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[SPOILERS] Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Thread #3) - That's Not How the Force Works


Pandering to Fanboys makes shitty stories and shitty movies.

They're coming up with good characters and writing for new people that we are invested in. I want to see what happens to all the new cast. I want to see how Kylo grows in the next movie.

They are already really doing that anyway.

But seriously, I wouldn't be surprised if Snoke is being built up for Luke to take down in 9. While Kylo will be the primary main baddie for Rey.


Like Rey being related to kenobi thing.

I'm still firmly in the Rey Kenobi camp.

Just watched it for the 7th time and it hit me when Rey saves Finn from the Rathars she says 'that was lucky'. Now which character has the line 'In my experience, there is no such thing as luck' in ANH?

She basically jokingly says the same thing in that scene. Coupled with all the other Obi-Wan imagery that surrounds her in this film, in addition to going to great lengths to have both Sir Alec Guinness and Ewan Mcgregor talking directly to her (new lines) in her force vision I really think there is a bigger chance she's related to a Kenobi than her being a Skywalker.
Yes it would. Seriously, are audiences really ever going to take Kylo seriously? Why not bring one of the biggest franchise villains in history back? Hell, why not surprise kill off Rey, and Kylo in 8? I bet you the farm, that if they built up a Luke Vs. Vader III rubber match for 9, it would completely shatter BO records worldwide.

It probably would, however...

Pandering to Fanboys makes shitty stories and shitty movies.

They're coming up with good characters and writing for new people that we are invested in. I want to see what happens to all the new cast. I want to see how Kylo grows in the next movie.

I completely agree with this. I want Rey, Finn and Kylo Ren to remain firmly in the centre of this story. They've written some terrific new characters and it would be a shame to waste them in favour of 'another' Luke/Vader showdown.


Yes it would. Seriously, are audiences really ever going to take Kylo seriously? Why not bring one of the biggest franchise villains in history back? Hell, why not surprise kill off Rey, and Kylo in 8? I bet you the farm, that if they built up a Luke Vs. Vader III rubber match for 9, it would completely shatter BO records worldwide.

Kylo is the best SW villain since Vader himself and it's not even close.


that puzzling face
Lucas did this all the time in the prequels


I HIGHLY recommend people listen to the AOTC commentary. There is so many things they utterly BRAG about that just don't hold up anymore. Rob Coleman bragging that EVERY single Clone Trooper is digital and none are real is a highlight.

Also this embarrassing edit from ROTS. Watch Anakin!

Too much of an auteur to properly direct people during filming itself.

It's ok, fix it in post.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
All the Vader shirts on adults, teens, and kids says otherwise.
What the fuck are you even talking about?
since Vader himself and it's not even close.
since Vader himself
since Vader
since Vader
Also, please keep comparing a villain who's been in one movie for 2 weeks with the most overused, overabused, oversatured, underdeveloped pos villain in the history of movie making. I'd like you to actually interview these "adults, teens and kids", ask them "Who's Vader" and you'll probably get a giggling fuck who only knows one thing "I AM YOUR FATHER" HERP DERP YEAH LOOK AT ME I'M SUCH A STAR WARS NERD. People, or the 'casual audience' who wears these money making shirts with Vader on doesn't mean jack shit.


All the Vader shirts I saw on adults, teens, and kids at the mall last night says otherwise.

I literally made a joke post in this thread about this very viewpoint.

I'm imagining he's sitting on a bench at the mall looking at a group of teenagers standing in front of Hot Topic. Maybe they're constantly fidgeting with their fingerless gloves, when a middle aged woman leaves with a Kylo Ren Pop Figure. This causes nothing but smirks from the group as they collectively roll their eyes and mention how much of a wuss Kylo is. He shifts nervously on the bench in agreement, raises a finger and mumbles "i agree". Nobody hears him.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
He isn't the best, and he's not all that popular. Maybe from a certain view point he is, but not in the casual audiences eyes.
Well from my point of view, the casual audience eyes are evil
I'm still firmly in the Rey Kenobi camp.

Just watched it for the 7th time and it hit me when Rey saves Finn from the Rathars she says 'that was lucky'. Now which character has the line 'In my experience, there is no such thing as luck' in ANH?

