in previous stars for nostalgia and money, I disagree By doing this it truly felt like they were continuing the movies vs the prequels being so distant, different, serious, and off. Not only that, but I thought Carrie Fishers role or acting was terrible, Han looked old, etc. By doing this I felt like it kind of did a curtain call and showed us hey these folks, they made the first over 30 years ago and time and age suck, but here it is. Let's enjoy this get together and move on with these exciting new characters that the original cast get to interact with, almost giving them a nod of approval to pick up the baton.

I no longer want to see the original cast. Maybe Chewie and droids and such, but let's move on to new characters. The new characters, they are potentially going to be pretty good based on this movie.
I assumed they showed a normal trooper to establish that all Storm Troopers have training in hand-to-hand weapon combat, which explains why Finn can keep up with an injured Kylo.

You might not have noticed it, but your brain did.
Perhaps, but I also noticed that the trooper in charge does nothing of note and leaves me no reason to be excited for her returning in the next film.

My brain and I both noticed that.


As someone that watched the original 1977 movie in the theater, this movie did not do justice to star wars. If jj can explain some things in the next film then perhaps this movie will be looked back on as decent. Until then, the first 3/4th was good but the last parts were really really bad.

I often wonder, what about teddy bear creatures beating the imperials, your sister giving you a big kiss earlier, and what about that little green guy and all the screen time in the swamp that seemed like a waste with no action? I often thought you folks living through the original movie releases probably were confused to hell about them.


As someone that watched the original 1977 movie in the theater, this movie did not do justice to star wars. If jj can explain some things in the next film then perhaps this movie will be looked back on as decent. Until then, the first 3/4th was good but the last parts were really really bad.

The last part of this post is really really hyperbolic. Care to expand? Not loving the very high quantity of drive by negative comments with no explanation in these topics.

Yes there are even more such positive posts, but it's obvious these are threads for fans. Stuff like, "it was bad" *abandons topic* doesn't really add anything of value.
The last part of this post is really really hyperbolic. Care to expand? Not loving the very high quantity of drive by negative comments with no explanation in these topics.

Yes there are even more such positive posts, but it's obvious these are threads for fans. Stuff like, "it was bad" *abandons topic* doesn't really add anything of value.

Agreed it kinda derails the flow of the discussions


Perhaps, but I also noticed that the trooper in charge does nothing of note and leaves me no reason to be excited for her returning in the next film.

My brain and I both noticed that.

lol true. I just think they overemphasized Phasma in the marketing which gave us some weird preconceptions of what her importance was going to be. I think the payoff with the trash compactor scene was better emphasized knowing that Phasma and Finn have a previous relationship instead of just some random stormy.

Blaster Bolts also bounced round in the Death Star's Garbage Compactor. There is no certainty that it's the force.
Your misunderstanding of the source material is not our fault. It was definitely reflected by the influence of the Force, not the suit.


I no longer want to see the original cast. Maybe Chewie and droids and such, but let's move on to new characters. The new characters, they are potentially going to be pretty good based on this movie.
We're likely to see a ton of Luke in 8. And that's a good thing. We got a lot of great Han Solo action in this one, and it only worked to enhance the appeal of the new kids, not detract.
lol true. I just think they overemphasized Phasma in the marketing which gave us some weird preconceptions of what her importance was going to be. I think the payoff with the trash compactor scene was better emphasized knowing that Phasma and Finn have a previous relationship instead of just some random stormy.
Oh yeah, it's totally more of a marketing problem than a film problem.


It would be kinda hard to swallow someone who ordered Stormtroopers to murder unarmed civilians becoming a good guy.

Eh. I can see her turning regardless of that.

She's part of a food chain that leads back to the big bad. She's a soldier. I doubt it's personal.
or at the least have a magnetic field around them

This is such a weird argument.

He blocked the bolts and then called the gun to his hand. Why would one be "super magnetic gloves just on the off chance he needs to block gunfire with the palm of his hand" and the other be "The Force?"

Why wouldn't both be "The Force?"


This is such a weird argument.

He blocked the bolts and then called the gun to his hand. Why would one be "super magnetic gloves just on the off chance he needs to block gunfire" and the other be "The Force?"

Why wouldn't both be "The Force?"
Well what if Darth Vader used magnets to move the gun, huh? Bet you never thought of that!

He blocked the bolts and then called the gun to his hand. Why would one be "super magnetic gloves just on the off chance he needs to block gunfire with the palm of his hand" and the other be "The Force?"

Why wouldn't both be "The Force?"

Why would it be an off chance when he never takes of the suit or his prosthetics?
Until this movie, nobody knew you could just pause a person with the Force, either.

There are a lot of assumptions as to the ruleset of "The Force" that doesn't seem to have much in the way of filmic evidence supporting it.

Why would it be an off chance when he never takes of the suit or his prosthetics?

Why would he have his gloves fitted with the ability to block blaster bolts?