She basically jokingly says the same thing in that scene. Coupled with all the other Obi-Wan imagery that surrounds her in this film, in addition to going to great lengths to have both Sir Alec Guinness and Ewan Mcgregor talking directly to her (new lines) in her force vision I really think there is a bigger chance she's related to a Kenobi than her being a Skywalker.
I just really don't see the point of it besides it being a kinda cool alternative to obvious idea she's Luke's daughter.


Also, please keep comparing a villain who's been in one movie for 2 weeks with the most overused, overabused, oversatured, underdeveloped pos villain in the history of movie making. I'd like you to actually interview these "adults, teens and kids", ask them "Who's Vader" and you'll probably get a giggling fuck who only knows one thing "I AM YOUR FATHER" HERP DERP YEAH LOOK AT ME I'M SUCH A STAR WARS NERD. People, or the 'casual audience' who wears these money making shirts with Vader on doesn't mean jack shit.

That's a good point, I mean who else is even in the conversation? Vader kind of gets it by default based on nostalgia of the OT. The PT had a string of one dimensional villains that never got a chance to build with the audience. Maul's saber was cool, but the character wasn't developed and he looked like a reject from WWE.

God forbid we get a villain with some depth that might have a few character traits that hit a little too close for comfort for some.


I just really don't see the point of it besides it being a kinda cool alternative to obvious idea she's Luke's daughter.

Well for an entire (younger) generation Obi-Wan is as much a main character as Luke/Han/Leia are to the older generation of fans. So it would make sense from that perspective to have a Kenobi in the new trilogy.

In terms of story it also would make sense for Luke to deeply care about her and send her away when things start to go wrong. He doesn't want to see another Kenobi slain by his family. And it creates the interesting dynamic that Luke will do everything to prevent history from repeating itself, especially now that Snoke knows about her.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Was there a Willhelm's scream in the movie? I seem to recall so, but I can't say where.
Yes. When FN-2189 and Poe steals the Tie-fighter and he starts bursting the entire port.


Its only been three weeks man. Ren is a much more interesting villain than Vader in ANH. But yeah.. Agree to disagree.
It's not a good sign when the fans are already speculating that Snoke is Vader, after the movie made 900M. It's also not a good thing that all audiences witnessed before they left the theater was the main villain getting his ass whooped by two Jobbers, and a upper midcarder in Rey all in one movie.
I'm still firmly in the Rey Kenobi camp.

Just watched it for the 7th time and it hit me when Rey saves Finn from the Rathars she says 'that was lucky'. Now which character has the line 'In my experience, there is no such thing as luck' in ANH?

She basically jokingly says the same thing in that scene. Coupled with all the other Obi-Wan imagery that surrounds her in this film, in addition to going to great lengths to have both Sir Alec Guinness and Ewan Mcgregor talking directly to her (new lines) in her force vision I really think there is a bigger chance she's related to a Kenobi than her being a Skywalker.

How would this work though? Some family members that we don't know anything about just showing up with a kid? O'l Ben was way to old to be nutting into a young chick, especially as he was just known to be crazy lonely wizard. Not only that, but Rey ins't 30 years old either.

She's Lukes kid, whether he knows it or not.


Number one reason she wont be a kenobi: they would have to explain too much.

Except they don't have to. You simply reveal it in the next film during a bit of dialogue. Expand on it in the sequel to that one. Show how it exactly happened in an Obi-Wan solo film (that's on the table already).
It brings the entire series full circle. Episode I started with Obi Wan and Anakin. Episode IX ends with Obi Wan and Anakin's decendents in one final battle.

Well for an entire (younger) generation Obi-Wan is as much a main character as Luke/Han/Leia are to the older generation of fans. So it would make sense from that perspective to have a Kenobi in the new trilogy.

In terms of story it also would make sense for Luke to deeply care about her and send her away when things start to go wrong. He doesn't want to see another Kenobi slain by his family. And it creates the interesting dynamic that Luke will do everything to prevent history from repeating itself, especially now that Snoke knows about her.
Sure but I just feel like her being Luke's daughter accomplishes that kinda feeling without much explanation.