Seriously, step back from this hypothetical pursuing and ask yourself, which is the dumber scenario:

Force User uses The Force to deflect incoming projectile
Force User has special magnetic pads sewed into his leather gloves to block incoming projectiles

Further, how does it improve the storytelling of the scene for that to be the product of an unspoken, ultra-specific bit of equipment used only once in the entire series, as opposed to it being the use of a mystical energy that fuels many of the characters actions.


This is fucking surreal. Vader blocking those bolts is the entire basis for about a third to a quarter of the force abilities that were eventually developed for the series.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
lol true. I just think they overemphasized Phasma in the marketing which gave us some weird preconceptions of what her importance was going to be. I think the payoff with the trash compactor scene was better emphasized knowing that Phasma and Finn have a previous relationship instead of just some random stormy.
I guess she's intended to be the Boba Fett of this movie. I think her role is bigger than Boba in any of the movies, isn't it?

(Im excluding kid Boba I mean come on)


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Double post fail. I thought we were posting faster than that ;P
Until this movie, nobody knew you could just pause a person with the Force, either.

There are a lot of assumptions as to the ruleset of "The Force" that doesn't seem to have much in the way of filmic evidence supporting it.
I think 99% of these assumptions come from games like Jedi Knight and KOTOR which made the Force out to be like a series of discrete superhero powers.

IMO the Force is like god-power and theoretically anything is possible. You just have to be adept at it.
Seriously, step back from this hypothetical pursuing and ask yourself, which is the dumber scenario:

Force User uses The Force to deflect incoming projectile
Force User has special magnetic pads sewed into his leather gloves to block incoming projectiles

Vader: See... this way, I don't have to take out my lightsaber everytime.
Emperor: ...


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
Also the whole First Order deal seemed off to me, the world state is almost verbatim to what it was in ANH, again there's a big organization just straight up brutalizing and mass killing people and again there's a band of rebels oh and they are called The Resistance now.

The introduction of The First Order kind of makes the 'big victory' in RoTJ trivial. These guys have a fucking planet-sized Death Star now, what was the point of winning the 'war' in RoTJ then?

The more I think about the movie, the more dumb it seems.
It did seem like all the men in this movie were kind of wimps while the ladies were generally badass.

The only lady in the film was Rey, unless you count Old Leia who didn't do anything except look sad and worried in every shot.

All stormtroopers are generally of the gender 'stormtrooper' since all you see is the armor. This includes Daniel Craig, making the most random cameo that James Bond could ever make.
Also the whole First Order deal seemed off to me, the world state is almost verbatim to what it was in ANH, again there's a big organization just straight up brutalizing and mass killing people and again there's a band of rebels oh and they are called The Resistance now.

The introduction of The First Order kind of makes the 'big victory' in RoTJ trivial. These guys have a fucking planet-sized Death Star now, what was the point of winning the 'war' in RoTJ then?

The more I think about the movie, the more dumb it seems.
This was a huuge problem of mine with the movie as well that I raised in the other thread, some of the posters notified me that a lot of shit went down between then and now which leads to the scenario we had in the movie, my big problem with that is that the movie did a piss poor job of telling us that.
The only lady in the film was Rey, unless you count Old Leia who didn't do anything except look sad and worried in every shot.

All stormtroopers are generally of the gender 'stormtrooper' since all you see is the armor. This includes Daniel Craig, making the most random cameo that James Bond could ever make.

Well Phasma was a woman but literally the biggest complaint was that she wasn't badass.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
This was a huuge problem of mine with the movie as well that I raised in the other thread, some of the posters notified me that a lot of shit went down between then and now which leads to the scenario we had in the movie, my big problem with that is that the movie did a piss poor job of telling us that.
That's right.

I wish they had spelled out that the First Order was like North Korea, a tyrannical government contained to its own territory after a truce.
Also I don't think you guys should take the force too seriously, there's another force in DC comics that also conveniently explains away every situation too and that seems to be generally just accepted
That seems rather silly; the simplest explanation is also the most fitting: force block, force pull. Done.

I can accept Vader Blocks it with the force all you have to do is show me the evidence, the official novelization, DVD commentary, interviews whatever. until then at no point in the OT is it shown moving things with the force requires nothing less then near absolute focus and concentration.

Until then Blaster Proof Armor, force pull.


The lightsaber duel was weak imo. Kylo should've washed finn and rey. I mean yeah he was injured but they had nowhere near his level of training.
I hope we get a better handle on the relative sizes of The First Order and Resistance vs The Republic. How much power do any of these factions even have left after the events of this movie?

We're told the Republic was destroyed, but if it's the galactic ruling body there should still be some of its navy left somewhere.

The First Order got Star Killer base and an indeterminate amount of forces blown up. How many more troops do they have left? How many more Star Destroyers? Everything seems to indicate they aren't nearly as large as the Empire but it's kind of impossible to judge their level of threat.

The Resistance's military power is just a big ol' question mark. They still seem to have Admiral Ackbar so does that mean they have access to Mon Calamari capital ships?

I think it'd be fun if part of the next movie is the Resistance and First Order scrambling to ally up respective systems as the galaxy is in chaos from having no Republic.
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