Number one reason she wont be a kenobi: they would have to explain too much.
It's not a good sign when the fans are already speculating that Snoke is Vader, after the movie made 900M. It's also not a good thing that all audiences witnessed before they left the theater was the main villain getting his ass whooped by two Jobbers, and a upper midcarder in Rey all in one movie.
Whats wrong with developing a villain throughout a trilogy? Its called a arc, something the prequels lacked. Im sure you will get a badass kylo in viii.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
It's not a good sign when the fans are already speculating that Snoke is Vader, after the movie made 900M. It's also not a good thing that all audiences witnessed before they left the theater was the main villain getting his ass whooped by two Jobbers, and a upper midcarder in Rey all in one movie.
You said it yourself; it's speculation. The movie has been released and people like to speculate about certain things in order to get a discussion going. It has nothing to do with people wanting Vader to replace Kylo Ren.

Also, it's a trilogy, whereas we (the audience) acknowledges the fact that Ren is going to get tons of training for the next movie (Snoke said this to Hux in the end). Also, he could've killed Finn multiple times (he was knocked the fuck out but decided to do a 180). He also couldn't kill Rey because he wasn't allowed to. During the part where he tells her ''You need a teacher'', he could've easily pushed her down the cliff - but Snoke wants her alive. You'd be silly not to understand that. Also, if you need more shit in the oven, here you go:

- Killed his father, resulting in even more of an emotional mess
- Clean shot on the waist by a bowcaster (metallic bolts). During the movie, they've pointed out (three times) that one of these shots instantly kills the person, including the stupid shit TR-8R.
- Right (main) fighting arm nailed with a lightsaber blow from Finn
it should have been when Han fell down the void.

hahaha man that would have been hilarious

I finally got around to watching the film. Stayed far away from reddit/4chan/whatever, so no spoilers. Got early show tickets to the local IMAX, so few people.

Holy shit, it was bloody atrocious.

I don't know whether The Hobbit spoiled me, but I sure as fuck am not going to watch any other 3D film in 24 fps ever again. Every single high-intensity action scene was a blurry mess. It felt like it was out of focus (though it wasn't, since the slow scenes and static shots were nice and crisp) and the lighting was all muddy when things were moving fast.
I felt the same way. Hobbit trilogy in 48fps was fucking amazing. Hoping the TFA blu ray provides a better visual experience than the theater.


Sure but I just feel like her being Luke's daughter accomplishes that kinda feeling without much explanation.

Not really because then it's Skywalker vs Skywalker with no Kenobi connection at all.

And btw, I'm almost sure she is Luke's daughter. I'm hoping she's a Kenobi (somehow) but it could be too much to explain.
Was there a Willhelm's scream in the movie? I seem to recall so, but I can't say where.

Opening scene, one of the villagers dying I think, or maybe a stormtrooper
edit : oh yeah maybe it's when is shooting troopers in the TIE actually, I'm not sure. It's in the beginning for sure.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Was there a Willhelm's scream in the movie? I seem to recall so, but I can't say where.
Yes. When FN-2189 and Poe steals the Tie-fighter and he starts bursting the entire port.

Opening scene, one of the villagers dying I think, or maybe a stormtrooper

(First Order stormtrooper hit by an explosion aboard the Finalizer, as Finn and Poe Dameron attempt to escape in a TIE fighter)
Not really because then it's Skywalker vs Skywalker with no Kenobi connection at all.

And btw, I'm almost sure she is Luke's daughter. I'm hoping she's a Kenobi (somehow) but it could be too much to explain.
And that why I think it doesn't make sense because I feel like that's theme for these movies.


It's not a good sign when the fans are already speculating that Snoke is Vader, after the movie made 900M. It's also not a good thing that all audiences witnessed before they left the theater was the main villain getting his ass whooped by two Jobbers, and a upper midcarder in Rey all in one movie.

Fans, or obsesive internet commentors?

Fair bet to say that most people who saw it aren't going to the net to criticize it and pick it to pieces.


Sure but I just feel like her being Luke's daughter accomplishes that kinda feeling without much explanation.


Her being Luke's daughter kinda went out of the window for me when the Ben Solo information of how Snoke has been influencing him from a young age came out. We know Leia knew it was happening, so we can assume Luke definitely knew. Ben was sent to Luke by Leia in the hope her brother could save him, she also knew a Skywalker descendent is born with equal parts good and evil in him.

That brings us to Luke, the man who was willing to sacrifice himself to turn his father back to the light. Who (at the point of the supposed conception of Rey) has experienced not one but two of his direct family members either fallen or is falling to the dark side and he thinks; 'Let's have a kid, what could go wrong?'. If there is anyone in this galaxy that would go to great lengths to not have a kid it would be Luke. If Rey is his kid, with the information we have now, it would basically murder the character that was built in the OT.


Fans, or obsesive internet commentors?

Fair bet to say that most people who saw it aren't going to the net to criticize it and pick it to pieces.
You'd surprised how many casual fans, have become casual critical fanboys thanks to the rise of social media in the past 5 years.


Rey is NOT a Kenobi, nor his descendant.

Sure, Kenobi had a short affair with Satine. But this was, what ... 20-25 years before ANH? TFA takes place 32 years after ROTJ. How would Rey be a Kenobi? Doesn't make any sense.

And HOW can she be a Skywalker when Luke has an American accent and she has an English one?
When your main frame of reference for any/all aspects of storytelling (or life in general) is professional wrestling, its not a surprise when your grasp on storytelling isn't too tight.

Not to say Star Wars is some sort of shining example of the complexities and complications that turn a plotline into a multifaceted diamond of narrative riches, but it is to say that professional wrestling as a baseline makes Star Wars seem like a mountainous achievement in sophistication by comparison.


Rey is NOT a Kenobi, nor his descendant.

Sure, Kenobi had a short affair with Satine. But this was, what ... 20-25 years before ANH? TFA takes place 32 years after ROTJ. How would Rey be a Kenobi? Doesn't make any sense.

you know why Kenobi kid having kids of their own? usual way


I contend that Rey isn't related to anyone in the OT

just an extremely gifted orphan that may or may not have been trained and mind wiped by Luke.


Rey is NOT a Kenobi, nor his descendant.

Sure, Kenobi had a short affair with Satine. But this was, what ... 20-25 years before ANH? TFA takes place 32 years after ROTJ. How would Rey be a Kenobi? Doesn't make any sense.

She could be Kenobi's granddaughter. But in order to pull that off they either have to introduce or explain a brand new character which I'm not sure they want to spend time on in the movie. We'll see.


Rey is NOT a Kenobi, nor his descendant.

Sure, Kenobi had a short affair with Satine. But this was, what ... 20-25 years before ANH? TFA takes place 32 years after ROTJ. How would Rey be a Kenobi? Doesn't make any sense.

And HOW can she be a Skywalker when Luke has an American accent and she has an English one?

No one is suggesting he could of had a kid with Satine (not possible anyway for spoilery reasons)

But there are 20 years unaccounted for where he could have fathered Rey's Mum or Dad so it's not impossible,

And accents are born of where you grew up, they're not transferred genetically.


I would say Rey being a Kenobi would honestly damage the reputation of Obi-wan

When your main frame of reference for any/all aspects of storytelling (or life in general) is professional wrestling, its not a surprise when your grasp on storytelling isn't too tight.

Not to say Star Wars is some sort of shining example of the complexities and complications that turn a plotline into a multifaceted diamond of narrative riches, but it is to say that professional wrestling as a baseline makes Star Wars seem like a mountainous achievement in sophistication by comparison.

I'd say the original trilogy follows the exact same format as 80s professional wrestling.

A New Hope = The rise of a new hero, hero gets over with the crowd, hero defeats the big heel bad guy.

Empire Strikes Back = Monster heel booking 101

Return of the Jedi = Everything builds up to Vader making the greatest face turn in movie history


you know why Kenobi kid having kids of their own? usual way

So Kenobi conceived a kid with Satine. Good. That kid would be Force Sensitive because thats how the Force works somehow. The "kid" of Kenobi create Rey. Wouldn't that make Rey's father or mother a Force Senstive person? Wouldn't other Jedi/Sith at the time notice this? It doesn't make sense at all. This entire discussion can be halted by one thing. If Kenobi had a short affair with Satine but didn't do a sexy-time then there is no Rey Kenobi. Simple as that.
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